The Earth could be experiencing the threat of a massive asteroid impact, a super volcano, alien invasion, etc, and the climate cultists would still yammer about their cult
Don’t let coronavirus stall climate action, warns architect of Paris deal
Governments must not let the coronavirus pandemic derail action on climate change, an architect of the landmark Paris agreement warned on Wednesday, saying the vulnerabilities laid bare by the virus could serve to spur a more concerted response.
Laurence Tubiana, a former French diplomat who was instrumental in brokering the 2015 accord aimed at averting catastrophic global warming, said the disruption caused by the coronavirus was a wake-up call.
“In a way, it’s a lesson: viruses don’t respect borders, climate change doesn’t respect borders,” Tubiana, who continues to closely track climate diplomacy, told an online briefing. “If we do not manage the climate crisis it will be the same.”
Tubiana was speaking amid mounting concerns that the economic disruption caused by the coronavirus could tempt governments to shy away from the massive effort to cut carbon emissions needed to stabilise the Earth’s climate system.
So, wait, is Tubiana admitting that it would cost a lot of money and massive economic disruption to implement the Paris Climate Agreement and other climate cult measures? Weren’t we told that we would feel little impact? Huh. Someone in the comments for the article writes “The law of unintended consequences…..the media overblows this virus,and the blowback is that it hurts their efforts on the redistribution of wealth scheme known as global warming/climate change/climate crisis….”
No matter the crisis, the CoC will do what it can to take advantage, as well as link itself in some fashion. This is the measure of a cult.