The Nevada debate was a sh*t show of attacks followed by attacks followed by attacks, and, while there was lots of bad blood between (especially between Mayor Pete and Amy K), all, it was really aimed at Mikey B. Bloomberg was savaged seconds in. Fake Indian went after him on #MeToo. Others nailed him, and, as noted, Bloomberg spent a lot of money to get dusted on stage (he still has lots of money, though).
But, he landed some jabs, too
‘Cheap shot’: Sanders fires back when Bloomberg goes after ‘socialism’
Michael Bloomberg attacked Sen. Bernie Sanders at Wednesday’s Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas, with the billionaire former New York City mayor claiming the self-described democratic socialist’s ownership of multiple homes makes him a hypocrite.
Bloomberg also accused Sanders of trying to “throw out capitalism†— something that he said resulted in “communism†in other countries. Sanders called the comparison “a cheap shot.â€
“The best-known socialist in the country is a millionaire with three homes,†said Bloomberg, who is worth an estimated $64.2 billion.
Sanders, who is worth an estimated $2.5 million, explained that he has a home in Washington, D.C., where he works as a senator, a home in Burlington, Vt., and “like many in Vermont, I have a summer camp.â€
I mean, we all have three homes, right? Especially that summer camp, right? But, regardless, Comrade Bernie is pushing hardcore Modern Socialism, where the government has control of everything. Including your life and your money.
The onstage spat began with Sanders calling Bloomberg’s amassing of more wealth than the bottom 125 million Americans “immoral.â€
Bloomberg, who is self-funding his campaign, was unapologetic about his billions.
“I worked hard for it,†he said. “And I am giving it all away.â€
After Sanders suggested that billionaires should not exist, given the country’s wealth inequality crisis, MSNBC’s Chuck Todd turned to Bloomberg.
“Mayor Bloomberg, should you exist?†Todd asked.
“I can’t speak for all billionaires,†Bloomberg replied. “All I know is, I’ve been very lucky, made a lot of money and I’m giving it all away to make this country better.â€
This is in no way a full defense of Mike, but, he earned that money by working hard and coming up with a fantastic idea. And he spends quite a bit on charity and such. He believes pretty hard in trickle down economics. I listed to an interview with him one Sunday while driving back from the parents house in NJ when he was leaving the mayor’s office, and he talked about wanting millionaires and billionaires and big companies to come to NYC and spread that money and the jobs around. He understands business, and that massive government intervention is a Bad Idea.
Of course, he also wants massive government intervention in the lives of citizens, he wants to take your guns away, he wants to implement ‘climate change’ policies. So, while he may be goo economically as a president, his Nanny State policies are a non-starter. He’d still be better than the rest of the nutjobs.
Regardless, Bernie is the person he needs to hit, and highlighting Bernie’s hypocrisy will probably show up in a Trump commercial if Bernie is the nominee.

Mr. Teach you bring up a good point. We can find good and bad in all people.
Unfortunately for me when I look at Bloomberg’s record all I see is CHINA all over him. He is ooozzziinnnggggg CHINA. I posted several examples in another post on this blog yesterday.
Speaking of China.
Coronavirus is not making any sense.
First, this virus literally is not affecting children AT ALL. Engineered?
There are ZERO cases of the Virus with Hispanics and Africans. Look at any map of the virus and Africa and Central and South America are totally untouched. Engineered?
If there are 10’s of thousands of unreported cases then the death toll from this is more like 1/2 of one percent or getting down near FLU standards. And if that is the case then whey is China in a lock down mode?
SIMPLE: This is China bringing the world to its knees economically. The communist nation can easily recover from this. The west cannot. Trump is slapping China with tarriffs over and over. His FBI is going aggressively after spies here in the USA…over 1000 active investigations as we speak. Agents of China are being exposed as EX SENATORS and HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES working for CHINA in the USA.
I am starting to believe that this virus is a hoax. Oh its real….and it is serious, but its death rate is around the death rate of the flu.
