…is an evil world killing fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is hogewash, with a post on a galaxy shattering kaboom.

…is an evil world killing fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is hogewash, with a post on a galaxy shattering kaboom.
Observations by government scientists relayed by the fake media, and you believe any of it???
Since the “explosion” took place in galaxy cluster far, far away (390 million light-years), when did it happen?
And wouldn’t this “recent” explosion be dwarfed by the “Big Bang” some 13.8 billion years ago?
And none of it existed until God said so.
Cosmic Deflation: Doubts Raised Over Blockbuster Big Bang Study
Study Questions Big Bang (Scientists Question the Study)
Big Bang evidence now being doubted by scientists
Big Bang theory wrong: Black hole found that’s so big and old it makes Big Bang IMPOSSIBLE
Massive gratitational wave discovered 1 billionth of a trillionth of a second before the big bang casts doubt about the Big bang Theory.
So Elwood. What were you thinking when you even suggested that scientists have all the answers?
So the entire basis of your question should be thrown out. Are you even sure there was a big bang? Many of your revered and exalted scientists doubt agw and the big bang. But I suppose they are wrong because they dont believe what you believe.
Cherry picking science is a specialty of the leftists on this planet who worship the atom and blaspheme the maker of that atom.
Commenter: …suggested that scientists have all the answers
Neither scientists nor science has all the answers, only methods for trying to find the answers.
…leftists on this planet who worship the atom and blaspheme the maker of that atom
There is evidence that atoms exist but no evidence concerning their “maker”. Have you not accepted the atomic theory?
The Big Bang is a Theory and is subject to being falsified. Notice that scientists continue experimenting and making observations at the risk of falsifying an accepted theory!! That’s how science works.
Speaking of cherrypicking…
Commenter: Cosmic Deflation: Doubts Raised Over Blockbuster Big Bang Study
The commenter didn’t read the article in Time or they would have noticed the conclusion.
Commenter: Massive gratitational wave discovered 1 billionth of a trillionth of a second before the big bang casts doubt about the Big bang Theory.
Once again the article did not support the headline.
This is too cute. Ignoramus is going to lecture us on science.
There is evidence that atoms exist but no evidence concerning their “makerâ€. Have you not accepted the atomic theory?
Which atomic theory is this?
The Big Bang is a Theory and is subject to being falsified. Notice that scientists continue experimenting and making observations at the risk of falsifying an accepted theory!! That’s how science works.
How, exactly, is a theory falsified?
If you mean challenged, that is often how science advances, by not accepting “consensus” and trying to poke holes in it. This happens to Relativity all the time.
The commenter didn’t read the article in Time or they would have noticed the conclusion.
As a matter of course, I’m skeptical of articles in pop mags, but, if Hypocrite Hare had linked it, we might all know what he is talking about since usually he does not.
Once again the article did not support the headline.
Big Bang, or any other such theory, assumes an uncaused cause which created the Universe and all matter and energy before it.
Until the uncaused cause is explained, it’s all guesswork anywnho.
Oh I read the article. I understand their is debate within the community about the big bang. That was the point.
Unlike the AGW klown car that shuts down debate and rails against anyone as disbelievers in science if they do not accept hook, line and sinker your theory on why the planet is warming.
The reason I put all of those in there Elwood is many people within the very community of astronomy question the big bang so the question becomes.
Why do you question or even care what we believe? The Koran Virus as you cutely put it, no doubt from your echo chamber little group of anti-white, anti-conservative, anti-american, anti-religious, anti-science, anti-wealth, anti-tax, anti-socialist, anti-communist……. doesn’t it bother you how many people on this planet you have a serious problem with when you call other people racists, bigots and homophobes?
I have fewer problems with the people on this planet than does the average “rightist” who has problems with Blacks, Muslims, Dems, libs, immigrants, Jews, gays, scientists, media, government, education … in fact, rightists have problems with everyone except their own ‘echo chamber little group’ of cis, Caucasian, conservative Christians (C4s).
And yes, I wish we all had problems with racists, bigots and homophobes.
Anyway, I don’t care what rightists believe, but what they do – spreading disinformation and hatred of others, promoting policies that harm others and benefit their own groups.
Rumor is that impeached Prez Stump is considering a new round of tax cuts for the rich to boost the DJIA.
Earlier Stump blamed the 13% dip in the market on the Democratic debate and the media.
