See, the thing is, the Government has to force all people, excluding the Big Shots, to stop flying
Coronavirus has something to teach us about how to save the planet — by staying put
It’s stunning how a pandemic can destabilize seemingly unbreakable social norms and habits. Flying anywhere anytime, and cheaply, has been considered a divine right in the global order, certainly among citizens in the developed world and now among the newly rich of the global south. The number of passengers flying skyrocketed from fewer than half a billion in the late 1990s to more than 4.3 billion in 2018.
Yet here we are, with the coronavirus forcing a massive reduction of global air travel. Airlines, tour companies, hotels and every other service industry that depends on a freewheeling and free-spending, footloose population are facing lost profits that will likely amount to the hundreds of billions of dollars.
As it happens, a lot less flying is required if we are to stabilize a non-nightmarish planetary climate for our children, our grandchildren and their children.
How much less flying?
The spread of the novel coronavirus comes in the wake of an unvarnished report on how to ameliorate climate change that was commissioned by the United Kingdom and published in November. Called “Absolute Zero,†the report, drafted by a group of scientists from the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and the Imperial College London, advised how Britain could reach its stated target of zero emissions by 2050.
Among their conclusions: Because at present and for the foreseeable future there is no carbon-neutral alternative for the powering of planes, all air travel in the U.K. will have to decline precipitously by 2030 — 10 years from now — and cease altogether by 2050. “For some period,†the report says, “we’ll all stop using aeroplanes.â€
What’s true for Britain, of course, has to be true globally — an end to air travel as we know it if the planet is to keep within the putatively safe carbon budget that holds warming to 1.5 degrees Centigrade. And one can read that conclusion another way: Present-day rates of carbon-intensive travel and tourism are among the many time bombs that industrial society has set to destroy future generations.
See, taking a vacation is an unnecessary luxury
Viewed from the perspective of the coming climate apocalypse, much of our flying is narcissistic, wasteful and unnecessary. Jet-setting and even mere vacation travel is too often a luxury, a form of conspicuous display, born of a blinkered attitude of carbon entitlement.
Yeah, I’ll give up my maybe once a year flights when all the members of the Cult of Climastrology give up theirs. No more flights to climate conferences in far off exotic vacation spots.
We have to start thinking now — right now, today, as you read this — about a livable, equitable future for our children, and for that future to be realized we must embrace a world thatthe coronavirus, perversely, is laying out for us. It is a world of less travel, less consumption, one not pathogen-determined but instead created by our own collective self-restraint, humility and altruism.
Well, since even Warmists cannot practice what they preach, it’s up to government to dictate, right?

One would think that all the superior government-run healthcare systems in Europe would have solved or at least contained the epidemic by now.
Thursday the WHO claimed that Europe is now the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic.
One would think that here in the USA which has healthcare costs 2x as high as many Euro countries and healthcare based on profit that we would be doing much better
Last week according to the right of center Drudge Report only 77 people were tested
Problem? What problem? Trump denied for over a month that there even was a problem
Even now some on the right are claiming that it is all a hoax, fake news just to make Trump look bad
Sort of like Teach claiming that the “rainstorm Sandy†was overhyped
Doing much better than what exactly, retard?
Lolgfy johnnie
One would think that here in the USA which has healthcare costs 2x as high as many Euro countries and healthcare based on profit that we would be doing much better
Last I looked, it was all the countries with socialized medicine and open borders that were sinking by the bow on this.
And, you look at the high taxes and the lousy economies when all you get when you need treatment is being given a mask and told to wait while you’re coughing your lungs out, it hardly seems all the “savings” which are a lie.
Last week according to the Left of center Drudge Report only 77 people were tested
Because the Demos have been fighting any money for this since the beginning.
Problem? What problem? Trump denied for over a month that there even was a problem
Even now some on the right are claiming that it is all a hoax, fake news just to make Trump look bad
All very true.
You got a problem wit dat?
