Does he have a point? He claims his “My proposal resists the flawed reasoning of the radical Left while embracing market-based solutions to reduce carbon emissions”
It’s Time for Conservatives to Own the Climate-Change Issue
There is an interesting political tactic often employed by the Left, and it follows a predictable pattern. First, identify a problem most of us can agree on. Second, elevate the problem to a crisis. Third, propose an extreme solution to said crisis that inevitably results in a massive transfer of power to government authorities. Fourth, watch as conservatives take the bait and vociferously reject the extreme solutions proposed. Fifth and finally, accuse those same conservatives of being too heartless or too stupid to solve the original problem on which we all thought we agreed.
This is the pattern we have seen play out with respect to climate change. With ever-more-extreme “solutions†such as the Green New Deal being proposed, conservatives have quickly taken the bait, falling into the tired political trap set by leftists. But I believe we no longer have to do this. We can fight back against the alarmism with tangible solutions based on reason, science, and the free market.
I recently joined House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in unveiling a proposal that takes existing innovative technologies — ones that have proven to reduce emissions here in the United States — that the U.S. can then market and export to the world. After all, climate change is a global issue, and with global energy demand expected to increase by 25 percent over the next 20 years, there is a distinct need for the U.S. to export cleaner energy sources to the developing world, as well as to the biggest CO2 emitters, such as China and India. Crushing our own economy, as the Green New Deal would have us do, will not stop worldwide growth in emissions or decrease worldwide energy demand.
He goes on for quite a bit, I’d recommend reading the whole thing. That said, is he right? Dan is a pretty reliable conservative, right?
No. He’s involved in two big fallacies. First, in order to “fix” the climate crisis caused by Mankind means admitting that it is mostly/solely caused by Mankind’s action, which it is not. Second, he lays out the five parts of the predictable pattern. There is a 6th, which Dan, and other Republicans, are falling for, namely, that Republicans have to show that they are Doing Something so they don’t appear heartless or too stupid, when they know that the issue is a load of mule fritters at its base. Why respond to something that they know is false?
There’s nothing wrong with pushing for better R&D into alternative energy sources, in modernization, etc. They don’t have to have anything to do with the climate crisis scam. As soon as Republicans admit there is a crisis from anthropogenic climate change, they’ve lost. And fell right into the trap. And become Useful Idiots. Don’t be a Useful Idiot.

that Republicans have to show that they are Doing Something so they don’t appear heartless or too stupid
Also known as the Well, We Have To Have A Bill syndrome. It really means they want to stand beside the President when the pens are handed out at the signing ceremony.
Part of the Too Long In DC syndrome.
The Republicans (if there are any more) need to concentrate on getting the power back from the courts, the deep State, the Fake News Media and academia and stop jumping like sissybitches at every dumbass idea the radical left throws out. They are using this shit to keep us fro fixing the immigrant hordes coming here to change both the culture that is America and the power structure by establishing a permanent leftist regime.
This is what they do all the time. Last time it was a healthcare crisis meanwhile they graduated 8 years of leftist lawyers from Ivy League schools, indoctrinated 12 million school students into a life of submission and let in 20 million immigrants so they can infest red states and make them blue. They use these crises like a guy torments a cat with a red dot laser pointer.
What we need is a patriotic revival to shine the light on the commies behind these curtains. Somehow the Elwood’s of America made patriotism a bad word synonymous with raaacist and sexist. They push queers as good, communism as good, mooslems as good, any POC over any white as good, any culture but ours as good, government control as good, gun grabbing as good, hate speech as good, and the myriad of baggage that travels with people who are both perpetually aggrieved and perpetually pissed off.
And we have let them. That’s why they hate Trump, because he’s one of us and that pisses them off.
Trump 2020 Our American birthright depends on it!
The Rep says, “We can fight back against the alarmism with tangible solutions based on reason, science, and the free market.”
Tangible solutions to what? A hoax? According to the right, scientists falsified data to make it look as if the Earth was warming as part of a communist plot to form a one world government.
Glad you admit it.
As I say Too Long In DC syndrome. Send him home, get a better Conservative.
Denying science, reason and the obvious is not Conservatism, it’s Madness.
