…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on the UK govt refusing to release official research on the rape gangs.
It’s muscle car week. My first car was like above, a 1979 Trans Am, blue, though mine was automatic, not a stick.

Prosperity tele-preacher Paula White, now on the White House payroll, recently described her visit to heaven and seeing the face of god.
White claimed that a weight suddenly fell upon her that pushed her to the floor, at which point her spirit ascended to Heaven.
“I literally went to the Throne Room of God. There was a mist that was coming off the water, and I went to the throne of God, and I didn’t see God’s face clearly, but I saw the face of God … I knew it was the face of God.â€
“He put a mantle [on me] and it was a very distinct mantle. There was a mantle, and I saw it very distinctly, the color was like a goldish, a yellowish goldish … and then I saw the Earth for a moment, and [God] brought me back, and he put me in certain places, one being the White House, one being certain continents.â€
She asked that her faithful send her their first weekly paycheck every month. This grifter also now receives a paycheck from the American taxpayer while her “griftings” for her “church” are not taxed (although her victims pay taxes on their earnings).
She had an adulterous affair with fellow prosperity preacher Benny Hinn. Whe recently called upon her god to end all “satanic pregnancies” in spontaneous abortion. And we pay her to advise tRump.
the Times reported, citing an unnamed White House official.
Gotta love fake news from unnamed sources.
Lord have mercy so much news today”
President Trump to appoint new ambassador to Germany, Grenell shuffles current Intel staff. Watched this guy on Dave Rubin Report. He is a solid person but was a ROMNEY advisor. I hope Trump doesnt get burnt again.
Coronavirus kills 50 in Iranian city; infections soar in Italy
Futures plunge 800 points due to coronavirus pandemic fears
White House to ask Congress for emergency funding to fight coronavirus outbreak
It has escaped containment and what is the problem now is they are finding these new clusters that they cannot trace the cause. They cant find patient zero of the new clusters.
DOJ re-examining decades-old law that grants sweeping legal protections for online speech
The DOJ hosts a forum on law that protects tech companies from legal liability for online speech.
Without these protections blogs will cease to exist!!!!!!!! So will facebook and YouTube. Despite the cesspools of online blogging, commenting and the fact every kid over the age of 3 now wants to be a YOUTUBER when he grows up…
Sanders defends Castro policy despite Cuba’s communist nightmare… Get you sum. Come at me Brah! That will be Bernie’s sloagan for the General.
LIZ PEEK: Surging Sanders terrifies Democrats – do they actually want to win in November?… people are talking about this all over the place now. The dem establishment would rather LOSE than lose the party to a communist. They will actively work to sabotage the progressive left if Bernie wins the nomination.
Pro-Israel lobby responds to Bernie’s ‘shameful’ tweet that he’ll skip event…. gotta hate on those jews if your a democrat.
President, first lady visit India’s iconic mausoleum following rousing stadium speech to 110,000
WATCH: President Trump, first lady Melania tour the Taj Mahal
Trump fans in India worship president with statues, prayers as government accused of ‘hiding’ slums
The non elites around the world. Those outside of Elwoods realm of influence. The flyover country. The common working man and woman ADORE TRUMP and this is why the ELITES on the LEFT and RIGHT HATE HIM and work daily to destroy him.
Just another day in paradise folks. STOCK UP!!!!
Don’t you dare say anything about a lefty if your a MSM personality!!!!!!!
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews compares Sanders’ Nevada win to France’s fall to Nazis, draws calls for his firing
They said a 1000 times worse about TRUMP and were CHEERED!!!!!!!!!
No wonder most of what Cons believe to be true is actually false.
Trump: “If our formally targeted farmers need additional aid until such time as the trade deals with China, Mexico, Canada and others fully kick in, that aid will be provided by the federal government, paid for out of the massive tariff money coming into the USA!â€
No, there is no massive tariff money coming into the USA. Welfare for farmers hurt by the trade gambit comes from US taxpayers.
Trump: On the estate tax: “We got rid of it. No more death tax, no more inheritance tax.â€
No, the threshold was raised as happens regularly. The current increase is set to expire in a few years.
Trump: on the effects of the estate tax on people inheriting family farms: “You know what? They go out and they would borrow a lot of money and they would lose the farms. The number is staggering.â€
No, in 2018, approximately 38,106 farm estates were created of which 133 (0.35%) paid an estate tax.
