It’s a rather taboo question, isn’t it? But, it’s not quite what you think
Some Ask a Taboo Question: Is America Overreacting to Coronavirus?
As an America desperate to stem the coronavirus outbreak put in place sweeping restrictions last week on every facet of public life, the University of Wyoming economist Linda Thunstrom asked what felt like a taboo question: “Are we overreacting?’’
It helped that Thunstrom was in her kitchen, drinking coffee with her husband, Jason Shogren, a fellow economist who studies how much Americans are willing to pay to reduce risk of threats like terrorism, food-borne illness and climate change.
Calculating the economic costs of curtailing social interaction compared with the lives saved, he agreed, might yield a useful metric for policymakers. The U.S. government routinely performs such analyses when assessing new regulations, with the “statistical value of life†currently pegged by one government agency at $9 million.
Still, Thunstrom asked, “Do we even want to look at that? Is it too callous?â€
No one wants to be seen as prioritizing profit or, say, youth soccer over saving lives. But in recent days, a group of contrarian political leaders, ethicists and ordinary Americans have bridled at what they saw as a tendency to dismiss the complex trade-offs that the measures collectively known as “social distancing†entail.
Besides the financial ramifications of such policies, their concerns touch on how society’s most marginalized groups may fare and on the effect of government-enforced curfews on democratic ideals. Their questions about the current approach are distinct from those raised by some conservative activists who have suggested the virus is a politically inspired hoax, or no worse than the flu,
Let me tell you, it’s not just “conservative activists” who have suggested those, especially that it’s not worse than the flu. I’ve seen this stuff from Lefty websites and commenters on chat boards, some who say this is being ramped up so Trump can rescue the day for re-elected, or even “postpone” the November elections.
Regardless, are the monetary and social costs of all this worth it? That’s what these folks are considering.
Some college students who were abruptly ushered off campus last week complain that they are more likely to infect higher-risk older adults at home than they were at college. Among the throngs who have been ordered to self-quarantine, some people question the purpose of isolating themselves if the virus is already circulating widely in their communities. Certain parents balk at the pressure from friends to withdraw their children from schools that are still open, or at what they see as groupthink that has prompted the cancellation of events that are still weeks or months away.
And how do you weigh the risk of an unknown number of deaths against the possibility that several hundred thousand students who depend on free lunch at school will go hungry? Or against other lives that may be lost in an economic contraction born of social isolation?
The kids would rather be at spring break using all that student loans money which they want The Government to forgive to party and twerk.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the recent plunge in value to their stock portfolios, some Silicon Valley figures have taken to social media to underscore the economic impact of social distancing.
“The fear is far worse than the virus,†tweeted Tim Draper, a venture capitalist, using the hashtags #corona #dustbowl, #food, #clothing and #shelter. “The governments have it wrong. Stay open for business.†(snip)
“We need to give the response to the virus our full attention,†said Jennifer Nuzzo, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “But we’re following every rabbit that pops out of its hole, as opposed to trying to prioritize responses that have the most impact.’’
The fear may be the worst thing. My favorite Chinese takeout place was closed yesterday afternoon, with no sign up at all. The martial arts place next door was closed, as was the Italian restaurant in same complex. It had a sign, didn’t read it. Bojangles had someone with gloves on showing where to stand while waiting and ordering. I had to stand 6 feet away and yell my order, then came right up to pay. No eating in the store. And the drive thru had way less than normal. The Lowes Foods was business as usual. The place I get my haircut was slow enough that I walked in and didn’t have to wait. Costco looked slammed as I drove by, as did Aldi and Food Lion. So, some stay open, others aren’t, and others are barely hanging on. The Washington Post is running an opinion piece by a small business owner who says the CDC order is a death center for her business.
And then there’s this
An Italian study revealed that most of the patients who have died from the coronavirus previously had some type of illness or pre-existing condition.
But while these people are dying, the majority of coronavirus patients in hospitals are younger, healthier people — and they’re being prioritized by hospital staff.
