The NY Times still hasn’t updated the article to reflect the entire quote
Media pundits criticized President Donald Trump based on an incomplete quote from a recording of the president’s conference call with state governors about the crisis from the coronavirus pandemic.
The quote appeared in a report by the New York Times.
“Trump tells governors not to wait for federal government to look for needed medical equipment on their own,” tweeted Peter Baker of the New York Times.
“Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment—try getting it yourselves,” the quote read.
That tweet generated lots of typical hate towards Trump
But according to the Washington Examiner, the president followed up that quote with a clarification that the White House would help governors with the effort to obtain medical equipment.
“We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves,” he said. “Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”
The “Times” is a disgrace to journalism!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2020
Now, the NYT article in question has a link to another Times article, which includes the full quote, but, how many will click it? Full context matters, especially with such a short quote. And, of course, the Times in that linked piece tries to go negative
The suggestion surprised some of the governors, who have been scrambling to contain the outbreak and are increasingly looking to the federal government for help with equipment, personnel and financial aid. Last Wednesday, Mr. Trump directed his labor secretary to increase the availability of respirators, and he has generally played down fears of shortages.
All sorts of mostly Democrat Governors had hissy fits, because that’s what they do. One the quoted was Washington gov Jay Inslee, and, you can understand why he’s upset, being unable to do anything about all the urine and feces in the streets of Seattle. Perhaps Jay should have spent more time on other things rather than ‘climate change’, eh?
“If one state doesn’t get the resources and materials they need, the entire nation continues to be at risk,†said Ms. Lujan Grisham, a Democrat.
She’s the gov of New Mexico. She apparently missed the part about trying first themselves, because they are closer down the supply chain, and state, county, and local employees may well know better where the supplies are and able to procure them faster, because the federal government only has so many employees involved in things like that. New Mexico has around 29,000 federal employees in the state, 12K of whom work for the Air Force directly, with another 3,400 civilian AF workers. 133 work for the Dept of Commerce. How many of these 29K will understand how to make purchases?
If they need help, they can ask. That’s the way it works. Doesn’t sound like these Democrat leaders are particularly competent.
Oh, and there was also a failure at the Washington Post to practice proper journalism
I'm glad that the @washingtonpost ran this opinion piece without bothering to do a fact check before doing a fact check several days later
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) March 16, 2020

The Times was just doing it’s job by trying to sew panic and hysteria in order to bring down the economy and hopefully the nation. So they got a little ahead of themselves, if you buy into this red Red Chinese Panic you’ll soon forget all the lies. Remember, this panic is just the test run to see what they can get away with when they start the real deal after the election. We’ve all seen how fast martial law and emergency powers can be instituted when nobody in government or the media has the balls to ask “is all this shit really necessary over a flu that’s killed less than any other flu in our history?”
They couldn’t pull off the emoluments crap, they lost out on Russia, Mueller was a “big nothingburger”, the Ukraine hurt them more than Trump, the phony impeachment cum coup failed so now they’ve moved into mass hysteria and panic promoted by their useful idiots in the press. Sooner or later they will ruin Trump and America be damned.
They said “by any means necessary” and they fukin’ meant it. It’s all a power grab and if you can’t see that you aren’t watching. There have been 81 deaths and 1,400 cased reported across the country. And the Great America is in lock down panic mode. The flu is real, and it’s also the least deadly flu so far. The panic and resulting hysteria is real and will do more economic damage to America than any single event in history. You need to ask yourself: Who profits from all this panic, hysteria and government involvement? It ain’t us folks.
Trump 2020 Unless living in Venezuela appeals to ya.
You got that one right, and it’s sow, as in sowing seeds not sew, as in clothes.
1,400 cases
4800 cases. 2% morbidity.
A couple of slides from (are you ready?) InformationIsBeautiful.
(this may not work)
Scroll down 3 pages for the important stuff.
Ventilators ?
For what ?
The rightwing kept telling us that the virus was not a big problem, that the heat of April would kill the virus, and that everything was under control. Isn’t the virus just a hoax created by the Dems to make Trump look bad ?
Now we need ventilators? ???
We’re the Dems correct 2 months ago?
No, but some governors think they need them.
These are the same idiots who are closing everything they can find.
They want people to think they are actually doing something.
They are.
They’re driving the country stir crazy.
“That the Heat of April would kill the virus..â€. Dr. John, it’s not April yet…..
Good news is it may get warmer sooner.
Have to say Trump is obsessed with a payroll tax cut.
Stupid Republicans. It would work awesome when people are actually fukkkking working. Now everyones being shoved into their boxes and he wants to cut the payroll tax.
Brilliant. I say Trump should resign, pence should resign and they should put Barrasso a doctor in charge of the government who actually has an idea what the fuk he is doing.
Better yet Trump should sit around monitoring twitter 24×7 and respond to every tweet that calls him out. Yeah thats the ticket.
You know trump….it was funny and it was hilarious when you were taking the crazy left to task for their political correctness but now that we have a real world emergency going on you want to continue as if nothing has changed.
