…is a world turning to desert because Other People are not paying a carbon tax, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the California governor looking to commandeer property due to Coronavirus

…is a world turning to desert because Other People are not paying a carbon tax, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the California governor looking to commandeer property due to Coronavirus
Apparently, the Demos are voter suppression criminals
My opinion is this: The object of this Deep State/Fake Media foray into forfeiture, confiscation and other martial law initiatives is a dry run for when they ever get power again. The ease with which the media turned a virus that thus far has killed fewer Americans since January than work accidents into a full blown crisis with all the fear, panic and hysteria of the Black Death is startling.
The fact that Americans, once the most fearless people in Western culture are now toilet paper lunatics is amazing. What a transformation the left has done since the 60’s. All the soyboys, pajama boys and the rest of the gelded idiots are somehow under the impression that this Red Chinese Flu with a total of about 800 Americans infected and about 40 dead (compared to 32 million so far in this years flu season infected and about 18,000 dead) is akin to the bubonic plague. The media has managed to turn a flu into a national, if not international Plague. To what end I ask?
Perhaps as I said this is a dry run for the future Democratic Socialist Republic of America. I also find it interesting that the governments and medias also want to eliminate sales of guns and ammo as well as gasoline in containers. That’s all so “Warsaw Ghetto” of them. Once a leftist always a leftist.
Perhaps our Democrat citizens are once again showing the hate in their hearts.
Trump 2020 Let’s get a grip for shit sake!
I still say most of the hoarders are Lefties who feel they must believe everything Fake News tells them.
If you want to go all Man From UNCLE, especially if you believe as many, that certain nefarious people have been shorting the markets, maybe those people were told to buy out all the rubbing alcohol and Clorox to heighten the panic.
Also consider a few stats.
But the nation was well-prepared for the corona virus, unlike the nations of the European Union. The United States has suffered 50 deaths.
Italy has suffered 1,266 deaths, Spain 133, and France 79. Combined they do not have even half the population America has.
Despite hysterical press reports, the USA is doing better than anyone. We have 6.9 cases per million people.
Italy has 292.1, Norway has 183.7, Denmark has 138.8, Switzerland has 131.6, Spain has 111.9, and Sweden has 80.6, all well above Red China’s 56.2.
Perhaps as I said this is a dry run for the future Democratic Socialist Republic of America. I also find it interesting that the governments and medias also want to eliminate sales of guns and ammo as well as gasoline in containers. That’s all so “Warsaw Ghetto†of them.
This is the Trump campaign’s shot after Obiden-Bama criticized Trump’s handling of the situation.
In the past, Joe Biden has shown terrible judgment and incompetence in the face of public health issues. The Obama White House had to publicly apologize for and clean up after Biden when his irresponsible remarks caused panic during the swine flu outbreak in 2009. Just weeks ago, he was openly critical of President Trump’s early move to restrict travel from China to the United States in response to the Coronavirus – a decision which medical experts agree helped impede the spread of the the virus to this country.
So the Lefties are better at bungling these things (impeachment, anyone?) than anything else.
It’s also going to be interesting to see how Newsom and Cuomo do with all their little property seizure and restriction schemes once the courts are open.
All this, of course, is in the context of November and things are not looking swell for the bad guys.
GOOD GAWD ELWOOD. The projection on the left is un-freaking-believable. Do you believe your own crap or do you just spew it after reading far left blogs?
Do YOU believe the Dems are planning the eventual authoritarian takeover of the US as formwiz and Kye suggest?
Who is more likely to abuse power? Trump or some Dem?
Ordinarily, I wouldn’t interrupt one of Jeffery’s echo chamber dialogs with one of his ROLCON cartoon characters, but this is too good to pass up.
Do YOU believe the Dems are planning the eventual authoritarian takeover of the US as formwiz and Kye suggest?
The words, “fundamental transformation of the United States”, ring any bells?
Who is more likely to abuse power? Trump or some Dem?
Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Brown.
So far.
@Elwood. Didn’t they already try? I think it was called the Mueller probe based upon a FISA warrant by Obama’s weaponized DOJ. Did you not hear James Clapper tell his audience on CNN that he was ordered by Obama to spy on Trump?????
Then there is this little thing of Impeachment where they actively tried to take down Pence. They spent many breathless nights trying to figure a way to take down Pence too so they could take down the entire elected President and VP which would put Nancy Pelosi in charge.
Yes, Elwood. I do think that the left if given half a chance, would take down Trump/Pence in a heartbeat and install Pelosi as President. A coup.
