…is an inland area flooded from extreme weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Democrats caring more about their agenda than grandma dying from Coronavirus.

…is an inland area flooded from extreme weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Democrats caring more about their agenda than grandma dying from Coronavirus.
The main article has mainly to do with the phony panic surrounding the phony plague, but there is a delicious description of the mind games Jeffery tries to play on us in the name of his pet causes.
People’s refusal to panic has been a great source of frustration for the establishment in recent years. ‘The planet is burning’, they lie, in relation to climate change, and yet we do not weep or wail or even pay very much attention. ‘I want you to panic’, instructs the newest mouthpiece of green apocalypticism, Greta Thunberg, and yet most of us refuse to do so.
Our skittish elites have been so baffled, infuriated in fact, by our calm response to their hysterical warnings that they have invented pathologies to explain our unacceptable behaviour. The therapeutic language of ‘denialism’ is used to explain the masses’ refusal to fret over climate change. Environmentalists write articles on ‘the psychology of climate-change denial’, on ‘the self-deception and mass denial’ coursing through this society that refuses to flatter or engage with the hysteria of the eco-elites.
Feel free to link.
Oh dear, it’s a “delicious” description.
Porter Sibley Good links the same Brendan O’Neill that feels anti-pedophile laws are just too, too strict.
It’s still on the money.
And you, of all people, should approve of O’Neill.
As we approach the closing bell, markets are up 2000.
Just shows what a good President can do.
Just shows what a good President can do.
Are you day-drunk again?
Are presidents responsible when the market goes down or only when the market goes up?
The DIJA nearly TRIPLED under President Obama. Under trump it’s risen what, 1%?
The Dow was about 15,800 on 1/20/16, the day Trump was sworn in. It rose to nearly 30,000 (in ONLY 4 years) before the leftists “panicked” it down because of the Red China Virus. It was 7,949 when Hussein took office 1/20/09.
We all know your delusions of Hussein as the great not-white savior because Orange Man Bad but when ya gotta bull shit to make a point you know your battle is lost.
Go peddle your propaganda somewhere else, we’re all full up here from the fake media.
trump was sworn in on Jan 20 2017, when the DJIA was 19,827.
Even though the elections are held in the previous year, in this case 2016, the inaugurations are the next Jan, in this case Jan 20 2017.
Do you think presidents are responsible for market levels?
Sometimes, all you have to be is President-elect.
The market started going up the day after Trump was elected.
And thank you, Captain Obvious.
No, that’s your thing, once you go into the John.
The DIJA nearly TRIPLED under President Obama.
That’s not saying much considering how low it went (on his watch). More like nearly doubled.
Under trump it’s risen what, 1%?
Try 81%
Are presidents responsible when the market goes down or only when the market goes up?
Trump’s been pushing to get things moving instead of a nationwide lockdown.
That’s what the market is celebrating. And you were the one who blamed all the market drops on him.
Markets closed better than 2100 up. Biggest one-day jump since ’33.
DJIA was 19,827 when trump took over and is 20,705 today. That’s a 4.4% increase in 3.5 yrs.
From the depths of the Bush Great Recession (7063) to Jan 2017 (19,827). That’s 181%.
Do you think presidents are responsible for market levels?
No, it was the Obama Depression.
He helped create it. He attenuated it.
And anything after the ’16 election had nothing to do with Zippy.
The markets were glad they had someone who was not only a real American as President, but also someone with some smarts.
And the Dow had its worst day in March ’09 when it hit 6,547.05 and began climbing when it hit rapidly after it hit 18,259 on 11/9/16. In one year, it gained 5000 points So I guess it was all Zippy’s fault, after all.
Do you think presidents are responsible for market levels?
When they’re as lousy as Zippy, yes.
You are using bad information. The Dow was around 15,800 when Trump took over and its 20,700 today AFTER the Democrats panicked America damn near to death. But under NORMAL circumstances the Dow was up to almost 30,000 under Trump.
Neither President “controlled” the market but the market occasionally reacts to what the President says or does. They day Trump was sworn in the market jumped 500 which was nice. Especially when all the leftist experts like that shit head Krugman claimed Trump would crash the economy. Just the opposite happened and right now in the midst of this virus the market is still trying to rebound mostly due to President Trump’s outstanding handling of the dire situation we were put in by the Chicoms and their propagandists in the American media.
