Monthly Archives: February 2020

Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan Won’t Succeed Because Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Personally, I would have picked “it won’t work because too many Palestinians are violent, hate Jews, hate Israel, and want to destroy the nation, along with lots and lots of Islamists”, but, the NY Times’ Thomas Freidman has thoughts relating to ‘climate change’, and then something nefarious Mother Nature Scoffs at Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan […]

Washington Post: Well, Yeah, The Economy Is Great, But, Is It Really Great?

The Washington Post editorial board is vexed. See, the economy is doing pretty darned good under President Trump, and they just can’t have that, because that’s bad for Democrats The economy is strong, as Trump says. But at what cost? AS CONGRESS gathered for the annual State of the Union address Tuesday, there was no […]

MSNBC: Trump Is The Enemy

It’s good that Nicolle Wallace put it this way: she’s just exposing what the Credentialed Media actually thinks of Trump and the people who vote for him MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: Trump Is ‘The Enemy’ MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace referred to President Donald Trump as “the enemy” Monday, urging Democrats against succumbing to internal divisions. Wallace […]

If All You See…

…are trees killed to make books instead of sucking carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on your Tuesday feel good stories.

Oxford Students Demand Divestment, Get Rude Awakening To The Real World

See, some special brainwashed climate cultists at St. Johns College wanted the school to divest from fossil fuels. And bursar Andrew Parker had a reply for them Oxford official to students demanding divestment: "I am not able to arrange any divestment at short notice. But I can arrange for the gas central heating in college […]

Comrade Bernie, AOC Push Nationwide Fracking Ban By 2025

I wonder if he plans to pay to convert my natural gas heating to something else inexpensive and reliable for me? Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez Push Bill to ‘Ban Fracking Nationwide’ by 2025 An anti-fracking bill crafted by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) aims to end the practice altogether, making it illegal “on […]

Excitable Adam Schiff: Trump Could Offer Alaska To Russia If Not Impeached

There comes a point when you wonder if the House managers like Adam Schiff have been intentionally bat guano insane over the top on purpose, with the intention of of causing even the most squishy Republican Senators to say “enough. We don’t need witnesses, we don’t need to hear anymore, move on, vote to acquit”, […]

New App Aims To Reinforce Climate Anxiety In Children

Kids are already learning to be mental messes in school, from the unhinged Warmist Credentialed Media, from activists, and so forth. So, why not an app? New app aims to help kids suffering from ‘eco-anxiety’ due to climate change Siblings Jasmine and Ben Estevao are children but they already consider themselves to be conservationists due […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Climatism, with a post on polar bears being the new symbol of climate change realism and a stable Arctic. BTW, ladies, it’s 2020, the whole grabbing the hair thing […]

Extinction Rebellion Co-Founder Caught Calling To “Take Down Civilization”

The Warmists never quite get to telling us what they want to replace civilization with, though Enough is Enough: XR co-founder filmed calling for ‘take down’ of civilisation A co-founder of Extinction Rebellion has been filmed at an event calling for activists to “take down” civilisation as part of the group’s disruptive fight for climate […]

Pirate's Cove