…is a mask needed to stave off carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post wondering if the media should stick to actual news.
Doubleshot of relevance below the fold, so, check out The Feral Irishman, with some LOLZ from the Ethernets.

The USA gives its citizens a wide choice of media
Some on the right apparently think that is not what they like
“A wide choice of media…â€. But not a wide choice of differing opinions… https://i1.wp.com/www.powerlineblog.com/ed-assets/2020/03/IMG_2678.jpeg?w=634&ssl=1
Funny- https://i1.wp.com/www.powerlineblog.com/ed-assets/2020/03/IMG_2676.jpeg?w=899&ssl=1
Nice study would compare “non-essential†personnel to “essential personnel†and compare salaries. 😎ðŸ´â€â˜ ï¸ Think this outbreak and response will be a great sociologic/psychologic study
The national debt will reach some 28-30 TRILLION over the next year. Conservatism at its best.
If we’re very lucky the recession will be the V type.
You should be so lucky because you have nothing else. Gropin’ Joe is going to have to be dragged across the line to the nomination.
If he lasts that long.
Nothing basically wrong with the economy, so, if Trump calls off all these state lockdowns, we should get back to normal relatively quickly.
As for the debt, your side’s the one that ran it up.
I think both parties have done their share of running up debt. Just as almost all of us have done.
Technically true, but, if you want to look at numbers, I think the demos have the title.
Where is JOE BIDEN?
He has gone missing. This is all over twitter and instagram yesterday. Glen Greenwald started the investigation yesterday morning.
He is in a bad situation. He is terrified of the BUG. If he gets it he might go Belly Up. So the great leader talking about Trump/Pence failing to lead is in hiding and his team of geriatric specialists can’t even figure out how to work the internet.
Trump/Pence are out their everyday. Both old and vulnerable to the dire effects of catching the Wuhan Virus and yet they are there everyday working and struggling to help the American nation fight this virus. Shoulder to shoulder in solidarity with the working masses.
Even the Bernie Bros are praising Trump.
Meanwhile Biden continues to hide. He knows if he says. OPEN THE BORDERS!!!!!! Trump is a XENOPHOBE the people will tell him to go back to his nursing home. IF he agrees they should be closed, his base will call him a XENOPHOBE.
He criticized Trump who put together this task force WHILE THE DEMOCRATS WERE IMPEACHING HIM. Look it up. In the Middle of defending himself against a bogus impeachment he was closing the border with China and putting the military bases on alert and setting up a task force to tackle the CHINA VIRUS head on.
Biden is MISSING. In hiding. That is the leadership he offers. But to be fair. He is in a bad spot. All the things his base wanted him to say, he said. Now they are all calling for those very things to be shut down to save their lives.
Sorry Dems. Trump will win 45 states in November. Its why the GOP said 1000 checks to everyone and Nancy and Shurmur said no and then the backlash among their own party was a Tsunami and now they are trying to one up the GOP by offering 200 a month to all SSI and VA pensioners for 2 years.
The Dems and Biden are in trouble if they dont help trump and in trouble if they do. Trump is already polling with 30 percent approving of his handling of this disaster FROM DEMOCRATS. The number will sky rocket when those checks start arriving.
Now I feel for the Democrats politically. They lose no matter which side they take on this. SO its up to the MSM to offer us criticism of Trump for being Optimistic! Seriously? That is their new attack on Trump. He is giving Americans false hope.
I guess they would rather he run screaming to his bunker claiming were all gonna die and its every man for himself. Or woman or transgender or whatever pronoun were supposed to use these days.
I think Biden is holed up in a hookah bar with Ruth Bader Ginsberg exchanging war stories about the Great Soviet Union and how Epstein didn’t kill himself. Hunter may join them to dodge another alimony check or paternity suit.
Mr. Biden is not the president yet, trump is.
