…are wonderful low carbon skates, which would be great for Everyone Else to replace fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Brass Pills, with a post on vintage ads that wouldn’t be allowed today.

…are wonderful low carbon skates, which would be great for Everyone Else to replace fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Brass Pills, with a post on vintage ads that wouldn’t be allowed today.
The president became “furious” with senior advisers after learning the 14 Americans who tested positive had been put on a plane with healthy passengers, according to The Washington Post. One official told the paper that the failure to inform Trump of the decision in advance of the plane’s departure was a “big operational mistake.â€
Trump complained that bringing home the infected Americans could damage the adminstratration’s response to the global health outbreak.
The people who made this decision should be tried for MURDER. Simply because they just infected 200 plus Americans and brought them back to the USA for one simple reason.
Their idea of quarantine on the ship was a row of chairs surrounded by plastic with the top wide open.
What kind of imbeciles do we have running our government these days? As many are starting to point out the incompetence of the United States government UNDER ANY ADMINISTRATION is just plain third world.
ANTI-TRUMP HOOLIGANS that will do any thing to bring this president down including creating an epidemic in the United States to do so.
Remember when President Obama had an Ebola patient returned to the US? The GOP went batshit crazy over “political correctness”, for not banning all travel from Central Africa – Gropin’ Donnie even insisted that Obama resign for the incompetence!
Now the Trump administration has a planeload of Covid-19 patients flown in! Gropin’ Donnie must resign.
Health officials at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did not want 14 people who had tested positive for the new coronavirus to be flown back to the US, among hundreds of other uninfected people—but the CDC experts were overruled by officials at the US State Department.
Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (and appointed by Trump), overruled the CDC experts. It may yet turn out OK.
So much for listening to experts. What kind of imbeciles do we have running our government these days?
Remember when President Obama had an Ebola patient returned to the US? The GOP went batshit crazy over “political correctnessâ€, for not banning all travel from Central Africa – Gropin’ Donnie even insisted that Obama resign for the incompetence!
Actually, I don’t and neither do you. The patient was Liberian, not American, and the thing was handled so miserably by the Choom Gang, two American nurses contracted the disease in TX.
Now the Trump administration has a planeload of Covid-19 patients flown in! Gropin’ Donnie must resign.
Those people were flown in against Trump’s wishes.
Not quite the same thing.
So much for listening to experts.
You mean the same “experts” who said all those jobs aren’t coming back?
What kind of imbeciles do we have running our government these days?
From what we’ve seen at Justice and the intel agencies, holdovers from the Choom Gang.
It seems there is a lot you don’t remember. Dr. Kent Brantly came back to the US in 2014.
Your hubris is trumpenlike in it’s lack of underpinnings.
What we’re seeing in the tRump administration is the result of nominating and confirming incompetent partisan hacks. tRump’s State Department made the call to send Coronavirus to the homeland.
On Jan 22: President Trump said Wednesday that he had been briefed on the outbreak of a new virus from China and that the United States had the situation “totally under control.â€
But then an incompetent trump appointee overruled the CDC experts.
Trump: The Buck Stops Over There!
WE have the evidence that Elwood is a Communist Hack paid to sow discord in the United States. We have been meeting in my basement with many witnesses who heard from a guy who knew a guy that knows Elwood and they are pretty sure he is a communist hack.
The evidence is in plain sight. Anyone paying attention would know that he is a communist. You only have to just believe me. I have many people saying the same thing so it must be true.
Chumpchange presents evidence that he/she is not right in the head.
Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (and appointed by Trump), overruled the CDC experts. It may yet turn out OK.
Who is this guy?
Kadlec spent 26 years as a career officer and physician in the United States Air Force. He has served as the Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and Senior Director for Biodefense Policy on the Homeland Security Council and as staff director for U.S. Senator Richard Burr’s subcommittee on bioterrorism and public health.[1]
Kadlec was serving as Deputy Staff Director for the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence when he was nominated by President Donald Trump to become Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (Preparedness and Response).[2] Kadlec was confirmed for this position by the United States Senate on August 3, 2017
Incompetent? Hardly. He knew what the fuk he was doing.
George W. BUSH HATES…LOATES AND DESPISES DONALD TRUMP as does all his close confidantes.
If you notice this guy worked for GEORGE W. BUSH…WHEN THE FUK IS TRUMP ever gonna figure out that these people are fuking out to GET HIM.
I’m not surprised, Chumpchange. The entire motive operandi of the administrators and managers within our current state is to maintain their own positions an power and the vast majority of them are loyal to the Democommunist party, not America and certainly not the President. They are all out of the same mold as Elwood and the rest of the pinkos here. To them Patriotism or Nationalism are four letter words. They are motivated by “inclusion” and enjoy a level of omnipotence from the law none of us will ever attain.
That’s why I love this Trump ad: https://youtu.be/aDrtQlN6CkY
Anyone who can watch that and not tear up ain’t an American.
Trump 2020 Keep America Great.