Trump has been called all sorts of things. such as Nazi, Fascist, Putin’s buddy, till the Democrats and the Credentialed Media settled on “authoritarian”. They can’t actually show any proof of Trump doing things authoritarian, but, that doesn’t stop them. Now that he’s not telling people what to do with the force of government, they seem upset
Why have an executive branch if it isn't willing lead at a time like this?
All of these decisions to cancel events, close schools or postpone opening days have been made by state, local and private sector leaders.
Why is everyone else leading, except for our President?
— Chris Murphy ???? (@ChrisMurphyCT) March 12, 2020
There’s a difference between leading and telling people what to do, right? There’s also two documents to stop that kind of governmental behavior. Chris must either be unfamiliar with the Constitution and Bill of Rights or is just ignoring them. Then we have the Washington Post Editorial Board
The rest of the country is admirably picking up Trump’s slack
AMID DREAD and uncertainty, the American people are displaying extraordinary purpose and motivation to meet the coronavirus threat head-on. From darkening Broadway to silencing professional and amateur sports leagues, from closing Disneyland to shuttering cathedrals, we are witnessing the response of an open democratic society, with unfettered news and social media, and civic and political institutions and leadership ready to make hard decisions. This is America at its best.
Ever since experts began calling for social distancing to reduce transmission of the respiratory virus, people in the United States have demonstrated they were listening. Their actions have ranged from small acts of kindness, such as a young woman buying groceries for an elderly couple, to disruptive decisions that until recently would have seemed unthinkable, such as emptying sports stadiums and turning out the lights at universities. Costly, emotionally fraught choices have engendered remarkably little complaining or bitterness.
The response is all the more remarkable given the absence of credible leadership from President Trump. Though he declared a state of emergency Friday, he generally has taken the negligent approach that people shouldn’t worry; everything is “totally under control.†This is hardly an ideal situation for a nation in crisis. But it is heartening, three years into Mr. Trump’s presidency, to see that society is capable of navigating these rough seas based on collective common sense and despite this president’s lies, hatreds and distractions.
Why do they seem so upset that Trump won’t force schools and businesses to close, for sports leagues to stop playing, etc? These are functions of state, local, and county government, along with private enterprise. Had Trump demanded that all this stuff close we’d be reading editorials and opinion pieces about Trump acting like a dictator.
Then the NY Times with “news analysis”, meaning it is a pure opinion piece in the straight news
The President as Bystander: Trump Struggles to Unify a Nation on Edge
As he confronts the most serious crisis of his tenure, President Trump has been assertive in closing borders to many outsiders, one of his favorite policies. But within the United States, as the coronavirus spreads from one community to another, he has been more follower than leader.
While he presents himself as the nation’s commanding figure, Mr. Trump has essentially become a bystander as school superintendents, sports commissioners, college presidents, governors and business owners across the country take it upon themselves to shut down much of American life without clear guidance from the president.
For weeks, he resisted telling Americans to cancel or stay away from large gatherings, reluctant even on Thursday to call off his own campaign rallies even as he grudgingly acknowledged he would probably have to. Instead, it fell to Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the government’s most famous scientist, to say publicly what the president would not, leading the nation’s basketball, hockey, soccer and baseball leagues in just 24 hours to suspend play and call off tournaments.
Mayors and county executives, hospital executives and factory owners received no further direction from the president as he talked about the virus in the Oval Office on Thursday than they did during his prime-time address to the nation the night before. Beyond travel limits and wash-your-hands reminders, Mr. Trump has left it to others to set the course in combating the pandemic and has indicated he was in no rush to take further action.
And, he’s be called a dictator if he did. Even though Democrats want a dictator. Look at Excitable Nicholas Kristoff, who offers 12 steps. It’s not all bad, but
5. Cancel vacations of health workers, bring back retired doctors and nurses, and repurpose cardiologists and pediatricians to deal with a torrent of coronavirus patients — in expectation of record numbers of doctors out sick. We should prepare to allow military medics to assist in E.R.s as well.
So, the Federal Government is supposed to do this? Under what statutorily is the government going to cancel vacations and retirements and force them to work? Remind me what that is called? As for the military in ERs? Trump would be called Stalin and Hitler.
10. Greatly step up production of personal protective equipment needed in hospitals.
Again, this would be forcing private sector citizens to work and businesses to operate.
Trump should demand that newsrooms, both for TV and print, work from home rather than gather. Let’s see how places like the Times and Washington Post respond.

Liberals aren’t upset because they think Trump’s a dictator.* They’re upset because he’s not THEIR kind of dictator.
For the slow: he’s not. If he was, those calling him that…wouldn’t be able to.
Who said it in Jan, upon hearing of the first US Coronavirus case:
Jan 21: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control.â€
Jan 22: “We’re in great shape … and I think China’s in good shape too, by the way.â€
Jan 30: “China is not in great shape right now.”
“And by the way, the virus, they’re working hard,†(on China’s efforts).
“Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”
“But we’re doing great in our country. … We only have 11 cases, and they’re all getting better.â€
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, has since refuted the idea that COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, is on par with influenza. “People always say, ‘Well, the flu does this, the flu does that,’†he said during a congressional hearing this week (Mar 11). “The flu has a mortality of 0.1%. This has a mortality of 10 times that.â€
In his oval office reading, be blamed Europe for the US problems.
