No, seriously, Credentialed Media folks and Democrats, along with #NeverTrumper nutballs, are actually going down this road. Her’s CNN’s Chris Cillizza
Is coronavirus Donald Trump’s Katrina?
What sunk President George W. Bush and Republicans in his second term wasn’t the war in Iraq. It was his administration’s mishandling of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Whispers have begun that President Donald Trump’s handling (or mishandling) of the ongoing coronavirus epidemic has the potential to have political consequences just as devastating for the GOP.
“Viral Katrina,” tweeted “Never Trump” Republican Rick Wilson over the weekend.
The problem for the administration at the moment is an inability to stay on message. The White House and/or experts on the coronavirus task force say one thing that is then publicly contradicted by the President.
Except, see, the problems with Katrina weren’t due to the Bush administration: states like Alabama and Mississippi, which saw a direct strike from Katrina, did much better because they had Republican governors who took appropriate action pre and post hurricane, working with Los Federales. Louisiana’s Democrat governor refused to declare a state of emergency in time, despite Bush begging Kathleen Blanco. Further, the Democrat run government of New Orleans was utterly incompetent. Remember the buses (the article is charitable) that weren’t used? The failure to declare an emergency in a timely fashion (they waited till 24 hours out). Most of the rest of the state actually did well.
In the last two days I've seen the coronavirus described as potentially "Trump's Katrina" and "Trump's Iran hostage crisis." These people are crossing their fingers so tight for something awful to happen you can hear their knuckles cracking.
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) March 8, 2020
What the Media, Dems, and #NeverTrumpers want is Americans being harmed, hurt, and killed for their political purposes.
More: And, then I look and see this
The coronavirus is Trump’s Chernobyl—a growing catastrophe in which the government response is deadly because Trump is more worried about protecting the myths that define his alternative reality than protecting vulnerable people who will die. My column:
— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) March 9, 2020

Too bad Trump got ahead of this.
Too bad he isn’t a wuss like Ol’ Bucketmouth.
Too bad I didn’t come up with a terrific line like, “These people are crossing their fingers so tight for something awful to happen, you can hear their knuckles cracking”.
Four weeks ago I told my family that the press was starting the panic. There is nothing to this virus but every few minutes they start acting like bubonic plague was prevalent. The only concern is among the elderly in nursing homes, but the common cold has much the same effect. I get weekly bulletins from the medical board and they indicate this is nothing.
Trump will and has been hampered in his efforts by Obama holdovers and the excessive press designed to keep the panic going.
Tell me more about the FMF (Fake Media Flu).
“According to the most recent report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), among the roughly 34 million people who have suffered from the flu this season, 20,000 have died. Influenza A viruses were the most commonly reported, as opposed to the usual predominance of Influenza B. 136 deaths of children have been reported; the CDC noted, “rates among school aged children and young adults are higher at this time than in recent seasons and rates among children 0-4 years old are now the highest CDC has on record at this point in the season, surpassing rates reported during the second wave of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.”
I imagine Flu A and B are also Trump’s fault.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the cowards win.
An interesting yet tragic point is that when most people die from the flu, no one takes a sample and rushes it off to the CDC for testing so that some geek bureaucrat can have complete statistics. The same will be true for most of the patients who die from this. There may already be patients dying of Flu A and B who actually have Corona, or both. But the mechanisms for death will likely be something like pneumonia or heart failure, brought on by inflammation.
You are in that “at risk” age group. Take care of yourself. Not sure I would recommend the Flu shot. They seem to be totally a placebo. Stay away from hospitals. Wear gloves in public. And thank God for every new day you are alive instead of the alternative.
I sure am in that group plus, I’m waiting for a bilateral lung transplant. Been on the list 3 years. I have COPD and Emphaysema I can’t avoid hospitals since I have ongoing tests monthly but I do wear a mask and always wear latex gloves.
Uh, oh-another far left governor supports Trump’s handling of the outbreak. He must not have received the MSDNC memo ….
If Newsom wants a job at a higher level (Congress), he has to handle this thing right.
Trump’s way is the right way, but thanks for linking that. Jeffery will go nuts.
BTW See where the chief of WHO praised Trump’s response?
Jeffery can’t even trust the UN.
And just like that another fake Trump attack bites the dust. So far he’s been unscathed by War pulling out of Afghanistan, Famine keeping employment up across the board, and now Pestilence. If he can keep avoiding Death America has it made. We can keep Child Rapin’, hair sniffin’ Joe out!!
Trump 2020 Even the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse can’t take him down!