Things have changed. You will either be a hero or a goat. How you handle the next 3 months will determine if your prez for 4 more years or a footnote in history as the worst MORON to every occupy the White house.
Look at how Bush responded to 911. His numbers were 90 percent favorable for well over a year. Guess what. The election is less than a year away you idiot. Trash twitter and become a president.
Gawd. Oh wait I heard a 4th grader tweeted something bad about you…….quick run to twitter account and bully him into submission.
Lord have mercy Trump. Lord have Mercy.
Trump is getting some lousy advice, but we usually don’t need an MD in charge.
And why would Barasso be any good once this panic (I give it about as long as it takes for the country to go stir crazy) is over?
How you handle the next 3 months will determine if your prez for 4 more years or a footnote in history as the worst MORON to every occupy the White house.
3 months? Get fu(ked. 1 at the most.
4800 cases is a joke.
His numbers were 90 percent favorable for well over a year. Guess what.
Yeah, the Lefties lied about Iraq and the WMDs, as IS quickly proved.
They’ve been lying about Trump for 4 years and it hasn’t worked.
PS Most people know this is a crock.
Yeah formwiz?
My post was tongue in cheek but you know what? I saw a tone change from the white house. In fact the main trade expert was doing an interview in which he said Trump is effectively a war time president now. See the connection there to how the nation reacted to Bush and 911. My point is he needs to lead and put down twitter.
He told Cuomo to shut up basically. A day after I made the internet rounds reminding him that he can win in a landslide by becoming BUSH after 911 he suddenly became best friends with Coumo from NY and even the NY governor had a press conference in which he was giving Trump veiled praise instead of trashing him.
Simply stepping up and giving every state what they need will elect him in a landslide.
Any moron can see this. NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE. remember?
However I would ask that you go contract the coronavirus and keep us updated on how bad it is. Make sure you get the L version which is causing permanent COPD. We would like a good first hand account here. J/K. I wish you health and prosperity despite your obviously delusion denial of a world wide pandemic.
There is such a thing as a /sarc tag.
Ever notice the 4 groups that get always it wrong are FBI profilers, the Fed, and the CDC?
And two independents who always get it wrong Elwood and Krugman.
At least we can count to 4.
Without taking off your socks and underpants?
The fourth, of course, is Lefty trolls.
Just knew you’d fall for it.
Trump says dumb stuff all the time and has to correct it. Sometimes in the same conversation. That’s what happened here.
Rather than explain what he really meant or apologizing for his clumsiness, Trump attacks the paper for reporting the words that trump said. This may be arousing to his hard-core base, but it’s off-putting to most Americans.
Trump says dumb stuff all the time and has to correct it. Sometimes in the same conversation. That’s what happened here.
Even NeverTrumper sites are all over this one.
The full quote, “We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourselfâ€.
She just had the last 5 words.
She lies, you lie, they lie. What I meant by groups that get it wrong.
Rather than explain what he really meant or apologizing for his clumsiness, Trump attacks the paper for reporting the words that trump said. This may be arousing to his hard-core base, but it’s off-putting to most Americans.
No, it’s not. Most Americans love it because they don’t trust Fake News, either.
And, as I note above, they did not.
Remember you mentioning something about the sin of omission?
We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself
There it is.
Why apologize for nothing? The Gray Lady lied, not him. And now you lie.
Just like that 4th group, I’m waiting for the weasel
This brings up an interesting point to ponder. Jeff says that Trump says dumb things. Yet we all are in agreement that Jeff is very stupid. So, can someone like Jeff actually determine what is dumb? Jef lacks in knowledge, logic and most other traits used by the rest of us in making assessments. Trump says something, and Jeff tries to call up his limited traits and fails to understand so he calls Trump dumb. A very interesting thought problem.
Ah yes, the Dunning-Kruger effect on display!
It’s a type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are.
((I suspect an inverse relationship once you go below iq-90))
It certainly describes Donald J. Trump.
Quite the contrary, Elwood. Trump has managed to out wit and out maneuver every fukin’ bullshit ploy you commie subversives have thrown at him and America. Even this pathological need for panic and hysteria in the face of the Red Chinese Flu fostered by the commie accomplices in the media will pass. America is Greater than you. Trump is Greater than uou. Trump is way smarter than you.
Trump 2020 Real leadership when America needs it most!
Actually, it describes your boy, Obiden-Bama. He’s always been a self-important jerk, what someone once described as an ignoranus, but he’s really losing it these days. See where he was trying to make a no-audience speech and he just stood there and Edith Wilson had to lead him off the stage?
The Demos will be lucky if he’s even in a condition to drag across the finish line at the convention.
Have you been tested for Covid-19? It’s possible that adequate oxygen is not reaching your brain.
Are you on board with a 2 trillion dollar stimulus package?
Will China buy that many Treasuries?
david dukem,
But, but…according to tRump and the right the whole Coronavirus “scam” is the doing of “fake” news media, who the NuCons say no one trusts.
