…is fishing in a flooded world from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Mike Bloomberg kicking employees to the curb.
It’s fishing week, because I might take fishing up again. Raleigh is not really conductive to fishing without a boat, but, my business went to part time. We’re split in two teams, so I’m off till Thurs (we also are now closed Sundays), then work Thurs-Sat, Sun off, then Mon-Wed, working open to close. Then have 7 days off. No NHL, no MLB, gym is closed. Can only read and watch TV/movies so much. Maybe I’ll be able to walk 9 holes a bunch of times? I can practice more guitar. Can’t even try and get a part time job doing deliveries or something because of work schedule. Most likely not going to drive to see the parents in case I’m one of the ones who is asymptomatic.
Anyhow, how are y’all doing? Surviving? Everything OK?

IOW you’re going stir crazy, just like the rest of the country.
My master plan is working. We’ll have the Demos groveling in fear by Friday.
I’ll get some projects done, but, by Tues I’ll be a bit wonky
I never understood how you got four articles a day done when you were working full time! Heck, I’m retired, and while on days I’m inspired by something, I can knock out three — and my articles do tend to be longer than yours — on some days even one is an effort. I s’pose now we’ll see even more and better stuff from you.
Stop the hysteria. Stop the panic.
“Hear ye, hear ye! Get you antibody check here! If you’ve already got Corona antibodies then you have a “get out of social-distance-jail free†card. Go out dancing! Go to the movies! Go to the restaurant! And most importantly, go back to work.â€
That would make sense, but we’re dealing with Demos here.
The antibody tests are becoming available. Why do you think they were developed?
from Feb 28
Because, like everything else, the Red Chinese ones couldn’t be trusted?
St. Louis and KC have stay-at-home orders, but with lots of exceptions – so not too onerous.
St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson and St. Louis County Executive Sam Page said the measure will allow people to go to grocery stores, pharmacies, doctors appointments, restaurants for carryout, to work for most businesses, and to exercise outside. There are 1.3 million people who live in the city and surrounding county.
The MO Gov shut down all public schools and ordered no social gatherings greater than 10.
All the Demos are jumping on the gauleiter bandwagon.
Ohio’s Gov Dewine (R) is calling for a statewide ‘stay at home’ order. Good luck.
The LA order has a big exemption, people can go out for exercise, so, everyone out and about will claim they are exercising. I watched some of the surf cams from the LA area, and people were even playing paddleboard.
Hate to spoil the little whiner’s gloom and doom day but…
Try to keep up. It’s easy if you try.
Trump says April heat will kill the virus
Stock market due to another 500pt loss at opening
Way to go John. Keep that can-do attitude and keep rooting for us to die and be hurt financially. With “patriots” like you who needs enemies?
Trump 2020 Keep America strong.
The standard Commie strategem.
Absolute chaos favors them.
Or so they think. Just put Pelosi Galore’s lying puss on the news reports and peoople will know who to blame.
Actually, that’s real science, not “climate” science, but what excuse will Dr Evil and his minions use this time?
Things are looking up. And 500 points can be made up later in the day.
No, John. It’s some infectious disease experts saying that could be true if this virus behaves as some others do. So please follow along with me-Trump was simply conveying what some experts have said. Now that wasn’t hard, was it?
ZeroHedge says the excuse will be the Demos holding out on a package to keep things afloat until they get their Christmas tree. We’re not talking banks this time the way it was in ’08; we’re talking small businesses and entrepreneurs, Main St, not Wall St.
As I say, 500 points can be made up, but you wonder how the Demos think they can win. If the economy crashes, the Demos get blamed. People aren’t blaming Trump, and Trump can go over the heads of Fake News any time he wants.
More overreach by the gauleiters.
The GOPhers are overreaching, wanting a $500 BILLION slush fund to be used by the Treasury Sec to disburse to corporations as he sees fit, with no requirement to report where the cash goes.
Do you favor that? Dems want provisions that the funds can’t be used for exec bonuses and stock buy-backs, or for going to trump companies, but the GOPhers are balking.
Care to prove that?
Dems want provisions that the funds can be funneled to their constituent donors, like Planned Barrenhood.
And they’d rather see the country go down than help.
You’re gonna pay.
“People aren’t blaming Trump, and Trump can go over the heads of Fake News any time he wants.”