Commenter typed: Too Long In DC syndrome
Lt. Commander Dan Crenshaw has been in DC for just one year, after serving 10 years as a Navy SEAL. He has a BA from Tufts in International Relations and MPA from Harvard.
Are you saying he’s too brave and too smart to be a Conservative?
The GOP adopted denialism in earnest around 2008 for political reasons. They were wrong then and wrong now but are now realizing they’ve painted themselves into a corner, so they’re looking for ways to start walking back their ignorant stance. Good luck.
This was all predictable.
Denying science, reason and the obvious is not Conservatism, it’s Madness.
Then why don’t you stop doing it?
Lt. Commander Dan Crenshaw has been in DC for just one year, after serving 10 years as a Navy SEAL. He has a BA from Tufts in International Relations and MPA from Harvard.
Are you saying he’s too brave and too smart to be a Conservative?
No, not smart enough. After all, he went to Haavahd. And, if he was brave, he wouldn’t be caving to dead heads like you.
It only took Renee Ellmers a couple of years before she exhibited Too Long In DC syndrome.
The GOP adopted denialism in earnest around 2008 for political reasons. They were wrong then and wrong now but are now realizing they’ve painted themselves into a corner, so they’re looking for ways to start walking back their ignorant stance. Good luck.
One swab does not a navy make.
This was all predictable.
So was your desperation once they picked the senator from Dementia as their nominee.
“Tangible solutions to what?†Exactly. A solution in search of a problem. What problem?
Some Republicans suspect there may be something to this whole global warming ‘hoax’ after all, and that the denialism schtick, while useful politically, may not be good for the country or even the world.
Which still doesn’t answer the question of “what problem�
Some Rs still think they have to be nice to the Demos.
These were the Whigs in the 1850s. The abolitionists called them dough faces because they gave the “slavers” everything they wanted.
Being an agent for the slavers yourself, I’m sure you approve of such behavior.
Sleepy Joe.
What can you say. in 2016 HRC was under investigation by the FBI for all kinds of stuff she did wrong.
Now in 2020. Good ole Sleepy, Creepy, Nursing Home Joe is under investigation by the Ukraine for meddling and corruption. His son is under investigation and now China would love to investigate him but unfortunately they LOVE Sleepy, Creepy, Nursing Home Joe, who will bend over for China and finish selling America to the Communists.
Good ole Creepy Joe. He thinks hes running for the senate and he thinks his own wife is his sister.
And this is what the Democrats offer. A communist and a crook. What a choice. Only in the DNC could you run a commie and a crook and cover it up by the MSM. So badly in fact that when Chris Matthews called out Bernie he was set up, framed and fired. Excuse me he retired.
Good thing he didnt say those things about HRC or he just might have to committ suicide.
Only in the DNC. Really. A party that has sold all our jobs overseas and then screams that all our jobs have been sent overseas. Meanwhile back at the Ranch, the GOP wants cheap labor, Trump has shut that down and now the Establishment wants cheap labor because Trump Doesnt.
Yeah The new world order is working out great Elwood. You should sign up.
According to Cons, Black Americans support Democrats because of “free stuff”. Candidate Senator Sanders offers more “free stuff” than in any candidate in history, yet Black Americans overwhelmingly prefer traditional VP Biden over Senator Sanders.
Why is that?
Blacks under democratic leadership have had only one option in America. Live on the plantation, shut up and accept the peanuts we give you.
Under Trump they have seen the largest drop in unemployment in history. Thousands of new Black businesses opening because of Trumps actions.
Why do you suppose they prefer Biden over Sanders. Blacks now are being freed of the tyranny of the Left for the first time in a hundred years.
The right is not racist any more than the left is racist. The difference is we know we have problems and are trying to fix them. You on the other hand cant see your a racist because your too busy obsessing over what the other side is doing rather than doing something yourself to make America Great.
Why don’t you ask one? I figure it’s a matter of the devil they know vs. a communist self hating Jew. What’s your opinion?