The average age of those who have died from the Chinese virus in Italy is 79.5, according to a study by Italian health authorities, who have been examining the medical records involving the nation’s surging coronavirus death toll.
The study adds that more than 99 percent of Italy’s coronavirus deaths have been people who were previously ill or had some type of pre-existing medical condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
Among those who have died from the Wuhan virus in Italy, more than 76 percent of them had high blood pressure, more than 35 percent had diabetes, 33 percent had heart disease, and more than 24 percent had atrial fibrillation, or “AFib,†according to Italy’s national health authority.
Wuhan is putting some young people in the hospital, just like the regular versions of the flu do. So, the question is, how much is too much? Do we want to crater the world economy?

The Chinese gov’t is spreading the rumor that the US Army developed these particular strains of coronavirus as a bioweapon.
Senator Tom Cotton claims it was developed in Wuhan as a bioweapon.
There is no evidence that coronavirus is an engineered bioweapon.
Then what was it “engineered” for? Shits and giggles? It figures you would take the side of your Red Chinese Communist comrades but do you think we’re going to believe you, a proven liar, about why the Communists created a deadly virus?
Wow, do you live in an alternative universe.
There is no evidence that the virus causing Covid-1 is an engineered bioweapon?
Do you have evidence that the world doesn’t?
I’m sorry you misunderstood. I condemn the Chinese gov’t (and Russia too) for spreading lies about this virus. It’s Chinese propaganda to take the heat off the Chinese gov’t for lying to WHO and deceiving the world.
There are animal reservoirs of exotic viruses that “jump” to human populations, a condition more likely now because of our interactions with wild animals and the fact that there are few remote locations left on Earth. Small outbreaks could be more easily contained or not even acknowledged. Now humans travel far and wide all over the Earth.
Wuhan is a city of 11 million and its international airport has flights to international destinations such as New York City, San Francisco, London, Tokyo, Rome, Istanbul, Dubai, Paris, Sydney, Bali, Bangkok, Moscow, Osaka, Seoul, and Singapore.
There is no evidence that the virus causing Covid-1 is an engineered bioweapon?
Do you have evidence that the world doesn’t?
Well, most of the world does think it’s a Red Chinese invention, else why would a Commie paper like the Guardian go out of its way to say otherwise.
Funny how MERS and SARS and the bird flu and everything else all come out of Red China, innit?
I’m sorry you misunderstood. I condemn the Chinese gov’t (and Russia too) for spreading lies about this virus. It’s Chinese propaganda to take the heat off the Chinese gov’t for lying to WHO and deceiving the world.
Lying to WHO (Today’s the pitcher)? WHO (I Don’t Give A Darn, he’s our shortstop) lied to the world and overestimated possible deaths by at least double.
And what do the Russkies have to do with this?
Besides the usual, of course.
There are animal reservoirs of exotic viruses that “jump†to human populations, a condition more likely now because of our interactions with wild animals and the fact that there are few remote locations left on Earth. Small outbreaks could be more easily contained or not even acknowledged. Now humans travel far and wide all over the Earth.
Like they didn’t before? And could you give us some actual evidence of all this “jumping”, or is this more global bull?
And said germ warfare lab down the road from wet markets could have nothing to do with it.
Wuhan is a city of 11 million and its international airport has flights to international destinations such as New York City, San Francisco, London, Tokyo, Rome, Istanbul, Dubai, Paris, Sydney, Bali, Bangkok, Moscow, Osaka, Seoul, and Singapore.
But it’s racist to call it the Wu Flu.
But do you have any actual EVIDENCE that the virus was an engineered bioweapon?
about where the viruses come from. You don’t read much, do you?
The Russians are involved in spreading disinformation to disrupt US life.
Your brain is pickled from alcohol
Stop drinking and posting !!
“Red†Chinese ??? You think teach is buying commie cell phones to resell?
You missed your chance to travel out of your bubble and see the world for yourself now you are too old to leave your bubble
Better hide in your home SOROS has given orders to all those millennials to spread Corona to the oldies
That’s something else Jeffery doesn’t want us admitting.
