…is a world flooded from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on being tired of the “in these challenging times” messages from companies and such.

…is a world flooded from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on being tired of the “in these challenging times” messages from companies and such.
Teach are you still promoting “free market capitalism�
Isn’t this socialism when government supports companies by giving them tax payer money ?
Schumer and Pelosi should be hanged.
And the gaffe-prone but affable former vice president couldn’t make it through the novel briefing by a candidate without one awkward moment. As he was detailing his plan to fight the coronavirus crisis, Biden appeared to lose track of his spot on the teleprompter.
He signaled to his staff that there was something wrong, before going off on an awkward ad-lib.
“And uh, in addition to that, uh in addition to that we have to make sure that we uh, we are in a position that we are, well met me go the second thing, I’ve spoke enough on that,” Biden said before going on to speak about the aggressive action he would like Trump to take under the Defense Production Act.
Are you still supporting a geriatric home escapee to SAVE you from the Cornonavirus?
Virginia-based Smithfield Foods is the world’s largest hog farmer and pork processor, vending packaged meat products in the U.S. under a variety of brand names such as Smithfield, Eckrich, Farmland, Armour, John Morrell, Kretschmar, Curly’s, Carando, Cook’s, Margherita, Gwaltney, and Healthy Ones.
In September 2013 Smithfield Foods was acquired by China’s biggest meat processor, Shuanghui International Holdings, in the largest acquisition ever of a U.S. company by a Chinese one — a deal that raised concerns in America about a Chinese food company’s controlling a major U.S. meat supplier.
In other words half the fuking food we get is owned and operated by CHINA. Great Job OBAMA. Great Job Dems and Repubs.
Why don’t we just give them the keys to our nuke silos and military bases too. I’m sure they would make a bunch of you sons of bitches rich!!!
Lolgf FDA