Is there any more you can do to discourage your fellow citizens than you are doing now? You have yet to take Americas side in this emergency and would rather debate phony Dow stats than help Americans by at the very least being positive.
Trump 2020 Stop those among us helping the Red Chinese
I used to think you were better than this.
Do you disagree that Trump was inaugurated on Jan 20 2017? You can check the Dow on inauguration day at any number of websites, e.g.,
Is telling the truth now unpatriotic?
Trump is not responsible for the coronavirus pandemic, but he has done little to settle the markets or the populace.
This virus is not a bioweapon, nor part of a Chinese plot, nor a Democratic plot…
The Fed is adding TRILLIONS of USD to stabilize the markets, Congress is ready to approve on a 2 TRILLION relief/stimulus bill – the stock markets love these actions.
What do you recommend Trump do to stop those criticizing him?
We understand that you are bitter and angry because life is not fair. But aren’t you a millionaire on Medicare collecting Social Security? Imagine how tough it is for those Americans without your blessings.
US was more prepared for pandemic than any other country, Johns Hopkins study found
The United States was ranked the best-prepared country in the world to handle a pandemic in late 2019 by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHU) — an assessment seemingly at odds with claims by top Democrats that the Trump administration left the country vulnerable.
Leftist liars.
Rear Adm. R. Timothy Ziemer reportedly was ousted as senior director(The pandemic czar the democrats like to go on about in a tizzy), and no replacement was named. But, FactCheck.org has determined that the matter amounted to a reorganization, and that “some team members [of the NSC pandemic office] were shifted to other groups, and others took over some of [the top official’s] duties.â€
His job was eliminated and the duties spread in a reorganization move. Trump was the first to respond to the China Virus. The rest of the countries were sitting on their hands.
The democrats response? TRUMP IS A RACIST.
Trump closed down flights to Europe. The first to do so. The democrats Response. Trump causes chaos among the EU allies.
Trump has been perched on the toilet for 3 months shitting Medicine and protective gear that DEMOCRATS SHIPPED TO CHINA. The democrats response? Trump is orange man Bad.
Trump has been in the middle of the corona virus while Democrats have isolated themselves and hid in their offices teleconferencing. Shivering in their boots over the CHINA VIRUS. Democrats response to Trump daring to be in public. HE IS GIVING AMERICA FALSE HOPE>
Meanwhile back at the MSM DISINFORMATION CENTER the next great deception to be pulled on the American public is that CHINA IS THE GOOD GUY IN THIS AND ITS ALL TRUMPS FAULT WE ARE GETTING SICK.
I used to think you were better than this.
Do you disagree that Trump was inaugurated on Jan 20 2017? You can check the Dow on inauguration day at any number of websites, e.g.,
The markets took off after the election, not the inauguration.
Is telling the truth now unpatriotic?
First, you have to start telling the truth. Splitting fictitious hairs doesn’t cut it.
Trump is not responsible for the coronavirus pandemic, but he has done little to settle the markets or the populace.
Try again. 60% approval on his work with the Red Chinese Germ Warfare Flu.
This virus is not a bioweapon, nor part of a Chinese plot, nor a Democratic plot…
Sez who? WHO?
The Fed is adding TRILLIONS of USD to stabilize the markets, Congress is ready to approve on a 2 TRILLION relief/stimulus bill – the stock markets love these actions.
No, it’s less the $2T, although your girl, Pelosi Galore, wanted to add a ton of goodies to it.
What do you recommend Trump do to stop those criticizing him?
Who cares? They lie anyway.
We understand that you are bitter and angry because life is not fair.
No, he just hates your anti-American lies.
But aren’t you a millionaire on Medicare collecting Social Security? Imagine how tough it is for those Americans without your blessings.
Which Americans are those?
The bums on the streets? They chose that life.
The illegals? They’re not Americans.
Elwood, I am a millionaire only in the sense that I worked and saved all my working life and still do. I have also paid taxes all my working life and still do including Social Security which I often maxed out due to my income level plus as a self employed person I paid 100% of my SS for all but a few adolescent years of employment. Therefore, my “blessings” come from hard work, savings and intelligent investing. So just like you I worked for, earned and paid my SS taxes for 40 years. Do you believe I am not entitled to the return I was promised by my government when they took my money?
