Small businesses are the backbone of the economy. The people who run them tend to be closer to the workers than in big companies, and really know what’s going on, what affects workers and their paychecks. You can bet they are now on the hit-list of Modern Socialists
A survey conducted by the Job Creators Network (JCN) showed that small business owners — employers with less than 500 employees — found that 79.4 percent want free market-based healthcare as opposed to Medicare for All or a Public Option.
JNC also asked the 703 local business owners how they think the Trump administration has handled economic issues; 66 percent of the small business owners responded with “good†or “great.â€
“When asked who they would vote for if the election was held tomorrow and the Democratic candidate was Joe Biden, more than 73 percent said they would vote for Donald Trump,†the survey said. That number jumped to 77 percent who said they would vote to re-elect President Trump if Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was the Democratic candidate.
“The results speak for themselves: small business owners are thriving and attribute much of their continued success to the pro-growth policies pushed by the current administration,†said Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network, in a press release.
These small business owners know who is better for their business. They know who will support them better. And that Medicare for All would be a disaster for their business and their workers.
When asked what the top three areas of concern are for them, 56.7 percent of the group of small business owners said high taxes, another 39.8 percent said healthcare, and 37.6 said the Coronavirus concerns them.
They know that the Democratic Party plans to jack up taxes will hurt them, and, will hurt their employees, because that would mean getting rid of employees, capping hours worked, reduced pay and benefits, reducing the number of part time employers. Of course, Democrats like Biden and Comrade Sanders neither know nor care, because they really have never worked outside of politics during their lives. Trump has run businesses. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes not. But, he’s been out there. He’s worked with big wigs and small entrepreneurs. He knows what makes business work, and what the government’s role should be. Bernie and Biden, along with the rest of the Dems, just want the federal government to control everything and everyone.

Teach I thought that Trump gave the giant tax cut yo the super rich because they were the job creators
Of course you thought Trump gave a giant tax cut to the super rich, all you watch is CNNMSNBC and all you read is the 1019 Project. They will loudly proclaim the tax cuts only went to the “rich” which is a lie from the start. Why would any politician only give tax cuts to the rich? To give his enemies ammo to get him? That’s just plain stupid on all levels to believe something that silly.
Trump 2020 Maybe he will give another tax cut to the rich because it’s so popular.
It becomes even funnier when you consider how many of the Super Rich are Democrats.
OK, so you’re telling us the tax cuts you’ve said were for “The Rich” suddenly aren’t?
You wouldn’t be the bastard son of Obiden-Bama, would you?
I know he hates blacks, but we all know what’s said about brown sugar.
This year is going to be so much fun.
Professor John-almost everyone received a tax cut. Those that didn’t weren’t paying federal income taxes, anyway.
The entertainment editor for Breitbart writes an article about small business owners but offered no details? And TEACH promotes this piece of BS? Cult.
The conservative advocacy group, Job Creators Network (JCN), claims to have surveyed some 700 small business owners (there are several million small businesses [500 or fewer workers]).
JCN opposes the ACA and any gov’t involvement in healthcare.
It’s a poll. You know how you love polls.
A survey conducted by the Job Creators Network (JCN) showed that small business owners — employers with less than 500 employees — found that 79.4 percent want free market-based healthcare as opposed to Medicare for All or a Public Option.
JNC also asked the 703 local business owners how they think the Trump administration has handled economic issues; 66 percent of the small business owners responded with “good†or “great.â€
“When asked who they would vote for if the election was held tomorrow and the Democratic candidate was Joe Biden, more than 73 percent said they would vote for Donald Trump,†the survey said
Considering these are the “working classes”. you claim to love, pretty clear you don’t know what you’re talking about.
JCN opposes the ACA and any gov’t involvement in healthcare.
Which only shows a lot of small biz owners and their employees aren’t Commies the way you hope they are. They’re also smarter.
PS Bad Day at Obiden-Bama. Or should I say Bad Week?
First, he can’t remember his name or his sister. Then he says Pancho Vanilla will take everybody’s firearms, claiming 150 million Americans killed by firearms in the last 13 years. Next, he says all Demos should support the re-election of Donald Trump because the Demos can’t win this re-election.
Now we have Blue Collar Groper, friend of the working stiff, screaming at an auto worker in Detroit (Teach, you have to post this).
On Primary Day!
Yesterday, he was screaming at a guy who criticized him for supporting NAFTA.
You think small business owners are the working class? No doubt some are.
Many small businesses are not what you imagine them to be. According to the SBA a small business is one with less than 500 employees. 500!
Doctors, lawyers, surgery centers, biotech firms, architects, accountants etc are also small businesses.