These are Communists doing this to us. He wants us to believe Gropin’ Joe and the rest of the Demos that the Commies are no threat.
You missed your chance to travel out of your bubble and see the world for yourself now you are too old to leave your bubble
He went to ‘Nam.
Where did you go? Winnipeg?
Better hide in your home SOROS has given orders to all those millennials to spread Corona to the oldies
ICYMI The millennials are all partying at Spring Break.
This’ll be over before they get home.
Sibley is a hateful liar.
Not to burst your bubble but I’ve been to Canada, Mexico, Belize, Bermuda (had a house there), England, Scotland, France, Germany, Belgium, CHINA!, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and on official US Government business Vietnam (and Laos and Cambodia although I was never there). I always wanted to see Italy but that ship has sailed.
But yes John, now I’m an old man of 69 with COPD and Emphysema awaiting (for 3 years) a bilateral lung transplant. So I’m a prime target for the Red China Flu. So keep your fingers crossed you may get to see a white/Christian/conservative finally get his from the Chicoms.
Trump 2020 Send back the best to finish the job!
Germ warfare lab right down the road. Just a coinkydink, right?
I saw Commie News Net had a piece saying the same thing a couple of days ago.
I guess enough people have the same conclusion so Fake News decided it had to do something.
Frankly Teach, I believe it’s already too late to stop the “world economy” from tanking. The very fact that in America the idiots in charge found it better to force the closure of Wendy’s rather than the border or international air travel to avoid being called raaaaacists is enough to reveal the nefarious reasons behind the reaction to the Red China Flu.
The flu is real albeit no worse, and I would argue a lot less worse, than any normal flu. The reaction, stirred up hysteria and media induced panic is a hoax. They are pulling our strings to win an election. We need to ask: Who benefits? My wife (and her partner) just closed their Spa by illegal order until “the government” says they can open again. That’s costing us $4,000 a week personal income plus$2,000 for each of her partners. She also has to continue paying a $22,000 per month lease, $1,500 in CAM, $2,500 in utilities, $1,200 in insurance and much more. Not to mention 13 masseuses, therapists, technicians and two managers all out of work. Because 97 Americans died of a flu from Red China.
On top of all this we have the lying left doing things to hurt America and Americans. They are trying to call it Trumpvirus when everyone with an education knows viruses like the West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are named for the region of their origin, not people, especially not people 12,000 miles removed from that origin. If you want to attach a nme to it it should be “The Xi Virus”. But that does not fit the lie needed to win an election which is way more important than the truth (or American lives).
The good news is every small businessman and laid off worker will know it is the lying media that did this to us and our weak-kneed “leaders” too afraid to tell them to simmer down. Also don’t forget the political and financial opportunists who will profit from the recession or possible depression they are forcing on America and the world.
As we suffer Soros, Elwood and John party. They and their Nazi leader are one step closer to a perfect communist society. With them in charge of course.
Trump 2020 Keep the Soros lovers out of America.
What would we do if there was a real Plague like Bubonic in the 1300’s.
One thing you need to understand is that COVID-19 is not the flu. It is not an influenza virus which is the family of viruses that give you the flu.
If you can just get this misconception out of your head you will understand why the entire world is in panic mode.
I am pretty sure Madagaskar is not out to get TRUMP.
It’s the flu, and a pretty weak one at that.
And it’s Madagascar, Jeffery.
Sibley, you lonely, pathetic old sock-puppet you.
No, this coronavirus does not cause the flu, nor is it a “weak one”, whatever that means.
It’s diagnostic of right-wing commenters that they imagine all those who disagree with them are the same person under different names. The neuropsychology of right-wing conspiracists must be a thing to behold. You should donate your brain to science, unless you already did.
One conspiracy floating in the ignoratisphere is that China developed this strain to use in Hong Kong to quiet the riots, but was more severe than anticipated, and in a shoot-out in Wuhan with US black ops (Army intel) the virus was released upon an unsuspecting world. Earlier it was posited that Chinese virologists developed it in Canada. What do you think?