As much as you saw how much the right disdained Obama did you see them trying to Impeach Him? Throw him out of office other than through a legitimate election. Their goal was to make him a one-term president but not my conjuring up fake allegations.
The clown we call Jeff has lost it. He somehow missed the directive that Obama would tag team with Hillary to destroy our country. The only other explanation would be that Obama was as stupid as jeff and thus making daily mistakes. If you assume Obama and Hillary to be intelligent, then they were intentionally working in tandem to destroy us.
Trump just signed what will turn out to be a massive socialist aid package AND declared a state of National Emergency and you blame all that on the media?
So to your mind the pandemic is a media hoax to get at Trump?
Other conservative commenters here call you a traitor for not recognizing the seriousness of the pandemic.
formwiz went off the deep end long ago, now you…
DO NOT FORGET ELWOOD. YOU WERE A DENIER of the WUHAN VIRUS until the left gave you permission to use it as a reason to go after Trump. You were anti-war until Trump wanted out of Syria and then suddenly you were all about killing some Muslims. You hated illegals until the left gave you permission to love them. You have flip flopped like a light switch under test by consumer reports.
One can’t be a denier of a virus. Like most Americans we were reluctant to consider what was happening in China as applicable to the world. We were wrong. It’s a pandemic, not as bad as some will be in the future, but bad enough.
We’re still anti-war, but a gov’t has to be responsible in entering and leaving a conflict. It’s not a dichotomy. It’s not about killing some Muslims. Grow up. We confess to not trusting Trump’s judgement or motives on most issues. Mea culpa.
We never hated illegals and have been an advocate for a comprehensive immigration plan for as long as we can remember.
No one gives us permission. That’s a right-wing meme that has played out. The left has few Limbaugh’s or Hannity’s to guide us.
One can’t be a denier of a virus. Like most Americans we were reluctant to consider what was happening in China as applicable to the world. We were wrong. It’s a pandemic, not as bad as some will be in the future, but bad enough.
125,000 cases out of 8 billion is not a pandemic. This is just another Red Chinese germ warfare bug that got out, purposely or not.
We’re still anti-war, but a gov’t has to be responsible in entering and leaving a conflict. It’s not a dichotomy. It’s not about killing some Muslims. Grow up. We confess to not trusting Trump’s judgement or motives on most issues. Mea culpa.
What’s this “we”? Americans have always been fighters.
If you’re beating your breast over the 125,000,000 killed by Red China, the 53,000,000 killed by stalin, you’re a little late.
Anybody we killed was in self defense, so fu(k your Commie mea culpa.
Funny now Elwood. The MSM was calling it the WUHAN VIRUS, CHINA VIRUS etc. non stop, night and day and then suddenly someone switched a switch and VOILLA Trump is Orange man bad and a RACIST for calling it the Wuhan Virus or even more generically a FOREIGN VIRUS.
You know you go to MSNBC, Read their talking points and then show up here spouting them. Yes I know what they are. I see them. I read them. Your not the least bit original Elwood. Your simply spouting Left Talking points which change every few days.
remember saul alinsky. Hit them from all sides, when they figure out how to respond to one thing hit them with something else.
YOU were in fact against Illegals. Totally. You hated it because corporations wanted them for cheap labor. You wanted them deported. You wanted big business penalized. Trump said okay, I agree. Now Orange man bad. Illegals and 10’s of thousands working as cheap labor is good.
Don’t give me your double talk. You guys flip flop like a drunk Mexican Jumping bean.
No, it will not turn into the massive socialist aid package Pelosi Galore.
And, yes, the media started and perpetuates the panic.
It all phony.
So to your mind the pandemic is a media hoax to get at Trump?
And the sun rises in the East.
Other conservative commenters here call you a traitor for not recognizing the seriousness of the pandemic.
Care to name any beside your cartoon characters?
And 125,000 cases out 8 billion people is not a pandemic.
formwiz went off the deep end long ago, now you…
You’re the one shilling for the Doofus From Dover.
I have better sense. So does Kye.
An emergency aid package passed by ANY government in time of national emergency is NOT SOCIALIST as it is not the normal economic operation of that country. It’s an emergency. So since as FREE PEOPLE we are not normally set up like Nazi Germany it takes a plan to QUICKLY pull together. Instead of trying to tie an emergency deal into some sort of communist plot by your political adversaries you should be pulling together as an American to help.
