That’s how this works, right? Reports state (well, really, imply) that Russia is interfering in the Democrat nomination process to help Bernie Sanders, so, that means Russia and Putin helped him win, right? And that’s he’s a Russia/Putin asset, right?
Sanders’ win in Nevada reinforces his front-runner status, draws more attacks from rivals
Celebrating what appeared to be a convincing Nevada caucuses victory thanks to Vladimir Putin, an exuberant Bernie Sanders crowed to a large crowd Saturday night after moving on to the Super Tuesday state of Texas.
“Don’t tell anybody, especially Vladamir, I don’t want to get them nervous,” Sanders said. “We’re going to win the Democratic primary in Texas with Russia’s help.â€
Sanders’ win in Nevada was called quickly by the major TV networks and the Associated Press, as well as Russia – and as the results continued trickling in from caucus precincts across the state Saturday, it became clear the populist U.S. senator from Vermont who’s backed by Russia was racking up a sizable win.
Sanders explained how he pulled off the Silver State victory.
“In Nevada we have just put together a multigenerational, multiracial coalition with Russia’s help which is going to not only win in Nevada, it’s going to sweep this country,†he said.
That’s how this works, right, based on the Democrat and Credentialed Media hysteria from 2016 on over Trump, right? *
His victory – following a win in last week’s New Hampshire primary and a draw with former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg in the Iowa caucuses — instantly drew incoming fire from his top rivals for the Democratic nomination. And it made already nervous moderate and establishment Democrats even more jittery over the prospect of Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, becoming their party’s standard-bearer in November against President Trump (snip).
“Sen. Sanders believes in an inflexible, ideological revolution that leaves out most Democrats, not to mention most Americans,†he argued.
Biden also tried to attack Comrade Bernie, after placing a respectable 2nd place, as did Nanny State Bloomberg. Warren’s campaign tried to make Excuses, while Hairbrush Amy attempted to keep positive. Tom Steyer said something, but, no one really cared. Doesn’t matter, because Comrade Bernie is cruising.
*all the Russia and Putin things were added by me, for illustration. Because that’s how this works, right?

The government owns most of the major industries. This is an extreme position that seems to fail.
Corporate Socialism (our current system):
The government mostly benefits wealthy corporations. Most major industries are privately owned (capitalism), but still receive massive handouts, bailouts and other benefits at the expense of the tax payer. It is driven by corporations ability to influence the laws with large amounts of money that results in legislation that favors their abilities to make even larger amounts of money. In this system the wealthy become more wealthy at the expense of the lower classes. This is essentially a Plutocracy (ruled by the wealthy)
Democratic Socialism:
The government mostly benefits the citizens. Most major industries are privately owned (capitalism), but they have to stand on their own without handouts from the government. The tax burden previously funnel to the wealthy corporations is used to improve the lives of citizens instead. This enables the government to help fund improvements to public services such as Police, Firemen Libraries, Roads an Interstates, Education and Healthcare. The system is driven by people working together and lifting each other up. In this system the middle class thrives and poverty decreases. This system is more Democratic (ruled by the people) than our current system.
Lolgfy Jeffery
You never make an argument.
Why is that?
Lolgfy Porter William Good
Thank you Elwood for three completely incorrect definitions. But you did a great job of nuancing them to make them seem acceptable.
Communism: Where the government owns the factors of production and runs a command economy (like Soviet Russia that Bernie loves so much).
Socialism: Where the factors of production are still owned by individuals but hey are subject to a command economy of the government (like Nazi Germany).
Corporate socialism: a made up term. Socialists cannot be corporatists.
Crony capitalism: what Elwood defined as corporate socialism, what we have now.
Democratic socialism: where two wolves and a sheep decide what’s for dinner. Just putting the word “democratic” in front of something does not make it good. This would be where a majority of the votes decide everything disregarding the rights of the minority. The very reason we have the Electoral College and are a Republic. It is nothing short of tyranny of the majority. You justify everything you want by “polls” and such Elwood, whether or not others want it. That’s tyranny. If you REALLY want democratic socialism then you need the 3/4ths rule. That way shit can’t get passed by half plus one vote.