No, this coronavirus does not cause the flu, nor is it a “weak oneâ€, whatever that means.
Unless you are very old and have some other problem (bad heart seems to be the worst), most people don’t even know they’ve had it. Symptoms are fever, cough, shortness of breath.
That could be anything and any germicide (Lysol, Clorox, alcohol) will kill it.
It’s diagnostic of right-wing commenters that they imagine all those who disagree with them are the same person under different names. The neuropsychology of right-wing conspiracists must be a thing to behold. You should donate your brain to science, unless you already did.
Ooohhhh, Oscar Wilde lives again (in more ways than one).
When will you get it through what passes for your head you are as transparent as glass. All your little cartoon characters sound alike.
One conspiracy floating in the ignoratisphere is that China developed this strain to use in Hong Kong to quiet the riots, but was more severe than anticipated, and in a shoot-out in Wuhan with US black ops (Army intel) the virus was released upon an unsuspecting world. Earlier it was posited that Chinese virologists developed it in Canada. What do you think?
I think there must be an awful lot of panic at Troll Central for you to spend all this time trying to downplay what to most people is fairly obvious?
BTW What do you think of the fact the kids are out partying rather than working to elect Creepy Joe?
Don’t you guys count on the Yoot Vote to win?
It doesn’t matter if it’s a flu or a virus my point is the hysteria,panic and total craziness of the response is as though it was a plague. And that’s going to cause more misery downstream in 6 months or a year that this Red China Virus is.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the communist Chinese win!
Ease off, dude.
There may be some economic blowback, but it’s probably Red China that gets hit the hardest, maybe even to the point the Commies fall.
A couple of good things come out of this, however.
Nobody’s going to trust socialized medicine again. It flopped badly.
And the open borders thing is dead, too.
I think we’ll get through this.
Your wife operates a happy ending massage parlor ?
Sinner !!!
I hear your mother worked in one.
Are you saying that because she’s Korean? You racist!
She owns a very expensive Day Spa for women. Massages by actual therapists, beauty treatments, skin treatments, botox, body scaping, milk and mud baths, electrolysis, mani’s and pedi’s, ear wax removal and for you ass hole bleaching. There’s a coffee and wine bar too. Many of her tech’s are self employed contractors who now have no place to go. Not that it would matter since the media has scared the shit out of everybody personal contact is like the Midas Touch, deadly.
The low end of a visit is about $250 per lady but a full service full day could cost $2,500. She’s got a book of over 3500 clients. It’s a very concise business and it makes good money. Well, it did make good money. She grosses between $35-$40k per week, anywhere between 10-20 clients a day. So it’s a very big deal to her, her partners and her employees that we were forced to close. It was inevitable though. The small entrepreneur always gets fuked when people on the govmn’t payroll start making new rules.
That said I imagine the washy-washy joints are hit hard too (pun intended). Personal space being personal space regardless of the business.
Trump 2020 Keep America strong. If we can send a man to the moon,
yada,yada, yada.
“Is America Overreacting to Coronavirus?”
Yes. The economic damage being caused by shutting down everything the various levels of government can come up with is far worse than anything the disease itself is doing.
Got any DIFFICULT questions, Teach?
from Ace of Spades
Well I guess if they are able to shakedown the treasury, destroy a wildly popular president’s chances at a sure re-election by destroying the economy and shred whatever is left of our Constitutionally-protected freedoms to make it easier for the Left to hijack the country either now or in the near future on some other flimsy pretext (“to save the planet!”) then the policymakers would have been successful. But I digress. Or maybe not.