People shouldn’t blame Trump. The Red Chinese started this thing not Trump no matter how hard their operatives in the press try and spin it.
It’s like I said before: you can help or just complain,I choose to help. We added to the other things we’re organizing a list of folks who will drive others to the doctor, the bank or the pharmacy to help.
What are you doing to help America John? Bitch about Trump using a name you don’t like for the Red Chinese Flu? Gettin’ all happy that grandpa’s mutual funds just took a bath because the Fake News has to play up every negative they can instead of helping calm down and cure the situation?
You are dispicable.
Trump 2020 So we don’t end up with an America hater in the White House.
Today and yesterday as part of my job I delivered school work to kids in Newark NJ who have schools that are closed
I delivered a total of about 300 @ $2 each
Grandpa? He died before I was born, so looks like you threw a ball on that one
I am over 70, boy. Trump can call his virus by whatever name he wants, but soon most Americans ( yes most Americans do vote Dem) will be calling it Trump’s Virus
The “Red Chinese†ever been there ? I have
They are as capitalist as the USA
Ever been anywhere other than in your own little bubble ? Ever seen the world ?
I have lived 6 years outside if the USA including 18 months 1969-1980 South and East Asia
And 6 months 1976-77 in Afghanistan and the FATA
What personal experience do you have in this world other than in your own bubble ?
No, Jeffery, you live in the Gateway, so you’re lying again.
I am over 70, boy. Trump can call his virus by whatever name he wants, but soon most Americans ( yes most Americans do vote Dem) will be calling it Trump’s Virus
Don’t you wish. It’s still the Kung Flu and the Wu Flu and the Lung Pao Flu.
The “Red Chinese†ever been there ? I have
They are as capitalist as the USA
Ever been anywhere other than in your own little bubble ? Ever seen the world ?
No, it’s a command economy like Nazi Germany. But, like all those whistleblower doctors, step out of line and they take you into the Night And Fog.
And while I can see going there, like everything else, I think you’re lying.
Kye’s been more places than you.
What personal experience do you have in this world other than in your own bubble ?
Obviously, more than you.
Sibley Porter, you’re a loon.
Let me ask the con-menters here:
Do you think trump believes that Covid-19 is actually a serious threat or do you think he’s just playing along with the media and the lefties, all the while with a knowing nudge-nudge, wink-wink to those that still think it’s a left-wing and media created hoax?
Once again for those with learning disorders, Trump believes the Red China Flu is serious but like most people of reason and not pure girlish emotion that the media induced panic is a hoax. Which it is. They should be trying to calm down and reassure the public and help with suggestions not spend their time throwing out “gotcha” questions like a bunch of two year olds. This is a threat to the People and nation of America and should not be the time for ridiculous insulting questions about whether or not Trump thinks the Flu is a serious threat.
What are you doing to help your family, neighbors, friends and countrymen, Elwood? Or do you think stirring up shit about Trump’s motives is beneficial in a national emergency? Of course we all know if the President in a time of trouble is a Republican he must be doing evil shit, right?
Trump 2020 Keep these Bozos out of the White House.
Exactly when did yourDear Leader tell us tgst the corona virus was any type of a serious threat ?
It isn’t.
It’s the Fake News panic abetted by the Left that’s the issue.
This is the 2nd time a GOP POTUS has shit the bed on the economy
It is not lefties that are selling stocks it is
Capitalists have lost faith in Trump
Lefties are capitalists like everybody else.
Dr Evil. Bloomie. Steyer. Armand Hammer.
And you can bet they’re selling stocks if it means crashing the country. Too bad Fake News doesn’t rule the way it used to.
This is the 2nd time a GOP POTUS has shit the bed on the economy
No, the Demos did that, too. The Friend of Angelo and his butt boy, the Mocha Messiah, caused the bank implosion.
You can lie all you want, but the facts are clear.
This is not “the flu”. It’s a novel coronavirus.
Trump is now largely supporting what the health professionals are recommending.
Do YOU agree with what Trump and the health professionals recommend, i.e., distancing, widespread testing, building military hospitals, closing schools, declaring a National Emergency, invoking the Defense Production Act, postponing tax filing, 2 trillion dollar stimulus etc.
Trump is acting like it’s not the flu but is much more serious than that.
This is not “the fluâ€. It’s a novel coronavirus.
Bull. It’s a flu. In fact, it’s wimpier than most flus. Mortality is down to 1%.
