Amy Harder may very well have a point
Big climate change policy unlikely no matter who wins the White House
Don’t hold your breath for big climate policy changes — even if a Democrat wins the White House.
Why it matters: Congress is likely to remain gridlocked on the matter, leading to either more of the same with President Trump’s reelection or a regulatory swing back to the left no matter which Democrat wins — but far short of a legislative overhaul.
The big picture: Climate change is reaching a new high water mark as a political concern for American voters, and Democratic presidential nominees are promising aggressive policies.
Really, we know that if Trump wins, you won’t get any sort of authoritarian, big government, big taxation legislation passed or policies enacted. Heck, even small ones will not happen. Now, if a Democrat wins
All Democrats have aggressive climate plans, but it’s an open question whether any would first push climate legislation over other priorities — especially health care.
Sanders, for instance, has campaigned more on Medicare for All than he has on the Green New Deal.
- We could face a rerun of 2009, where newly inaugurated President Obama chose to first pursue a health care bill before climate change.
- Running out of political capital after that grueling fight was one of many reasons the climate bill failed.
Amy even breaks it down as to what happens if a Progressive (nice Fascist) Dem wins and if a “moderate” Dem wins. Regardless, she says you just won’t see a big bill or policy. The one thing she’s missing is that there are enough Democrats out there who realize that passing this type of legislation which would dramatically increase the cost of living for Americans would mean an utter blowout of the Democrat party in the next election cycle, much like happened to the Labor Party in the 2012 Queensland, Australia election. This is why the Democrat run House refuses to vote on AOC’s Green New Deal. Why the Dems failed to pass any significant Hotcoldwetdry legislation when they controlled Congress in 2009 and 2010.
The intrigue: A path to passage of, say, a clean energy standard or a carbon tax would require a grand bargain-type bipartisan compromise, like we saw in 2015 when Congress paired renewing clean-energy subsidies with lifting a ban on oil exports.
It won’t happen.

Teach’s analysis is correct on this one. They need to get a sweeping, veto-proof majority in BOTH houses before they can implement the GND.
But first, they have to take everyone’s guns away because of the massive poverty the GND legislation would cause. Then remove the 1st Amendment, so written protest becomes illegal too.
Then GND, Socialism and equality (meaning EVERYONE is hideously poor) for everyone*.
Democratic Party heads, bosses and favored federal employees excepted of course.
I imagine their plan is 1. remove the firearms from law abiding citizens rendering them helpless and 2. removing the ENTIRE Constitution as a racist, white supremacist, Christian, capitalist oppressive document of white privilege.
IOW, they will do to us what their heroes, the Nazi’s and communists, did to their people. All the while screaming it’s us patriots who want gulags and firing squads.
Trump 2020 Sanders is a communist tyrant in waiting.
You guys are just being hysterical.
There is not enough support to “take away our guns”. That’s not to say that we can’t have stricter regulations, after all we keep machine guns out of the hands of gang-bangers.
The Green New Deal has so little actual detail to be merely aspirational. Kind of like proposing a chicken in every pot.
It would take an authoritarian tyrant with military backing to cancel the Constitution. Trump might try that if he’s facing trial.
No one is proposing socialism (gov’t owning/controlling the means of production). By ‘socialism’ most cons mean Social Security, CAFE stds, Medicare, Medicaid, EPA, CDC, NIH etc – what the Europeans call social democracy – i.e., capitalism that serves all of a society.
The left says that Trump is a wannabe Hitler, when what they really want is an end to Trump’s attacks on America as it is now. The right says the Dems are wannabe Stalins, when what they want is more Trump (anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, more guns etc).
Does the right really want to eliminate Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid?
You want to balance the budget?
You guys are just being hysterical.
There is not enough support to “take away our gunsâ€. That’s not to say that we can’t have stricter regulations, after all we keep machine guns out of the hands of gang-bangers.
“stricter regulations” = opening wedge. You really need to keep your mouth shut. You always give away the game.
The Green New Deal has so little actual detail to be merely aspirational. Kind of like proposing a chicken in every pot.
Uh huh. Just like IdiotCare.
No one is proposing socialism (gov’t owning/controlling the means of production).
Of course they are. What was the GM bailout? National Socialism, pure and simple.
By ‘socialism’ most cons mean Social Security, CAFE stds, Medicare, Medicaid, EPA, CDC, NIH etc – what the Europeans call social democracy – i.e., capitalism that serves all of a society.
No, that’s not what it is. Social democracy means nationalization of key industries, modified command economy. And Social Security, CAFE stds, Medicare, Medicaid, EPA, CDC, NIH, etc. is socialism by every definition there is.
You need to read a dictionary.
The left says that Trump is a wannabe Hitler, when what they really want is an end to Trump’s attacks on America as it is now. The right says the Dems are wannabe Stalins, when what they want is more Trump (anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, more guns etc).
Nobody was more anti-homosexual and anti-Moslem than old Joe. I see history is another of the myriad subjects of which you are ignorant.
What the Left wants is an R that doesn’t fight back. Too late. the public loves Trump and is laughing at the Demos.