Sort of like Teach claiming that the “rainstorm Sandy†was overhyped
Which it was.
Yet another far-left governor praises the Trump administration….
Far-left governors seem to be honest and praise what they consider a good job.
tRump should try it some time.
You mean like Newsom talking about confiscating private property or the governor of OR imposing a cap and trade scheme?
Actually, Andy Cuomo was flailing like Inslee, trying to outlaw the 1st Amendment.
And Trump praises people all the time when they do something worthwhile.
Lefties, not so much.
Teach do you practice what you preach ?
Did you rush off to enlist to fight the war on terror after 9/11
Did you daily protest to stop all those “murders†at abortion clinics ?
Yet you somehow find hypocritical comfort is saying that not all people who believe in climate change live perfect carbon neutral lives
Teach you were age eligible why didn’t you join ?
Why didn’t you?
Did you daily protest to stop all those “murders†at abortion clinics ?
Did you stand in front of abortion clinics to hold the door and protect all those murders?
Yet you somehow find hypocritical comfort is saying that not all people who believe in climate change live perfect carbon neutral lives
Paying Albert Gore money to say you live a e perfect carbon neutral life is a e perfect carbon neutral lie.
One of the things the GOP demanded to be cut from the 2009 Stimulus bill was funds to prevent viral epidemic
Remember that stimulus bill? 1/3 tax relief 1/3 direct aid to states to pay salaries of teachers and first responders and 1/3 for infrastructure
Rightwing claimed socialism
Last month the Fed injected 200 billion to lee Wall Street in life support
Trump wanted even more
Teach isn’t that welfare for the elites? Any problem with that ????
The stimulus was political payoffs to all the Demos who helped get Zippy elected.
Except for those @#$%^&*( roundabouts, no infrastructure was fixed.
Even Zippy laughed at the idea of shovel-ready jobs.
The only thing shovel ready was the stimulus.
Last month the Fed injected 200 billion to lee Wall Street in life support
Care to document that because there’s no mention of it?
And the Fed is independent of the Federal government.
I swear formwiz, John just makes shit up as he types. He must read some wildly anti American, ant patriot sites because his “facts” are really fuked up.
The Fed said it would inject $1.5 trillion into the “repo” market.
It’s using its short-term lending powers to prevent the all-important Treasury market from breaking down and creating another financial crisis.
Every single day, the world’s financial institutions fund themselves using transactions that use U.S. government debt as collateral. These are known as repurchase agreements, or repo deals. One party, like a bank or hedge fund, sells another some securities, usually Treasuries, but agrees to buy them back shortly thereafter at a small markup. It’s effectively a short-term loan with interest. Along with banks, hedge funds, and money market funds, the Fed also participates in the repo market to manage interest rates.
The key thing to realize is that if the repo market seizes up for some reason, much of the financial system ceases to function, since banks and others can’t get their daily funding.
This is not bailing out the stock market but is keeping the financial system liquid.
Anytime there’s a rapid run up in the stock market during a bear market, rumors fly that the Fed is buying stocks.
Troll Elwood – Your constant “Useful Idiot†lying displays your masters’ fear.
I love that Donald scares the Dems and the rest of the Swamp.
Our leader is one of us.
God bless our Republic, Donald and all other patriots.
Says our own Paul Krugman.
And buying stocks is exactly what they’re doing.
You don’t know anything about anything, do you?
Tell us what a swell job Obiden-Bama’s campaign is doing these days.
Do you have evidence that the Fed is manipulating the stock market to help investors (and tRump)?
The tRump regime has accepted Speaker Pelosi’s plan to 1) help the citizenry and 2) make tRump look human.
The Dems helped America, even if it meant helping tRump.
Do you agree with paying out hundreds of billions for sick leave and unemployment and Medicaid support and free virus tests and food assistance? Isn’t that socialism?
Pelosi Galore was holding out for a Christmas tree of pork to 1) help the citizenry and would budge no matter how many died or got sick.
