…are horrible carbon pollution clouds, you migth just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on some feel good stories.
Keeps her fingers like that and going get, at best, a great burn.

…are horrible carbon pollution clouds, you migth just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on some feel good stories.
Keeps her fingers like that and going get, at best, a great burn.
I’ll smear the aloe all over her.
I am having another fantastic trading day today. Perhaps the government is making good decisions and the market is reflecting that? I know small businesses are making a whole lot of very hard decisions and I do hope they are the right ones. I know that in January my wife’s spa was valued at about $1.5 million lock, stock and barrel. Now it’s worth the price of inventory if we’re lucky. Closed businesses do demand much cash in any economy. So I’m trying to make up some losses with my trades and today has been excellent.
Trump 2020 Let’s get people investing in America again.
I think the fact Trump wants this all over by Easter says a lot of the average investor.
And Jeffery tried to tell us investors had lost confidence in Trump.
Good Sibley thinks every uptick in the market is because of trump and every downturn due to something President Obama did years ago. Investors don’t give a shit about trump except knowing he favors rich people.
Investors are interested in how much money they think they’ll make off their investments. The Feds unknown trillions and the $2 TRILLION Congressional relief/stimulus bill gives investors confidence that their investments will pay off.
1 trillion = 1,000,000,000,000. That’s a lot of dollars! One could buy a million $1 million mansions! 10 million $100,000 homes. $3000 for each man, woman and child in the US.
Good Sibley thinks every uptick in the market is because of trump and every downturn due to something President Obama did years ago.
Never said that, but, if you want to buy it, fine with me.
Investors don’t give a shit about trump except knowing he favors rich people.
Keep telling yourself that. Right through election day.
Investors are interested in how much money they think they’ll make off their investments. The Feds unknown trillions and the $2 TRILLION Congressional relief/stimulus bill gives investors confidence that their investments will pay off.
Not quite, Captain Obvious.
The stimulus will give people living money and small businesses recoupment money until all the tyrannical Democrat governors and mayors finally let people live their lives.
1 trillion = 1,000,000,000,000. That’s a lot of dollars! One could buy a million $1 million mansions! 10 million $100,000 homes. $3000 for each man, woman and child in the US.
Who did the math for you, Captain Obvious?
Good for you that you can profit from this developing tragedy! And all it took was a few trillion taxpayer dollars.
But think of the those who don’t have back up for their salon, diner, gift shop, flower shop, courier service, pet shop… and any number of workers laid off from restaurants, construction, bookkeeping, landscapers etc.
That’s the way markets work. What goes down, comes up.
How do you think the markets got to 16,000? People finally started taking advantage of the bargains.
Of course, the big money stayed on the sidelines until Trump was elected.
But think of the those who don’t have back up for their salon, diner, gift shop, flower shop, courier service, pet shop… and any number of workers laid off from restaurants, construction, bookkeeping, landscapers etc.
That’s who Kye is helping by buying now. Those investments will help all those people who don’t have back up for their salon, diner, gift shop, flower shop, courier service, pet shop… and any number of workers laid off from restaurants, construction, bookkeeping, landscapers, etc., after the Lefties tried to crash the economy.
People like Kye are the heroes.
People like you are the bad guys.
This post right here is causing me to abandon this trash of a blog. Perhaps one day you might understand why. But I doubt it.
So long losers.
Don’t let the door hit ya, ROLCON.
“Good for you that you can profit from this developing tragedy! And all it took was a few trillion taxpayer dollars.”
I trade every day Elwood and I don’t need trillions of taxpayers dollars to do so. Are you some kind of nut? Does your fake virtue preclude me from doing my stock trades? Is it somehow harming you, America, “the poor”?
“But think of the those who don’t have back up for their salon, diner, gift shop, flower shop, courier service, pet shop… and any number of workers laid off from restaurants, construction, bookkeeping, landscapers etc.”
