I suggest with start with turning off the heat to the school. Then do away with fossil fueled school buses, make the kids walk. And then vegetarian meals in the cafeteria (FYI, Polk refers to Polk County, Florida, where the schools are located)
Polk students on climate change: ‘You can’t just sit around’
One girl and one boy had braces on their teeth — unmistakable symbols of adolescence. Another girl wore a temporary tattoo of a heart on her forearm.
In short, they gave the appearance of being utterly typical seventh-graders.
The five youngsters, all students at Bok Academy in Lake Wales, spoke with unfailing politeness to their teachers and to two adult visitors on a recent day. But they displayed a certain bewilderment with the collective adult world, at least on one matter: climate change.
“It really frustrates me there’s people that don’t want to be doing things about it, and how hard it can be to convince them that this is a big deal and that we need to be doing something,†said Ava Unzueta, 12.
“Greta Thunberg, she’s really young, but I think it’s good that she’s trying to educate people on climate change because young kids like us, we like to listen to other young kids,†Ava said. “Like when our parents try to tell us stuff, you know how stubborn we can be and we don’t always like to listen. But I think if it’s coming from another young person, we’re more inclined to understand. And it’s our future, so climate change, it can affect adults but it’s going to affect most of us because that’s going to be our lives.â€
Awesome! Let’s listen to the kid who has no degrees, is blowing off school, and has no real knowledge.
Autumn Taylor, 13, admired the way Thunberg has committed herself to warning others about the potential effects of climate change.
“You can’t just sit around when you know something’s happening,†Autumn said. “If you’re passionate about it, do it when you can. Don’t just wait for someone else to do it. Age is just a number.â€
OK. No more smartphones, no more fossil fueled trips anywhere, grow your own food, no hair dryers, limited to 3 minute showers, oh, and half your allowance (and earnings if you have a job) will be confiscated. Y’all good with that, kids? Perhaps you should consider what it is exactly that the Cult of Climastrology actually wants to accomplish, and it’s not stopping a tiny increase in CO2.

The anti Greta from Germany. Worth the listen. English subs.
And unlike the angry high school dropout they are currently exploiting, this girl graduated high school at 16, holds a degree, has a background in science and physics. She was also an AGW believer until the doom and gloom predictions got ridiculous and she decided to research for herself instead of just believing what she was told to believe.
She also doesn’t want to be known as the Anti-Greta or a climate denier. She considers herself a climate realist.
I don’t blame her especially for not wanting to be called a denier. The left, especially the radical left does that all the time. I resent being called a “denier” because I’m not. I am open minded to climate change but I see no real evidence that humans contribute enough to actually make a difference. I also don’t like being lied to on a 50 year continuous basis when those lying refuse to take responsibility for their claims and their faulty predictions. The fact that the left has politicized the entire climate conversation to the point where we can’t talk to each other without name calling pisses me off too. Science is science, not politics, not “consensus”. If you can’t prove it then it’s a theory NOT a world changing fact. So don’t call me a denier because I question the science, your results and your theoretic opinions. Call me a skeptic.
The left does the same thing with “white supremacy”. Every time non POC is involved in a shooting the Elwood’s start with the white supremacist shit. Ya know, sometimes a murder is just a murder. The real racists are the ones that define every event, every occasion, every occurrence whether good or bad as white supremacy. People like Bloomberg that say “I wouldn’t be here if I weren’t white” look like racist fools. There are no black billionaires? I know there are in fact I know there are many POC who are billionaires, so what is his beef? Guilt!
Trump 2020 Stop the AGW bullshit.
I don’t think they need to have their phone taken or walk to school. What they need is to be told the truth louder than they are told lies. Or at least have what they are being told explained. All they hear is how bad it WILL be. What they aren’t hearing is that all of these horrible things that are predicted to happen are just that, predictions. Predictions based on computer models that are no where near accurate. Even the article says ‘potential’ effects but all the kids talk about those effects as if it’s guaranteed that they will happen.
They need to be told that the models are failures. They need to be told that the “record” is a very short period of time in terms of climate change. They need to be told that there is no proof that man’s activities has any measurable effect on the global climate. They need to be told that extreme weather is getting less frequent and less severe. They need to be told that the warming we are seeing is more readily explained as a result of natural forcing. They need to be told that this slight warming has been nothing but beneficial to life on Earth.
Of course, none of this is on the evening news, on Facebook, Snapchat or Twitter, or in the schools. All they hear is the doom and gloom predictions presented to them as fact.
It’s easy to dismiss these kids now as being too young and immature but in 10 to 20 years they will be the ones making the decisions and it will be next to impossible to sway them away from this indoctrination that they have been exposed to their whole life.
Practice what you preach ?
Gee Teach I don’t remember you enlisting immediately after 9/11to fight Islamic terror you were still she eligble
What about rallies to save babies from being murdered ?
Wouldn’t a more modest approach instead perhaps be to try and encourage each child to become car on neutral by contributing 30 cents a day for the carbon offset project of their own choice ?
What about you?
Did you enlist at all? Do you volunteer in your community? Do you pay for carbon offsets?
What did you do after 9/11?
Tell us we’re all racists because we blamed the Moslems.
Commenter wants to tell children:
They need to be told that the models are failures.
They need to be told that the “record†is a very short period of time in terms of climate change.
They need to be told that there is no proof that man’s activities has any measurable effect on the global climate.
They need to be told that extreme weather is getting less frequent and less severe.
They need to be told that the warming we are seeing is more readily explained as a result of natural forcing.
They need to be told that this slight warming has been nothing but beneficial to life on Earth.
These statements are false. You would lie to schoolchildren to support your political extremism?
Oh. Ellie says that all those statements are lies so they must be.
Seriously though. Look up what I posted and see who the liar here is.
Nightie thinks his lies should be used to indoctrinate schoolchildren.
Your statements are false, or lies, if you prefer.
No, yours are. You lie because the truth is that there’s no warming, cooling, change, or globull.
Baghdadi Bunny knows they’re lies.
All Nighthawk wants to do is teach kids science, but that means teaching kids to think for themselves.
Can’t have that. Have to scare the Hell out of them and make them think “Consensus” means it’s true.