The sheer amount of articles about ‘climate change’ that include something about the Coronavirus are continuing to rise, because the doomsday Cult of Climastrology always has to include themselves in everything that happens. And they are not happy that this very real (though slightly overblown) virus could get in the way of the government taking over people’s lives and taxing them out the ying yang
Coronavirus poses threat to climate action, says watchdog
The coronavirus health crisis may lead to a slump in global carbon emissions this year but the outbreak poses a threat to long-term climate action by undermining investment in clean energy, according to the global energy watchdog.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) expects the economic fallout of Covid-19 to wipe out the world’s oil demand growth for the year ahead, which should cap the fossil fuel emissions that contribute to the climate crisis.
But Fatih Birol, IEA’s executive director, has warned the outbreak could spell a slowdown in the world’s clean energy transition unless governments use green investments to help support economic growth through the global slowdown.
“There is nothing to celebrate in a likely decline in emissions driven by economic crisis because in the absence of the right policies and structural measures this decline will not be sustainable,†he said.
The virus has stoked fears of a global economic recession and helped to ignite one of the sharpest oil price collapses in the last 30 years, wiping billions of dollars from the world’s largest energy companies.
The economic contagion is likely to stall many infrastructure projects, including the multibillion-dollar investments in clean energy needed to avert a climate catastrophe by the end of the decade.
See, the first thing members of this doomsday cult think about is how an issue will effect their cult.
“We should not allow today’s crisis to compromise the clean energy transition,†Birol said. He said global governments should use the economic stimulus packages which are being planned to help countries weather the downturn to invest in clean energy technologies.
He added: “We have an important window of opportunity. Major economies around the world are preparing stimulus packages. A well designed stimulus package could offer economic benefits and facilitate a turnover of energy capital which have huge benefits for the clean energy transition.â€
See, what we could do is to offer everyone a $3,000 check, but, instead of sending them the check, we’ll tell people that the government is going to invest it in RightThink approved green companies and do stuff in their name. Hey, it’s for their own good.
The IEA head also urged policymakers to use the downturn in global oil prices to phase out or scrap fossil fuels subsidies, which could be used to boost healthcare spending.

On a lighter note. One of the funniest videos I have watched in a long time.
Don’t worry about the Coronavirus-the libs are taking care of the most worrying aspect if it…
Remember Jeffery telling us what Gropin’ Joe did to all those little girls wasn’t rape or, at least, sexual assault?
Do either of these young ladies look happy?
That, my friends, is sexual assault. Just ask Harvey Weinstein.
Apparently the 16 women who died Trump for sexual assault were also not so happy
Or dyed?
And how many of those cases did Trump lose?
They weren’t happy, they were gold diggers.
Trump 2020 We need a President not a sugar daddy!
As if you have any friends.
VP Biden’s actions were inappropriate. By all means charge VP Biden with sexual assault. Or the females can file suit. Did either file a complaint?
Harvey Weinstein wasn’t convicted of kissing a woman on the back of the head, he was convicted of rape.
tRump has been credibly accused of three rapes and 20 or so instances of unwanted advances. We understand that Dandy Don and his minions are looking for anything to smear Biden.
I have friends here. You don’t. I doubt you have freinds anywhere.
VP Biden’s actions were inappropriate. By all means charge VP Biden with sexual assault. Or the females can file suit. Did either file a complaint?
Under age and their parents were Democrat politicians, so they’d sacrifice their daughters for their careers.
Harvey Weinstein wasn’t convicted of kissing a woman on the back of the head, he was convicted of rape.
Non sequitur. Sexual contact without consent is a crime. But thanks for showing us your are a weasel.
tRump has been credibly accused of three rapes and 20 or so instances of unwanted advances. We understand that Dandy Don and his minions are looking for anything to smear Biden.
Credibly in whose eyes? Any of these accusations stand up in a court of law? Is there any evidence? Witnesses?
Apparently not.
But photographic evidence of Obiden-Bama making unwanted advances on minors is a smear?
You just shot your whole case to Hell. You are an idiot.
What happened to the GOP “ the virus is just a dem hoax�
It is a Demo hoax, but, since all the sheep like you are so panicked, measures have to be taken to get things under control.
Markets closed up 2000.
Wouldn’t surprise me if the same people who are trying to short the market are the same people buying every bit of alcohol and Clorox in the stores.
What’s the motto of the Demorat party?
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Guess I am a sheep.