You’re kidding right? As I explained before our business is closed, we’re losing $4,000 a week in income, our partners are losing $2,000 each. We are paying about another $5000 out of our pocket for fixed expenses and you now begrudge me having trading accounts?
And you expect Americans like us to put people like you in charge of our national single payer health care system so you can decide if you approve of us and like us enough to “grant” us care? Riiiight.
Trump 2020 He doesn’t judge people by the size of their wallets
I said “Good for you!” didn’t I?
I’m glad you can make money stock trading to offset your losses.
My point was that other small business owners are not blessed with the same resources.
You do recognize that, don’t you? People like you and I are not visiting the food pantry for our next meal. We’re not scrambling to find child care because of closed schools.
No reason to get defensive.
Are you OK with Congress awarding billions of dollars for unemployment benefits to those not even working? Will that make it likely those folks won’t seek work? Will you be able to apply for assistance from the $2 trillion welfare bill ready to be passed in Congress?
My point was that other small business owners are not blessed with the same resources.
They’re not? Why the false compassion? You were drooling at the prospect of the markets going even lower because they’d lost confidence in Trump.
Disappointed because people haven’t lost faith after all the FUD you and all the other trolls spread?
You do recognize that, don’t you? People like you and I are not visiting the food pantry for our next meal. We’re not scrambling to find child care because of closed schools.
Last I looked, that’s what home is for. Mom and Dad are out for the duration, just the way all the tyrannical Demo governors and mayors wanted.
And, of course we go to “the food pantry for our next meal”. That’s what it’s there for. And AFAIK nobody is “scrambling”. The grocery stores are open. And, if that hag, Pelosi Galore quits playing games, that bill you profess to hate so much (you were hoping she’d string it out some more so a lot of people would be at the end of their rope, weren’t you?) will provide enough money to tide them over and help make sure they have jobs when our imprisonment is over.
No reason to get defensive.
He wasn’t, but you’re realizing the mess you’ve made and how bad the Demos look right now, so all the false compassion.
Are you OK with Congress awarding billions of dollars for unemployment benefits to those not even working? Will that make it likely those folks won’t seek work? Will you be able to apply for assistance from the $2 trillion welfare bill ready to be passed in Congress?
Guilt trip?
Your side made this phony panic and you’ll pay for it in November, and unemployment for anyone not even working is already being paid by the states.
Trump is going to come out of this looking great and your side looks like Hell. Most people know there’s no there there, it’s all a scam.
So you want us to feel guilty because our tax dollars are going to help people that need it, for a change.
You lose on this round real bad.
Demos won’t even get elected dogcatcher even in NY or CA.
I misunderstood. I thought you were attempting to demean me for making money. Let’s face it Elwood, it is something you would do albeit sarcastically.
UE benefits are for unemployment. If a person qualifies he should receive it. If a person was not wiorking to begin with it’s called “welfare” not UE bene’s. I guess that’s just another cultural lie we’re supposed to swallow so we don’t hurt some Leach’s feelings. You know, like calling a man “she”.
I don’t know enough about the bill to be able to know if I would “qualify”. However, from previous experience with all levels of government I will most likely NOT Qualify for Jack Shit. I never do.
Trump 2020 Let’s get back to work
Trump campaign is threatening to sue TV stations that run an ad against trump. Are true American patriots (i.e., conservatives) comfortable with the president deciding what is shown on TV?
The ad.
Good for them.
He needs to hit the liars hard.
And Trump has the same right as everybody else to sue if he’s falsely maligned.
Don’t like the shoe being on the other foot, do you?
What an ad. Full of distortions and mistruths.
You must be proud of your side Elwood. Dennis Miller has decided it is not possible to change anyones mind in America. We have an election every 2 years then spend the next two years lying about anything and everything.
The tentacles of the chinese communist party inside of America is threatening the very fabric of our existence and instead of gathering to defeat this threat we are attacking each other.
