I don’t know about you, but, I’m sick and tired of the uber-partisan Credentialed Media with their never helpful, over the top, doomsaying, negative let’s bash Trump coverage, which is rarely ever helpful, and continues to drive people into fear, when we should be pushing optimism to get over this. Real people’s lives are affected, and the media do not really seem to care, just their hardcore politics. Was the media this negative during WWII? Here’s the Washington Post editorial board, which ends up contradicting their entire piece, but, do people make it that far into the piece?
We face a wartime supply shortage. Where is Trump’s wartime response?
A TROUBLESOME bottleneck threatens to undermine all the hard work of health-care workers and others to respond to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Reports from across the country reveal dire shortages of personal protective equipment, including masks, chemical reagents needed for testing and other supplies essential to coping with an expected onslaught of illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been reduced to suggesting scarves and bandannas where masks are unavailable.
(multiple paragraphs about shortages)
President Trump suggested in a news conference this week that the shortages are a problem for the governors to deal with. “The federal government’s not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items and then shipping,†he said. “You know, we’re not a shipping clerk.†Then on Friday he said the government had ordered the production of millions of masks and that these would be delivered directly to states. He offered contradictory statements about the Defense Production Act, a 1950 law allowing the government to address supply shortages by giving directives to industry to ramp up production, first asserting he had invoked its authority and then saying he had not used it because companies had responded voluntarily.
It is better that the states deal with as much as they can, as they are closer to the shipping points, distribution centers, and manufacturers. And, just like Trump said, since they left it out of the piece, the federal government will help where they can, hence, the order for production. And then you have that Defense Production Act, the kind of thing that they will excoriate him as being an authoritarian if he starts to use it.
And, prediction: if he uses it, the media will excoriate Trump by saying he’s 1. telling companies to produce the wrong things and 2. telling people to work when they should be isolating themselves.
We are told that factories making masks are already running at full tilt; it may take time and investment to create new assembly lines to manufacture needed supplies. Instead of passing the buck to governors, Mr. Trump ought to deploy every tool at his disposal to address the shortages now.
If this is a wartime scale of a problem, where is the wartime response?
So, wait, factories are already running full tilt? What more can they produce? And, yes, it will take time to create new assembly. Who does this? It doesn’t happen overnight. You know what would great to convert? Newspapers. They have plenty of room, and you quickly know where the offices are. Trump should use his power to convert them. The rooms which produce dead tree papers would be perfect, right?
This is all just continued whining rather than attempting to come together. But, we’ve seen this same theater not long after 9/11, where the leftist media and Democrats started going after Bush 43 a few weeks after, because hardcore politics is their life.
Oh, and if they really want a wartime response, Trump will tell the media how their news will be published, just like in WWII.

Remember the Corona equals Trump’s Karina ?
Remember when Trump told us that this was all a hoax ?
Remember when he told us “lots of people think this will be over by Aprilâ€
Or something
Trump has crashed the whole USA economy
Professor John-again, he never said it was a hoax. He said the media reporting that there was nothing being done was the hoax, which it was. Try and keep up. But if for some reason you need work, you could always apply to be a White House reporter…
Trump constantly used the word hoax
Trump constantly told us tgst it was under control
Trump told us that a little of people thought that it would be over in April
Trump told us that our economy was the greatest ever
But stocks are down 33% and heading lower unemployment will to use Teach’s fav description SKYROCKET
Our last GOP POTUS Bush started 2 wars that are still unfinished and then crashed the economy
Trump has crashed the economy maybe he will start.a war with Iran
Trump ignored the warnings of our intelligence agencies for months
Trump has done a miserable job on this
As far as work ?
I semi retired but I will be working this weekend on deliveries directly related to the corona pandemic
It is.
It is.
It will be.
It is.
This will end in the warm weather. Go FUD yourself.
He didn’t, your Mocha Messiah and the Hildabeast did.
The public doesn’t think so. Too bad.