And yes, in my mind the way the media is hyping this Red China Flu is a media hoax. Do you know how I know? Because last week more people died from the regular flu than the Red Chinese Flu and you don’t care. Therefore, it’s a media hoax (we all know it ain’t the first) as one last shot at Trump. You know it you just won’t admit it because it will openly reveal you hat Trump more than you love America and our citizens.
Once again, you lie. I never said I didn’t recognize the seriousness of the pandemic, I said I disagree with making a (so far) limited flu into a hysterical panic by ye leftist media. Face it, 102 people a day die in car crashes. The regular flu has killed 18,000 Americans so far this flu season, the Red Chinese Flu has killed fewer than 50. What’s all the hype about?
BTW, I don’t recall anyone here calling me a traitor, care to direct me to the specific post?
Trump 2020 The real patriots are the ones not in a panic.
The right is worried about a liberal Gov? The projection on the right is un-freaking-believable. Do you guys believe your own crap or do you just spew it after reading far-right blogs?
Look at the powers available to a US president who declares a National Emergency.
Notorious examples include Franklin D. Roosevelt’s internment of U.S. citizens and residents of Japanese descent during World War II and George W. Bush’s programs of warrantless wiretapping and torture after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Abraham Lincoln’s unilateral suspension of habeas corpus… * SCOTUS stopped Truman from taking over the steel mills*
Does anyone doubt the Trump would take advantage of any power that would guarantee his re-election?
A president can declare martial law, send US troops to cities/states for any reason, freeze bank accounts/assets of select Americans (Gates, Buffet, Soros etc), seize control of all media, control output on the internet, declare a political party a terrorist organization…
It was reported in 1987 that Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North had worked with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to create a secret contingency plan authorizing “suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the United States over to FEMA, appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and declaration of martial law during a national crisis.â€
Of course, the Supreme Court can rule, but would this Supreme Court EVER rule against The Don? Would the Senate?
What has prevented the wholesale abuse of these authorities until now is a baseline commitment to liberal democracy on the part of past presidents. Under a president who doesn’t share that commitment, what might we see?
“Under a president who doesn’t share that commitment, what might we see?”
I don’t know. Elect a commie like Sanders or a socialist like Rapin’ Joe and we’ll see. What has Trump ever done that indicates to you that he is ANYTHING less than a patriotic America?
You hate that man so much you just talk shit constantly. All you have is seething hate and it’s sad….and dangerous. It does not matter what “secret contingency plans” Oliver North worked on with FEMA since since that was 33 fukin’ years ago you fukin’ moron and has not relation to anything going on today.
Have you ever seen any Democrat or your fellow communists ever do this:
You’re a lying dog faced pony soldier and you know it.
Trump 2020 At least he and Republicans put flags on their stage at debates.
We understand why you as so angry, since things aren’t going so well for Mr. Trump, these days.
Can you tell us why you believe trump is a patriot at that he has the best interests of America and Americans in his heart.
Do you really think Trump publicly kissing and humping Old Glory shows patriotism? He’s conning you guys and you should be insulted. He’s mocking you and you follow him for it. Pretend patriotism like trump’s is the “last refuge of a scoundrel.” “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.â€
The ever-brash Trump dismissed McCain’s extraordinary ordeal, claiming: “He’s not a war hero.†Trump continued, “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.†Is degrading the suffering of an American veteran patriotic?
Unlike McCain, Trump did not serve in the Vietnam War. He has gone on the record, however, for making a different kind of sacrifice. Trump described his romantic escapades in the 1980’s as his “personal Vietnam†due to how he put himself at risk of sexually transmitted diseases. He told Howard Stern that this made him feel “like a great and very brave soldier.â€
Trump is not supported by patriots but by authoritarian followers such as you. You constantly allude to eliminating those Americans who disagree with Trump.
Like all authoritarians Trump demands total loyalty at all times.
Trump doesn’t just correct media errors, he calls all media “The Enemy of the People”. His most ardent followers such as you, call non-adherents to trump, traitors, unpatriotic, unAmerican, commies, treasonous and socialists. Opposing trump is not treason.
Kye, We naively thought trump wouldn’t be as bad a president as he is a man, but we were wrong. We hoped he would grow in the job, but we were wrong. We thought he would surround himself with intelligent, thoughtful, patriotic, experienced advisors and staff, but we were wrong. He’s a horrible person – a liar, cheat, con artist, abuser, fraudulent, vulgarian, bigot – and a bad president, and is rending the fabric of America.
I thought the likelihood of trump getting elected was remote, but that the risk if he was elected would be great. Unfortunately, on that issue I was right.