Trump is now largely supporting what the health professionals are recommending.
Bull. Trump was ahead of the curve, but the Demos were too busy with their phony impeachment to care about the country.
Do YOU agree with what Trump and the health professionals recommend, i.e., distancing, widespread testing, building military hospitals, closing schools, declaring a National Emergency, invoking the Defense Production Act, postponing tax filing, 2 trillion dollar stimulus etc.
More bull.
Trump has no plans for a lockdown andis letting the Democrat gauleiters hang themselves.
He has yet to invoke the DPA and tax filing is postponed because of the Demos and their lockdown.
As for the price tag of the stimulus, you were against spending all that money and I seriously doubt health professionals recommended it.
What we do know is, if the Demos get their way, it may cost $2T, but they’re holding things up yet again so they can have their Christmas tree and to Hell with the country.
That’s your plan, too, of course.
Trump is acting like it’s not the flu but is much more serious than that.
Of 32,600 cases total, only 414 have died for a 1% mortality. Of the 32,000 active cases, only 800 (2%) are considered serious.
This is a joke.
The Kung Flu isn’t an influenza, but coronavirus isn’t “novel”; this form of it is. However, if we had called it the flu, we wouldn’t have had this idiotic panic. It’s less virulent than several strains of influenza, but it appears to be more contagious.
Perhaps a better name for it would be the Urban virus; the real problems are where people are packed together like sardines. Out in the country? Ain’t nothin’ but a thing.
“It’s a novel coronavirus.” Which is what I said. Was this coronavirus reported earlier than in this epidemic?
Some coronaviruses cause “colds”, so why didn’t trump just call it “bad colds” and ignore it? Why did China, Korea, Iran, Italy and the other 100+ nations with cases panic? Why did the WHO panic? If we had just ignored it and everyone (except those ‘out in the country’, ~ 20% of Americans) got it, the survivors would be protected, unless the virus mutates. Do viruses ever mutate? At 0.1% mortality that’s only about 260,000 dead Americans in the first year. Eazy peazy.
Out in the country? Ain’t nothin’ but a thing.
Good for you! Unfortunately, transmissible diseases infect people, so most cases occur where people live. Duh.
Sure, ideally the 128 million American households would be uniformly distributed throughout the US, which has a land area of about 3.5 million sq mi. So 3.5 million sq mi/128 million households ~ 0.03 sq mi (~ 20 acres)/ household. Perfect social distancing!! (Of course, if your 20 acres is in the Rockies or northern Alaska, tough luck.)
He thinks the panic is the issue.
Your panic and you will pay for it.
Jeffery and his cartoon characters are spreading as much FUD as they can, hoping this is a repeat of ’08.
The problem for them is Donald Trump is President and the nominee and he will fight back.
They also have the problem of Obiden-Bama, who is sinking fast, and the rank and file want anybody else. Right now, they’re talking Andy Cuomo, but Don Andres will have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do in any debates about his conduct in all this.
Then there’s the fact the Demos have been dragging their feet throughout this and are making things worse by putting power above country.
It may get violent. If so, ours is the side with the firepower.
Sibley Porter, you’re a loon.
Thank you for confirming to all I’m right.
It may get violent. If so, ours is the side with the firepower.
Right-wingers are naturally violent. But why do you think it may get violent? Because Democrats disagree with you?
This is not a repeat of 2008.
Sibley Porter is still a loon.
Right-wingers are naturally violent
Tell it to the 125,000,000 murdered by Mao, the 53,000,000 Murdered by Stalin, and the 14 million murdered by Hitler.
But why do you think it may get violent? Because Democrats disagree with you?
Because some Lefty will jump the gun.
You always do, you know.
But, yeah, the Lefties are petulant, selfish, narcissistic, and only care about power.
This is not a repeat of 2008.
You damned Skippy. No Karl Rove, no St John of Hanoi.
Sibley Porter is still a loon.
Only loon here is the one with all the cartoon characters.
Thank you Chinese Democrats.
Remember in November!
Jeffery says this isn’t ’08.
Damned straight. Probably the first truthful thing he’s ever said here.
This time it isn’t banks. It’s the graphics start-up by the river, it’s Joe’s Auto Shop, it’s the McDonald’s on the corner, it’s the foundry out by the railroad that employs 100 people.
And it’s the union guys in the construction company in town.
