…is a sea that is soon going to rise dozens of feet because Other People took fossil fueled vacations, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on feminists and selective outrage syndrome.

…is a sea that is soon going to rise dozens of feet because Other People took fossil fueled vacations, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on feminists and selective outrage syndrome.
Congressional doctors briefed congressional staffers that up to 1/3 of all Americans might become infected according to the right of center ZeroHedge.com
Since containment has totally failed, it is a near certainty that every American will eventually be exposed to this and most will develop symptoms, just like the Flu. 1/3 is an unrealistic estimate, pulled out of thin air.
Care to explicate what “Congressional doctors” are?
If you mean Fauci and the guys from CDC, I’d say “up to 1/3 of all Americans might become infected” sounds like a worst case scenario. And hideously unlikely since the warm weather is already upon many parts of the country.
And ZeroHedge is hardly far-right. I know you guys are given scare words to use, but that went out with ultra-Conservative right-winger.
Nice tush.
Looks like Obiden-Bama’s at it again
I guess he should have tried to say, “Learn to code”.
Get the feeling somebody asked Who to declare that pandemic after it’s clear cases are declining?
Wonder where Jim Clyburn was this morning?
The morbidity rate for the corona virus is about 30 times higher than the common flu
The corona was described by your Dear Leader as “some people sneezing…..â€
It is?
.1% is morbidity for this flu. Funny, but that’s what the Gray Lady says is typical for any flu.
The corona was described by your Dear Leader as “some people sneezing…..â€
And that’s what it is. Or are you talking about that case of Mexican beer you hide behind the furnace from Mommy?
The coronavirus is not the same as influenza virus. Not even the same viral family.
Influenza viruses: (-)ssRNA viruses, four of the seven genera of the family Orthomyxoviridae
Coronaviruses: (+)ssRNA viruses, family Coronaviridae
It’s like saying tetanus and tuberculosis are the same.
In the US we have 25 deaths and 1000 reported cases. 25/1000 x 100 = 2.5%
Unless you think there are a lot more cases not discovered in the US.
Your numbers are all wrong Elwood.
25/1000 is totally eroneous. You have to look at the death rate based upon how many people died today and then go back to 6-7 days to find the number of infected.
If 10000 people catch the virus today. This very minute….and then you put that as the number of cases and divide that by 25 the death rate is infintesmial and totally erroneous.
but if you have 3 people die today and then go back to the date of their testing positive and use those cases you have a more accurate figure of the death rate.
You should know this. I hear your an edumacated man.
David D, don’t get all in Elwood’s face he’s trying to figure the potential “dead vote” for the Democrats in November.
Trump 2020 Avoid voter fraud. It could make or break Rapin’ Joe The
It’s germ warfare out of a Red Chinese lab, the same program that gave us SARS, MERS, H1N1.
In the US we have 25 deaths and 1000 reported cases. 25/1000 x 100 = 2.5%
And, of those cases, only 10 are severe. Now, how many of those fatalities were contracted overseas, hmmm? At least 2, and three more were those who died in WA nursing home that was allowed by Inslee (the braying jackass that criticized Trump) to spread because he didn’t want to provide tests after the disease was brought in from the outside.
So, as always, you lie.
Disease globally has .1% morbidity and has yet to run its course in this country. Of course Fauci & Co, who project a worst case scenario, want millions of tests.
Unless you think there are a lot more cases not discovered in the US.
Actually, Trump’s quick action saved, so it’s nice to see you admit he got it right.
Thank you Dr Cut-and-paste-from-google
Annudder Liberal Melt Down:::
A federal judge leveled harsh accusations against Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the rest of the conservative majority, claiming that they are “actively participating in undermining American democracy.â€
Judge Lynn Adelman of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin blasted the Roberts-led court in an article titled “The Roberts Court’s Assault on Democracy,†set to be published in the Harvard Law & Policy Review.
“[T]he Roberts Court has been anything but passive,†wrote Adelman, who was appointed to the bench by President Bill Clinton. “Rather, the Court’s hard-right majority is actively participating in undermining American democracy. Indeed, the Roberts Court has contributed to ensuring that the political system in the United States pays little attention to ordinary Americans and responds only to the wishes of a relatively small number of powerful corporations and individuals.â€
WAH>>WAH>>>WAH>>>WAH>>>WAH>>>>WAH>>>>No fair. Im taking my ball and going home. You guys are meanies. How dare you. I’m calling Saint Greta. You conservatives think you can just rule on laws that us lefties hate and get away with it…..WAH>>>WAH>>>>>WAH>>>>WAH……just you wait when we get a democratic prez in office we gonna pack the court with 10000 liberal assed judges.
We will show you. HOW DARE YOU!!!!
I’m telling my mommie!!!
She’s mad because SCUS upheld Trump’s Remain In Mexico policy.
As they say at the Hotel California, this could be Heaven or this could be Hell.
Seems like the Reds are ordering Wuhan back to work
Either they’re telling the truth about the disease being on the decline or the unrest is such they can’t have people at home griping to each other. Since the decline has the imprimatur of WHO, I guess we’re all on our own.
Technically, the two are not mutually exclusive, but that’s the long shot.
PS Deutschland is instituting a vigorous program to “teach” their citizens to wash their hands. And you are thinking what I’m thinking? The Krauts are fairly fastidious in such matters. Is this a blind for an attempt to beg all those Moslems Angie Merkel let in the Reich and let them do whatever they wanted to, to please for once quit looking like a bunch of towel heads and clean up?