When we were kids a million dollars was the super lottery, now not so much. Having 6-7 million in assets today reflects over 40 years of work and labor and saving and investing. It does not fall from the sky for guys like you and me. I assume since you are near my age and have been self employed for decades that you too have substantial assets. Bank accounts, IRA’s, paid off mortgages, property and capital assets you built up over the years. We are not Bezos, Soros or even Trump. We may be technically millionaires but a million ain’t what it used to be. Hell, I remember having a discussion with my boss at the Deli where I worked in 1967 where I told him I would sign a contract for life if someone would pay me $10,000 a year. That would be about $77k today. But had I signed a 10K contract I’d be impoverished. And $1 million in 1967? About $7 million today. We are not even in the top 1% so we ain’t “rich” by a long shot.
I am hardly “bitter and angry because life is not fair” rather it is YOU who constantly berates people who earn, own or create more than others as greedy capitalists and it’s not fair. Or that whites earn more or create more and it’s not fair. Or Asians have higher IQ’s and it’s not fair. Or homo’s are shunned and it’s not fair. I could go on but I’m sure you get the point. I am not bitter over anything in my life how about YOU? I am angry that such a wonderful nation, built upon the ideals of millennia of Western Civilization and Christianity and founded in the Great Documents of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution is so hated by leftists like you. That angers me. It would anger you too if you loved America more than you hate Trump.
Trump 2020 Keep America Free not a “democratic” socialist shit hole.
You may not want to hear this, but we are more alike than different.
You believe that those of us who have accumulated more did it with no built in advantages, and I don’t believe that.
Although disadvantages of women, Blacks, gays, immigrants and non-Christians get all the press, the real issue is the state of our working classes.
In addition, we have become a functional plutocracy that cruelly ignores the plights of the working classes while consistently tilting the playing field toward the wealthy and corporations.
I believe that as a nation we need to address the increasing gap between the working classes and the plutocrat class, not by welfare or giveaways but by more fair policies. America has declared war on labor unions. We have policies that encourage moving manufacturing overseas where labor is cheap and regulations lax, putting our workers in unfair competition. We “welcome” low-paid seasonal workers, maids, construction workers but put regulatory filters on bringing in foreign doctors, lawyers or architects. Our trade policies essentially are designed to force the world to agree to our generous (to corporations) patent/trademark rules. We keep reducing taxes on wealthier Americans while secretly increasing the burden on working families.
That said, yes, I do believe that universal healthcare would be good for America.
First, I don’t believe “universal” anything is good for America. Except perhaps universal patriotism. “Universal” by definition implies the use of government force if not government ownership. Neither of those unfortunate and oppressive freedom killing characteristics are American. Especially when the left keeps promising to eliminate “private insurance” which means we are trapped in a never ending bureaucracy of life or death magnitude.
Why do you believe our government bureaucrats know better how to run hospitals, provide medicine and operations and every other facet of running healthcare for 330 million people? What have they done so right this far that leads you to believe we would have BETTER healthcare if Sue from the IRS determined your needs?
Our trade policies have sucked since the idiots in Washington (to whom you want to turn over our healthcare) instituted NAFTA just for example. YET!!! when Trump began cutting regulations and penalizing countries for lop-sided tariffs you guys started crying like little bitches. If we’re gonna break this battered wife syndrome we’re gonna have to bust balls.
You know Elwood, just because you hate the air Trump breathes does not mean every word he utters is 100% wrong. He is after all a businessman and as such knows more than just about every previous President about what business, tin America needs. You see, Trump does believe “we built that” and therefore wants us to prosper.
Trump 2020 America needs a man of business not a sickly demented pol.
What I know is that our health care system is the most expensive, by far, on Earth. I also know our outcomes are not the best. I also know that of all the advanced nations on this Earth, America has the highest percentage of uninsured/uncovered.
US bureaucrats manage the world’s largest insurance “company”, Medicare, and do it efficiently.
Few of the world’s universal health care systems are owned by the nation. They are national insurance companies that manage and control the payments.