The far-right celebrates Don Raper yelling at people (not that he would ever enter an arena with someone who opposes his opinions), but clutch your pearls when VP Biden says someone is full of shit.
Doctors, lawyers, surgery centers, biotech firms, architects, accountants etc are also small businesses.
Try again.
Here’s a partial list of typical small businesses recognized by the SBA
Subsector 335. Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component
Manufacturing ………………………………………………………. 276
Subsector 336. Transportation Equipment Manufacturing ……………………. 286
Subsector 337. Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing ………………. 299
Subsector 339. Miscellaneous Manufacturing …………………………………….. 304
Sector 42. Wholesale Trade ……………………………………………………………………………….. 313
Subsector 423. Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods ……………………….. 313
Subsector 424. Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods ………………….. 330
Subsector 425. Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers …. 342
Sector 44-45. Retail Trade ………………………………………………………………………………….. 345
Subsector 441. Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers …………………………………. 346
Subsector 442. Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores ……………………….. 349
Subsector 443. Electronics and Appliance Stores ………………………………… 352
Subsector 444. Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies
Dealers …………………………………………………………………. 353
Subsector 445. Food and Beverage Stores ………………………………………….. 356
Subsector 446. Health and Personal Care Stores …………………………………. 360
Subsector 447. Gasoline Stations ………………………………………………………. 362
Subsector 448. Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores ……………………. 363
Subsector 451. Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, and Book
Stores …………………………………………………………………… 367
Subsector 452. General Merchandise Stores ……………………………………….. 370
Subsector 453. Miscellaneous Store Retailers …………………………………….. 372
Subsector 454. Nonstore Retailers …………………………………………………….. 377
Sector 48-49. Transportation and Warehousing …………………………………………………….. 379
Subsector 481. Air Transportation …………………………………………………….. 379
Subsector 482. Rail Transportation ……………………………………………………. 383
Subsector 483. Water Transportation …………………………………………………. 384
Subsector 484. Truck Transportation …………………………………………………. 386
Subsector 485. Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation ………………. 389
Subsector 486. Pipeline Transportation ………………………………………………. 394
Subsector 487. Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation ………………………… 395
Subsector 488. Support Activities for Transportation …………………………… 397
Subsector 491. Postal Service ……………………………………………………………. 403
Subsector 492. Couriers and Messengers ……………………………………………. 404
Subsector 493. Warehousing and Storage …………………………………………… 405
Sector 51. Information ………………………………………………………………………………………. 409
Subsector 511. Publishing Industries (except Internet) …………………………. 410
Subsector 512. Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries …………… 414
Subsector 515. Broadcasting (except Internet) ……………………………………. 419
Subsector 517. Telecommunications ………………………………………………….. 421
Subsector 518. Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services ……………. 425
Subsector 519. Other Information Services ………………………………………… 425
Sector 52. Finance and Insurance ……………………………………………………………………….. 429
Subsector 521. Monetary Authorities-Central Bank …………………………….. 430
Subsector 522. Credit Intermediation and Related Activities ………………… 430
Subsector 523. Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial
Investments and Related Activities ………………………….. 435
Subsector 524. Insurance Carriers and Related Activities …………………….. 440
Subsector 525. Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles ………………… 445
Sector 53. Real Estate and Rental and Leasing …………………………………………………….. 449
Subsector 531. Real Estate ……………………………………………………………….. 449
Subsector 532. Rental and Leasing Services ……………………………………….. 453
Subsector 533. Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except
Copyrighted Works) ………………………………………………. 459
Sector 54. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services …………………………………… 461
Subsector 541. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services ……………. 461
Sector 55. Management of Companies and Enterprises ………………………………………… 485
Subsector 551. Management of Companies and Enterprises …………………. 485
Sector 56. Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation
Services …………………………………………………………………………………………. 489
Subsector 561. Administrative and Support Services …………………………… 489
Subsector 562. Waste Management and Remediation Services …………….. 505
Sector 61. Educational Services …………………………………………………………………………. 513
Subsector 611. Educational Services ………………………………………………….. 513
Sector 62. Health Care and Social Assistance ………………………………………………………. 523
Subsector 621. Ambulatory Health Care Services ……………………………….. 523
Subsector 622. Hospitals ………………………………………………………………….. 533
Subsector 623. Nursing and Residential Care Facilities ……………………….. 534
Subsector 624. Social Assistance ………………………………………………………. 538
Sector 71. Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation ……………………………………………………. 543
Subsector 711. Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries 543
Subsector 712. Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions ………. 549
Subsector 713. Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries ……….. 551
Sector 72. Accommodation and Food Services ……………………………………………………. 557
Subsector 721. Accommodation ………………………………………………………… 557
Subsector 722. Food Services and Drinking Places ……………………………… 560
Sector 81. Other Services (except Public Administration) …………………………………….. 567
Subsector 811. Repair and Maintenance …………………………………………….. 567
Subsector 812. Personal and Laundry Services
The typical small business supports a trade, but, even if it didn’t, what does it matter? Unless you’re showing your biases and hatred against white collar professionals.