Now that’s a slogan.
It’s Child Rapin’ Don, the one accused in great detail of raping a 13 year old girl at his buddy Epstein’s residence.
So does Sibley the Hypocrite now trust WHO?
You have nothing but a baseless statement. Accusation without evidence is just words. And great detail is how fiction writers make their living. You’ve accused Trump of incest. It’s how low and perverted you and the rest of the Left are.
No proof.
We’ve seen Willie on the plane grabbing the 15 year old. We’ve seen Willie grabbing any number of babes; how many consented? We’ve heard how he attacked any number of women. He admitted taking advantage of Monica.
Hundreds of pix of Obiden-Bama snorting little girls’ hair, grabbing little girls, holding babies by their crotch. That’s assault under the law and rape according to MeToo.
The Child Assaulters are you and Gropin’ Joe, so it’s understandable you’d stick up for him.
Disgusting, but understandable
So does Sibley the Hypocrite now trust WHO?
No, but it shoots your little narrative all to Hell. You’ve bitched Trump should have listened to WHO.
WHO says Trump has done it better than anyone.
And, on the same subject, Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Director of the Columbia University Integrative Medicine Center argues that the coronavirus mortality rate from Korea is no worse than the common flu.
Go back to your pinup of the Mocha Messiah and jerk off some more.
Rapin’ Don now is afraid that members of the press will intentionally contract Covid-19 and transmit it to him on Air Force-1. It would be hilarious if not so pathetic.
WHO and Gov Newsom are trying to encourage tRump, so that he won’t go even crazier. It’s a fool’s errand, of course, since tRump views kindness as weakness.
What do conservatives think of the proposed socialism from the tRump “economic team”? Welfare payments to workers who must stay home because of this “hoax”?
Dr. Oz promotes pseudoscientific treatments and quackery. In your link Oz said we shouldn’t rush unregulated/untested vaccines to the populace. The opposite of what you and Orange Julius propose.
Mexico will pay for all testing for the virus
This is what the MSM is defending and trying to pin on Trump.
China Raises Threat of Rare-Earths Cutoff to U.S.
Beijing could slam every corner of the American economy, from oil refineries to wind turbines to jet engines, by banning exports of crucial minerals.
At this time, China has not fallen into rocks and has not condemned the United States. At this time, the United States should recognize its mistakes. Apologize to China for your actions.
From China state media:
The punchline? If China retaliates against the United States at this time, including a travel ban or a strategic restriction over medical exports, America would be “plunged into the mighty sea of coronavirus.â€
Xinhua notes that “most of the drugs in the United States are imported,†and that “most masks in the United States are made in China and imported from China,†an that if restricted, the US won’t be able to take “the most basic measures to prevent the new coronavirus.â€
The University of Manitoba is recommending faculty avoid unnecessary travel to China in light of an RCMP investigation involving two microbiology researchers and a possible “policy breach” at the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg. …READ Stealing TECHNOLOGY.
Harvard professor’s arrest shows Chinese spying via US universities
US intelligence warns China is using student spies to steal secrets
New Microsoft Warning—Huawei Threat Is ‘Real And Urgent’,,,,,,, Meanwhile EUROPE including UK is going ahead with plans to develop 5g in their nations using Huawei.
Find out if the drugs you take is made in China
The government that the LEFT including John and Elwood WORSHIP to take care of us all has sold us down the proverbial river.
Trump is rocking the boat of the billionaires who are getting filthy rich off the backs of Americans by creating their shit in sweatshops in China and then PREACHING TO US about the moral high ground.
A nation that abuses its citizens and violates basic human rights is used to pilfer the United States Citizen and now with the coronavirus running amuck guess what. China is not only threatening but HAS stopped sending medicines and equipment to the United States.
INDIA has as well: India to stop exporting Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients to the US (many, even most, US drugs or their APIs are manufactured in China and India)
Trump gets 3M and Honeywell to make masks and gowns but the material used to make them are produced in China and China is not sending anyone anything.
People who have put their faith in the US government are sorely in for a rude awakening when they soon realize there is no one in the hospitals to treat them because no more masks, gowns, and protective equipment. No drugs, shortages all through the health care field and why is that?
The government will save us right? Uh no they won’t. The government can’t wipe their butt without a dozen staff members having a committee hearing on the proper amount of toilet paper to use and which hand to hold said paper in.
Welcome to the new normal. These are just some of the reasons why the stock market is melting down. I am not telling the powers that be anything THEY don’t know. Its the man on the street that aint got a clue whats going on.