They’ve all been screwed over by the Demos and they’re all at home, so Fake News takes a back seat to the Internet because they’ll all know about this.
Email, Twat, Facebarf, blogs. And people have watched this unfold. It didn’t happen in a day.
One way or another, they’ll know.
Interview with Dr. Fauci:
Talks about the press conference team prep:
Q: What happens before each press conference? What do you do as a group?
A: We’re in the task force. We sit down for an hour and a half, go over all the issues on the agenda. And then we proceed from there to an ante room right in front of the Oval Office to talk about what are going to be the messages, what are the kind of things we’re going to want to emphasize? Then we go in to see the president, we present [our consensus] to him and somebody writes a speech. Then he gets up and ad libs on his speech. And then we’re up there to try and answer questions.
On preparedness and looking forward:
Q: Big Picture. We’ve had all this pandemic preparedness. Why did this fail? What went wrong?
A: I think we’ll have to wait until it is over and we look back before we can answer that. It’s almost like the fog of war. After the war is over, you then look back and say, wow, this plan, as great as it was, didn’t quite work once they started throwing hand grenades at us. It really is similar to that. Obviously, testing [for the new coronavirus] is one clear issue that needs to be relooked at. Why were we not able to mobilize on a broader scale? But I don’t think we can do that right now. I think it’s premature. We really need to look forward.
Well my dont you sound like the CCP party member in good standing.
Blame the president. Blame America. Blame the GOP.
You act as if Trump should single handedly run every department in the federal government.
Remember this is the government you worship and believe will SAVE YOU from everything. I see how great that is working out in IRAN, China, Italy, Spain, Germany, etc…etc.
Where are all their masks, protective gear. Why are they NOT TESTING?
The truth is none of them are testing or doing the things they should have been doing. Spain ignored the problem until their annual festival was over and now are paying the price. China ignored this problem so Lunar New Year could continue until they finally had no choice but to cancel it.
No one was ready. Why didnt Obama get the government ready. He was president for 8 years and put 10’s of thousands of his hallowed people in deep places in the government to make sure YOU WERE TAKEN CARE of.
This is the classic example of why you can never rely on the governmnet to get anything right.
Now nancy Pelosi wants money for union collective bargaining, windmills and INCREASED FUEL EMISSION STANDARDS FOR AIRLINES who are now on the brink of going out of business. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos the richest men in the world want 5 billion to keep their space adventures alive. Why don’t they just pay that out of their pocket change since combined they are worth like 400 billion.
The big picture
House Majority Whip Rep. Jim Clyburn, was reported by The Hill to have said that this is “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,â€
Fauci was a different guy in the H1N1. Cool, smiling, no sweat.
And that killed 12,000 people.
So what Fauci says should always get a second opinion.
What ever are you going on about? It was a perfectly reasonable and balanced interview.
Anyway, take this down: America is good, Americans are good, tRump and today’s GOP are bad.
And he had no problem with 12,000 people dying then because it was a Democrat Administration under fire for its lousy management of the crash.
Now he’s all panicky and wants the country under lockdown after 500 deaths.
Get fu(ked.
America is good, Americans are good, tRump and today’s GOP are bad.
I thought we were all racists and sexists and homophobes. That we were founded by racist old white men.
Trump’s the good guy in all this and he and the Rs are going to kill the Demos this Fall.
Take that down and stick it with your LOLs.
I shoulda said most Americans are good. You are a turd. And you get fu(ked.
Are you sure Dr. Fauci had “no problem” with 12,000 people dying in 2009? 59 million Americans contracted H1N1 in 2009. Let’s hope 59 million don’t contract Covid-19. Even at 0.1% mortality, that kills what, some 60,000.
Trump’s the good guy in all this and he and the Rs are going to kill the Demos this Fall.
The Rs are killing Demos and GOPhers today.
Ruh roh…
As Michigan Braces for Coronavirus, H1N1 Quietly Makes a Comeback
According to FluSurv-NET, which tracks flu-related hospital admissions across the U.S., 291 adults and 74 youth have been hospitalized in Michigan’s Clinton, Eaton, Genesee, Ingham, and Washtenaw counties this flu season because of the flu, including 165 cases for influenza A/H1N1 and 230 Influenza B, Martin noted.
While coronavirus dominates headlines, the CDC has determined that flu activity has become widespread across the U.S., likely killing more than 10,000 nationally so far this flu season, which began Oct. 1.
