Seriously, are people actually concerned with anthropogenic climate change, or even natural climate change, at this point? Does it need repeating what the concerns are right now of regular people? But, the LA Times editorial board is Concerned, like other members of this doomsday cult
There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic is the crisis of the moment, and a terribly serious one at that, threatening not only human lives but also the global economy.
But it’s not the only crisis the world is facing, and we ought not, while confronting the immediate menace, disregard the other immense threat looming over us: global warming. Rather, somewhat counterintuitively, we should use the current pandemic to learn some lessons and glean some insights about the other perils we will soon be facing.
We’re not suggesting that climate change contributed to the coronavirus outbreak; there seems to be no direct link, although experts say a warming world could accelerate pandemics of insect-borne diseases (the coronavirus is spread person to person). But the global response to this pandemic does show that the world can come together to confront a shared threat. That could bode well for addressing climate change — if we treat it as seriously.
The pandemic is putting a chokehold on economic activity in hard-hit regions of the world — China, Europe and here in the U.S. When factories and businesses are closed, workers and customers stay home (here in California and in New York, by order of the governors). With few people traveling long distances, airlines slash flights. Sure, people and businesses continue to use energy, but not at the levels they did just a month ago. And that reduction in energy use in turn reduces fossil fuel consumption and emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Little of this will be long-lasting. Once the epidemic subsides, economic activity will resume and so, presumably, will emissions.
So, wait, are they saying this is what they want the world to look like? People sitting at home not working? Going to the grocery store and there being empty shelves? There being no toilet paper nor paper towels on the shelf (I mean zero), and a guy standing in the aisle controlling the distribution, only allowing one container of either (he tried to give me a big pack of towels, but, only needed a 6 pack. I was out)? This is what they want? No bread in the aisle (BTW, the secret, at least at Walmart, is to go to the freshly made section. It had plenty. But, it won’t last beyond a couple days since it is fresh).
But the crisis offers opportunities for change, and we ought to be mindful of them as the pandemic and the economic crisis play out. Businesses are learning how much of their workforce can do their jobs remotely, which offers guidance for how they might operate in the future with a lighter carbon footprint. Consumers are undergoing a forced experiment in changed patterns of shopping and consumption.
Why, yes, they are calling for this. Perhaps they should ask if consumers and workers are happy with this “forced experiment.”
Congress and President Trump also are negotiating a series of bailouts and other support packages to help people and businesses survive. They should take this opportunity to press for changes in how some of these industries operate.
I agree, Democrats should press, because it will not go well when it comes November, and voters remember Democrats f*cked around instead of trying to help citizens.
The science confirms all this, as it has confirmed the spread and dangers from the novel coronavirus. So maybe accepting the reality of COVID-19 will lead the administration to recognize the reality of climate change and work with Congress to begin addressing it in meaningful ways.