Try again.
He’s been talking another tax cut for at least a year. Just like his phone call to Ukraine.
And, since you’ve always been found guilty, you wouldn’t know this, but, once you’re acquitted, you’re no longer impeached. No different than being indicted.
Even Fake News has shot that one down. Apparently, Mommy doesn’t always read the memos to you just because she’s the one who reads them.
The media certainly deserves their share of blame. Their over-hyping of a low-fatality-rate disease into something like the black plague is irresponsible at best.
But hey, if they can make Trump look bad, who cares what damage it does to the economy, right?
So far ONE American has died from corona virus. About 56,000 Americans die each year from the flu. Tell me how the Fake News media isn’t blowing this up to try and make Trump look bad and blame it on him. They’re all liars.
If anything the Democrats(?) debate raised Trump’s popularity by showing all you assholes have are America hating communists, feminist bitches, fake Indians, a couple very nasty billionaires and queers to offer. Biden is getting beat by The Village People for crap sake.
Elwood, I fail to understand how a white businessman like yourself would be enamored by a political philosophy that would put your ass against a wall and shoot it the moment it took over. Or do you think you’d be some sort of commissar in charge of Tractor Barn #5 and get extra beet vodka?
Trump 2020 Let’s keep America great by keeping it in the hands of those who
love it not hate it and want to fundamentally change it.
One of your own, Chumpchange, predicted 5 BILLION Covid-19 cases worldwide and millions of US deaths from it, but the ‘chorus’ here didn’t push back.
Like SARS, MERS, Ebola, Swine flu and viruses yet to come, Covid-19 is worthy of our concern. Of course, trump and his acolytes will politicize the issue, making himself the victim of the media and Democrats. Note too, that this administration is recommending cuts to the CDC, HHS, NIH budgets.
The world tolerates the annual influenza pandemics because the viruses are easily spread, the only way to stop them (aside from broad immunizations) is to block international travel, and the mortality rate is relatively low. Tens of thousands of Americans die each year from seasonal flu.
Kye, what you fail to understand is that liberals like me are more likely to be ‘put against the wall’ by a strengthened right-wing authoritarian regime than the Democrats.
Kye typed: …all you assholes have are America hating communists, feminist bitches, fake Indians, a couple very nasty billionaires and queers to offer
All Kye has is an increasingly virulent hatred. Red flag?
One of your own, Chumpchange, predicted 5 BILLION Covid-19 cases worldwide and millions of US deaths from it, but the ‘chorus’ here didn’t push back.
Lie. I did and put up some info to back me up.
Like SARS, MERS, Ebola, Swine flu and viruses yet to come, Covid-19 is worthy of our concern. Of course, trump and his acolytes will politicize the issue, making himself the victim of the media and Democrats. Note too, that this administration is recommending cuts to the CDC, HHS, NIH budgets.
Because most of the money goes to politicians. Fauxcahontas wanted $6B more than Trump wanted to spend when he declared an emergency. Notice he didn’t wait for anyone to die.
Unlike Zippy.
And it’s been the Demos trying politicize it. They screamed when Trump cut off anyone coming in from Red China.
The world tolerates the annual influenza pandemics because the viruses are easily spread, the only way to stop them (aside from broad immunizations) is to block international travel, and the mortality rate is relatively low. Tens of thousands of Americans die each year from seasonal flu.
Expendable because they’re old, right?
what you fail to understand is that liberals like me are more likely to be ‘put against the wall’ by a strengthened right-wing authoritarian regime than the Democrats.
Tell it to Phil Haney and Jeffrey Epstein.
All Kye has is an increasingly virulent hatred. Red flag?
No, he just calls your bluff.
“Note too, that this administration is recommending cuts to the CDC, HHS, NIH budgets.” Technically you are correct but no cuts were made because Congress didn’t vote for it. So as usual you’re finger pointing and bitching like a little sissy about something that hasn’t happened.
“Kye, what you fail to understand is that liberals like me are more likely to be ‘put against the wall’ by a strengthened right-wing authoritarian regime than the Democrats.”
What the fuk planet are YOU from? First off you’re not a fukin’ liberal. You left liberal years ago. You’re a down in the dirt shit ball commie leftists. Even if like Bernie you won’t admit it. Secondly, the leftists have a very serious track record of murder, abuse, war crimes, rape and did I mention murder? I could look it up for you but that’s a waste of time since as a radical commie anything I say means I’m a raaaaacist.
