…is a climate killing dog, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on shopping in San Francisco.

…is a climate killing dog, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on shopping in San Francisco.
Think about it.
That’s a nice bathroom. I wonder who did her tile.
Impeached Rapin’ Don on Senator Warren: I think lack of talent was her problem. She had a tremendous lack of talent … she is a very mean person and people don’t like her. People don’t want that. They like a person like me that isn’t mean.
We call her Pocahontas for a reason.
Yes, Shroom Dong, we know the reason. You’re a degenerate, racist asswipe.
“At the same time, I have to say, people are now staying in the United States, spending their money in the U.S. — and I like that”.
One could almost feel sorry for this deteriorating, vain old man if he wasn’t such an asshole. You know, Rapin’ Don, this also means people aren’t coming to the US to spend money, duh.
Yeah, Rapin’ Don, that’s why the unpopular Hillary Clinton got 3 million more votes than you did.
Acquitted President Trump knows a loser when he sees one, just like the rest of the American people.
he is a very mean person and people don’t like her.
Just like you.
Yes, Shroom Dong, we know the reason. You’re a degenerate, racist asswipe.
Here comes the bear suit. Starting to sink in the Lefties lose big this year.
One could almost feel sorry for this deteriorating, vain old man if he wasn’t such an asshole.
You shouldn’t talk about your party’s nominee that way. Gropin’ Joe is the choice of all the people who know Lefties are losers.
Even though he’s a Leftie, too.
You know, Rapin’ Don, this also means people aren’t coming to the US to spend money, duh.
No, little rapist, people are coming to make money and invest it here. You just don’t get capitalism.
Yeah, Rapin’ Don, that’s why the unpopular Hillary Clinton got 3 million more votes than you did.
4 million less. Fraudulent votes don’t count.
Oh no, here comes more whining and bitching from the little sissybitch…
Lolgfy Jeffery
I don’t know about that dog. Got a serious “don’t screw with me” look on his face.
Here’s a little something else for that crybaby, little sissybitch, to whine about…
Bwaha! Lolgfy Jeffery
The Democrats are still pimping the Chinese Flu as the corona virus equally lethal to the Black Plague in their ongoing efforts to undermine the Trump administration by hook or by crook. Russia failed, tax returns too, then pissing prostitutes and ex’s represented by Creepy Porn Lawyer. The coup failed. Then they moved onto Ukraine followed by a sham impeachment all of which failed. Interestingly they ruined their own party in their efforts.
The left has shown itself and it’s phony operators to not to be beyond any trick to get Trump. They’re running out of time before the election so a nice disease to kill off a few people is in their mind all they can do since Trump signed peace treaties in Afghanistan so another war is temporarily out of the picture.
It’s another terrible day for the stock market, illustrating the fact that the markets don’t necessarily bear much relation, in the short term, to economic realities. Today the February jobs report was released, and it was a blockbuster:
* 273,000 new jobs created, well exceeding expectations.
* 85,000 jobs added RETROSPECTIVELY to the January and December reports.
* Unemployment rate back down to a historically low 3.5%.
* Wages up by 3%, year over year.
Investors may be spooked by coronavirus, temporarily, but betting against the Trump economy is unlikely to prove profitable in the long run. The left is still working on other ways to get Trump so I imagine every possible way of harvesting fraudulent votes is now in play. We must be vigilant in making sure we don’t get screwed like they tried last time by putting the “votes” in the wrong states. Had they not been so cocksure about PA, Ohio et al they would have won. But the speed at which they conceded defeat proves they did not want nor could legally afford a recount. But they could afford a Coup D’Etat and that they will pay dearly for after the reelection.
Trump 2020 Time to clean the traitors out of government!!!!
Investors are spooked by the fact Red China could collapse so fast, given all that universal healthcare and communist dictatorship.
The Democrats are still pimping the Chinese Flu as the corona virus equally lethal to the Black Plague in their ongoing efforts to undermine the Trump administration by hook or by crook.
CA declared a state of emergency (no kidding! CA’s enlightened Lefty sanitation policies make Messina in 1347 look like the Presidential Suite at Walter Reed) and the markets freaked. MD declared on yesterday and the markets gained back most of what they lost.
One presumes DC getting decimated by the Black Death (was that racist?) isn’t as big as issue for your average American.
“One presumes DC getting decimated by the Black Death (was that racist?)”
No but “Investors are spooked by the fact Red China could collapse so fast,” is!
Raaaacist! (I got it in before Elwood)