With all this talk of stimulus checks and pump-priming the markets, the one thing that must be done is, pardon the expression, fundamentally transforming our economy in a way that immediately repatriates our manufacturing and heavy industrial sector back to our shores while marginalizing if not outright killing off the bureaucratic regulatory beast that helped move it offshore in the first place. That situation is in doubt due to the fact that said bureaucracy is both entrenched and virtually 100% Democrat-Leftist, while the greedy corporatists who stabbed the American worker in the back to make a fast buck are the ones who tried and continue to try and destroy this President and we who voted for him.
I guess if they are able to shakedown the treasury, destroy a wildly popular president’s chances at a sure re-election by destroying the economy and shred whatever is left of our Constitutionally-protected freedoms to make it easier for the Left to hijack the country either now or in the near future on some other flimsy pretext (“to save the planet!â€) then the policymakers would have been successful.
My God, what drivel.
Trump is going to win this thing because all this nonsense hasn’t moved his numbers one iota. Americans, it would seem, are rallying around the flag. At least the American flag; I have the feeling state flags are a different matter.
Second, if you think about it, if they go ahead with this stimulus (I think a tax holiday would be better), the money isn’t going into the hands of Demo politicians the way it did with Zippy and Willie. It’s going into the hands of the people who will spend it (back into the economy) or save it (gathering interest).
All we ever got out of Zippy’s stimulus was those @!#%@%&^ roundabouts and a lot of orange signs (did you ever see anybody working at any of those “shovel-ready projects”?).
If Trump goes for it, there may be a fine method in his madness.
As for Ace, I got very sour on him 4 years ago and this confirms my suspicions.
OMG What Jeffery fears most.
Trump announces Chloroquine will be available immediately for use treating the Red Chinese Germ Warfare Flu.
It has already shown to be very effective both as a treatment and as a preventative.
Now what can the Demos do?
In the immortal words of Dr Peter Venkman, “Donald, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters”.
OMG What Sibley fears most. The truth.
It’s unknown if chloroquine is effective against the Covid-19 virus. That said, it’s an approved drug in the US, so david (if his license is current) could prescribe it today for any reason he wanted, including Covid-19.
What are the downsides to administering ineffective drugs “off-label”? They haven’t been shown to be effective. Unnecessary side-effects. Expense (although chloroquine is a cheap generic). It could encourage people to not take standard precautions.
Over 100 late stage clinical trials testing chloroquine and many other approved anti-viral drugs are underway and if the results are positive the information can be shared right away, and we can all rest a bit easier. Other than chloroquine, other anti-viral drugs can cost tens of thousands of dollars per course.
As I go through some of the comments, let me add my knowledge from actual medical literature.
This is not a weaponized virus. Weaponized viruses are really bad and this is not in that category. It seems to transmit very easy, while that might be an ideal for a weapon, you don’t desire for you guys to get the illness, so you have to do a dance of what is to easy and what is too hard. Russia and China have smallpox as one of their weapons. As an example of what occurs, the Russians were testing the dispersion of the virus on a Pacific island. A Russian ship was over the horizon and two sailors were on the fan tail smoking, they were supposed to be buttoned up in the ship. Within one hour of release of the virus, they were dead. The virus was tailored to die in short order. Tularemia was used by the Russians before Stalingrad. It disabled 100,000 Germans and allowed the destruction of the army. The Russians were prepped for the illness and did not have that many ill. You will not find reference to either of these incidents. That is the nature of a weaponized illness.
As to this illness, only one in ten thousand get the disease if exposed. The mortality has been misstated by WHO and is in the neighborhood of less than one percent. Likely closer to .4%. That can change, but it is very low. The great majority of deaths have been in those who were very ill before. In Italy, of the deaths in the last week or further back only two died directly of the virus and the others were very ill prior to infection. This may have changed but it does set the nature of what is occurring. I have not been able to get a handle on morbidity. No one has released data on how many hospitalization have occurred directly responsible to the virus and the outcome of the illness in terms of discharge. If you have numbers, let me know. But that is what is important in determining severity. I have numerous first hand testimony on people ill with the disease, but nothing to allow one to see a trend.