I think you would be better represented in either a country like Cuba or perhaps Saudi Arabia. Your proclivity towards despotism and your inability to allow people who disagree to be left alone (even for moral or religious reasons) makes you well suited for a communist or mooslem regime.
Trump 2020 Keep the “democratic socialists” in Venezuela.
For examples of Democratic Socialism look to Europe, Israel, NZ, Australia etc, not Venezuela (socialism dependent on a single commodity) or Russia (crony capitalism), China (corporate socialism + authoritarianism).
Russia is what you get when you blend authoritarianism, unfettered capitalism (corporate socialism) with a total disregard of the dispirited working classes. This is similar to what the nuCons want for America, economically.
Americans love many “democratic socialism” programs, Social Security, Medicare insurance, Medicaid, public schools and higher ed, clean air, clean water, CDC, NIH, FDA, USDA, but there are some “corporate socialism” programs they dislike, endless war, massive defense spending, corporate welfare including too big to fail bailouts and corporate farm subsidies, tariffs, the Fed.
For examples of Democratic Socialism look to Europe, Israel, NZ, Australia etc, not Venezuela (socialism dependent on a single commodity) or Russia (crony capitalism), China (corporate socialism + authoritarianism).
Funny, but most of those places are getting more authoritarian, thanks in no small part to PC and climate nonsense.
Russia is what you get when you blend authoritarianism, unfettered capitalism (corporate socialism) with a total disregard of the dispirited working classes. This is similar to what the nuCons want for America, economically.
Bolshevik Bunny knows nothing of political science or he’d know unfettered capitalism is anything but corporate socialism.
And what Conservatives want for America is what Trump is giving us, only more of it. And Bolshevik Bunny’s stereotypical whining about “the dispirited working classes” purposely omits that the blue and no collars are doing better now than they ever did under any Democrat.
Americans love many “democratic socialism†programs, Social Security, Medicare insurance, Medicaid, public schools and higher ed, clean air, clean water, CDC, NIH, FDA, USDA,
They do? Maybe Social Security and Medicare, but most of the rest aren’t that popular and, last I looked, public schools and higher education predated the socialists in this country by a couple of centuries. Most of the alphabet soup agencies are viewed as corrupt and pushing a Lefty agenda most people don’t like.
there are some “corporate socialism†programs they dislike, endless war, massive defense spending, corporate welfare including too big to fail bailouts and corporate farm subsidies, tariffs, the Fed.
And just about all of those are Democrat initiatives. Defense spending is the result of a Democrat screw up called Pearl Harbor.
As I’ve said before, history is another thing about which Jeffery knows nothing
but there are some “corporate socialism†programs they dislike, endless war, massive defense spending, corporate welfare including too big to fail bailouts and corporate farm subsidies, tariffs, the Fed.
Dutcher knows nothing but hatred.
Nice, you have more energy than I do this morning.
Actually, corporate socialism is National Socialism. Private ownership, but in a command economy.
Technically, there is no such thing as democratic socialism because once the government gets all that power (not to mention all that money), it has to order people around to implement programs.
Witness NHS in Blighty and all the people they say must die.
Corporate socialism is a society where corporations are favored over citizens. Another name for it is “plutocracy”, rule by the wealthy.
Evidence of corporate socialism in an economy is an increasing wealth/income gap between the working classes and the wealthy.
In the US, gov’t policies have rewarded the corporations at the expense of workers. This applies to both Dems and GOPhers.
The political donor class has had their minions (Congress) enact tax (pro-corporate, rich), labor (anti-union), monetary (anti-employment, pro-investor), fiscal (anti-employment), immigration (pro-competition against lower wage Americans), trade (pro corporation, pro-competition against American workers, except high wage), regulatory (pro corporation, anti-worker, anti-environment) policies that ALWAYS favor corporations and the wealthy.
BTW, just saw a tRump commercial where he vows to force drug companies to reduce their prices. Is that free-market capitalism, socialism, control economy?? It’s unlikely tRump will force drug companies to reduce prices.
Why are drug prices so high? Gov’t policies that protect drug companies.
Again, a credible source for an otherwise-ridiculous definition would be appreciated.
Evidence of corporate socialism in an economy is an increasing wealth/income gap between the working classes and the wealthy.