Of those, 68 were children and — according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services — that included two children from Michigan.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest data indicates that, in some ways, the 2019-2020 flu season is worse than last flu season. For example, the cumulative hospitalization rate for the flu so far this season is 61.6 per 100,000 people, compared with 43.3 per 100,000 at the same point last season, reported the Advisory Board, a health care research organization.
CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 38 million flu illnesses, 390,000 hospitalizations and 23,000 deaths from flu. (~ 0.06%).
As Michigan Braces for Coronavirus, H1N1 Quietly Makes a Comeback
Anybody paying attention knew that. Red China a couple of weeks ago.
Funny how all that stuff makes it all the way across the Pacific.
CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 38 million flu illnesses, 390,000 hospitalizations and 23,000 deaths from flu. (~ 0.06%).
Deep State estimates all the time. Once a year they’re right.
Put up the one from ’09 during the H1N1 when he didn’t think there was much risk sending kids to school.
The Federal Reserve Just Pledged Asset Purchases with No Limit to Support Markets
Among the moves is an open-ended commitment to keep buying assets under its *quantitative easing measures.*
There are multiple other programs, including one for Main Street business lending and others aimed at keeping credit flowing.
Markets reversed all their overnight losses and indicated a sharply positive open.
The Fed saw another -1000 open so acted swiftly! McConnell is giving speeches about ‘the markets’ but not about ‘the people’.
The markets are the people, dimwit. Where do you think their retirement comes from?
And, as of now, the market’s gained back almost all of it.
Another lousy day for you.
March 23, 2020 at 11:05 am
The markets are the people, dimwit.
Not exactly, dipshit. 10s of millions rely on Social Security. And let’s hope people ready for retirement have 401K’s managed by competent individuals who didn’t have all their funds in stocks!! We would think that conservatives would encourage individuals to be savvy market consumers. If they’re not, that’s a good learning experience, right? Anyway, the Fed is pouring trillions in to stabilize the markets for those who weren’t savvy, and especially shareholders holding large volumes of stocks. Isn’t it great to have Federal backup for you bad decisions? Kind of like too big to fail for companies clever enough to have a near monopoly! Isn’t that the type of socialism that conservatives should detest, or do cons only hate that nickel and dime socialism that helps poor people? 18,665 last I checked. Was 29,000 around Feb 20.
Younger people should just relax and count on the eventual market recovery.
“If they’re 60 years old and they have 80 percent of their money in the (stock) market, that’s going to cause a problem,†according to Kimberly Foss, President of Empyrion Wealth Management.
Read more here: https://www.sacbee.com/news/business/article240741251.html#storylink=cpy
excerement, where do you think the money for retirement comes from? And, if you’re going to try to tell anybody the money for Social Security comes from the FICA taxes, that’s the biggest lie of all.
FICA goes into the general fund.
the Fed is pouring trillions in to stabilize the markets
After the Lefties have been shorting the markets.
Isn’t it great to have Federal backup for you bad decisions?
What backup? Social Security? The average payment is a bout $1000/month.
You think you can live on that? There is no backup.
And the word is your.
“If they’re 60 years old and they have 80 percent of their money in the (stock) market, that’s going to cause a problemâ€
And who is this guy and who ever heard of his company? You can find anybody who will tell you anything you want to hear.
Kind of like too big to fail for companies clever enough to have a near monopoly!
You mean like Microshaft?
Goldman Sachs?
Berkshire Hathaway?
Tell us who these companies are.
FICA goes into the general fund.
Is that true?
Why would the GOPhers keep threatening to cut Social Security because the trust fund is going broke? That makes no sense if the we paid SS out of the general fund, does it.
This is where you present evidence, otherwise it just seems like one of your daily lies.
After the Lefties have been shorting the markets.
This is where you present evidence.
What backup? Social Security? The average payment is a bout $1000/month.
Stupid ass. Not SS, but the trillions that the Fed uses to prop up the stock market.
And the word is ‘about’, ass-muncher. Average monthly SS is about $1400/mo. If you only receive $1000/mo, you must not have earned much in your lifetime.
Social Security is the major source of income for most of the elderly.
ο Nearly nine out of ten individuals age 65 and older receive Social Security benefits.
ο Social Security benefits represent about 33% of the income of the elderly.
ο Among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 50% of married couples and 70% of unmarried persons receive 50% or more of their income from Social Security.