In fact it’s far-right extremists that WORSHIP the gov’t of tRump. We libs prefer a gov’t that works and regulates the economy to serve all Americans.
As we’ve said many times, it’s the US politicians who have crafted policies that favor billionaires and corporations over the working classes.
And it is reaching a breaking point. tRump was elected by white working members to address their plight, but he hasn’t.
As usual you’re full of shit. “In fact it’s far-right extremists that WORSHIP the gov’t of tRump.” That’s complete a total regurgitation of far-left commie propaganda. Why do you spout such ridiculous and false memes? BTW, “YOU LIBS” (YOU are NOT a lib. You are a far left ideologue and communist supporter) prefer a government that regulates every facet of the economy until you regulate it to death. Want proof? The Soviet Union, N. Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and quite a few in Africa. Only when China eased up on their “regulations” and allowed in some capitalistic ideas did they met themselves out of the shithole socialism dug for them.
Trump was elected by the very people HIS policies, not those of the billionaire class of Democrat thieves, grifters and criminals have helped over the last three years or haven’t YOU been watching?
Trump 2020 Get these commie bums out before we become a memory.
As usual you’re full of shit. Trump was elected by white working class Americans wanting their problems to be recognized. In part, Trump blamed immigrants, Blacks, women, gays, i.e., the “others” for white working class problems – flat wages, loss of privilege and respect, decimation of rural America.
Trump has done little to help except his “red hat” inclusion of them – making them feel they’re part of the “team” that will fix America. Emotionalism, little real substance.
Trump cut taxes for corporations and the super wealthy. Full stop.
tRump was elected by white working members to address their plight, but he hasn’t.
Only in your bizarro world Elwood. Only in your echo chamber where you actually believe what MSNBC and CNN tell you.
Forty-three percent (43%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports.
Under Obama that number was in the low 20’s for most of his presidency With a high of around 34 percent.
The Atlantic ran an article saying we lied about the Trump middle class tax cuts and got a bunch of our people elected to the house. Those billionaires you hate? Yeah Bloomberg spent millions getting them elected for you.
Bet you wished you could give that money back and the seats back to the Republicans don’t you?
Your such a disingenious hypocrite. When they have the world internet Troll in the dictionary it will have your picture as the poster child.
Of all the things the guy wrote you commented on one sentence. too funny. I read it and got the point. I’m pretty sure your still betting the US government will be able to shit personal protective equipment and drugs out their swamp rat ass because they are the government and they can do anything.
Including crapping 65 trillion dollars over 10 years to pay for Biden/Bernie social engineering and government takeover. Then its 75 trillion for the next 10 years. then 85 trillion for the next after that.
Good luck with that one Elwood. I am sure your kids and grandkids would like to bitch slap you in about 20 years when they are living in highrises with no plumbing but by god at least they get a free aspirin when they get a headache.
Is this a new David D or the old one?
How much do you suspect the US will spend over the next 10 years anyway? Any idea? Didn’t think so.
How much will we spend on healthcare?
The RCP avg of recent polls shows 40% thinking the country is headed in the right direction.
Even including a couple of high Rasmussen and FOX polls trump’s job approval is 44%.
Your kids and grandkids would like to bitch slap you in 20 years when they have to move because where they live now is uninhabitable. Or maybe just because you’re an asshole.
In fact it’s far-right extremists that WORSHIP the gov’t of tRump. We libs prefer a gov’t that works and regulates the economy to serve all Americans.
Remember when he said he loved capitalism?
What he describes is national socialism.
As we’ve said many times, it’s the US politicians who have crafted policies that favor billionaires and corporations over the working classes.
And, since 1932, which party has controlled Congress the longest?
And it is reaching a breaking point. tRump was elected by white working members to address their plight, but he hasn’t.
He can’t understand why people haven’t lost faith in Trump because of something with which he had nothing to do.
What he doesn’t want to face is that Trump has kept his promises and won their trust.
He also doesn’t want to believe that white people (“working members”? sounds like he means functioning phalluses) aren’t the only people who support Trump.
Considering minority unemployment is at its lowest EVER, it’s weird how Trump has benefitted people who didn’t even vote for him.
blacks votes for Zippy and just got screwed.
As usual you’re full of shit. Trump was elected by white working class Americans wanting their problems to be recognized. In part, Trump blamed immigrants, Blacks, women, gays, i.e., the “others†for white working class problems – flat wages, loss of privilege and respect, decimation of rural America.
He did? No he did not. He wanted illegal immigrants kept out, but he said nothing about immigrants, Blacks, women, homosexuals, or Hispanics.