The Dems helped America, even if it meant helping tRump.
No, they gave in because Trump outflanked them by declaring a National Emergency.
Do you agree with paying out hundreds of billions for sick leave and unemployment and Medicaid support and free virus tests and food assistance? Isn’t that socialism?
In the old days, people passed the hat for things like this. They helped each other. Thast unemployment insurance you belch about started out as private funds until the politicians pushed themselves into it. The President realizes a lot of people will be hurt and funds have been allocated for such emergencies.
That part of what declaring a National Emergency is. Tax money is allocated to be used at times like this.
That’s not socialism. Socialism is when a grasping politician like Pelosi Galore tries to push through a lot of Lefty goodies that have nothing to do with the problem. Like her little ploy with the Hyde Amendment.
Your real problem is Trump’s won and it just galls you all to Hell. He cut the Demos out of it when they were going to hold up everything until they got all their goodies.
You lost.
And you’re going to lose a lot more in November.
I see the liberals now beyond upset that the US does not have enough ventilators. Of course this is part of the obfuscation generated by the ignorant liberals and people like our resident trolls, Jeff and John.
To put it in context, a vent can only be used in an ICU bed. Each ICU bed has a vent either present or in temp storage. A back up is available, but the limiting factor is ICU beds. Now, a given community might not have enough ICU beds. Why, you guessed it, our man Obama and the liberal push to socialized medical care. The last 10 years have been horrible in the medical world and this can be laid at the feet of Obama and the communist like Jeff and group.
Of course Jeff and gang will point fingers at Trump. But, any sensible, knowledge individual knows who is to blame. Trump did make an effort at reversing the damage from the communist, but ran into the RINOs and Ryan.
So we can blame the liberals for much of the concerns they have.
Now, why is everyone upset about this virus? I don’t understand it. The rate of now stands at 1 in 10000 of exposure. Deaths are rare outside the elderly community or those terribly ill. The flu appears to be much worse. This, at this point , is nothing. It certainly does not deserve the attention and fear generated. Running the news shows demonstrates the panic being generated by the liberal/ communist media. FOX has joined in, but I am disappointed in them for many reasons.
So buy toilet paper and stay in.
And my wife, nurse of 50 years, will tell you the last thing you want is to go on a vent because you’ll likely never got off it.
So the Lefties want to push something that’s unnecessary and often bad for you.
And the Red Chinese Germ Warfare Flu is nothing. Just another flu.
It’s the panic, sown by the Left because you never let a good crisis go to waste; and, if there isn’t one, you have Fake News manufacture one. All it takes is a little panic.
the last thing you want is to go on a vent because you’ll likely never got off it
Only an ignorant dumbass would say such a thing. NO ONE chooses to go on a ventilator, you ignoramus. You can’t be this stupid. NO ONE is pushing putting people on ventilators, you ignoramus. You can’t be this stupid.
Are you saying Donald j tRump is so weak that he’s giving in to the pressure? Or is this just another campaign stunt? tRump was bragging yesterday that he’s ordering more ventilators. Why would he put Americans at risk if ventilators are soooo dangerous? Maybe your wife knows.
Only an ignorant dumbass would say such a thing. NO ONE chooses to go on a ventilator, you ignoramus
No, they can turn it down. My wife did.
I guess that makes you an ignorant dumbass.
But we knew that.
NO ONE is pushing putting people on ventilators, you ignoramus. You can’t be this stupid.
Of course, they do. Doctors do it all the time.
This is what you get for mouthing off about something where you really are that ignorant.
And, yes, you are that stupid.
Are you saying Donald j tRump is so weak that he’s giving in to the pressure? Or is this just another campaign stunt? tRump was bragging yesterday that he’s ordering more ventilators. Why would he put Americans at risk if ventilators are soooo dangerous? Maybe your wife knows.
Well, first, he wouldn’t be putting anybody on a vent.
