Monthly Archives: February 2020

Schoolkids Draft Their Own ‘Climate Change’ Bill For Indoctrination

They want to force their ideas on every other school kid in the UK Pupils draft their own climate bill as anxiety grows over lack of guidance for schools Like many young people, Joe Brindle, 17, is scared for the future because of the climate crisis. He is, he says, “angry about the injustice that […]

Attorney General Barr Goes After Sanctuary Jurisdictions For Illegals

All I have to say is “it’s about time” Barr announces sweeping new sanctions, ‘significant escalation’ against left-wing sanctuary cities Charging that so-called “sanctuary” cities that protect illegal immigrants are jeopardizing domestic security, Attorney General Bill Barr announced a slew of additional sanctions that he called a “significant escalation” against left-wing local and state governments […]

With “Literally No Time To Waste”, Los Angeles Mayor Signs Green New Deal He Introduced Last April

The Earth is Doooooomed in 10 years without this executive order that will certainly cause issues for the plebes, not people like the mayor and all the big wigs in LA. The stakes couldn’t be higher, you know Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti signs city’s enhanced ‘Green New Deal’ Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti on Monday signed […]

Doomsaying Models Claim Up To 9 Degrees Increase

There’s always some sort of doom coming from the Cult of Climastrology, so, it’s no wonder their flock are unhinged, anxiety ridden messes A few climate models are now predicting an unprecedented and alarming spike in temperatures — perhaps as much as 5 degrees Celsius Several recent climate models have suggested the Earth’s climate could […]

If All You See…

…are wonderful wind turbines that are not in your backyard, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with your Monday links.

Climate Anxiety Is Overwhelming And Terrifying Or Something

This is the most 1st World Problems of 1st World Problems. People who generally have good lives, aren’t really worried about where their food, shelter, and clothes are coming from, are able to travel around thanks to fossil fuels, have fits when they can’t get social media on their smartphones, and have easy access to […]

NYT Dumps Cold Water On One Trillion Trees Initiative Because Trump’s In Favor Of It

This is Trump Derangement Syndrome at its finest: Trump is in favor of something, so Democrats are Against It. Kinda like, if you’ll remember, how George W. Bush came out with his amnesty plan after winning the 2004 election, and Democrats had a kneejerk reaction to be against it, even though it was what they […]

Trump Reaches Out To African Americans As Black Wages Rise

Did anyone watch the Oscars? Yeah, me neither. The apparently ramped up the Wokeness, yammering about climate change, #metoo, bashed Trump, praised Marx, lectured America, the normal stuff. They spent time talking about why blacks weren’t represented well in Hollywood and the awards. Interestingly, they didn’t talk about this NYT: Black Workers’ Wages ‘Are Finally […]

We’re Saved: Irish Kids Put Together Rap Video

Wait, isn’t this cultural appropriation? Especially with the uber-Irish accents? It’s nice to see the kiddies so brainwashed. But, hey, if they really Care Video found via the Irish Times, which states that the video was made due to polluted beaches. OK, then help clean the beaches, rather than attempting to institute taxes and Government.

If All You See…

…is a horrible evil energy sucking smartphone which should not be allowed for Other People, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is MOTUS A.D., with a post on worrying about plastic straws and garbage bags. Still clearing out the folder.

Pirate's Cove