…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on people avoiding public places.

…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on people avoiding public places.
So the White House and DJT circulated a faked video of VP Biden supposedly endorsing the tRumpster.
Not surprising. Maybe VP Biden will sue tRump for defamation.
The Don and his adoring throng are getting desperate. How do you think his only campaign crutch for the non-extremists, which is the Best Economy Evah, will work after this quarter’s report comes out?
When this bloviating bag of gas could be trying to calm America, he lashes out at others.
So the White House and DJT circulated a faked video of VP Biden supposedly endorsing the tRumpster.
Don’t you mean Obiden-Bama? The guy who can’t remember his own name?
Don’t you mean the speech of him caught on tape saying, “We cannot win this re-election… We can only re-elect Donald Trump”?
The one who’s brain has turned to Jell-O in front of our eyes?
The one who said he was cool with the working classes losing their jobs for the Green Nude Ell?
The guy who says he wants fuel industry execs jailed?
The guy who endorsed the bill that will ruin CA’s economy?
Could be he’s the real reason the markets are down. The thought of a vegetable
How do you think his only campaign crutch for the non-extremists, which is the Best Economy Evah, will work after this quarter’s report comes out?
Just fine. The correction everybody said was coming (him included) got here a little early. Now the hot air is being let out of the markets.
And, sad to say, but, with the warm weather coming, your little plague that has your ghoulish heart dancing for joy, will evaporate. Viruses don’t like warm weather. Know how many corona cases (flu, not beer) they have in Latin America? 25.
Jeffery (or should I say David_D) is the bloviating bag of gas that could be trying to calm America, but he lashes out at others.
People aren’t dying the way they should, are they? Too bad you don’t have that commissar gig you dream about. Kulakization is a great way to start a famine.
“Now the hot air is being let out of the markets.”
Form, not trying to pick a fight. But that wasn’t hot air leaving the markets. That was my retirement savings. Through the magic of payroll deductions, new money flows into the market every week. Real money that people like me had to work for. Now it’s just gone. Not gone because of anything Trump did, but just gone because the market is a casino controlled by the House. And the House always wins. I still have the same number of shares in the same stocks, so technically, I haven’t really lost anything. But the value of what I had has been artificially deflated. But I have confidence that it will all come back, likely before the end of the year. I have that confidence not because of how I feel about Trump or Obama or any of the other silly things Jeff cares about. I have confidence because I know how the market works. It’s natural long term trend is to go up.
Sibley (or should I say Lil): Tell the Aussies that Covid hates warm weather.
Alternate hypotheses: Maybe black or brown skin protects folks from the virus. Or maybe there is less international traffic to South America or sub-Saharan Africa.
The market is down because tRump is unfit to be president and it shows during this minor crisis. He’s worried more about his own skin than the US. He doesn’t listen to experts (he got rid of many of them.
Now he’s looking for advice on the economy from Mnuchin and Kudlow! That is once he gets to the White House from fundraising with billionaires and playing golf in Florida Fri-Mon.
Neither Jeffrey nor David_D are President of the US, The Don IS! It’s his job but he’s only qualified to campaign and spark hatred in his most ardent admirers.
ell the Aussies that Covid hates warm weather.
75 whole cases. And most from people who have returned from Asia.
If you’re going to try something like this, do a little research to see how easily it’s rebutted.
Alternate hypotheses: Maybe black or brown skin protects folks from the virus. Or maybe there is less international traffic to South America or sub-Saharan Africa.
Does that sound as racist to you as it does to me? Or just as stupid?
The market is down because tRump is unfit to be president and it shows during this minor crisis
I thought this was a major crisis. The Black Death writ large!!! We’re all going to die!!! That’s what Fake News keeps saying.. That’s what you’ve been saying, David_D.
No, there’s an oil price war going on. Fake News is pushing panic over the flu, as they do all the time.
And lots of people, Demos included, know Obiden-Bama’s round the bend and unfit to be let outside on his own.
He’s worried more about his own skin than the US. He doesn’t listen to experts (he got rid of many of them.
He listened to the experts, but he also acted long before anybody else thought there was a need, but let’s go with that, “He’s worried more about his own skin than the US”, line for a sec.
The Demos screamed how racist and inhuman it was to close traffic with Red China. As we speak, they want to push a stimulus bill using this as an excuse (c’mon, let’s hear all that concern about the debt).
But Trump was right and he’s right now. Once people see they’re not going to die by the thousands (and they won’t), this all goes away.
Now he’s looking for advice on the economy from Mnuchin and Kudlow! That is once he gets to the White House from fundraising with billionaires and playing golf in Florida Fri-Mon.
Well, given Mnuchin and Kudlow are his advisers, thank you, Captain Obvious, but I see no word of this on the electric Interwebz, so you’re lying again.
And Trump fundraises from the little people. Those Middle American white people you hate so much. 10 here, 25 there.
It’s guys like Obiden-Bama that rely on billionaires.
Neither Jeffrey nor David_D are President of the US, The Don IS!
For which we all thank God above.
