…is horrible heat snow from carbon pollution which causes the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on thoughts on the current state of the 2020 election.

…is horrible heat snow from carbon pollution which causes the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on thoughts on the current state of the 2020 election.
‘Clean house’ and not with a cloth.
Kash be bringing the broom.
She looks like a doctor who treated me.
She could really pull you through.
That poor girl. Her jacket is too small! She’s probably living on one of those Russian collective farms, where they only give you new clothes once a year.
Bolshevik Bunny is always running off at the mouth with the Russia fable that died last year.
Now it turns out its Bernie getting help from the Russkies.
And on the word of the WaPo.
White Supremacist Convicted of Murder – Maybe Trump and Barr will get his sentence reduced…
A man accused of fatally stabbing two people who prosecutors say tried to stop his racist tirade against two young black women on a Portland, Oregon, commuter train was convicted of murder Friday.
Jurors found Jeremy Christian, 37, guilty of the deaths of Taliesin Namkai-Meche and Ricky Best. He also was convicted of attempted murder for stabbing survivor Micah Fletcher and assault and menacing for shouting slurs and throwing a bottle at a black woman on another light rail train the day before the May 26, 2017, stabbings
And then there’s the black nut who kidnapped a white woman to watch 9 hours of Roots, so she could understand her racism.
And then there’s this
Was Elwood outraged when Obama commuted the sentence of convicted terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera? Lopez Rivera was a leader of the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional Puertorriqueña (FALN), a Puerto Rican terrorist group responsible for 130 attacks in the United States, and at least six deaths. An unrepentant Lopez-Rivera was serving a 70-year sentence when Obama set him free. A total of zero Democommies were outraged at this commutation.
What about when Obama commuted the sentence of Bradley Manning (you may also know him as Chelsea), who leaked hundreds of thousands of sensitive documents to WikiLeaks? A TRAITOR in every sense, in 2013 Manning was convicted and sentenced to 35 years in prison. But, Bradley Manning became a hero of the political left for declaring himself to be transgender, and Obama made this controversial commutation days before leaving office. Was this “restraint†or pandering to the LGBT lobby?
Obama also granted clemency to hundreds of drug offenders he claimed were non-violent offenders who deserved a second chance, because of racism or something. It later came out that many of the people he released were actually violent offenders guilty of gun crimes and sex crimes. Obama granted more acts of clemency than any president since Truman, though he saved much of that executive use of power for the latter months and days of his presidency.
So, yeah, can we stop pretending that Democrats actually care about the rule of law, fairness and equal justice? All they want to do is investigate Trump for everything he does, hoping to find some crime to pin on him.
Trump 2020 Keep the left from lying
Mr. Oscar Lopez Rivera was not convicted of terrorism but “seditious conspiracy” for being a member of FALN, a group fighting the US for Puerto Rico’s sovereignty. The Vietnam veteran had served 35 years in prison. He was never linked to the bombings. So no, no criticism.
Chelsea Manning is a whistleblower convicted of espionage for releasing sensitive documents to Wikileaks (tRump: “I love Wikileaks”). Obama commuted her sentence to time served (7 years). She has been jailed for the past year for ignoring a subpoena to testify against Assange and Wikileaks (tRump: “I love Wikileaks”). She has already served more time than Roger Stone will serve for his collusion with Wikileaks (tRump: “I love Wikileaks”). So no, no criticism.
Evidence of the violent crimes committed by the commuted drug offenders?
Obama’s pardons and commutations comported with the “rule of law”.
While it would be great if no one lied, how do you intend to “keep the left from lying”? Maybe if the president stopped lying others would follow his lead.
Charges against Rivera were Seditious conspiracy; interference with interstate commerce by threats or violence; possession of an unregistered firearm; carrying firearms during the commission of violent crimes; interstate transportation of firearms with the intent to commit violent crimes; interstate transportation of a stolen vehicle (four counts).
Also charged with Conspiracy to escape, to transport explosives with intent to kill and injure people, and to destroy government buildings and property; aiding and abetting travel in interstate commerce to carry on arson (two counts); using a telephone to carry on arson (two counts).