Second, vents aren’t dangerous; you’re just setting up another straw man. But people who go on them rarely go off.
Third, he said he was ordering more vents?
Let’s see a source. And that’s the second time I’ve asked.
And my wife knows a lot more on the subject than you do.
I don’t give a flying fuk how many times you’ve asked.
Google tRump and ventilators and you’ll get your answer.
Asked about the possibility of a ventilator shortage during a press conference in the Rose Garden on Friday, President Donald Trump said his advisers have recognized the demand, and are attempting to address it.
“We’re in the process, and in some cases have already done it, ordered a large number of respirators just in case,” Trump said. “We hope we don’t need them but we’ve ordered a large number.”
Even I listened to his gawdawful Rose Garden cavalcade of ass-kissing when he said it.
You are the most unaware, ignorant loudmouth extant.
Let me know when you find the citation about the Fed buying stocks.
david dukem,
It was Donald j tRump boasting yesterday that the govt was ordering lots more ventilators.
It was tRump who declared a national emergency. If it’s no big deal why would he do that? The libs made him do it? LOL.
So you’ll need to ask tRump, Pence, NIH, CDC, WHO, Italy, China, S Korea etc as to why people are upset by this virus.
The Violent Ignorati, i.e., Dave, Porter, Rodney, Edward, the Rev and their ilk are all that is wrong with America.
It was Donald j tRump boasting yesterday that the govt was ordering lots more ventilators.
It was? Source?
It was tRump who declared a national emergency. If it’s no big deal why would he do that? The libs made him do it? LOL.
Because of the panic you assholes created? LOL that.
So you’ll need to ask tRump, Pence, NIH, CDC, WHO, Italy, China, S Korea etc as to why people are upset by this virus.
It seems people aren’t. Lefties are. Looks like they’re the one clearing stuff off the shelves, especially stuff that will got bad long before they summon up the courage to go outside.
Well WHO, Italy, China tried to ignore it. Socialized medicine, do’t ya know. Take a mask and wait you’re turn.
Then there’s all those open borders. This time they really let all the wrong people in. Even Mexico is eager to start closing their US border.
NIH and CDC were asleep at the wheel, too. The only one who acted the way you’re sup[posed to in a situation like this was Trump.
The Violent Ignorati, i.e., Dave, Porter, Rodney, Edward, the Rev and their ilk are all that is wrong with America.
We’re also smart enough not to panic just because Fake News says so.
Do you have evidence that the Fed is manipulating the stock market to help investors (and tRump)?
Manipulating the stock market isn’t necessarily to help Trump or investors. Dr Evil did it in Britain to make himself a fortune.
We’ve seen Jerome Powell doing it here.
So, how much do you think your cut should be? And are you really stupid enough to think you’ll get it?
But do you have any evidence? We didn’t think so.
Cartoons don’t think.
Of Jerome Powell manipulating the market? All over the news.
Same with Dr Evil.
You need to think (if you’re capable) before you just belch up your cliches.
If Fed Chair Powell is manipulating the market to tRump’s benefit, and it’s all over the news, can you supply just a single citation. Just one?
Didn’t think so.
Every word you type is a lie, including “and” and “the”.
If Fed Chair Powell is manipulating the market to tRump’s benefit
I never said it was to Trump’s benefit. You say that.
I said manipulating markets isn’t always for someone’s benefit.
That’s what Powell did. He didn’t care how much it hurt the country. And he knew it would hurt Trump.
But he did it anyway.
You really think you’re clever and manipulative, but this sort of thing was old 50 years ago.
And you’re the one who can’t stop lying.
It’s all you have.
One reason Jeffery wants to talk about anything but the shining star of the Democrat party may be his new campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dillon (and the Micks used to be such darlin’ ward heelers).
For those not familiar with Ms. O’Malley Dillon, she has a very amusing background.