Even Fake News has had to concede the opposite is happening. What you whine about was what happened when Zippy thought he was Czar of all the Americas.
In the US, gov’t policies have rewarded the corporations at the expense of workers. This applies to both Dems and GOPhers.
If you mean Demos and Whigs are on the take, thank you, Captain Obvious.
A lot of the pay to play ended in January 2017.
The political donor class has had their minions (Congress) enact tax (pro-corporate, rich), labor (anti-union), monetary (anti-employment, pro-investor), fiscal (anti-employment), immigration (pro-competition against lower wage Americans), trade (pro corporation, pro-competition against American workers, except high wage), regulatory (pro corporation, anti-worker, anti-environment) policies that ALWAYS favor corporations and the wealthy.
Minions, very nice. Right out of the third sub-basement of the Kremlin, 1935.
Too bad Trump has spent 4 years reversing that. Your boy, Gropin’ Joe, was the guy who did that kind of stuff.
Why do you hate the working stiffs so much?
BTW, just saw a tRump commercial where he vows to force drug companies to reduce their prices. Is that free-market capitalism, socialism, control economy?? It’s unlikely tRump will force drug companies to reduce prices.
Considering Zippy told the drug companies he’d let them charge what they wanted if they went along with IdiotCare, it seems to be just going back to status quo ante.
And Trump’s been doing it (I mean actually enacting policy to lower drug prices) from the beginning.
Why are drug prices so high? Gov’t policies that protect drug companies.
Thank the Mocha Messiah and socialized medicine.
PS Socialized medicine in Red China can’t even control the latest strain of the plain old flu, even if it is out of one of their own level 4 bio-warfare labs.
Great job, ace.
Show me where you got those definitions because what you have there is risible.
The government owns most of the major industries. This is an extreme position that seems to fail.
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of “liberalism” they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
Norman Thomas
The object of socialism is communism
Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Nikolai Lenin)
Democratic Socialism:
The government mostly benefits the citizens. Most major industries are privately owned (capitalism), but they have to stand on their own without handouts from the government. The tax burden previously funnel to the wealthy corporations is used to improve the lives of citizens instead. This enables the government to help fund improvements to public services such as Police, Firemen Libraries, Roads an Interstates, Education and Healthcare. The system is driven by people working together and lifting each other up. In this system the middle class thrives and poverty decreases. This system is more Democratic (ruled by the people) than our current system.
Government’ is just a name for things we all do together
You often cite communists. Why is that?
Is it because the communists were the most deadly totalitarians in human history?
No wonder you admire their “strength”, just as tRump does.
Actually, it was Zippy quoted as wishing he had Xi’s kind of power to make people do things.
You often cite communists. Why is that?
Because that’s what you and your little Lefty friends really are?
We just finished our 12 hours depositions in the basement of my secret hideout and have concluded that Elwood is a Chinese spy working at Trolling Americans and fomenting dissent. When the time is right we will inform you of our findings but just know that a friend of a friend’s uncle knows a guy at work who’s ex-girlfriend saw Elwood do something suspicious one time.
We are seeking pictures now and will inform you when they have been found. We won’t show them because we don’t want the whistleblower to be revealed but you can trust us. We know what we’re talking about.
MSNBC contributor says ‘racist liberal whites’ support Bernie Sanders
Bernie is a PUTIN LACKEY and now he is a RACIST.
The left has nothing left in their tank…..lololololololololololol….A dumpster fire that the communist AGENT for Chairman XI continues to lobby for.
Just Stop Elwood. Give the money back to China and please just go back to Wuhan and help your fellow commies overcome the Tyranny that you pray will happen here in the USA.
What this country needs is less deodorant.
Bernie Sanders –2015
Dutcher knows nothing but hatred.
Too bad the only school Keene attended was Commie Troll school.
Common utilities are another “socialist” imposition on free peoples, right?
There’s a discussion in MO concerning rural broadband, a gov’t financed program to get high speed internet throughout rural MO. Imagine rural, small town Americans able to telecommute to high paying jobs without moving to urban areas! Sounds great for rural America and could be one lifeline for this dying part of America.
Of course, politicians are rewarding favored broadband companies with millions of federal money.
They started out as private companies, but, as anything else taken over by socialists, they’re a lot worse.