It’s his job but he’s only qualified to campaign and spark hatred in his most ardent admirers.
Only hatred I see is yours. And Trump’s doing his job just dandy.
That’s what’s really got you. All those Deplorables, all those dregs (according to the Doofus from Dover) aren’t going to give up on him and those are the ones you need if you’re going to win.
That’s why you hate them so much, isn’t it? That plain American loyalty you can’t corrupt. Those most ardent admirers you can’t corrupt with your lies because they know you’re a liar.
Tell the Aussies that Covid hates warm weather.
Commeter said: 75 whole cases. And most from people who have returned from Asia.
If you’re going to try something like this, do a little research to see how easily it’s rebutted.
Some rebuttal…
Adjusting for the population difference, 77 x 13.3 = 1024 cases. Pretty high rate. And most cases are of local origin, not from those who returned from Asia. You just made that up, didn’t you?
Are my hypotheses any more stupid than yours? Nope.
Today: Trump dove into shake hands with supporters Monday morning when arriving to headline a fundraiser in Longwood, Florida, that raised approximately $4 million for his reelection campaign and the Republican Party. At 10 dollars a pop that means he shook hands with 400,000 Floridians this morning.
He held a fundraiser dinner Friday night at Mar a Lago. Do you think the attendees got in for $10 or $25???
Why would a billionaire need to scramble for money from the working classes anyway? But, by all means send your money to him. He’ll find a way to pocket it.
Don’t know where you get your figures, aside from pulling them out of your ass, I got mine from the Manchester Guardian 2 days ago.
Adjusting for population difference is nothing. How many cases?
He held a fundraiser dinner Friday night at Mar a Lago. Do you think the attendees got in for $10 or $25???
You said that’s all he does. You lie. Most of his money comes from the little people. The rallies, e-mail. Was this for his campaign or the RNC?
In any case, Trump makes as much from small dollar (< 200) as he does from large dollar and you can go to his website and give a thousand or better. You think the big guys go to the website?
What really kills you is Trump is swimming in money and the Demos are in trouble.
Why would a billionaire need to scramble for money from the working classes anyway? But, by all means send your money to him. He’ll find a way to pocket it.
Now you’re talking about Obiden-Bama.
Tell the Aussies that Covid hates warm weather.
On Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump shared the same prediction, claiming without evidence that the outbreak could end by April.
“You know a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat, as the heat comes in,†he said. “Typically that will go away in April. We’re in great shape, though.â€
This is how it was reported by CNN and then quoted by YAHOO……… At the rally, Trump told the crowd “in theory†that once the weather warms up “the virus†will “miraculously†go away come April.
FAKE FUKING NEWS. He never said that at all.
“We know respiratory viruses are very seasonal, but not exclusively,†William Schaffner, an infectious-disease expert at Vanderbilt University, said. “One would hope that the gradual spring will help this virus recede. We can’t be sure of that.â€
Chinese president Xi Jinping, as well as President Donald Trump, have both shown optimism about hindering springtime weather since the warmth could stop the pathogen’s spread in a similar way to the seasonal flu.
Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious diseases faculty member at the University of Toronto, said a “classic example†of a seasonal virus is influenza.
“Influenza, we know in Canada, has a seasonal component to it,†he said. “Every winter, we’re going to see a lot of influenza, and it comes about around November, December, [and] usually goes away or starts to peter out at the end of February.â€
“Some of the coronaviruses are more prone to transmission in cooler climates, and they’re just less likely to be transmitted during warmer months,†he said.
CDC: While the world has continued to hope that the spread of the virus will dwindle with increased temperatures in the spring, Nancy Messonnier, the director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, cautioned that it would be “premature” to assume warmer weather will inhibit the virus.
“We know respiratory viruses are very seasonal, but not exclusively,†William Schaffner, an infectious-disease expert at Vanderbilt University, said. “One would hope that the gradual spring will help this virus recede. We can’t be sure of that.â€
According to Amanda Simanek, an epidemiologist at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, the flu virus survives better in cool and dry weather.
Four other coronaviruses are currently epidemic worldwide. They are all seasonal, and they usually trigger mild common colds, although each can cause pneumonia. As per Adalja, the new pathogen may end up being endemic, too, a part of the repertoire of ‘community-acquired’ constantly present coronaviruses.
Harvard study reports “Still it is safe to say that in temperate countries, dry cold air = favorable conditions for flu transmission.”
In an interview with Reuters on Tuesday, epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan, who garnered celebrity for combating the SARS epidemic in 2003, said the peak of the virus should come in mid to late February, followed by a plateau or decrease.
“I hope this outbreak or this event may be over in something like April,†he told Reuters. Her remarks came days after President Donald Trump, at a rally in New Hampshire, declared that the coronavirus could “miraculously” go away “once the weather warms up.”