CNBC calls trump a junk yard dog. I agree. He is not a smooth talker or an orator, but what he is is someone who wants to work a deal, get things done. He let this stimulus pass despite having objectionable things in it for the left. He wants to help people, not fight over politics.
Now Nancy Pelosi is claiming victory and it was the democrats holding out for more that gives the people more stuff. Whatever. Right now I don’t care. People cant pay their bills, are home in hiding and companies are on the verge.
China is laughing its ass off. Russia is laughing its ass off and America is fighting over subsidies for windmills while people die!
True American patriots (i.e. conservatives) are not comfortable with people undermining the efforts of the President during a national emergency. Why would anyone even America hating leftists side with the Red Chinese to undermine and interfere with our medical and economic programs at time of crisis.
BTW, if you’re omfortable with tin-pot dictators (mayors and governors) declaring what ammounts to martial law and telling people what they can buy (like guns and ammo), letting prisoners out of jail, closing businesses and doing a pile of other unconstitutional crap why suddenly the worry about TV ads? Oh, Orange Man Bad even when he’s fighting a war against disease, economic crash and Red Chinese interference.
Also, the President is not deciding what’s on TV. He’s trying to get the traitors among us on board with fixing America rather than scaring the living shit out of their neighbors. We have a system where Democrats and leftists galore can voice their opinion in the Congress. Causing panic among the people is NOT patriotic nor is it helpful toward getting us through this mess.
Or do you somehow believe partisan ads run for the benefit of Democrats for election purposes which could cause fear in Americans is the best way to attack our current situation? Haven’t we been subject to enough fear, hysteria and panic from the “news media”? Every time Trump says or does something they have a negative comment about it. I guess that’s what their Chicom handlers tell them to do but I don’t think we need an entire political party rooting for China, do we?
Trump 2020 Cause the left and their Commie Chinese bosses are not what America needs.
Got it. Criticizing Dear Leader is treason.
Do you still seriously believe that this pandemic is a media/Dem hoax promoted by China?
Reports now of Asian-Americans being harassed on the street.
Just announced a record 3.3 million jobless claims last week, significantly higher than predicted.
No Elwood, as usual you don’t “got it”. You miss it completely!!! Where did I say “criticizing Dear Leader is treason”? Where? I said spreading fear, panic, hysteria at a time of national emergency is Treason. Using this crisis for political reasons is unforgivable. The Democrat-Media Complex’s Chinese Central Committee-fueled agitprop and doing things like not covering the President’s updates or the constant din of negativity at a time when out President is trying to give the American people hope for the future is siding with the Red Chinese. Do you side with the Red Chinese against our President, Elwood?
And ONCE AGAIN you repeat the fukin lie that we “believe that this pandemic is a media/Dem hoax promoted by China”. WE NEVER SAID THAT YOU CHICOM LACKEY. WE said what YOU are doing by blaming it on Trump instead of recognizing the origins of this disease is a hoax!
Show me the reports of Asian Americans being “harassed” on the street. Are they being harassed as viciously and in as many numbers as other Americans have over the last three years for wearing a MAGA hat? I doubt it! More of your selective outrage.
So are you as happy as your comment makes you sound about 3.3 million jobs gone? You mention that like the inference is it’s good news. Is it good news to you Elwood? Because Orange man bad?
I can see while the rest of us are helping our families, neighbors, friends and fellow Americans with what they need from installing TV’s to running out to get their meds you are busy ingesting every bit of Red Chinese propaganda you can get. Cause Orange Man Bad!
Trump 2020 We cannot allow the Chicoms and their treasonous lackey’s win
Lying about him can get you sued.
Do you still seriously believe that this pandemic is a media/Dem hoax promoted by China?
Absolutely, Fake News is shilling for the Reds.
Reports now of Asian-Americans being harassed on the street.
Reports, huh? Like many of the other fake hate crimes, how many will turn out to be true?
Just announced a record 3.3 million jobless claims last week, significantly higher than predicted.
Thank the panic and the crashing of the markets you assholes engineered. This one all belongs to you.