Trump: on “Medicare for All†plans: “Think of this: 180 million Americans are going to lose health care coverage under this plan.â€
No, even the most extreme Medicare for All plans would replace current private plans with the universal plan, less extreme plans would offer a less expensive, universal government option. (Recall that tRump promised a cheaper, universal system when he was campaigning. Americans are still waiting.)
Trump: “We are now offering plans that are up to 60% less expensive than they were, and it is better health care.â€
Cheaper, yes. Better, hardly. Bargain plans are cheaper because they skimp on benefits such as maternity or prescription drug coverage and do not guarantee coverage of preexisting conditions. Google those Christian affiliated “plans” for another view.
Trump: “We are protecting people with preexisting conditions … we are trying to get rid of ‘Obamacare’ … we are trying to get rid, so we can give you a great health-care plan and protect preexisting conditions.”
No, Americans with preexisting medical problems have health insurance protections because of the ACA which Trump is trying to dismantle. Trump’s current short-term (12 mo) policies noted above, do not cover pre-existing conditions, which makes them cheaper.
No wonder most of what Cons believe to be true is actually false.
So you copied and pasted this from some idiot.
Trump: “If our formally targeted farmers need additional aid until such time as the trade deals with China, Mexico, Canada and others fully kick in, that aid will be provided by the federal government, paid for out of the massive tariff money coming into the USA!â€
No, there is no massive tariff money coming into the USA. Welfare for farmers hurt by the trade gambit comes from US taxpayers.
Lie. The Red Chinese are being hurt by the tariffs and are buying $40B of food from us.
And I believe he said, “formerly”, not formally .
Trump: On the estate tax: “We got rid of it. No more death tax, no more inheritance tax.â€
No, the threshold was raised as happens regularly. The current increase is set to expire in a few years.
Bull. This is part of those tax cuts for the rich Hypocrite Hare whines about, so this is not biz as usual.
For most people, it’s dead. And Trump wants to make it permanent. Watch for this to happen when the Rs retake the House.
Trump: on the effects of the estate tax on people inheriting family farms: “You know what? They go out and they would borrow a lot of money and they would lose the farms. The number is staggering.â€
No, in 2018, approximately 38,106 farm estates were created of which 133 (0.35%) paid an estate tax.
How many overall exist?
Trump: on “Medicare for All†plans: “Think of this: 180 million Americans are going to lose health care coverage under this plan.â€
No, even the most extreme Medicare for All plans would replace current private plans with the universal plan, less extreme plans would offer a less expensive, universal government option. (Recall that tRump promised a cheaper, universal system when he was campaigning. Americans are still waiting.)
If you like your plan you can keep your plan. Bernie’s is single payer. So was Fauxcahontas’.
Until even it flopped even with Demos .
So I guess we aren’t waiting after, all.
Trump: “We are now offering plans that are up to 60% less expensive than they were, and it is better health care.â€
Cheaper, yes. Better, hardly. Bargain plans are cheaper because they skimp on benefits such as maternity or prescription drug coverage and do not guarantee coverage of preexisting conditions. Google those Christian affiliated “plans†for another view.
That’s why private insurance exists, but that’s the real gripe. If the Feds control health, they can cut off all us deniers, right?
Corona + IdiotCare = Nobody wants it.
Trump: “We are protecting people with preexisting conditions … we are trying to get rid of ‘Obamacare’ … we are trying to get rid, so we can give you a great health-care plan and protect preexisting conditions.â€
No, Americans with preexisting medical problems have health insurance protections because of the ACA which Trump is trying to dismantle. Trump’s current short-term (12 mo) policies noted above, do not cover pre-existing conditions, which makes them cheaper.
Free market. And nobody wanted IdiotCare in the first place.
Bolshevik Bunny is still trying to sell socialized medicine after we’ve had a swell view of how it doesn’t work.
So you copied and pasted this from some idiot.
That was chucklelicious.
Well done, sir.
Lolgf Jeffery
Well, I am working on Impeaching Elwood. His voice of insanity makes him unfit to serve as he spreads lies, disinformation, and trolls the public. The fact that he is deliberately distorting the truth for his own benefit is plain to see and should be a warning to the general public at large that he is a menace to society.
We continue to meet in our bunker and have now had dozens of depositions in which we threw out the ones we didn’t like and kept the ones who swear they know someone, who heard someone, tell another person’s ex-girlfriend’s babysitter that Elwood is a Chinese spy sent here to sew discord.
The evidence is in plain sight for everyone to see. I have the evidence first hand from someone who knows the truth, but we must keep their identity a secret at all costs less the hildebeast’s minions be turned loose on her/him/it.