My issue is that nothing about this disease warrants the destruction of our economy and the forced poverty of lay offs, school closings, and all social functions. In the future, will we do the same for an every day flu in which they have not gotten the vaccine correct for the strain that is prevalent? You are talking about the same thing.
I spotted the media beginning to make a big deal about this about 6 weeks ago and they were definitely making a panic. This looks like an attempt on a hit on Trump. But, he reversed the situation and narrative and is now looking like a major leader, the consequence is destruction of the economy, something he could not avoid. Without the media excessive reaction, this would have been one of many illnesses that sweeps through and we are done with it.
There is no reason for martial law, forcing gun shops to close or any of the other tyrannical moves of the Democrat leaders. We have enough ventilators, hospital may be under a strain as they have been suffering subsequent to Obama.
Your analysis confirms what little I know on the subject and your .4% seems about right.
From what I saw (somewhere), heart is the worst of the co-morbidities. Odds of dying with given co-morbidity
Cardiovascular disease 13.2%
Diabetes 9.2%
Chronic respiratory disease 8.0%
Hypertension 8.4%
Cancer 7.6%
None .9%
This is WHO/Red Chinese date so caveat emptor.
The media only want to prolong the panic until the day AFTER the election of 2020.
After that, you’d be hard pressed to find a single article about this as, miraculously, bans of all sorts are lifted and incredibly, people stop dying from it.
Unfortunately for the media, this thing seems to have a curve of about 3-4 months, (if you believe China’s newest report about new cases), so it will end way too soon to have an effect on the 2020 election between Trump and whoever Biden picks for his VP, (who WILL assume the office after the election, if elected).
What will kill it is the warm weather.
Had this hit us at Thanksgiving, people would be going nuts. As it is, I think people will last the weekend and then you’ll see everybody breaking out.
A piece in the Washington Times said 90% of the country really isn’t letting this change anything, power-hungry Demo governors notwithstanding, so I think we’ll see this thing flop pretty soon.
Since Spring has sprang, it’s just about over. Add to that the fact people seem to be rallying around Trump, not against him and this is another instance of where the media (and the Left) ends up cutting its own throat.
Trump is acting more like a socialist than Obama
Free money for everyone !!
Now THAT is socialism
How many here are not going to cash their cheques ?
Make that pledge now
Trump is acting more like a socialist than Obama
Free money for everyone !!
Now THAT is socialism
No, it’s going to be very selective (don’t you read Fake News?).
And socialism wants you to come back for more for the rest of your life.
This will be a one time deal.
How many here are not going to cash their cheques ?
Make that pledge now
Cheques???? In America, we cash checks. In what part of the Ozarks do they use British spelling?
And the idea is that the money will be spent on food, rent, fuel (fossil, of course), and anything else they need or go into the family nest egg.
IOW Help the economy.
This is one time it doesn’t go into the slush funds of Demo politicians (that’s what you really hate, isn’t it?)
Tell us why you were in jail. I mean, if you are a pervert, we need to know that. It would confirm what we think.
You seem to have a significant problem determining what socialism is. Prager videos has an excellent analysis, you might be able to understand.
There is no doubt that Obama destroyed our medical system. We are is a tough situation thanks to big O and gang.
Is that your idea of socialism John? FREE MONEY?
I suspect that if it were ever fully implemented in this country you would be longing for the days of freemarket capitalism.
Because one day that free speech that you take for granted. It doesnt exist in the EU and the UK and Cuba and Venezuela and China and Russia and all places in between. And then there is the Authoritarian Muslim countries.
Yeah freedoms are few and far between.
Giving money to stimulate the economy to W O R K I N G FAMILIES is far different than the Obama Era which saw all that money go to CORPORATIONS and not a penny to the working man other than unemployment extension and Nancy Pelosi telling you to take out HUGE COLLEGE LOANS and go get a degree in painting.
You just throw stuff at the wall John. You are basically clueless what is going on today, yesterday or a decade ago.
Doesn’t money for infrastructure go to working men and women, not to mention stores, restaurants, etc? It’s directly creating jobs.