There’s a discussion in MO concerning rural broadband, a gov’t financed program to get high speed internet throughout rural MO. Imagine rural, small town Americans able to telecommute to high paying jobs without moving to urban areas! Sounds great for rural America and could be one lifeline for this dying part of America.
They’d be better off with a private contractor.
Of course, politicians are rewarding favored broadband companies with millions of federal money.
That’s what happens when government gets involved.
Commenter: They’d be better off with a private contractor.
Of course they’ll use a private contractor, duh. But who will pay? Private contractors don’t want to pay the infrastructure costs since the return on the investment doesn’t make economic sense.
Actually I’ve attended and graduated from several schools, but never the Commie Troll school.
You lie again.
Gawd, you’re pathetic. You lie as much as The Queen.
Her Majesty is a grand old lady and a WWII vet.
The only queen here is you.
The Queen is Fat Donnie, you know. The thug born in Queens NY.
Jeff is a pharmacist. They usually attend two schools. First they do a few semesters at a real college with dumbed down courses then they transfer to a pharmacy school, again the academic requirement is minimal. Finally, all of us paid for Jeff’s education as it was taken out of our tax money, via grants. He also funds his corporation with grant money, again from us.
david is pharmacist pretending to be a doctor. It’s a form of self-loathing.
david, being a pharmacist is nothing to be ashamed of. Hang in there. Of course when you were a pharmacist you had leeches, arsenic, cocaine and paregoric to dispense. And you also gave haircuts. Good honest work.
I’ve been called a Chinese, communist, Muslim, pedophile, girl, gay, living in my dead mother’s basement, paid by the Chinese/DNC/Russians to comment, a party planner for doctors, a CEO, wife beater, rapist, drug abuser, a bot, uneducated but education paid by government grants, unemployed but starting companies financed by government grants, Black, baby murderer, hillbilly, Commie Troll School attendee, and of course the generic liar, idiot, fool, jerk, fake, hater, dumb etc. Did I leave anything out?
It’s a fact that I am a Missouri hillbilly, and proud of it.
david you’ve pretty consistently been the dumbest one here, but chump is giving you a run for your money. Time to up your game.
We have it on good authority that Elwood graduated from Chiao Tung University.
He then went on to Ziqiang Institute
And after that he attended National Wuchang Higher Normal College….unfortunately this made him a little abnormal.
Where he specialized in hating white people and conservatives who dislike communists.
The Queen is Fat Donnie, you know. The thug born in Queens NY.
No, unlike you, he likes girls.
And you’re the thug, all those felonies.
david is pharmacist pretending to be a doctor. It’s a form of self-loathing.
david, being a pharmacist is nothing to be ashamed of. Hang in there. Of course when you were a pharmacist you had leeches, arsenic, cocaine and paregoric to dispense. And you also gave haircuts. Good honest work.
I guess Bernie being the standard bearer of the Demos this Fall is depressing Jeffery. He’s putting on the bear suit.
I’ve been called a Chinese, communist, Muslim, pedophile, girl, gay, living in my dead mother’s basement, paid by the Chinese/DNC/Russians to comment, a party planner for doctors, a CEO, wife beater, rapist, drug abuser, a bot, uneducated but education paid by government grants, unemployed but starting companies financed by government grants, Black, baby murderer, hillbilly, Commie Troll School attendee, and of course the generic liar, idiot, fool, jerk, fake, hater, dumb etc. Did I leave anything out?
Tedious, boring, tendentious, annoying, and intellectually bereft?
It’s a fact that I am a Missouri hillbilly, and proud of it.
Only if you were white. Like Zippy, you hate white people because you aren’t one of them and you hate black people because you are.
david you’ve pretty consistently been the dumbest one here, but chump is giving you a run for your money. Time to up your game.
No, you’ve always led in the stupid race.
Anyone else find it funny that the totally made up definition of ‘corporate socialism’ by Ellie is EXACTLY what Obama did during his reign? Ellie still cheers what was done. Bailing out the auto makers, bailing out banks, throwing billions at failed solar energy companies, ‘incentives’ to buy electric cars, the list goes on and on. All of this did nothing to help the poor and only further enriched the already wealthy.