It would not be advisable for Biden to be campaigning in the middle of a national emergency, although that won’t stop trump.
trump is continuing his war on the free press, and his team is pressing Congress to spend 2 trillion of taxpayer dollars to help his electoral chance.
It would not be advisable for Biden to be campaigning in the middle of a national emergency, although that won’t stop trump.
It wouldn’t? He’s trying, but he keeps forgetting what planet he’s on.
trump is continuing his war on the free press, and his team is pressing Congress to spend 2 trillion of taxpayer dollars to help his electoral chance.
War? How many casualties. How many POWs?
Oh, I’m sure a lot of that is Democrats. I mean, we could cut off medicasl assistance and welfare. Bet that would bring down the deficit.
WASHINGTON — White supremacists discussed plans to weaponize coronavirus via “saliva,†a “spray bottle†or “laced items,†according to a weekly intelligence brief distributed by a federal law enforcement division on Feb. 17.
Federal investigators appeared to be monitoring the white nationalists’ communications on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app that has become popular with neo-Nazis. In the conversations, the white supremacists suggested targeting law enforcement agents and “nonwhite†people with attacks designed to infect them with the coronavirus.
“Violent extremists continue to make bioterrorism a popular topic among themselves,†reads the intelligence brief written by the Federal Protective Service, which covered the week of Feb. 17-24. “White Racially Motivated Violent Extremists have recently commented on the coronavirus stating that it is an ‘OBLIGATION’ to spread it should any of them contract the virus.â€
The Federal Protective Service, part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is a law enforcement agency responsible for protecting buildings owned or leased by the federal government.
ANTIFA thugs seen spitting on produce in Grocery stores and then posting it on Twitter across the country.
Federal investigators appear to be monitoring Leftist Anarchists communications and Telegram, an encrypted messaging app that has become popular with Antifa. In the conversations, the Antifa Thugs were targeting Conservative’s grandmas and grandpas to take them out.
Violent Extremists are being protected by Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders and the Democratic establishment. The main stream media has gone out of their way to ensure that the anarchists continue to sow ferment bought and paid for my the GLOBALIST Billionaires who are puppets of China.
You’re defending white supremacist plots? Yikes.
You’re ignoring leftist plots? Yikes! Yesterday I saw leftist students drinking something and spitting it out in a crowd. I also saw some left wig “enertainer” do something similar on the news.
There are assholes on both extremes fortunately there aren’t that many “white supremacists” unfortunately the colleges graduate almost 2 million far left America haters. There’s our problem.
Also bear in mind just because some radical leftist or deep state operative calls someone a white supremacist does not necessarily mean he/she/they are. After all, you’ve been calling me one for years even though it not to be true. Leftists love to lie and smear those they don’t like. Truth means nothing to you.
Trump 2020 Keep Biden in his cave where he belongs.
White supremacists are better organized than dumbass college students.
College graduates are our ‘problem’? Maybe you can get trump to take control of US universities! That might solve your problems. Does it bother you at all that educated people tend to be more liberal?
Trump’s Federal Gov’t seems more worried about right-wing extremists than left-wing extremists, so ask them.
“Violent extremists continue to make bioterrorism a popular topic among themselves,†reads the intelligence brief written by the Federal Protective Service, which covered the week of Feb. 17-24.
“White Racially Motivated Violent Extremists have recently commented on the coronavirus stating that it is an ‘OBLIGATION’ to spread it should any of them contract the virus.â€
The Federal Protective Service, part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is a law enforcement agency responsible for protecting buildings owned or leased by the federal government.
There’s been a global increase in right-wing/ white supremacist extremism. Fortunately, white supremacists, especially those that form militias and plot against America, tend not to be very smart.
The only people doing stuff like that are those goofy Spring Breakers.
Sounds like the Feds are profiling again. Remember how the Beltway Sniper was supposed to be white supremacists?
Until they turned out to be black Moslems?
White supremacists are better organized than dumbass college students.
Really? And the Left is far more organized than a bunch of rednecks.