The Democratic Party has sunk lower than it has ever descended in its long history. That’s a high bar to climb over, too. This party has pushed some of the worst ideas and most destructive policies ever seen, including its defense of slavery and the Confederacy during the Civil War; the creation of the KKK to harass and kill former slaves; the enactment of an intricate web of laws throughout the South to prevent former slaves and their descendants from exercising their full rights as citizens; calling in armed soldiers to prevent black kids from attending state college; using “progressive†policies to destroy great cities across the country (Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Philly and San Francisco among them); passing off a serial sexual predator as a champion defender of women; attempting to destroy the U.S. healthcare industry while lying through their teeth about it; nominating Hillary Clinton as its candidate for President; using the power of the federal government to spy on the rival party’s presidential candidate; and of course Chuck Schumer who now has taken to threatening Supreme Court justices. What a party the Democrats have become.
Trump 2020 As we watch the Democrat party rot!
I know the answer, I was just wondering if you guys did.
David D says ‘plantation’ blah, blah, blah… If trump has been so wonderful for the working poor, including Black Americans, they will no doubt flock to the GOP/POT.
We’re all racist. But the right is more racist than the left. Both sides are trying to fix America’s problems but have different approaches.
You do REALIZE that you support Donald Trump, right? It’s always interesting when conservatives conflate liberalism with the Democratic Party going back a couple of centuries.
At what point in your life did you transform from being liberal to being the reactionary you are today?
At least there is a Democratic Party still. The GOP converted to the POT (Party of Trump) is just a year or two. Xenophobic, violent, debt embracing, cruel, hateful, crude, belligerent, bellicose – the party of conservative, Caucasian, Christians, with fealty to the wealthy.
When trump either resigns or loses, where will you go? The gun rack?
If trump has been so wonderful for the working poor, including Black Americans, they will no doubt flock to the GOP/POT.
They are. That’s why you’re so scared.
We’re all racist. But the right is more racist than the left. Both sides are trying to fix America’s problems but have different approaches.
Speak for yourself, Gwendolyn.
You do REALIZE that you support Donald Trump, right? It’s always interesting when conservatives conflate liberalism with the Democratic Party going back a couple of centuries.
You think liberalism means Lefty issues. It means a willingness to listen to all views.
The Demos stopped that around 1800.
At least there is a Democratic Party still. The GOP converted to the POT (Party of Trump) is just a year or two..
No, the party of James Polk and Thomas Jefferson died at Fort Sumter.
Xenophobic, violent, debt embracing, cruel, hateful, crude, belligerent, bellicose
you mean like Chuckie Scumer yesterday?
When trump either resigns or loses, where will you go? The gun rack?
We still on that? Trump will win. Gropin’ Joe will have a little “episode” and the Demos will appoint a Sargent Shriver as nominee.
Hey, maybe the Hildabeast. All they have to do is find a way to keep her on her feet.
Maybe because much of the process of the last week was as rigged as the Demos always try to make it.
I doubt Gropin’ Joe, he of the restrictive convention on his house and his long association with segregationists, is really all that popular with blacks or anybody else.
It would explain why it took him 40 years to win an election outside DE only after the DNC told all the apparatchiks Gropin’ Joe must win.
Did the Democratic Party rig the votes for VP Biden??? With that much power why didn’t the beat the odious trump? We think, liar that you are, that you’re just full of it.
Of course, they did. You honestly believe he had this sudden spike after telling the world he was happy to be in NC, running for the Senate seat in SC, and would be proud to appoint the first black woman to the US Senate?
And Trump was popular. Trump was liked. Everybody hated the Hildabeast like they hate Gropin’ Joe, although the Beast did try.
And I could care less what you and your cartoon characters think because you know I’m right.
And that scares you. You’re in so much trouble you’ll lose the House, lose ground in the Senate and get creamed in the debates.
You’re history for the next 40 years.
Buttigieg dropped out in favor of Biden to get a deal………QUID PRO QUO!!!
Kloubachar dropped out in favor of Biden to get a deal……..QUID PRO QUO!!!
Bloomberg dropped out to endorse Biden over Sanders………..QUID PRO QUO!!!
Warren Dropped out well she is still trying to get a deal but since she is a Woman and an Indian and a progressive ……..NO QUID PRO QUO FOR YOU.
Tulsi Gabbard is the only one with moxie and integrity and the Democrats have done everything they can to keep her squashed. There rule was if you have any delegates you get to be on the next debate…Well she got a delegate so the DNC CHANGED THE RULES>
QUID PRO QUO JOE and the DNC are at it again.