Doesn’t extending unemployment benefits directly help people?
Doesn’t Medicaid expansion cut the expenses of families?
Didn’t cuts in payroll taxes give workers more money in their pockets?
When the GOP gave massive tax breaks to corporations, did they raise wages, hire more workers? Nah, stock buybacks, exec bonuses and shareholder perks.
Doesn’t money for infrastructure go to working men and women, not to mention stores, restaurants, etc? It’s directly creating jobs.
Unless you’ve been living in a hole, you’d know there are infrastructure projects everywhere.
Unless the Demo politicians are pocketing the money as they always do.
Doesn’t extending unemployment benefits directly help people?
States, melon head.
Doesn’t Medicaid expansion cut the expenses of families?
I thought you wanted to cut the debt.
Didn’t cuts in payroll taxes give workers more money in their pockets?
What I’ve been saying all along.
Omitting the lie that the tax cut was only to corporations, it’s the corporations that raised wages and hired more workers.
Another example of having nothing to say, but diving into the bag of Lefty cliches in hopes of hitting a nerve.
In this case, the funny bone.
You really are lame.
But do you have any actual EVIDENCE that the virus was an engineered bioweapon?
Sure acts like all the others
More to the point, can you prove it wasn’t?
As I say, the fact you’re getting all in a lather about this says there’s something to it.
You don’t read much, do you?
More than you, obviously.
The Russians are involved in spreading disinformation to disrupt US life.
You mean we’re back to collusion?
Right now, the Red Chinese, along with the UN and Fake News, and you, are spreading all the disinformation.
Among other things.
Can I prove it wasn’t a bioweapon?? A desperate cry for help.
Can you prove you’ve never abused a woman? Get affidavits from every woman on Earth and all those who lived during your lifetime attesting that you did not abuse them. That should almost prove it.
Donald J. Trump raped a 13 year old girl. Can you prove he didn’t?
Jesus was gay. Can you prove he wasn’t?
Laura Bush killed a boy. Can you prove she didn’t? (Actually, she did).
Can I prove it wasn’t a bioweapon?? A desperate cry for help.
IOW you can’t.
Can you prove you’ve never abused a woman? Get affidavits from every woman on Earth and all those who lived during your lifetime attesting that you did not abuse them. That should almost prove it.
Well, we know you can’t make the same claim.
Donald J. Trump raped a 13 year old girl. Can you prove he didn’t?
Can you prove he did?
Jesus was gay. Can you prove he wasn’t?
Nothing in Christ’s teaching contradicts anything in the Old Testament.
Laura Bush killed a boy. Can you prove she didn’t? (Actually, she did).
Damn, you must be getting desperate. You are really out of gas these days.
Trump must be handling this mess you on the Left created incredibly well for you to keep dredging up the same old tropes that don’t go anywhere.
Go back to troll camp. Take a month off
Trump has rewired the brain circuitry of old white men of America. You, kye and gitarcarver rarely make any sense any more.
Maybe they spread a virus at Trump rallies that blocks cognitive functions.
No, that’s what you try to do.
fortunately, a 2 year old can see through you.
Sibley is a hateful liar.
IOW I’m right on the money.
Wow! At what point do you stop being a disgusting asshole, Elwood. Man, do you even read the hateful shit you write? Why on earth are you so angry, unwilling to help your fellow Americans and so full of hate for anyone not a communist or a mooslem?
Trump 2020 Maybe he can take out the leftist trash.
Just trying to correct disinformation.
What did you find hateful? When I called you a disgusting asshole?
I hate willful ignorance and cruelty. I’m neutral regarding Muslims and communists. I do dislike what Donald Trump and his supporters are trying to do, so I’ll oppose that.
He just knows you’re the liar and not I.
I hate willful ignorance and cruelty.
That’s why you practice it all the time
I’m neutral regarding Muslims and communists.
No, you support both.
I do dislike what Donald Trump and his supporters are trying to do, so I’ll oppose that.
And that’s why you side with Moslems and Commies.