As always, when stuffed in a corner, Bolshevik Bunny lies.
Trump has done little to help except his “red hat†inclusion of them – making them feel they’re part of the “team†that will fix America. Emotionalism, little real substance.
Blue and no collars are doing better than white collars these days and all your lies won’t change that. Blacks and Hispanics are doing better and that just kills you. Women are doing better and you wonder why won’t they follow the screeching feminuts.
Trump cut taxes for corporations and the super wealthy. Full stop.
Full stop, indeed.
Trump’s tax cuts benefitted everybody, giving them more take home after 8 years of Zippy taxing everything in sight.
No Stop.
Why did the markets drop 2000 points yesterday?
No, not Trump.
20% drop in oil prices, off Reuters.
So Jeffery knows nothing about investing, either.
Something else to ruin Jeffery’s day.
Off UPI (remember them?), corona cases in Red China continued to decline.
Looks like there won’t be a big die-off after all. And it’s not even Spring.
Does The Wiz know how to read or is he content to just make shit up.
I didn’t mention the Dow yesterday did I?
So H&R Blockhead knows nothing about anything.
Does The Wiz know how to read or is he content to just make shit up.
That’s what you do.
I link my stuff, remember? You’re the one who writes whatever flatulates out your ass.
I didn’t mention the Dow yesterday did I?
You must be taking Obiden-Bama Stupid Pills. You didn’t shut up about it.
20% drop in oil prices totally unrelated to Trump, according to one of the Leftiest news purveyors in the world. And it looks like the markets are making a lot of that back already. Up just under a thousand.
Too bad. I know you were counting on everybody impoverished so the Demos could get in offering free stuff for everybody.
Just like Obiden-Bama. the “working classes” are nothing but pawns to be used and abused.
So H&R Blockhead knows nothing about anything.
That’s you all over
“Trump blamed immigrants, Blacks, women, gays..â€. Another assertion by J without any proof..shocking
How much do you suspect the US will spend over the next 10 years anyway? Any idea? Didn’t think so.
Neither do you. Or do you have another one of your “projections”?
How much will we spend on healthcare?
Far less, thanks to Trump. Just because you spend money doesn’t mean you get value for it.
They pay you minimum wage and, man, are they getting cheated.
The RCP avg of recent polls shows 40% thinking the country is headed in the right direction.
It does? Wow!, I’ll bet that includes all the Fake News polls that were so wrong.
Even including a couple of high Rasmussen and FOX polls trump’s job approval is 44%.
What I said.
Your kids and grandkids would like to bitch slap you in 20 years when they have to move because where they live now is uninhabitable. Or maybe just because you’re an asshole.
Now you’re just describing yourself. I mean somebody who rusty trombones is not going to be loved.
And just like that, another item proving Jeffery wrong.
And this one’s a POLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Approval of Congressional Republicans tops Democrats
And after all that phony impeaching.
The reason Elwood is desperate and the DNC has their army of liars on the internet is because they are losing the hispanic and Black vote.
Record job growth among blacks, Hispanics, women, Asians. Record Small business creation among black communities, because of Trumps tax cuts, but more importantly…Deregulation.
The left believes in a tripod. Regulate, Litigate and Legislate to get things done. and of course never let a good crisis go to waste.
Emerson poll one of the most accurate of all polling companies has Trumps approval with blacks and Hispanics at 34 percent.
Even Democrats say that if Trump gets 20 percent of the black vote the Democrats cannot win a national election. Period. Game over. Thats why all the infighting in the DNC. They are panicked and knew the only way they win is to throw trump out of office not run against him.
And now they got Gropin Joe, the nursing home escapee who likes little kids to sit on his lap because it makes the hair on his leg stand up as their candidate to take on trump. By August Biden will most likely not even remember he is running for President. His VP pick will be crucial.
A lot would like Michelle Obama but she wants no part of Trump. she will wait until 2024 and then run and at least she would be a wall street crony instead of a chinese puppet like Biden.
And what experience does she have to do anything?
Here’s what Moochelle brings to the table:×441.jpg
Tastefull, ain’t she?
She has none, but then you don’t need any experience do you to run as a democrat?
I mean Bernie cant remember if his wife is his sister or the babysitter for kids that sit on his lap.
Mayor Pete ran a small city and they loved him.
Beto could jump on a bar or table with the best of them.
Bernie has been in congress for 37 years and hasnt done anything of note except get rich and then complain that people bitch about him being rich.
Who needs experience in the democratic party. You gotta remember this is the group that was Begging Oprah Winfree to run.