CDC: Messonnier said during a conference call with reporters on Wednesday. “Influenza has a season … So, if this behaves similarly, it may be that as we head towards summer and, I guess, spring and summer, the cases would go down, but this is a new disease. We haven’t even been through six weeks of it, much less a year, and so I certainly would, I mean, I’m happy to hope that it goes down as the weather warms up, but I think it’s premature to assume that, and we’re certainly not using that to sit back and expect it to go away.”
Dozens of doctors and epidemiologists have said this might happen. Notice Trump says “A lot of people think…… He did not say HE THINKS.
And there are an awfully lot of scientists out there trying to put a positive spin on the Virus to keep TODAYS from happening everyday.
Shove it. This is more of your climate “science”.
Bottom line, warmer climates are doing better and the weather here is getting warmer, so it’s over in a few weeks.
People realize they’ve been had. This will make great ads this Fall – “Remember how the Democrats said we were all going to die? Do you want to trust them and the mental defective they want to be President?”.
You don’t even realize that David D is on YOUR side.
The Don has one of these daily:
He was asked to reconcile trying to kill the ACA with his promise to cover existing conditions… it did not go well… He blamed the states and said no good healthcare unless the GOP takes the House, Senate and WH. Promise, promises… and a quid pro quo.
“We want to terminate Obamacare because it’s bad. Look, we’re running it really well, but we know it’s defective. It’s very defective. We got rid of the worst part. And that was a very important thing. You know getting rid of the individual mandate was a very important thing. But we want to get something — if we can get the House, you’ll have the best health care and health insurance anywhere on the planet. But we have to get the House back. Now, that means we have to hold the Senate. We have to get the House. We have to, obviously, keep the White House. But, what we’re doing is managing it really well. Now, it’s a case; it’s called Texas vs. — you understand — it’s Texas who is suing. They want to terminate it. But everybody there is also saying, and everybody — we have our great senator from Pennsylvania. Thank you very much, Pat, for being here. And Pat Toomey. And — but, very important — and our — by the way, our great congressmen, I have to say, they were warriors. Right? Real warriors, in terms of the fake impeachment. I will tell you that. But, so Texas is trying — and it’s Texas and many states — they’re trying to terminate, but they want to put something that’s much better. They’re terminating it to put much better. And they’ve all pledged that pre-existing conditions, 100 percent taken care of.”
He was asked to reconcile trying to kill the ACA with his promise to cover existing conditions… it did not go well… He blamed the states and said no good healthcare unless the GOP takes the House, Senate and WH. Promise, promises… and a quid pro quo.
You’re trying to tell us this would be over if we had IdiotCare????
Hell, Red China has dictatorial control over care and they’ve got 82,000 dead. Cuba couldn’t even keep Castro alive with it.
As for those promises, he keeps his. Wall, Jobs, Trade, Pride In Country. What did Zippy do but make excuses.
Nobody wanted IdiotCare but you. Italy has that dreck. Look how badly they’re doing And the open borders.
The same ones the Demos wanted back and said we had to have once word of this got out.
Too bad facts aren’t on your side.
From the Maggie’s post:
Word is that the theater/movie biz is having a drop in attendance. Restaurants and pubs as busy as ever.
My church this morning was packed, as always.
My gym is as busy as usual. They claim they do a special cleaning every three days. Whatever.
You see a lot of the same in the comments.
Kind of fits in with what I think is at the bottom of this.
It’s the Lefties freaking out because they believe Fake News. The trolls, hideously obvious as always, are starting to worry me. They really are starting to buy their own hype.
Do you have parents or grandparents? Are you prepared to see them die because our hospitals cannot handle an epidemic? Are you prepared to take them into your house and take care of them and have them die in your bed? Or are you just going to ride it out?
A full third of the hospital beds in this country are unoccupied.
And whose response is rated best in the world?
People with better sense aren’t raising a sweat.
And I’d still love to know who’s shorting the markets.
As for now, funny how people by the millions aren’t in the streets if this is so bad and the country thinks Trump is doing such a bad job of it.
Of course, Jeffery talks to no one but his cartoon characters and they’re as loopy as he is.
Or Obiden-Bama.
As you can see, Jeffery is flailing.
Sunny with a high of 73º F on the farm today. We grilled out steaks and roasted some veggies, and I’m s’posed to dislike
global warmingclimate change?More fun
According to Commie News Net, Trump voters surpass Demos 15 points in enthusiasm (a point that’s already come out in the primaries)
Renee decided to throw caution to the wind and share her coronavirus with her most beloved companion:
“Now the hot air is being let out of the markets.”
Form, not trying to pick a fight. But that wasn’t hot air leaving the markets. That was my retirement savings. Through the magic of payroll deductions, new money flows into the market every week. Real money that people like me had to work for. Now it’s just gone. Not gone because of anything Trump did, but just gone because the market is a casino controlled by the House. And the House always wins. I still have the same number of shares in the same stocks, so technically, I haven’t really lost anything. But the value of what I had has been artificially deflated. But I have confidence that it will all come back, likely before the end of the year. I have that confidence not because of how I feel about Trump or Obama or any of the other silly things Jeff cares about. I have confidence because I know how the market works. It’s natural long term trend is to go up.