What I know is that our health care system is the most expensive, by far, on Earth. I also know our outcomes are not the best. I also know that of all the advanced nations on this Earth, America has the highest percentage of uninsured/uncovered.
Good work ain’t cheap.
Cheap work ain’t good.
And our percentage is not as irrelevant as who gets turned away.
US bureaucrats manage the world’s largest insurance “companyâ€, Medicare, and do it efficiently.
They do? Google Medicare fraud. It’s a growth industry.
Few of the world’s universal health care systems are owned by the nation. They are national insurance companies that manage and control the payments.
You can tell the panic is over. Jeffery wants to talk about something else.
Too bad he doesn’t want to address the usurious taxes wrung out of people to pay for it.
And tell us NHS isn’t run by the British government.
After our little Red Chinese Germ Warfare Flu, nobody wants to hear about socialized medicine.
The deaths per million people from Kung Flu.
Italy 101
Spain 58
Switzerland 14
France 13
Tell me again how swell socialized medicine is.
Hospital beds per capita
You believe that those of us who have accumulated more did it with no built in advantages, and I don’t believe that.
What you believe is of no moment.
You’re a Commie.
You ;ie.
Although disadvantages of women, Blacks, gays, immigrants and non-Christians get all the press, the real issue is the state of our working classes.
Non-Christians? You mean Jews?
And by immigrants, you don’t mean real immigrants, you mean Jews.
I don’t recall being homosexual being a disadvantage. Lots of homosexuals have tots of money.
As for women and blacks, they have plenty of set-asides.
And, when the markets were dropping, you loved it, so we know where you stand with the working stiffs.
In addition, we have become a functional plutocracy that cruelly ignores the plights of the working classes while consistently tilting the playing field toward the wealthy and corporations.
You mean Democrats?
I believe that as a nation we need to address the increasing gap between the working classes and the plutocrat class, not by welfare or giveaways but by more fair policies.
Class warfare. First rule of Commie propaganda.
America has declared war on labor unions. We have policies that encourage moving manufacturing overseas where labor is cheap and regulations lax, putting our workers in unfair competition.
Well, that’s come to an end, thanks to Trump. And I don’t see too many union slugs in the poorhouse.
We “welcome†low-paid seasonal workers, maids, construction workers but put regulatory filters on bringing in foreign doctors, lawyers or architects.
We do? Seems like cutting off the illegals was pretty popular.
Our trade policies essentially are designed to force the world to agree to our generous (to corporations) patent/trademark rules. We keep reducing taxes on wealthier Americans while secretly increasing the burden on working families.
Wrong. Trump’s bringing back jobs. And he didn’t need a magic wand to do it.
That said, yes, I do believe that universal healthcare would be good for America.
“You believe that those of us who have accumulated more did it with no built in advantages, and I don’t believe that.” No, I do not believe that. I do believe that since everyone is different everyone has advantages and disadvantages and no amount of socialism or communism will change that. It will only reorder those with or without said advantages.
It seems to me you are saying you just don’t like the people who currently enjoy advantages you believe they don’t deserve and therefore want to take their property by force and give it to those you think deserve it more. All that will do is cause resentment, discord and ultimately murder like all communist criminal organizations.
Soft soaping the lifelines of healthcare by insisting the government can serve us better than people who want to do better so they can make more money and live better is a fools dream. A union thug, unable to be fired, with guaranteed raises, bene’s and a golden retirement does not give a rats ass about your health. A Free and competitive health market dependent on RESULTS to make money does.
Elwood, I defy you to show me one consumer product from refrigerators to cell phone that you would rather have ONE CHOICE of and be run by the government. Yet you want our very lives and those of or loved ones to be determined by the type of person who tells farmers they can’t plant food because of a fukin snail darter. That’s ridiculous.
Note, another good thing has come about in my little circle if Red Virus Fighters. An old couple (yes, older than I) near my niece needed a TV because theirs broke last Sunday. My niece and her husband went over to find these folks hadn’t shopped or anything. Whilst her husband installed the new (2 years old) LCD they donated, my niece went to Giant and filled their frig and pantry for them. She then helped the lady pay her bills and do her wash. People helpin’ people. The American way. People envious of people. The socialist way.
Trump 2020 Keep American American.