How can the media that no one trusts drive the panic? Why is tRump going along – to get re-elected?
But you may be right. tRump may not be dumb, he may be smart in lying to the likes of you who believe all his lies.
“tRump is a dumb guy’s idea of what a smart guy sounds like.”
How can the media that no one trusts drive the panic?
Because the Lefties trust Fake News (where else do they get their talking points?).
Why is tRump going along – to get re-elected?
Is he? Most of what he’s done has drawn the Lefties’ wrath. Not to mention yours.
But you may be right. tRump may not be dumb, he may be smart in lying to the likes of you who believe all his lies.
“tRump is a dumb guy’s idea of what a smart guy sounds like.â€
Considering he’s winning and you’re losing, I’d say he’s a lot smarter than you.
And I thought you said he said dumb things. Clearly, your attempt to be Cowardesque leaves a lot to be desired, especially since you’re stuck with the Obiden-Bama/Fauxcahontas ticket.
PS Where did you get that idiotic quote?
The media and Hollywood still push the climate religion when the 99 scientist have shown it to be a scam. And you adhere to that religion body and soul.
Are the 95% of climate scientists swayed by the media and Hollywood or are they part of the commie scam?
Who or what are “the 99 scientist”?
The two are not mutually exclusive.
And I believe he’s referring to the Italian scientists whose petition states correctly that global bull is just that.
And speaking of dookie, that’s more what you are.
It’s been said that when you’re in a hole you should quit digging. Notice the lame stream media saying “no big deal†Wait-I thought I was Trump!
Wrong link-here’s the good one
At this point of your useless, baseless defense of the NYT when you know they lied and you’re swearing to it is there any wonder we don’t believe anything you say from climate change to election fraud? You know the truth. It’s on TV and the internet. And yet you still won’t admit the NYT deliberately lied.
You should go lick door knobs in Wuhan China.
Trump 2020 He’s backing up the states as he should while the Democoms lie.
We said tRump was going to get us all killed.
Hasn’t happened yet, and probably won’t, thanks to all those “racist” measures that kept the flu corralled, but the Commies seem to be doing a much better job at it.
Why not go to Wuhan and sit by the germ warfare lab a while?
America needs a leader but yesterday got:
“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China – against the wishes of almost all. Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!â€
On February 28 at one of his Klan rallies he called it a Democratic hoax.
Are the “tRump – Right or Wrong-ers” out mixing it up with great unwashed these days or are you taking Covid-19 seriously and following CDC guidelines?
Dr. dookie: Have you volunteered to put your medical skills to good use treating Covid-19 patients?
America needs a leader but yesterday got:
Surprised you didn’t lapse back into your favored German.
Don’t you mean Fuhrer?
On February 28 at one of his Klan rallies he called it a Democratic hoax.
The only Klan rallies are the ones Gropin’ Joe tries to have, but you can’t have much of a rally with 40 people.
And Trump’s been serious about containment from the start. When he cordoned off the West Coast, you idiots screamed.
The Democrat hoax is the media-fed panic. And he was so right about that.
Are the “tRump – Right or Wrong-ers†out mixing it up with great unwashed these days or are you taking Covid-19 seriously and following CDC guidelines?
Considering your City By The Bay, I’d say yours is the party of the Great Unwashed.
And, no, as I said, of of the 4 groups that never gets it right is the CDC.
Have you volunteered to put your medical skills to good use treating Covid-19 patients?
Tell us how many Lefty doctors are volunteering? After all, the power-mad Demo governors have us all barricaded in our homes because the either want to look like they’re “doing something” or this is their big chance to let their inner Fuhrer out.
Mike DeWine (R-OH) is the gov of Ohio.
States are requesting that many retired healthcare workers rejoin the fray.
And he’s known as Magoo. The governors of IL, NY, NJ, PA, CT, KY (the one who ordered the cops to stake out a guy’s home because the has the Wu Flu and checked himself out of the hospital), CA, NV, MI (the one talking martial law), WA (the one who let all the old people die), OR aren’t.
States are requesting that many retired healthcare workers rejoin the fray.
Retired. You mean over 65. The demographic most at risk.
Which states, dare we ask, are asking?
My wife, nurse of 52 years, hasn’t heard a word.
See where Justice dropped the charges against all those Russians in the “collusion” case?
Looks like you need the leader.
Dare I say Fuhrer?
I guess Obiden-Bama would qualify, if you wanted somebody in the mental state Dolf was on 4/29/45.
Have you been tested for Covid-19? It’s possible that adequate oxygen is not reaching your brain.
The only one oxygen-deprived around here has always been you.
Are you on board with a 2 trillion dollar stimulus package?
Believe it when you see it. And the figure was $850B. Fake News lies almost as much as you.
Will China buy that many Treasuries?
Right now, the Reds are hoist on their own petard. They’ve impoverished themselves.
[…] Again from Pirate’s Cove – Trump Calls Out NY Times For Missing Half A Quote […]