College graduates are our ‘problem’? Maybe you can get trump to take control of US universities! That might solve your problems. Does it bother you at all that educated people tend to be more liberal?
Hmmm, I’ll bet most of the people here are college grads.
I’ve got 2 degrees. david’s a grad. How many others?
Trump’s Federal Gov’t seems more worried about right-wing extremists than left-wing extremists, so ask them.
No, that’s the Deep State. The ones that are against America.
“Violent extremists continue to make bioterrorism a popular topic among themselves,†reads the intelligence brief written by the Federal Protective Service, which covered the week of Feb. 17-24.
But the only bioterrorism about is the phony panic manufactured by the Left.
Beltway Sniper all over again.
“White Racially Motivated Violent Extremists have recently commented on the coronavirus stating that it is an ‘OBLIGATION’ to spread it should any of them contract the virus.â€
Lefties have been saying the same thing.
The Federal Protective Service, part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is a law enforcement agency responsible for protecting buildings owned or leased by the federal government.
Well, now, if I see anybody giving a disease to a Federal building, I’ll let them know.
There’s been a global increase in right-wing/ white supremacist extremism. Fortunately, white supremacists, especially those that form militias and plot against America, tend not to be very smart.
But smarter than your average Lefty troll.
Why do conservatives defend your right-wing extremists?
Conservatives have criticized Muslims for not controlling “their” Islamic terrorists, yet cons defend “their” right-wing terrorists.
Nobody is “defending” right-wing extremists. Didn’t I just tye we have enough of this crap on both sides? We need to concentrate on getting America back to health and back to work. All you side bull shit about extremists helps no one instead it makes you part of the problem.
What have you done to help America in this time of national need? June and I have contacted friends, relatives and neighbors and we’ve shared alist of items we have available to help each other out. Items from food and TOILET PAPER to medicine and ammo. We also shared a list of all our names and addresses and telephone numbers so if someone becomes ill or “missing” we know how and where to either contact them or send help. What are you doing beside bitchin’ about Trump, God, white people and Christians? Nothing!
BTW, the mooslem Islamic terrorists are part of their belief system any “terrorists” we have here white, black left or right are way outside any religion or political party nimrod.
Trump 2020 United we stand, Diversified we die!
Just so you know it would help your argument more if once in a while you sided with America instead of mooslems, communists and other enemies who whether you know it or not are trying to kill you too.
Try contributing something positive to America rather than the constant crap and hate.
Right, nimrod. Advice on hate from a man who constantly demeans Muslims, liberals, Democrats, gays and Blacks. No thanks.
Diversity is not the antonym of unity, nimrod.
Trump 2020, We die!
When you find someone like that, let us know.
Conservatives have criticized Muslims for not controlling “their†Islamic terrorists, yet cons defend “their†right-wing terrorists.
We have? Most moderate Moslems are lucky they’re alive if they know any of the crazies. We just wish they’d speak out once in a while.
A few examples, please, of this defense of rightists. Most of these groups are rather secretive, so most people don’t know who they are. Frankly, all the terrorism in this country is Leftist.
OTOH Lefty groups, like Antifa, are out in the open.
Why don’t you start by controlling your own?
Right, nimrod. Advice on hate from a man who constantly demeans Muslims, liberals, Democrats, gays and Blacks. No thanks.
Never heard Kye demean blacks and the Moslem crazies have it coming.
As for Lefties and Demos (distinction without difference), that just shows his perspicacity and intelligence.
Diversity is not the antonym of unity, nimrod.
Actually, it is.
Just ask Europe.
“Diversity is not the antonym of unity, nimrod.”
According to Synonyms.com it is. Argue with them, nimrod. I also see rather than help America you would rather not take advice from someone with whom you disagree. How tolerant. As usual knowing you’re wrong you immediately make it about me and not what I said. You are a typical hate filled leftist.
Today we need patriots to get through this Red China Flu not haters who side with the enemy.
Trump 2020 Beat the Chinese and keep America strong.