“All Kye has is an increasingly virulent hatred. Red flag?” Threatening me again? Gonna sick your Gestapo on me you pinko. That’s all you’re waiting for if BS wins, isn’t it? Don’t you have “virulent hatred” for people who you believe hate America? Are you a Patriot, Elwood? Do you love America above all other countries? Would you risk your life for this country? I have. Would you kill for it? I have. Is there any nationalistic bone in your body or are you strictly an America hating globalist and Patriot hating flag burner?
Trump 2020 Because God forbid if the Elwood’s take over we will all be
Red flagged.
“Tax cuts for the rich…â€. In lieu of actual numbers, J simply repeats the liberal mantra. It’s so much easier that way to fool the gullible…
There was a car?
She is a looker.
And the specs help.
And, since you know nothing about capitalism, it will come as a shock that the markets will come roaring back.
Bargain hunting.
Make a killing.
Corner the market.
frozen concentrate orange juice.
I’m surprised the right hasn’t figured this out.
This mutated virus was obviously created in Iran to punish China, the world’s economy, and by extension, the US. It was accidentally released in Iran. When created, it was known as the koranovirus.
Oh, he’s trying to be funny. Noel Coward and Saki must be spinning.
Hey, remember the bird flu? The one on Zippy’s watch? Where 1000 people died in this country because he mishandled it?
Wanna bet Trump won’t lose a tenth of that many.
remember the bird flu? Where 1000 people died in this country because he mishandled it?
Is that just another one of your lies, or are you that ignorant?
1000 Americans died in the US from bird flu? Sorry, Zippy.
Very well documented. I thought you’d have one of your snappy comebacks, but, no, Zippy, fiddled while people died.
Then surely you can easily document your claim.
I have fewer problems with the people on this planet than does the average “rightist†who has problems with Blacks, Muslims, Dems, libs, immigrants, Jews, gays, scientists, media, government, education … in fact, rightists have problems with everyone except their own ‘echo chamber little group’ of cis, Caucasian, conservative Christians (C4s).
Sure. That;’s why everybody’s a racist unless they vote Demo.
And yes, I wish we all had problems with racists, bigots and homophobes.
You certainly do, even when they’re not. Funny how everybody’s a racist, bigot, or homophobe but you.
Joke is, you’re the biggest one of all.
Anyway, I don’t care what rightists believe, but what they do – spreading disinformation and hatred of others, promoting policies that harm others and benefit their own groups.
You must have been looking in a mirror when you typed that.
We know you hate CHRISTIANS and that accounts for half the world.
We know you hate White People and that accounts for about 17 percent of the world. Lets see your up to 67 percent of the world.
We know you hate Those who dont like science so that accounts for nearly all of Africa and the subcontinents, the African bush people and those that live in villages in Central and south America who have no idea about science or how it works.
See Elwood. Your a bigot, homophobe and racist. Your no different than every other person on the planet. You just have deluded yourself into believing the stuff that comes out of your mouth. That is when you can lift your head out of the sewer long enough to speak.
Then surely you can easily document your claim.
Of course, I can
And there are tons more I can link. The Mocha Messiah screwed up again.
Latte Liar,
Then maybe you should document your claim, moron. Your citation wasn’t about avian (bird) flu at all, dumbass.
We understand your confusion, but just admit your mistake and move on, idiot. We will concede that your made a mistake and didn’t lie.
And PJ Media? Might as well use The Pudendum.
Last year, under Orange Julius’ watch, 61,200 Americans died from influenza.
Then am I to assume 4.4 million died of the flu under Hussein’s watch? And are heart attacks Trump’s fault too? How about strokes or pneumonia? Where does the presidents responsibility for death by disease end?
Trump 2020 Under him fewer Americans died of the flu.
H1N1 was the bird flu, but I understand. You got caught and now you just lie to weasel your way out.
OK, here’s a Commie newspaper. And, yes, it is bird flu.
So you shot off your mouth and was wrong twice.
And Gateway is a lot more reliable than Fake News. They document their stuff.
And you lie. Flu deaths are recorded by season, ’18 – ’19, ’19 – ’20.
You just make up stuff and hope nobody checks it out. Typical Lefty.