ο Among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 21% of married couples and about 45% of unmarried persons rely on Social Security for 90% or more of their income.
So nearly half of single seniors rely on SS for their existence. That’s tens of millions of Americans.
And who is this guy and who ever heard of his company?
We can only hope you had most of your money in the stock market.
Tell us who these companies are.
Please don’t tell us you’ve never heard of ‘too big to fail’? It was in all the papers. In 2008 Fed ‘loaned’ JP Morgan $30 billion to buy Bear Stearns. The Fed gave AIG $180 billion but eventually made it back with interest! Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs borrowed billions from the Fed at low interest rates. Chrysler and GM have been bailed out. Bank of America was given/loaned billions to buy Countrywide and Merrill Lynch. The administration is currently talking about a $500 BILLION fund to bail out companies suffering during this recession. The US backs US corporations deemed “too big to fail”. How much is it worth to a huge corporation to know the US gov’t won’t allow them to fail because of job losses, market instability etc? Wouldn’t knowing that give a shareholder some comfort? If the execs make really stupid decisions (derivatives, anyone) isn’t it good to know the Fed Gov’t will protect you from loss?
And just think, all the people you worry about would have been taken care of if Pelosi had allowed the passage of Trump economic package. Oh, but you will have something stupid to say about rich getting something or the small businesses getting too much. Fact is it was well balanced.
I took a break from here for about a week. I thought the seriousness of what is facing our country would have muted some of the voices here and caused people to take a break from the normal Trump-hate, in favor of a more restrained message about working together for a common cause. I guess some habits are just too deeply ingrained.
While it is very unlikely anyone here will be exposed to this virus, it is a near certainty that everyone will be exposed to the long lasting economic, political and social effects of it. Good luck to you all, even to Godless Communits Jeff and John.
Jeffery’s a paid troll.
He gets his orders and takes his money. This may have lots to do with ideology, but the fact is, he’s given what to put up and he just pastes it in.
At least he is getting paid to work from home. A lot of Americans out there aren’t so lucky.
Sibley Good is an unpaid troll, who never wishes to discuss issues. NuCons are largely reduced to just replying “Is Not!” to things.
But perfesser we’re godless but hardly communists – more of a godless, left-wing capitalist.
It’s fascinating to us that NuCons support socialism for the rich and also believe that people are paid to correct lies on minor right-wing blogs. You can’t really believe that, right?
But perfesser we’re godless but hardly communists – more of a godless, left-wing capitalist.
Says the moron who mocks people who believe.
Including Moslems.
It’s fascinating to us that NuCons support socialism for the rich and also believe that people are paid to correct lies on minor right-wing blogs. You can’t really believe that, right?
The guy who’s a McDonald’s franchisee is the rich? The guy who owns his own body shop is the rich?
Sure. This is when Jeffery’s definition of the “working classes” gets really elastic.
Right now, the union slugs that work at the construction company in town are the rich.
people are paid to correct lies on minor right-wing blogs.
$15/hr for a slug who hasn’t gotten out of Mommy’s basement must seem like a lot.
Porter Sibley Good is the slug.
$15/hr for a slug who hasn’t gotten out of Mommy’s basement must seem like a lot.
You should know! I probably pay more in taxes than you make.
The average McDonald’s franchisee owns 6 stores, clearing $150,000 on average per year per store.
Hard work, not rich, but not too bad. And always risky. Evidently takes around $500,000 upfront.
Thanks, Professor. You and your family be well also.
I have looked over the current plan put forth in the Senate by Republicans and crafted with Democratic support.
It goes a long way in addressing many needs. The money to corporations like Boeing have to be paid back. It suspends stock buy backs and golden parachutes for two years. Which is reasonable. The so called slush fund is designed to meet unforseen circumstances. This could be considered a bailout, but how can anyone know what is going to happen in 3 weeks and with the way the two sides are going on right now, a corporation could go out of business before they government acts.
The left is obsessed with adding a few components. More subsidies for Wind and solar energy should be of little consequence in the grand scheme of things, given the current crisis. It no longer is worth debating if or woulda or shoulda. The crisis is real, millions are out of work and applying for unemployment. Businesses are shuttering and the nation is collapsing financially.