She worked as field director for
presidentAl Gore’s 2000 ill-fated presidential campaign,as Iowa field director for
presidentJohn Edwards’ 2004 and again on his 2008 failed presidential campaigns.O’Malley Dillon’s work also includes deputy campaign manager for scandal ridden former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and a reelection campaign for Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, who in 2014 lost a seat to Republicans that had been solidly held by Democrats since 1883.
But most notably, she was the 2020 presidential campaign manager for the Psychedelic Warrior Beto O’Rourke’s utter embarrassing attempt at a national election campaign.
Kids, it’s over. Trump vs Bernie. November.
Be there.
Edward Sibley is so upset because Don Raper is 10 points behind VP Biden and 8 points behind Senator Sanders.
Donnie is hoping crawling in bed with the Dems and the “Deep State” over Covid-19 will save him.
Donnie is hoping his recession will not be tooo bad.
Donnie is hoping spending a trillion of your tax dollars on socialist projects will save him. More Medicaid, more and longer sick leave, more and longer family leave, more and longer unemployment payments, “free” Coronavirus testing.
The Fed is trying to help DJ by cutting the prime rate, and are expected to cut further. Edward even claims that the Fed is buying up billions of dollars of equities!!
The Don has added nearly a trillion a year to the national debt during a solid economy and now is looking down the barrel of a recession which will require even more fiscal stimulus and more debt.
Donnie has become the socialist you hate! Abortions are still legal. Immigrants still here. Muslims still here. Gays still married. Troops still overseas.
Edward Sibley is so upset because Don Raper is 10 points behind VP Biden and 8 points behind Senator Sanders.
In which parallel universe? Fake News polls? The RCP Average (of Fake News polls)?
Donnie is hoping crawling in bed with the Dems and the “Deep State†over Covid-19 will save him.
He is? Sorry, Pelosi Galore wanted to hold the country for ransom and Trump wouldn’t let her.
Donnie is hoping his recession will not be tooo bad.
No recession. All your Lefty friends trying to panic the markets failed. The correction that was coming came to early to help the Demos.
Donnie is hoping spending a trillion of your tax dollars on socialist projects will save him. More Medicaid, more and longer sick leave, more and longer family leave, more and longer unemployment payments, “free†Coronavirus testing.
Unemployment isn’t socialist. Sick leave isn’t. This is part of that 50B allocated to the states. Already there, waiting to be spent.
The Fed is trying to help DJ by cutting the prime rate, and are expected to cut further. Edward even claims that the Fed is buying up billions of dollars of equities!!
No, you lie again.
You’re the one who said the Fed was doing it. All I said was it is buying stocks when you tried to claim it wasn’t.
The Don has added nearly a trillion a year to the national debt during a solid economy and now is looking down the barrel of a recession which will require even more fiscal stimulus and more debt.
No. that’s that Lefty House you love so much. Those are those Lefty entitlements you want to keep. That’s that IdiotCare that hasn’t been entirely gutted yet.
And no recession. Your Lefty friends took care of that. We were due for a correction, but trying to crash the markets only brought it on about 4 or 5 months early.
Real smart, guys.
Donnie has become the socialist you hate! Abortions are still legal. Immigrants still here. Muslims still here. Gays still married. Troops still overseas.
Christ, you really are desperate.
Abortions aren’t legal. They just have a SCUS decision giving them the force of law. That’s gonna change here. The challenge is on its way. What happens when all those lesser races (of which you’re a member) can’t feed all their kids? Are the rich Lefties gonna feed ’em?
Hell, no. Then they’ll be coming for you.
Immigrants still here.
Immigrants, of course. But captures of illegals is up 90%. And they’re being sent back. Haven’t you heard even Mexico wants to secure the Rio Grande and keep the Red Chinese Germ Warfare Flu out.
Muslims still here.
As long as they play nice, they can stay. Hear how Trump nailed the Revolutionary Guards CO in Iraq?
He kills bad little Moslems.
Gays still married.