HOW DO YOU DIE FROM THE FLU? How Does the Flu Actually Kill People? From the Scientific American article.
Every year the common virus is lethal to many. What happens inside the body that results in death?
But by Tuesday morning she was having trouble breathing and was spitting up blood. Her family took her to the hospital, where x-rays revealed pneumonia: inflammation in the lungs that can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, or both.
How does the CoViD-19 kill people…..PNEUMONIA. This is being sensationalized for economic reasons.
China is at war with the world right now. They have shut down all their factories and when it gets bad enough the FLU will be over and it will be a warning shot across the bow of the USA and every other country who would dare stand against CHINA.
BECAUSE everyone has sold their soul to a COMMUNIST DICTATORIAL COUNTRY for cheap products.
That’s why I lost my mind when I saw Bloomberg WANTING TO BE OUR PRESIDENT. A vote for him is a vote for the COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA.
Oh I left out my main evidence about this virus.
outside of China where there have been over 1000 cases now. there has been a grand total of 2 DEATHS.
2 out of 1000 are flu-like numbers.
If this was Ebola there would be 500-600 deaths with a 50+ mortality rate. Even SARS was killing 10 percent so there should be 100 deaths by now. With this disease and a 2.3 percent death rate, we should see about 23 deaths, not 2.
So much of this is not adding up. When you see EVERY STOCK MARKET and I do mean EVERY ONE OF THEM are ROARING not crashing.
So much is not making sense >>>>IF<<<<< a DEADLY outbreak is going to rage around the world.
Mr. Bloomberg seemed unfamiliar with people defying him, similar to tRump. Billionaires aren’t used to hearing no.
Bloomberg, Warren, Sanders, Biden, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar would all be better Presidents than tRump.
The DNC likely prefers VP Biden, who trounces Trump in key states (according to polling). So tRump was right to coerce Ukraine into attacking Biden. Trump also fears Bloomberg, but who may drop out now after not being treated like royalty last night.
Mr. Bloomberg seemed unfamiliar with people defying him, similar to tRump. Billionaires aren’t used to hearing no.
Jeffery is on first name terms with many billionaires.
Actually, Zippy was the one so insecure he had to be surrounded by Yes-men.
Not to mention (cough) body-men (insert punchline).
Bloomberg, Warren, Sanders, Biden, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar would all be better Presidents than tRump.
Bloomie is Fauxcahontas in drag – a know-it-all nag and a scold who wants to run everybody’s lives.
Gropin’ joe is a creep, a crook, a blowhard, and a bully who never succeeded at anything in his life except getting re-elected.
Nobody would care about Buttpeg if he wasn’t queer and the peiople of South Bend are the first to repudiate him.
And nobody still know what qualified the Snow Queen to be President.
Trump OTOH turned the economy around, stopped the illegals, got America a much better trade deal in the world, is ending America’s wars, and is driving the Lefties crazy.
What’s not to love?
The DNC likely prefers VP Biden, who trounces Trump in key states (according to polling).
The same polls that said the Hildabeast was going to win.
Unfortunately, the only polls that count show Gropin’ Joe in 5th place.
So tRump was right to coerce Ukraine into attacking Biden.
Nobody attacks Gropin’ Joe better than Gropin’ Joe. And it was obvious the Gropin’ family corruption was going to come out if he ran.
Which he was dumb enough and vain enough to do. Sorry, no coercion, no crime, no impeachment.
Trump also fears Bloomberg, but who may drop out now after not being treated like royalty last night.
And how, exactly, does Trump fear Bloomie?
Trump’s people wait days in freezing weather by the hundreds, if not by the thousands, for one of his rallies.
Bloomie is afraid to hold a rally. Might turn out to look like one of Gropin’ Joe’s.
Trump wants to let people have a chance to decide how they want to live their lives.
Bloomie wants to dictate every facet of people’s lives.
Big Gulp vs tepid tap water.
Baghdadi Bunny is going the route of Gropin’ Joe.