…are wonderful low carbon sail boats for when the world floods, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a Canadian high school teacher being reprimanded for insulting Islam on Facebook.

…are wonderful low carbon sail boats for when the world floods, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a Canadian high school teacher being reprimanded for insulting Islam on Facebook.
Doubtless, she floats.
Those are some mighty delicate-looking straps holding that outfit up.
Question of the Day (and it’s being asked a lot in the wake of Steyer’s and Bloomie’s failures)
If Bloomberg Couldn’t Buy 2020, How Could Russia Buy 2016?
(I’m so verklempt)
Steyer and Bloomberg obeyed the laws, duh.
Sure they did. How many NDS did Lil’ Mike have women sign?
They lie, you swear to it. The left is in full CYA mode.
Do you have proof that they broke laws?
How many NDA’s did Rapin’ Don have women sign? He lies, you swear to it.
The POT is in full CYA mode.
As a matter of fact, we do.
According to you, most of his “assaults” we chance encounters. You don’t do NDSes for that. NDSes are for employees. Bloomie’s the one who needed NDSes.
And you’re the one who’s desperate. You’ve got a doddering pervert who’s your nominee.
And, while I have you here, you always say the country is on your side. A little something to explain why yours is the party of geezers and why the Conservatives are winning
How would you know?
You say the Russkies broke the law when there’s no proof.
Russia spent an estimated 200-300k on facebook ads and it (supposedly) changed the election.
Bloomberg spent 600 million and he got 5 votes from American Somoa.
Yeah we all know that the left is delusional. They have a nursing home escapee and a communist wannabe leading them to the promised land.
All Hail, Trump. The left wants to get rid of stuff in the constitution. I say The right Get rid of the two term president and let Trump serve 4 or 5 terms. Should about be right.
300K ads on facebook? That’s all? That only eough for every voter in the 2016 election to see a tenth of an ad. Nothing like the landslide of ads were were all forced to see from Bloomberg. 300K ads from Facebook, must have set the Russians back a whole $200 or $300. That’s a serious commitment to tampering with US elections.
Trump: The economy is the best economy we’ve ever had; it’s nothing compared to what it’s going to be when the trade deals kick it.
Host: But if you don’t cut something in entitlements, you’ll never really deal with the debt.
Trump: Oh, we’ll be cutting, but we’ll also have growth like you’ve never had before.
Promises, promises… The GOP/POT dream: Economic growth will cure everything. But the remarkable growth never seems to happen. Trump: … three, four, five, even six percent…. Try 2.1%
Cut taxes for the rich, run up the debt, cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid in an attempt to balance the budget.
I happen to agree with much of what you said here. Your problem is that rather than suggest some basic ideas you resort to the old “cut taxes on the rich” crap and the scare tactic of threatening cuts in SS, Medicare and Medicaid. If you refuse to admit the truth we can’t agree on the fixes we need.
Economic growth does cure everything but not when it’s all being sucked up by Bezos, Buffett, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, Walton and Koch.
We have a real problem in America and it’s been growing for quite some time: Capitalism has been twisted into some sort of conspiracy between government and certain industries and that automatically forces out actual competition and a more even spread of wealth.
But I do not believe electing a socialist or communist as President will address this problem. If anything it will invert the dichotomy and create poverty instead of wealth as history has proved.
Similarly, the leftists have shown absolutely no respect for American traditions which are important to our country and no respect for the rights of Americans other than abortion (which exists nowhere) and are a clear and present danger to our borders, culture and demographics.
Trump 2020 Because the alternatives will mean genocide.
You’re spreading the fear of genocide but complaining that others are using “fear tactics”? Really?
Do you really think a President Joe Biden would promote American genocide? Line up conservatives “against the wall” as you like to say? (Just more projection).
Anyway, to start to correct income/wealth inequality in the US we need to identify the problem: that we’ve become a plutocracy – our lawmakers’ actual constituency is the wealthy and corporations. Policies on tax, labor, wages, healthcare, immigration, fiscal, monetary, trade, patent/trademark, bankruptcy, finance, environment, worker safety… in fact, all policies reward the wealthy at the expense of the working classes, and the situation is reaching the breaking point. We have only 3.5% unemployment but many, many, many Americans are still living paycheck to paycheck… or worse. Corporate profits skyrocket but workers’ pay does not.
Perhaps President Biden will bring Senator Warren into the White House as a Sr. Economic Advisor.
The GOP plan is further tax cuts for the rich and corporations and to cut Social Security and Medicare payouts.
Perhaps you shout ‘genocide’ because you favor tax cuts. Or maybe because you hate abortion. Or want prayers in school. Or want to torment gays.
We don’t need to destroy capitalism, we need to regulate capitalism so that our economic system serves all Americans, not just the few. Capitalism does have some obvious negatives: monopoly, negative externalities, wealth/income inequalities, need for constant growth; but these can be addressed (except maybe for constant growth/consumption?) without the state assuming the means of production.
You’re spreading the fear of genocide but complaining that others are using “fear tactics� Really?
Straw man plus you’re just being paranoid. Same old, same old.