It does not matter whose fault it is at this point. What matters is the bill put forth by the Senate was a reasonable bill that needed to do a couple of things. Give Seniors the additional 200.00 per month in income for two years like the Democrats wanted. Give the Democrats the subsidies they wanted. In return the left must withdraw their desire for strengthening union bargaining power and mandating more stringent regulations on the airline industry when those very industries are the ones that a majority of this bail out money is headed.
I see no reason why the right should object to increased subsidies to wind and solar and I see no reason why the left should object to bailouts in which they companies being bailed out must repay their money.
The political chicanery going on in DC at the moment is disheartening for nearly all Americans. Retirement pensions from California to Maine and Washington state to Florida are all being crushed at the moment and our politicans are shouting at each other when it requires both sides to compromise.
Let me reiterate. The Dems will do little as they see their chances in 2020 slipping into depression. The GOP will use this moment to try and squeeze them even harder at the expense of the citizen needing help. The Dems really have nothing to lose while the rest of the GOP and America have everything to lose.
I would suggest that the two sides, come together today. Compromise and get a deal done. Seniors need that money hospitals need that money. The states need that money and small businesses need that money. Lastly what good will it do to give people without jobs some money if their are no companies left to offer back jobs when this has passed us by?
“I see no reason why the right should object to increased subsidies to wind and solar… ”
I do. Subsidies for wind and solar have NOTHING to do with this emergency either economically or medically. It’s more bull shit walk around money for Democrats to hand out to their cronies. We need another Solyndra now when real Americans are financially hurting and dying? This is no time for Democrats or Republicans to fuk around with pork. This is a time for Patriots to do their duty.
Trump 2020 Keep the porkers out!
Wind and solar are industries and deserve as much help as gas and oil, airlines.
They hire engineers, construction workers, bookkeepers etc.
They would get their cut, but, as energy sources, they are a joke.
This would be your problem Kye. If you don’t care that the needed relief is obstructed until such time as something as simple as a subsidy is crushed, then you are one of those who is not facing financial turmoil.
Unfortunately for the country there are many 18-61 year olds who cannot retire, do not receive guaranteed income from SSI or have access to their 401k’s and if they do that 401k is now worth about half what it was just two weeks ago and this would he a horrible time to dip into it.
Additionally millions of pensions are now going to struggle mightily and possible become insolvent with each passing day. All because you have a problem with a little pork. Okay. Then the GOP needs to up the ante and say no buybacks for 3 years and no pay raises for 3 years.
It is all negotiable. The Democrats are facing a looming defeat in November. They have everything to gain by causing more pain to Americans while the MSM and the DNC all blame it on the GOP and Trump.
A little mind achieves little things. A large mind takes the oxygen out of the room and for all the bluster, Nancy Pelosi has a large mind. This is her trojan horse for the 2020 elections and every step of the way the GOP is being outflanked because they are standing on principal.
What happened to the principal that deficits are bad and we should balance the budget. Everything is negotiable in DC, it just depends on who has the most to lose.
It died with the Hoover administration.
This would be your problem Winston St. John. I very much DO care that the needed aid is being obstructed for partisan purposes by uncaring, cruel Democrats. That’s the fact, Jack.
Now, to put you straight. The state forced the closure of my wife’s business which costs us about $4,000 a week income and each of our 25% partners $2,000 and also costs us about $5,000 a week in ongoing fixed expenses not to mention the 13 employees a 2 managers who were laid off. So yeah, it impacts me personally. Also, I have been on a lung transplant list for three years because of COPD and emphysema so it severely impacts my health too. I am personally one of those 69 YO people with lung problems who will die and I still want the package passed for ALL AMERICANS not just me. And I certainly don’t want to be held hostage by some self-serving leftist trying to steal some tax money goodies for his friends in the cult of climatology.
That said it is NOT Republicans who are fuking with the aide package, is it?This should not be a partisan battle and wasn’t until Nazi Pelosi made it one. It was all set to be passed until the usual suspects decided not to let a good crisis go to waste.
Trump 2020 Because we can’t afford not to.
Well put, Winston St. John.
Tell it to Pelosi Galore. She seems Hell-bent on driving the party into permanent minority status.
You should know! I probably pay more in taxes than you make.
Sure. You just hang out here because you need to tell the world how wonderful you are.
The average McDonald’s franchisee owns 6 stores, clearing $150,000 on average per year per store.
Hard work, not rich, but not too bad. And always risky. Evidently takes around $500,000 upfront.
Small business.