So, now the doomsday Cult Of Climastrology is actively rooting for large numbers of people to get the Wuhan (racism!!!!) virus and even die
Coronavirus Lockdown May Save More Lives By Preventing Pollution Than By Preventing Infection
The global lockdown inspired by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has shuttered factories and reduced travel, slashing lethal pollution including the greenhouse gases that are heating the climate.
The lockdown may save more lives from pollution reduction than are threatened by the virus itself, said François Gemenne, director of The Hugo Observatory, which studies the interactions between environmental changes, human migration, and politics.
“Strangely enough, I think the death toll of the coronavirus at the end of the day might be positive, if you consider the deaths from atmospheric pollution,†said Gemenne, citing, for example, the 84,000 people who die annually in France because of atmospheric pollution and the more than one million in China.
A facepalm GIF would seem rather innapropriate after that, eh?
Reductions in air pollution and global heating could save more lives.
“More than likely the number of lives that would be spared because of these confinement measures would be higher than the number of lives that would be lost because of the pandemic,†Gemenne said in an appearance on France 24’s The Debate.
So, see, tons of people getting sick and being stuck at home, along with tons of people stuck at home scared of getting sick, plus tons of people dying is a good thing in Cult of Climastrology world. These are some seriously disturbed people.
“I think this is something that should question us: why are we so much more afraid of the coronavirus than we are of climate change or atmospheric pollution or other kinds of threats. What is so special about the coronavirus that we are ready to put the whole world on lockdown because of that?â€
Because it is real, and anthropogenic climate change is a scam.

Angela Merkel warns 70 percent of Germany could get coronavirus
Well sir.
83 million citizens. So 62 million get da virus. 1 percent death rate. 620k dead.
70 percent of America? Why is that possible? Cause the healthcare systems become overwhelmed and it aint a purdy site.
320 million x 70 percent. Could be about 210 million…..Thats 2.1 million dead in America.
Don’t worry it wont happen. Germany be a socialized medicine nation where they take perfect care of their citizens even though 62 million of them are crammed into 25,249 hospital beds.
They made the observation that the net-net of coronavirus could be a net positive, if it reduces the number dying from air pollution.
Sort of like Rush Limbaugh advocating smoker’s deaths would solve any Social Security/Medicare shortfalls.
Both observations were best left unsaid.
AGW is real, though.
They made the observation that the net-net of coronavirus could be a net positive, if it reduces the number dying from air pollution.
Kind of like letting people in Stalingrad die of starvation so there will be fewer mouths to feed.
You’re a real Commie, all right.
Sort of like Rush Limbaugh advocating smoker’s deaths would solve any Social Security/Medicare shortfalls.
Sort of like you saying it, not him.
AGW is real, though.
Of course, it isn’t since you say it.
Now that’s an observation were best left unsaid.
That socialized medicine goes seem to keep them alive longer than we who live in the USA
WHO reports the mortality rate at 3.5% overall but 12% in the age group 70-79 and 25% morbidity on those over 80%
Of course those are the age groups that also are majority GOP voters also
It is like the virus is killing Trump voters
WHO just declared a pandemic after Korea and Red China both announced flu have started to decline.
Of course those are the age groups that also are majority GOP voters also
Demo voters. That’s why Bernie’s having a tough time. all the old whores from the New Deal are the only ones voting.
It is like the virus is killing Trump voters
No, we’re the ones having all the kids, remember?
Somehow I don’t believe there are 84,000 deaths in France attributable to air pollution. Sure, political activists might make that claim. But I seriously doubt any French pathologist has ever written on a death certificate “Air Pollution” in the Cause of death block.
You could say cigarette smoking or asbestos.