Something else that’s going to change. The only Lefty besides the Short Shortstop that heard the Remain In Mexico case was the Wise Latina.
So Breyer is down for the count, too. 2, maybe, 3 more Court appointments in the next 4 years. All to Conservatives.
Troops still overseas.
And they’re coming home. But weren’t you the one who kept wailing about the troops being pulled out of Iraq and Syria and A-stan?
Yes, you were. So you should be happy. But, being Hypocrite Hare, you try to take all sides of an issue when it fits your purpose.
And it shows. You should stick to one position. Harder to criticize.
More to the point, what about Ms O’Malley Dillon?
What about those town halls Obiden-Bama screwed up?
What about NeverBiden?
The Lefties won’t vote for him. Looks like you’ll have to manufacture more than 7 million fake votes this time.
CHINA is a true socialist/communist country. They weld their people inside their homes and let them starve in the name of the party.
The United States shows compassion for it’s citizens.
CHINA withholds vital information that could save panic and suffering worldwide.
The WEST has given China too numerous to mention technologies and strategies over the last 30 years in an effort to lift that country out of its misery.
China is withholding drugs and masks as we speak in an extortion attempt to get the USA to stop with the trade war which they are seriously loosing. What is lost on the left is that Donald Trump back in september told countries to get the HELL out of China and many, many did. Moving to Vietnam, Cambodia and India.
What is lost on the left is that the only person on this planet that saw this coming was Donald J. Trump, President of the United States.
What is lost on the left is thousand’s of Youtube channels devoted to President Trump from all over the world. They literally report on his every tweet, action and comment. They worship the guy in a benign sense for liberating their own countries from the stupidity of Globalism and the communists attempt at stripping away nationalism and patriotism not only from the USA but from all freedom loving countries around the world.
Donald J. Trump is a hero and even if his tenure is only 4 years, he will have done more in 4 years to reshape the world into a stable world community than anyone since FDR who defeated Hitler.
I predict that President Trump will be stronger. The worse things get, the stronger he will become. Right now around the world everyone, which the left again ignores, is listening to every word from Trumps mouth. Hence why he has tried to remain optimistic instead of Screaming FIRE and running for his bunker.
It is amazing how every world news I watch on Youtube is replete with Trump this, Trump that, Trump this, Trump That and in a relatively news approach and not a biased approach. Not even a mention of any other leader. NONE. Occasionally there will be 1 minute of The Canadian prime minister or Boris Johnson and then its back to Trump this, Trump that.
He is the leader of the free world and right NOW…EVERYONE has come to realize that CHINA and OPEN BORDERS and GLOBALISM was the greatest stupidity the world ever undertook.
Trump will win in a landslide.
All I said was it is buying stocks when you tried to claim it wasn’t.
And I asked for evidence that the Fed was buying stocks which according to the Federal Reserve Act it isn’t supposed to do. Any evidence?
You provided the evidence.
I don’t give a flying fuk how many times you’ve asked.
IOW you lie.
“We’re in the process, and in some cases have already done it, ordered a large number of respirators just in case,†Trump said. “We hope we don’t need them but we’ve ordered a large number.â€
A respirator is not a vent.
Even I listened to his gawdawful Rose Garden cavalcade of ass-kissing when he said it.
Trump in charge when Zippy would have ummed and uhhed his way through it. Must have killed you to see how it really works when you have a man as President.
You are the most unaware, ignorant loudmouth extant.
No, I just catch you in all your lies. And, if Google doesn’t know the difference between a respirator and a vent (and that’s typical of them if you don’t use the Verbatim option), that’s their problem.
Let me know when you find the citation about the Fed buying stocks.
You put it up there and then tried some weasel about it really wasn’t buying stocks. So it’s your citation; actually, it’s just an uncited quote as you so often like to couch your lies, but it’s your citation, regardless.
And you still haven’t said anything about Ms O’Malley Dillon.
What about those town halls Obiden-Bama screwed up?
What about NeverBiden?