Nobody said the virus was a hoax, we said the phony panic is. And it is. Even my man Tucker is ringing the panic bell every night. More Americans have died of the flu than Chinese Flu this year. The collusion of the state and the media continues unabated by sickness or even death. It’s disgusting.
Trump 2020 Keep America Great!
John-best not to get your news from the back of a box of Cheerios, or wherever you get it from….
Chinese businessman to donate 500,000 test kits and 1 million masks to the U.S.
The donation comes amid testing delays across the U.S. as state officials scramble amid a shortage of lab materials — sparking concerns that health officials are undercounting the number of Americans with the virus.
“Drawing from my own country’s experience, speedy and accurate testing and adequate personal protective equipment for medical professionals are most effective in preventing the spread of the virus,†the statement said. “We hope that our donation can help Americans fight against the pandemic!â€
Chinese businessman to donate 500,000 test kits and 1 million masks to the U.S.
It’s a command economy. Nobody donates anything unless the boys in the Forbidden City say so.
They tried to blame all this on the US Army.
They tried to hype this into the Black Death.
It all failed.
Now they want to try to look like they want to make kissy face.
The donation comes amid testing delays across the U.S. as state officials scramble amid a shortage of lab materials — sparking concerns that health officials are undercounting the number of Americans with the virus.
And who is responsible for that shortage of equipment? The Democrats.
A bi-partisan bill to provide equipment was killed by the Demos.
“Drawing from my own country’s experience, speedy and accurate testing and adequate personal protective equipment for medical professionals are most effective in preventing the spread of the virus,†the statement said. “We hope that our donation can help Americans fight against the pandemic!â€
Earlier today, they were threatening Red China could impose pharmaceutical export controls, which would plunge America into “the mighty sea of coronavirus.â€
Why do we need testing? Most doctors don’t order viral test. But you are a dumbass and would not know that.
Why, Bless his heart! He is very generous considering he didn’t need to do that. The Child molester Biden and his raping, treasonous spawn are already in the Chinese commies pockets.
Trump 2020 Send the commie spawn to prison so they can be Epsteined.
Angry much? Now you’re wishing death upon VP Biden’s family?
You support the Child Molester “president” Don Raper?
As always straw man. Nobody wished death on the Gropin’ Crime family but you.
And we can’t blame you for that. You’re stuck with this slug.
You support the Child Molester “president†Don Raper?
Show us video of Trump molesting any child. You have more on that score than he does.
And he is President. I know that kills you.
And he never raped anyone. Willie has. Teddy Kennedy did. Trump, no.
Liar. Kye typed: Send the commie spawn to prison so they can be Epsteined. He had identified the spawn he refenced as Biden’s.
Not sure who willie is, but Teddy Kennedy was never even accused of rape to our knowledge. We’re sure you have evidence.
tRump has been accused by three females of rape (one was 13 yrs old).
Know why Jeffery is trying to make us think the Reds are our pals?
National Emergency. Now Trump has powers to clamp this thing down.
In a few weeks, the virus will be gone in the warm weather.
People won’t want to stay cooped up anymore.
They’ll see they’ve been had. And they’ll remember Trump had been right all along.
That, and the fact Obiden-Bama during his virtual town hall couldn’t remember exactly when he’d take office if he were elected.
We report, Edward derides.
And what will Rapin’ Don do to “clamp this thing down”, Edward?
Don Raper has no interest in the American people – he’s worried about getting re-elected and staying out of jail.
We report, Edward derides.
Well, until you stop lying.
And what will Rapin’ Don do to “clamp this thing downâ€, Edward?
Enforce any necessary quarantines. Ensure people aren’t profiteering off this thing. All the stuff Zippy didn’t do with the H1N1 (notice he hasn’t endorsed Obiden-Bama yet?).
And Gropin’ Joe is the rapist, according to the law.
Don Raper has no interest in the American people – he’s worried about getting re-elected and staying out of jail.
No, that’s your average Democrat.
On all 3 counts.
You’re against profits? Why are you criticizing capitalism? Don’t you believe that entrepreneurs are entitled to make a profit from their clever tactics? Sounds like you want to regulate capitalism.
According to his victims, Rapin’ Don is the rapist.
What law proves that VP Biden is a rapist?
Profiteering: To make or seek to make an excessive or unfair profit, especially illegally or in a black market.
According to his victims, Rapin’ Don is the rapist.
How many of these liars have won a court case?
What law proves that VP Biden is a rapist?
The one that convicted Harvey Weinstein.