Which is very strange because a lot of high-priced medical and legal firms pour millions into the Democrat party. That’s why there are all those fundraisers for Democrat politicians in Beverly Hills
A typical small business owner is the guy who owns the body shop. He may own a local chain of half a dozen restaurants. He may own a trucking company that has its own body shop and accounting department. It may be a woman that owns a local construction company.
Clearly, you make your stupid assumptions based your own ignorance and prejudice.
The far-right celebrates Don Raper yelling at people (not that he would ever enter an arena with someone who opposes his opinions), but clutch your pearls when VP Biden says someone is full of shit.
Well, when you’re trying to get that person to vote for you, insulting him is the penultimate in stupid. It’s got nothing to do with pearls. It has everything to do with being amazed that someone could be that stupid.
As for Donald Trump, he welcomes people of all persuasions, parties, colors, religions, and beliefs to his rallies.
About a quarter of the attendees are Democrats and another sixth haven’t voted in years. Even Lefty reporters have written about how welcome they were made to feel by all in attendance.
Business owners. Owners.
It’s being reported that the tRump administration is “strongly considering” federal assistance for US natural gas and oil producers who are being hurt bigly by the oil war between Saudi Arabia and Russia.
If true, that’s a bad, horrible idea isn’t it?
Also unnecessary which leads me to think this “report” came out of Jeffery’s 4th point of contact.
Sibley sucks.
Only bosoms.
I leave the illegal stuff to you.
from the far-right Washington Examiner…
White House officials, who’ve said they’re interested in providing economic aid to sectors hurt by the spread of the coronavirus, discussed shale producers as a group that could be hit particularly hard during a lunch with Senate Republicans Tuesday, said Braun. Shale producers have been hit by the double whammy of an oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia and flagging demand from the coronavirus.
The White House is pushing the idea of providing low-interest government loans to shale companies, according to the Washington Post, that are already facing tough economic conditions due to pressure from Wall Street to show positive cash flow.
First, I’d hardly call the Examiner far-right.
Second, you’ve only said a few people inside the White House.
They’re “interested”. They haven’t made any proposals. They haven’t gotten a go-ahead. They’ve talked it over with some “Senate Republicans”, who could be staffers or press people.
When you have something substantive, rather than speculative, we’ll talk.
Sounds like socialism. But just for the wealthy and business owners.
No breaks for the working classes. Make them pay for their own coronavirus tests!
GOPhers pretend to care but are always loyal to their real bosses.
Oh, this is adorable.
Remember Jim Clyburn whose endorsement saved Gropin’ Joe from the nursing home?
Well, give a listen to what he really thinks.
House Majority Whip Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) called for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to cancel the remaining 2020 primaries and debates if Joe Biden performed strongly on Tuesday night in order to protect him from saying something that he “cannot overcome.â€
It gets better
I think it is time for us to shut this primary down, it is time for us to cancel the rest of these debates — because you don’t do anything but get yourself in trouble if you continue in this contest when it’s obvious that the numbers will not shake out for you.
And now why would a Democrat who believes in democracy deny American voters their vote in the elective process?
Clyburn’s remarks come after Biden had a combative interaction with a factory worker earlier in the day that went viral after Biden made nasty and threatening remarks to the man, who called out Biden’s extreme anti-Second Amendment agenda.
Let’s see just how big his delegate count turns out to be.
PS This was not on some podcast, but National Pubic Radio, so lots of people heard it.
The GOPhers have shut down many state primaries.
Business owners. Owners.
Capitalists. How loathsome.
Reminiscent of Hedy Lamarr’s
I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.
“That’s Hedley!”
Sounds like socialism. But just for the wealthy and business owners.
Sounds like nothing yet because it’s only a few guys talking.
No breaks for the working classes. Make them pay for their own coronavirus tests!
GOPhers pretend to care but are always loyal to their real bosses.
Now who do you suppose works for those wealthy and business owners in the oil fields and such?
Indolent Negroes such as yourself?
No, working white men. Blue collar guys. No collar guys.
Guys who are doing better in Trump’s recovery with Trump’s tax cuts than the wealthy and business owners.
Those are the guys who might get laid off if the price war continues.
So you’re in favor of gov’t bailouts of failing businesses?