The president said testing is going “smoothly†and claimed that anyone entering the U.S. from overseas gets screened for the virus.
“If an American is coming back or anybody coming back, we are testing,†Trump said. “We have a tremendous testing setup where people coming in have to be tested.â€
That assertion was immediately upended by travelers entering the U.S. Mike McIntire, a reporter for The New York Times, reported “zero screening, testing or even questions related to coronavirus†upon arriving in New York City from Paris on Thursday.
Who said it in Jan, upon hearing of the first US Coronavirus case:
Jan 21: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control.â€
Jan 22: “We’re in great shape … and I think China’s in good shape too, by the way.â€
Jan 30: “China is not in great shape right now.â€
“And by the way, the virus, they’re working hard,†(on China’s efforts).
“Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.â€
“But we’re doing great in our country. … We only have 11 cases, and they’re all getting better.â€
He was right. He’s addressing the panic sown by Fake News at the behest of the Democrats.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, has since refuted the idea that COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, is on par with influenza. “People always say, ‘Well, the flu does this, the flu does that,’†he said during a congressional hearing this week (Mar 11). “The flu has a mortality of 0.1%. This has a mortality of 10 times that.â€
Sooo glad you brought up Fauci. Did a little reading on him.
Did you know he’s never worked for anybody but the Feds? No private practice. No hospitals.
80 years old and just the Feds his entire professional life. Kind of a medical Obiden-Bama. Government slug.
His big rep in epidemiology is in AIDS, 40 years ago.
He’s the looney tune who said AIDS would infect heterosexuals to the same degree it infected homosexuals.
Considering the way that was mishandled, it might be wise to get a second opinion.
In his oval office reading, be blamed Europe for the US problems.
Italy ring a bell?
The president said testing is going “smoothly†and claimed that anyone entering the U.S. from overseas gets screened for the virus.
“If an American is coming back or anybody coming back, we are testing,†Trump said. “We have a tremendous testing setup where people coming in have to be tested.â€
That assertion was immediately upended by travelers entering the U.S. Mike McIntire, a reporter for The New York Times, reported “zero screening, testing or even questions related to coronavirus†upon arriving in New York City from Paris on Thursday.
I’d take with a grain of salt anything the Gray Lady says. They have yet to give back Walter Duranty’s Pulitzer.
I know you copied that last part from somebody, so I’ll make you do a little research.
Where did all this not happen?
In his oval office reading, be blamed Europe for the US problems.
WHO: epicenter has shifted to Europe
You were saying?
Trump was right to restrict travel from China in January and now there is more evidence that he also made the right call restricting travel from Europe.
The WHO now places the epicenter of the pandemic in Europe.
Jeffery (and all the Demo politicians hoping to survive the November elections) are worried because, after keeping any real threat of the Red Chinese Germ Warfare Flu to a minimum, Trump killed the panic yesterday.
Even Bill Wilhelm and David Axelrod gave the speech good marks.
Markets shot up 2000 points.
Gropin’ Joe and the Blue Hen Kops couldn’t even put a town hall together.
It’s over. People will be coming outside soon. They’ll realize nobody’s going to die. Trump won.
Sibley struts like a banty rooster after accomplishing nothing on his own, LOL.
tRump killed the panic yesterday. But did he? Google pointed out that tRump lied about their activities.
Do you have evidence that this Coronavirus is Chinese Germ Warfare?
And as Dr. Anthony Fauci keeps saying, only an idiot would compare this disease to the flu.
Why did tRump oppose and hinder the distribution of Coronavirus tests? Because if you don’t test you don’t know how widespread the disease is and tRump’s “numbers” stay low. He is sacrificing American lives for political gain. tRump is an asshole.
Since you’re so full of shit. Do you have enough toilet paper?
I kick your ass every day on a regular basis. Better than you have.
Molestation and wife beating hardly qualify as accomplishments.
Google pointed out that tRump lied about their activities.
Google’s parent company is owned by the Red Chinese.
Do you have evidence that this Coronavirus is Chinese Germ Warfare?
Its similarity to SARS, etc., has been noted.
And as Dr. Anthony Fauci keeps saying, only an idiot would compare this disease to the flu.
Tell us the AIDS rate among heterosexuals.
Why did tRump oppose and hinder the distribution of Coronavirus tests?
The Demos wouldn’t appropriate the money. It’s why half the dead from this fklu are people in a nursing home in WA.
He is sacrificing American lives for political gain. tRump is an asshole.
Takes one to know one. And Pelosi Galore twice held up spending on this.
Since you’re so full of shit. Do you have enough toilet paper?
Oh, goody. The bear suit is coming on.
And, last I looked, that didn’t prevent any flu.
Because if you don’t test you don’t know how widespread the disease is and tRump’s “numbers†stay low. He is sacrificing American lives for political gain. tRump is an asshole.
Jeffery is getting nasty because things are looking bad for his side.
The panic will subside.
Obiden-Bama had another senior moment in his town hall
Trump offed the Revolutionary Guards Commander in Iraq (another reason Fake News is filling the airwaves and the Interwebz with the Red Chinese Germ Warfare Flu)
And now that Harvey’s in the slammer, we go from MeToo to NeverBiden