Shouldn’t “loving America” meaning working to make it a better place for everyone, men, women, white, black, brown, yellow, red, Christian, atheist, Muslim, Jew, immigrant, disabled, straight, queer, rich and poor?
We understand why you as so angry, since things aren’t going so well for Mr. Trump, these days.
He either faces the Demented Doofus or Bernie. He’s got the media panic well in hand. You, however, have a very badly divided party, any chance for a market correction later in the year shot to Hell because your people jumped the gun, and a flu that’s stabilized at only 10 serious cases.
Things could not be better.
Can you tell us why you believe trump is a patriot at that he has the best interests of America and Americans in his heart.
Of course, he is, just as you aren’t.
Do you really think Trump publicly kissing and humping Old Glory shows patriotism? He’s conning you guys and you should be insulted. He’s mocking you and you follow him for it. Pretend patriotism like trump’s is the “last refuge of a scoundrel.†“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.â€
Are going all Lurch now?
Are we that desperate?
OK, let’s hear the line.
Dissent Is the Highest Form of Patriotism.
Trump is not supported by patriots but by authoritarian followers such as you. You constantly allude to eliminating those Americans who disagree with Trump.\
No, you do and you should. It makes you sound like a racist, sexist, anti-Christian, and the traitor you are.
Like all authoritarians Trump demands total loyalty at all times.
And here, that was how Zippy acted.
Trump doesn’t just correct media errors, he calls all media “The Enemy of the Peopleâ€. His most ardent followers such as you, call non-adherents to trump, traitors, unpatriotic, unAmerican, commies, treasonous and socialists.
When they lie to the people to cause an unnecessary panic, they are.
Opposing trump is not treason.
Endangering the American people is.
Kye, We naively thought trump wouldn’t be as bad a president as he is a man, but we were wrong. We hoped he would grow in the job, but we were wrong. We thought he would surround himself with intelligent, thoughtful, patriotic, experienced advisors and staff, but we were wrong.
Lie. You were against him even in the primaries. You didn’t care with whom he surrounded himself. You castigated them instantly like the knee-jerk (and I do mean jerk) Lefty that you are.
He’s a horrible person – a liar, cheat, con artist, abuser, fraudulent, vulgarian, bigot – and a bad president, and is rending the fabric of America.
No, he’s denying you the chance to turn this country into another Lefty Hellhole.
I thought the likelihood of trump getting elected was remote, but that the risk if he was elected would be great. Unfortunately, on that issue I was right.
You believed the polls. You thought the Bernie Bros would come out for the Hildabeast. You thought the Demos could manufacture enough fraudulent votes to put her over the top.
You forgot about the Electoral College.
You were wrong.
Shouldn’t “loving America†meaning working to make it a better place for everyone, men, women, white, black, brown, yellow, red, Christian, atheist, Muslim, Jew, immigrant, disabled, straight, queer, rich and poor?
You’re the one who hates all us white, Conservative, Christianist, racist, sexist, homophobic, gun-toting, denier, socialized medicine opponents.
Christians are allowed in your “America” these days? Well, if we’re talking legal immigrants, we’ve never been against them.
If you’re talking homosexuals, as opposed to queers who want special rights and privileges.
Are we all supposed to start singing “Kumbaya” now?
This is like the Commies talking world peace.
Or the Demos talking bipartisanship.
As long as it’s everybody do what the bad guys say.
The right is worried about a liberal Gov? The projection on the right is un-freaking-believable. Do you guys believe your own crap or do you just spew it after reading far-right blogs?
No, it’s recognizing that any Lefty will never let a good crisis go to waste if he (or she) thinks he can seize more power. Newsom isn’t the only governor trying to do so. Andy Cuomo’s trying to restrict the 1st Amendment.
Does anyone doubt the Trump would take advantage of any power that would guarantee his re-election?
Yes, because he could have done so and he hasn’t.
OTOH the Magic Negro did everything illegal in his power, having weaponized the DOJ and Intel, to try to keep Trump from being elected and then to depose him.
A president can declare martial law, send US troops to cities/states for any reason, freeze bank accounts/assets of select Americans (Gates, Buffet, Soros etc), seize control of all media, control output on the internet, declare a political party a terrorist organization…
Only person talking martial law is the Governor of MI, a Lefty Democrat.
Of course, the Supreme Court can rule, but would this Supreme Court EVER rule against The Don? Would the Senate?
Find something he did that was illegal, and let us know.