I’d say transport explosives with intent to kill and injure people, and to destroy government buildings and property; aiding and abetting travel in interstate commerce to carry on arson constitutes terrorism.
It certainly is a better summation than calling a phone call obstruction of Congress and abuse of power.
As for Bradley Manning, he passed classified info. Got 35 years. Should have been shot or at least sent to the rape wing at Leavenworth.
Obama’s pardons and commutations comported with the “rule of lawâ€.
Like Hell they did. One fairy Communist kissing another.
While it would be great if no one lied, how do you intend to “keep the left from lying�
You lie, you die.
Maybe if the president stopped lying others would follow his lead.
Too bad you can’t catch him in a lie without making it up.
PS What’s with this Mr Oscar Lopez Rivera? Is the like the phony Indian Elder Phillips, who got all of your genuflecting and ass kissing to make him sound more powerful and important than he ever was?
I know why you keep calling Bradley she. Queers love playing the fag moll, don’t they?
You lie all the time, why are you still alive?
Or in the new neoFascist Trumpistan do you plan to clamp down on freedom of speech only for the opposition?
Nobody comports with the “rule of law” when handing out 1927 pardons and commutations. Their original sentences were the rule of law. A pardon is an end run AROUND the rule of law. But to you commies anything that fuks up the system is fair game just like Saul Alinsky taught you.
Trump 2020 Get rid of the Alinskites
So tRump’s pardons and commutations are end runs around the rule of law?
You’ve made clear that you have no use for our Constitution. You consider impeachment led by Dems to be unconstitutional and a coup d’etat.
Now you claim that Constitutional Presidential pardons are unlawful.
Yet. Article 2, Section 2: The President … shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
Do you not consider our Constitution to constitute our “rule of law”? Is there a higher authority?
Do you support an Amendment to limit pardons?
Dump Trump 2020: Dump the turd on Nov third.
I have the evidence and at the right time, I will show it. But right now I need to keep my sources secure and the Elwood whistleblower’s identity must remain hidden. But he tells us that he knows Elwood personally and he is a Chinese bot paid for by China to spread disinformation.
Elwood’s only purpose in life is to sow discord between Americans. Do not listen to a word he says.
I must protect the whistle blower though and can’t let any of you see the evidence.
I would say your probably correct. The fact that he is here all day, everyday posting dozens and at times nearly 100 posts on this website in one day says all it needs to say about his having an agenda.
Do you know what “bot” means? LOL.
Maybe this will help you. An Internet bot, also known as a web robot, robot or simply bot, is a software application that runs automated tasks (scripts) over the Internet. Typically, bots perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive, at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human alone.
I have evidence that Chumpchange works for the Russian Federal Security Service. This explains the broken English. I can’t reveal this evidence now, but will when the time is right. Chumpchange is a person, not a piece of software.
Yes Elwood. That pretty much describes your posts.
AS for Evidence Adam Schiff says Trump is guilty. The evidence is in plain sight.
Our evidence shows that Elwoods evidence is hiding in plain sight and it is obvious he is a paid troll and Chinese bot whose sole purpose is to sew discord.
At the appropriate time I will provide the evidence, Right now we are interviewing several witnesses to his treachery in the basement and will let you know what they say in future posts.
Maybe that makes sense in the original Russian…
Or the original Nazi.
Your favorite language.
As usual, meshuggeneh, you got bupkis.
Don’t be such a shmendrik.
Do you know what “bot†means? LOL.
Look in the mirror. The LOL will come to you as it comes for us.
I have evidence that Chumpchange works for the Russian Federal Security Service. This explains the broken English. I can’t reveal this evidence now, but will when the time is right. Chumpchange is a person, not a piece of software.
This is Jeffery’s attempt at wit. A classic example of the glass being half empty or completely empty.
“So tRump’s pardons and commutations are end runs around the rule of law?”
All pardons aere end runs around the lawful detemonation of a jury, are they not?
“You’ve made clear that you have no use for our Constitution. You consider impeachment led by Dems to be unconstitutional and a coup d’etat.”
