At what point do we consider this Warmist doomsday cult to be child abusers?
One in five UK children report nightmares about climate change
One in five children are having nightmares about climate change, according to a British survey on Tuesday, as students globally stage protests over a lack of action to curb global warming.
About 17% of children in Britain said worries about climate change were disturbing their sleep while 19% said these fears were giving them nightmares.
The survey of 2,000 children aged eight to 16, conducted by pollster Savanta-ComRes for BBC Newsround, also found that two in five, or 41%, did not trust adults to tackle the climate crisis. (snip)
Emma Citron, a consultant clinical child psychologist based in London, said young people were clearly fearful about climate change with the survey finding 58% were worried about the impact that climate change will have on their lives.
“Public figures like David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg have helped young people to voice their worries and we have to make sure that we as adults listen to them and … help them become involved in positive change,” she said in a statement.
“We all need to support them not to feel hopeless but rather to present to them hopeful and balanced messages about their futures and ensure that they get the right professional help if their anxiety is unduly high.”
It would be helpful if the mental health workers themselves weren’t so often taking the side of the CoC, because that just embeds that their fears are real, rather than just part of a complete scam. The Credentialed Media, along with cultists like St. Greta and David, do not help, not when all they proclaim is doom and gloom.
Interestingly, most of these kids don’t want to give up all their trappings of a modern life.
As a sidebar, yes, the Cultists are blaming/linking the horrible tornado strike in Nashville, for which 19 are confirmed dead at the time I’m writing this, to ‘climate change’. Because they are ghouls and cultists. But, I’m not going to post tweets.

If not child abuse, it is at least brainwashing and indoctrination. All these kids hear, all day every day, is doom and gloom that may, might, possible happen sometime in the distant future. And these predictions get worse and worse as each person making them tries to out doom the one before. These kids never hear that every doom and gloom prediction made that was to happen by now has failed to happen. They are never told the immense good that is occurring because of the changing climate. They are never told that there is no proof that the current climate change is anything but natural variation.
Leave the kids alone. Or a least tell them the truth.
They can’t leave the kids alone, Nighthawk. It’s one of their rules: “Give me your four year olds and in a generation I will build a socialist state” V. Lenin.
My personal favorite of Lenin’s is the one the left practices daily in every aspect of American life: “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.” If that doesn’t sum up the tactics of the Elwood’s of America, what does?
Trump 2020 Because we love America, not hate it.
You claim to love America, yet you hate 60% of Americans.
The projection is strong in this one. “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.â€
If that doesn’t sum up the tactics of the tRumpitista, what does?
Commies, socialists, rapists, murderers, mooooslems, fags, warmists, ghouls, snowflakes, perverts, libtard, gun-grabbers…
Once again Elwood, unlike you I hate no one. I hate things, not people. You hate people and therefore project that vile, pagan, un Christian hatred onto others….whom you hate. Typical Leninist tactic.
I hate the things commies,socialists,rapists, murderers, mooslems, fags, warmists, ghouls, snowflakes, perverts, libtards,and gun grabberes believe and represent not the humanity they are. Don’t you hate those things or are you for murder, rape, perversion and gun grabbers? Lenin wasn’t talking about calling a spade a spade, he was talking about using woords to divide a culture to destroy it. Like you are doing calling people criminals who have never been convicted of a crime. Or calling climate skeptics “deniers” to discredit them. That’s the Commie in you Elwood.
Trump 2020 Keep haters and commies out of america.
Which 60% is this?
Lefties? Warmists?
The projection is strong in this one. “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.â€
Sounds like you.
If that doesn’t sum up the tactics of the tRumpitista, what does?
America First? MAGA? KAG?
Commies, socialists, rapists, murderers, mooooslems, fags, warmists, ghouls, snowflakes, perverts, libtard, gun-grabbers…
Did you just confess to murder?
And you know Islam is like the Hotel California. You can check out any time you like,
but you can never leave!
You call your fellow Americans commies, socialists, perverts, fags, gun-grabbers, warmists, cultists, murderers, moooslems… these are slurs you attribute to groups of people.. not all immigrants are immigrants, not all Muslims are murderers, few Americans are communists or socialists, few Americans are gun-grabbers.
So please just stop pretending you don’t hate the groups – you clearly do. To you, ALL gays are ‘fags’ and ‘perverted’, all Muslims are vile etc, all atheists are vile…
Rapin’ Don is just a fun nickname like Gropin’ Joe, Mini Mike, Mocha Messiah, The Ozarks, Warmists, CofC etc.
Biden 2020: Keep haters and neo-fascists out of America.
Typical Leninist tactic.
If you put your kids into the government’s schools, this is what you get. It’s not just climate change. It’s the entire leftist agenda. 75% of high school graduates have no idea who Stalin was. 90% of them don’t know that Communism killed over 100 million of mostly their own people in the last century. It’s not an accident. if you care about something, take control of it. If you care about what your kids are learning, don’t entrust your kids to left wing activists to teach them.
In the last 365 days in the USA there were 1.36 hot temp records broken for every 1 cold temp record broken
Teach what do you think is causing this accelerating heat rise ? Can we at least eliminate some possible causes ?
John-are they supposed to be the same? No
Ever hear of the jet stream?
I’m OK with that. Record cold kills more than the Coronavirus every year. if it were possible to raise the temperature of the planet by a few degrees, we should do it intentionally as an international policy.
[…] Cove – Cult Of Climastrology Now Causing 1 In 5 UK Kids To Have Nightmares That whole “It’s for the children” schtick needs a little […]