Anyway, to start to correct income/wealth inequality in the US we need to identify the problem: that we’ve become a plutocracy – our lawmakers’ actual constituency is the wealthy and corporations. Policies on tax, labor, wages, healthcare, immigration, fiscal, monetary, trade, patent/trademark, bankruptcy, finance, environment, worker safety… in fact, all policies reward the wealthy at the expense of the working classes, and the situation is reaching the breaking point. We have only 3.5% unemployment but many, many, many Americans are still living paycheck to paycheck… or worse. Corporate profits skyrocket but workers’ pay does not.
Deny the facts; who you gonna believe, me or your lyion’ eyes.
Blue collars and no collars doing better than anybody else.
Zippy had insuperable majorities that could have given Bolshevik Bunny his Commie paradise, but it never happened.
Answer: the Mocha Messiah was in the hip pocket of Wall Street.
Perhaps President Biden will bring Senator Warren into the White House as a Sr. Economic Advisor.
Perhaps Gropin’ Joe will show up to the debates without his pants so we can all see his hairy legs.
The GOP plan is further tax cuts for the rich and corporations and to cut Social Security and Medicare payouts.
Those tax cuts helped everybody, but Hypocrite Hare doesn’t want to help the “working classes”, he wants to rule them (don’t you know the useless idiots like you are the first to the wall?).
Perhaps you shout ‘genocide’ because you favor tax cuts. Or maybe because you hate abortion. Or want prayers in school. Or want to torment gays.
Straw man, straw man, straw man, straw man.
We don’t need to destroy capitalism, we need to regulate capitalism so that our economic system serves all Americans, not just the few. Capitalism does have some obvious negatives: monopoly, negative externalities, wealth/income inequalities, need for constant growth; but these can be addressed (except maybe for constant growth/consumption?) without the state assuming the means of production.
No, they just want to do what they did with GM and nationalize health care.
But that’s all.
We promise.
And if you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
You answered my inquiry. Obviously you are more interested in promoting the leftist agenda than solving real problems. The mere threat of a douche like Warren as a Sr. Economic Adviser puts a chill down my spine. She’s a liar and a fraud. We don’t need more of that. She’s also not an economist. She’s described as a lawyer, advocate, scholar and professor. Obviously by some person who actually believes all those things.
I didn’t “shout genocide”, I typed it after you repeated many, many times your goal and I assume the goal of your party (either Democrat or communist whichever) is to make white people a minority in the United States. That is deliberate racial genocide since this nation is a white nation. Do you want to make Japanese a minority in Japan? How about Africans a minority in Sudan? No, just whites in America. That is racist.
I was trying yo find a way to get to some sort of agreement at least about what we need to do to turn around the lop-sided wealth in this country. You’re more interested in putting your radical leftist communist dogma first. I will not again attempt to discuss anything with you since I can’t get a rational reply just shibboleths and leftists sloganeering.
People like you, pure anti Americans, is why the Democrat Party is self imploding. Thanks for playing.
Trump 2020 We need to keep America great!
Also, when it comes to threats an wanting to kill your fellow citizens nobody does it better than leftists. Aside from the not-so-veiled threats to harm two SC justices by that flack shit-faced commie Schumer another of you pinkos was spouting off about killing us:
Democrat councilwoman for the city of Denver Candi CdeBaca stated from her government official Twitter account that she stands in “solidarity†with someone who posted that if they become infected with the coronavirus they will attend as many Trump rallies as possible to infect supporters of President Trump.
The original Tweet, now deleted, read,
For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can.
Councilwoman CdeBaca’s response: “#solidarity Yaaaas!!,†followed by a conga line of enthusiastic emojis.
CdeBaca is a straightforward communist who has proclaimed her desire to impose Marxism “by any means necessary.†Unsurprisingly, she supports Bernie Sanders, who won yesterday’s primary in Colorado.
Republican National Committee Rapid Response Director Steve Guest was correct when he described “the depths to which Democrats are sinking to politicize coronavirus†as “disgusting.†He might also have said, “revealing.â€
Revealing, indeed.
Trump 2020 Keep the leftist killers out of government.
But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country’s nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama’s presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush.
Don’t you find your sides hypocrisy a bit disturbing? I mean the left has now adopted part of the rights platform and the right has adopted part of the lefts platform.
Were you demanding Obama take those kids out of cages?
Were you demanding Obama stop building border fencing?
Were you demanding Obama stop deporting Illegals?
Were you demanding Cities and Companies stop protecting Illegals and giving them jobs because it affect your precious unions?
I bet you were. I bet you were. I bet you were.
Today you call us bigots and homophobes for doing the very thing your party did for decades. LOL.
Bolshevik Bunny is scared. Gropin’ Joe is the Great White Hope (hah!).
Lefties haven’t cared about the debt since Woody Wilson, but now it’s IMPORTANT.
Same old class warfare. Same scare tactics.
Whachu gonna do when you lose the House again?
it will be fun watching john/Jeff loudly proclaim they were for Biden all along… now that the party bosses have decided who he should support.