Projecting again comrade? You commies are the ones with no Constitutional respect. You even obfuscate that. I believe a predetermined impeachment which was called for within a day of the man’s election, preceded by three years of investigations that all EXONERATED him to be a coup. Anyone who doesn’t isn’t paying attention.
“Now you claim that Constitutional Presidential pardons are unlawful.”
Show me where I “claim Constitutional Presidential pardons are unlawful”. You lie again. I said they are an end run around the law I did not say they were unlawful. If anything they are extra legal.
“Yet. Article 2, Section 2: The President … shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
Do you not consider our Constitution to constitute our “rule of lawâ€? Is there a higher authority?”
Once again for those of you who are so partisan and ignorant you fail to understand plain English: I did NOT say pardons are not Constitutional nor illegal. I did NOT say the Constitution is not the rule of law. I pointed out the nature of pardons. Period. You are entitled to disagree (regardless how foolish) but you don’t have the right to put words in my mouth.
“Do you support an Amendment to limit pardons?”
I do not support amendments for every fuking thing leftists do or do not like. The applications of pardons don’t seem to need an amendment unless that fuking old communist wins and starts pardoning murderers all across America.
Trump 2020 Keep the White House White, not RED.
So Trump’s pardons are an end run around the “rule of law” but legal? Got it.
A President’s pardon authority is only limited by, “except in Case of Impeachment”, so why object to pardoning murderers? Would that be cause to impeach?
You are so tied up in partisan knots, logical inconsistencies and lack of reason.
Now you know you’re lying again.
He was talking about the abuse of pardons by a Commie PUS to release a lot of Commies and America haters (such as yourself). Trump has only pardoned 25. A third of the number pardoned by Bush 41 in one term.
why object to pardoning murderers? Would that be cause to impeach?
If you could prove motivation, it would justify a charge of malfeasance. I know you think these sophistic little conundra are wretchedly brilliant, but they’re actually quite easily broken.
You are so tied up in partisan knots, logical inconsistencies and lack of reason.
Looking in a mirror again, are we?
So tRump’s pardons and commutations are end runs around the rule of law?
Context is everything.
You’ve made clear that you have no use for our Constitution. You consider impeachment led by Dems to be unconstitutional and a coup d’etat.
Without evidence, you bet your ass. And it’s you who’ve made clear that you have no use for the Constitution.
And it’s the Constitution, not ours. We just try to live by it. It’s not ours to do with as we please.
Now you claim that Constitutional Presidential pardons are unlawful.
Let’s just say Zippy acted stupidly. Pardoning Rivera and Bradley made no sense other than Zippy loves queers like himself.
Yet. Article 2, Section 2: The President … shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
Do you not consider our Constitution to constitute our “rule of law� Is there a higher authority?
Matter of fact, there is. He inspired the writing of the Constitution.
And the Constitution constitutes our “rule of law†only so long as you need it; then it’s just another document written by dead white racists, as you’ve so often said.
Do you support an Amendment to limit pardons?
After 1927 of them, sounds like it should be looked into.
Did your god(s) inspire the 3/5ths clause of our Constitution as a sop to slave states?
And why are there any amendments at all since the Christian god is imagined to be omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent?
“Did your god(s) inspire the 3/5ths clause of our Constitution as a sop to slave states?”
I have no idea, do you? I thought you don’t believe in God? Then why would you ask if He has anything to do with anything?
“And why are there any amendments at all since the Christian god is imagined to be omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent?”
He’s not “imagined to be”, He is and you seem to think that because your god is the government ours is too. Just because your God is Caesar like the mooslems doesn’t mean ours is. We separate our faith from our state.
Trump 2020 Keep America Great.
We were responding to another commenter who stated that a higher authority inspired the Constitution saying, “He inspired the writing of the Constitution.”
We thought he meant a supernatural “god”, but maybe he was referring to Jefferson, Madison, Adams etc.
We’ll leave it to the commenter to deny whether his god or our Constitution represents the framework for the “laws of the land”.