Youn haven’t worked since Timothy Leary
“Trump used the word hoax..â€. Yes he did John, but it was in relation to the admin. allegedly not doing anything, not the virus itself. Again, please up. And again, here are liberal organizations down-playing the severity of the virus. John-we offer evidence. Can you? https://twitter.com/c’ernovich/status/1240090391623249921?s=21
Link was bad-try again. https://twitter.com/cernovich/status/1240090391623249921?s=21
And more…. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/never-forget-democrats-turned-house-intel-committee-into-impeachment-headquarters-as-lawmakers-were-warned-about-the-coronavirus/
John-I can find evidence of people ignoring it, can you? https://www.weaselzippers.us/445796-taiwan-says-it-warned-who-about-coronavirus-in-december-but-its-warnings-were-ignored/
The President of the United States is for free speech. Are our news organizations for the same thing?
We all know what trump was doing, implying that the pandemic was a hoax and that the concern was a hoax. That the US intel community was waving red flags in January is a fact.
Try and keep up.
The bad thing for trump, but especially for Americans, is that viruses don’t read twitter and don’t respond to bullying and name-calling.
Trump is talking about reducing the White House press pool for “social distancing”, mocking not only the honest concern of Americans but also getting rid of “nasty questions”.
We all know what trump was doing, implying that the pandemic was a hoax and that the concern was a hoax. That the US intel community was waving red flags in January is a fact.
Obviously, we don’t. 55% of the public stands with him. And the panic is a hoax.
The bad thing for trump, but especially for Americans, is that viruses don’t read twitter and don’t respond to bullying and name-calling.
Yes, but they do respond to isolation and quick action. Trump has done all that and he’s winning.
You can’t stand that.
Trump is talking about reducing the White House press pool for “social distancingâ€, mocking not only the honest concern of Americans but also getting rid of “nasty questionsâ€.
Stupid questions, actually, intended to undercut the good he’s doing for the country.
BTW Your pal, Dr Fauci, was fanatical about how the use of chloroquine wouldn’t work. Sounds like his prediction on AIDS. Funny how this guy is always wrong, but wants the country locked down and does his best to spread FUD Turns out NIH knew about it in ’05.
Also turns out Fauci is a big fan of the Hildabeast. Wrote her a gushy email.
Sounds like another Deep State slug just like Mule Ears.
Trump did not imply that the pandemic was a hoax. I’ve watched it rerun 5 times and even a fukin’ retard like yourself can see he said the media induced hysteria and panic were a hoax, not the Chicom Flu. Now you can keep repeating that lie like you commies normally do but nobody here (save John) is stupid enough to buy it.
When is it gonna be time for you to support America and not repeat fake news reports paid for by Red Chinese dictators? Trump is not mocking the honest concerns of Americans you are by insisting that every fukin’ move the Trump administration makes is either the wrong move or too early or too late or not enough or too much.
Why is your hate for Trump more important to you than either your love for America or the lives of Americans? Trump didn’t invent the Chicom Flu and since the first order to stop flights from Red China was made all you leftists did was scream raaaaacism, just like your commie handlers instructed you.
Trump 2020 Cause Biden is an ass and Epstein didn’t hang himself
No you are totally wrong. You clearly do not understand economics.
It’s not.
It is.
It will.
Stick you lol in your pudendum.
No, he hasn’t. You just wish you could make that stick, but it’s all you’ve got now that your nominee is a mental defective.
This will be over, but Gropin’ Joe is all yours.
He may have crashed the economy, but he is still going to be reelected by a enormous margin. In the meantime he signed the war powers act which means he has total control of the country. That via one of your hero’s, old FDR. This whole crisis is a gigantic hoax, now this is hard for you to understand, so pay attention. The disease is real, the deaths are real, but flu and the common cold can do the same or similar. So why is this a crisis? You have to ask the media, who made the crisis in January. Trump just took that ball and ran with it after he tried to calm the situation. Live with it jerk.
Things change. Now the so-called conservatives are crying for at least 2 trillion USD economic stimulus! Maybe up to 4 trillion!
We’re all Keynesians now!
Recall how the GOPhers fought stimulus during the Bush Great Recession, hoping to sabotage President Obama’s 2012 re-election?
How about this time the stimulus trillions go to the American working classes instead of relying on Trickle-Down Socialism? The rich are rich enough.
The American people won’t stand for any more plutocrat bullshit.