One of the president’s jobs is to attempt to keep Americans, and, really, the world, from freaking out. Freaking out won’t help the situation. No one slammed Obama for attempting to calm fears when Ebola broke out (they did slam him for failing to have strong enough quarantines). Democrats, and the media, on the other hand, are trying to stoke fears, which is where Trump’s “hoax” comment came from
One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.â€
He didn’t call Coronavirus a hoax, he called the Dem and media response the hoax in fearmongering and slamming Trump, for making is political. And they prove him right, like here and here. Meanwhile, Trump will continue to attempt to calm things
Trump seeks to quell fear as first U.S. coronavirus death is reported
President Trump sought to ease rising fears about the coronavirus epidemic on a day when the first U.S. death from COVID-19 was reported and more cases were reported on the West Coast.
Trump said that a “medically high risk†woman in Washington state had died from the virus but added no other details about her case. State health officials, in their own statement, said a middle-aged man with underlying health problems had died of the virus.
Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers of Disease Control, tweeted later in the day that “CDC erroneously identified the patient as a female in a briefing earlier today with the President and Vice President.â€
Trump said he hoped that Americans would not curtail their daily lives because of the virus and portrayed the risk as minimal.
“So, healthy people, if you’re healthy, you will probably go through a process and you’ll be fine,†Trump added.
The president said he had put in place “the most aggressive actions taken anywhere in the world,†although China has confined millions of people to their homes, and other countries, including Japan and South Korea, have taken strong measures including closing public schools.
Wait, is the media saying they want Trump to round people up and confine them? Obviously, if he ordered that, they would slam him. This is why Trump called them a hoax.
Obviously, Trump is wrong for not scaremongering, right?
Amid global panic around the spread of coronavirus, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), called on global markets to “should calm down and try to see the reality.”
“We need to continue to be rational. Irrationality doesn’t help. We need to deal with the facts,” Ghebreyesus said Sunday during a panel discussion at the King Salman Humanitarian Aid Center’s International Humanitarian Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, according to CNBC.
He’s right. But, the media is always about “if it bleeds, it leads”, and looks to freak people out for ratings. And, of course, to hurt Republicans.
Meanwhile, wash your hands and do not touch your mouth or eyes. Perhaps don’t travel to the Islamist nation of Iran.

The idea of trump as Calmer-in-Chief is laughable. His message is hate and division. And then more hate.
Whenever trump starts a story with “Sir” or “Mr. President” you know he’s telling a tall tale. It’s his tell. Russia, Russia, Russia showed his campaign cooperated with the Russians (note his associates in prison right now) and that he obstructed the investigation. He is only one of three impeached US Presidents, and he did exactly what he was accused of doing. And coronavirus is hardly a hoax.
He calls the press and others the Enemy of the People.
In 1917, Lenin said: “all leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, a party filled with enemies of the people, are hereby to be considered outlaws, and are to be arrested immediately and brought before the revolutionary court”.
As trump gets further hemmed in by events and incompetence we’ll find out who is the enemy of the people. (Hint: it’s trump).
Who knows what he’ll do if he senses he’ll lose in November.
Democrats, like the little sissybitch here, are becoming more rabid in their hatred and vile smears as everyday they are becoming more and more aware that President Trump is going to win in a landslide come November.
The only message here is that President Trump will be stepping down January 20, 2025.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Jeffery
gfy, Porter Good. You’re not fooling anyone! LOL
Neither are you.
He never said the virus was a hoax. He said the dems complaining he wasn’t doing any about it was a hoax.
The idea of trump as Calmer-in-Chief is laughable. His message is hate and division. And then more hate.
No, that’s your message.
Whenever trump starts a story with “Sir†or “Mr. President†you know he’s telling a tall tale. It’s his tell. Russia, Russia, Russia showed his campaign cooperated with the Russians (note his associates in prison right now) and that he obstructed the investigation. He is only one of three impeached US Presidents, and he did exactly what he was accused of doing. And coronavirus is hardly a hoax.
He never said it was and, for the Liar Extraodinaire here, all of this is rich, coming from you, especially since the Lefties were unable to prove anything and he was acquitted.
He calls the press and others the Enemy of the People.
Most of the people agree on the press. 28% approval. Which others would you care to specify?
In 1917, Lenin said: “all leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, a party filled with enemies of the people, are hereby to be considered outlaws, and are to be arrested immediately and brought before the revolutionary courtâ€.
I’m sure you know all of Nicky’s big quotes by heart.
As trump gets further hemmed in by events and incompetence we’ll find out who is the enemy of the people. (Hint: it’s trump).
Since the markets are up 400 already and even some Lefties have had to agree he’s done a good job with the flu, still looks like the enemy (or enema) of the people is the Lefties.
Who knows what he’ll do if he senses he’ll lose in November.
Since Gropin’ Joe is the Demos’ Great White Hope, but is still as far round the bend as ever, nobody knows what the Demos will do if they can’t find somebody other than Bernie to run.
The press has been doing itself no favors by continuously printing and repeating lies long after they’ve been proven false. By deliberately lying with false information, or sins of omission, The Press has abused its trust and is no longer the delivers of truth. Just Propaganda mostly directly from the DNC press releases.
That’s what’s dangerous.
They’re just obeying the orders of their Inspirational Leader Goebbels: “If you repeat the lie often enough, people will believe it”. Not everybody but enough to do a “Russia Investigation”, an impeachment or even a coup. We shall see if it’s enough to FIX AN ELECTION.
Trump 2020 Unless you’re a Goebbels fan.
Thanks CNN…