We’ve seen this time and time again: the people who’ve called Trump a dictator, a Fascist, “literally Hitler” are now upset that Trump is not Declaring Things. Here’s The Bulwark’s resident unhinged Lefty, because a conserving conservative site needs that, right? (via Twitchy)
Is this called Federalism? Did she just discover the 10th Amendment?
Seriously, this is the way it’s supposed to work. The duties of the federal government are laid out in the Constitution, and the restrictions on Los Federales are laid out in the initial 10 Amendments. These are our founding documents. There’s a reason they are called states, namely because they are as big as old world European nations. When the leader of a foreign nation comes to the U.S., what do they call them? Chief of state. We know that the federal government was meant to bind us together, and given certain duties, such as setting monetary policy.
Heck, we can even invoke the 9th
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
As much as I’d love to write a dissertation long post on this subject, you either know it or don’t, and I shan’t bore you with it.

Problem is, the states affected are mostly run by power-hungry Lefties who are using the usual Red Chinese flu to impose unnecessary restrictions on people rights to assembly and property.
Guess who’s finally standing up to all this?
Da yoots! Those crazy kids finally have done something right.
WVU students wouldn’t disperse when the cops tried to impose “social distancing”.
Toldja this wouldn’t last long.
PS Now the Reds are telling us the bird flu’s back.
A-well-a ev’rybody’s heard about the bird
Well, the bird, bird, bird, well the b-birdd’s a word
A-well-a don’t you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is a word
Trump’s competition…
People have said they see a change in his face consistent with early onset dementia.
Don’t know about that, but there is a change there. Maybe he went under the knife to look a little better and things accelerated, anesthesia does that to a lot of older people.
Didn’t notice it before, but that vid sure shows there’s a change.
The Trump economy just yanked Wall Street
TheDow closed today lower than when Trump took over a roaring economy that AVERAGED 25% growth per year for 8 years
Trump has grossly mismanaged this virus
And the rightwing has gone along enabling him by saying it was all a Dem “hoax†and “everything is under controlâ€
Still think so ?
Americans largely do not think so
No, that moron, Powell, decided he was going to “fix” everything again and loused up the markets yet again.
when Trump took over a roaring economy that AVERAGED 25% growth per year for 8 year</i.
In what parallel universe was this? Zippy had the economy stagnated.
Trump has grossly mismanaged this virus</i.
no, he’s done well with the virus. It’s the Democrat-led panic that’s the problem.
Still think so ?
Americans largely do not think so
Actually, they do think so. Trump’s numbers are still rock steady, better than Zippy’s at the same point.
I’m going to enjoy watching you clowns run for cover when this is over.
Do states have the right to choose not to enforce Federal laws ?
Isn’t that up yo Los Federales ?
Who should control state borders and interstate borders ?
Can we blame Obama for the health fiasco of 100s of thousands of Americans coming back into the USA and not being tested ?
Approximately 1 billion of the 800 billion dollar Stimulus not used for tax relief or to help states pay salaries was yanked from the Stimulus by the GOP was funding to stop or mitigate future pandemics like the one we have now
John-how is the liberal utopia of high-density urban living, forced mass transit and open borders looking right now? I thought so..
Good things happen when it warms….. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2020/03/study-high-temperature-and-humidity-reduce-transmission-of-coronavirus.php
By Mirengoff, no less.
Even some of the NeverTrumpers come to their senses.
This is basic epidemiology, so I’m guessing the Red Chinese may be ready to call off the war.
In any case, some figures to put this nonsense into perspective.
We can sure blame Obamacare for the poor state of our current health system.
People like you make me laugh, talking shit about Trump’s successes while your demo(n)-run, left-coast utopia is going down the shitter, along with EVERY OTHER state & municipality run by commieturds.
John – how appropriate.
<i.Can we blame Obama for the health fiasco of 100s of thousands of Americans coming back into the USA and not being tested ?
Hundreds of thousands? Your average cruise ship only holds about 2000 people.
And we can’t blame Trump for it, either. The Demos have been holding up aid so they could get some of their goodies restored.
Approximately 1 billion of the 800 billion dollar Stimulus not used for tax relief or to help states pay salaries was yanked from the Stimulus by the GOP was funding to stop or mitigate future pandemics like the one we have now
Source? Or is this just another one of Troll Central’s talking points that will melt away under the light of inquiry?
And the other 799B was used to pay off Zippy’s political debts after he was elected.
Oh, fudge. Looks like the Red Chinese Germ Warfare Panic is about to end.
Dr Fauci has pulled his head out of his ass and says a vaccine is in trial.
More to the point, an anti-viral called chloroquine effectively treats the bug.
Sorry, Jeffery. You lose again.
So scientists may succeed where tRump failed? Chloroquine is a very low potency anti-viral; let’s hope it works.
Dr. Fauci doesn’t decide what goes into clinical trials. But when will tRump pull his head out of his ass? You seem to be as ignorant as trump regarding clinical trials. Good thing he has Dr. Fauci correcting tRump’s trail of ignorance. How soon do you think a vaccine against TrumpVirus will be ready for primetime?
Several anti-viral drugs are in trials against the TrumpVirus, with some early positive results.
So scientists may succeed where tRump failed? Chloroquine is a very low potency anti-viral; let’s hope it works.
Trump didn’t fail. Out of 4600 cases (out of 330,000,000), only 12 are serious and 100 deaths.
His measures worked quite well. You’re just mad they worked.
Dr. Fauci doesn’t decide what goes into clinical trials. But when will tRump pull his head out of his ass? You seem to be as ignorant as trump regarding clinical trials. Good thing he has Dr. Fauci correcting tRump’s trail of ignorance. How soon do you think a vaccine against TrumpVirus will be ready for primetime?
Never said he did. Learn to read.
Which ignorance was that? Fauci hasn’t been right in 40 years.
And we all know you’re praying never.
You mean the Red Chinese Germ Warfare Flu? The one your pals gave us?
Is all Europe in on this giant plot against Trump?
The ‘panic’ in the US is to PREVENT what we see today in Europe.
Could be. They still preach open borders.
Trump already did that by closing the Southern border and the West Coast.
The panic is the Left trying to bring down this country. Ain’t workin’ and all these Lefty governors trying to seize power they don’t legally have are going to pay.
Just like you and yours.
You don’t “prevent” anything by inducing panic. You cause irreparable harm which is what the useful idiots are doing. Trump didn’t start this virus the Red Chinese did. Calling it “Trumpvirus” is showing how vile the left is with it’s lies and propaganda and misdirection for power’s sake. You are all liars and you all hate Trump so much you are killing America.
And “all of Europe” is in a CYA mode for letting migrants run willy-nilly around the continent spreading crime and disease. Their leaders need to be executed.
Trump 2020 Stop the vile lies of the left.