…are evil fossil fueled motors, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on reasons 9 to 85 why Trump should be re-elected.

…are evil fossil fueled motors, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on reasons 9 to 85 why Trump should be re-elected.
Good News America.
Beijing peddles medical supplies, anti-US propaganda to countries hard hit by coronavirus
China produces the poison and sells the antidote.
Trump led us down this path. He was the first one with the guts to call out the communist douche bags and now as we languish in a sea of coronavirus, china is sending sick doctors and nurses and money to help Allies of the US.
As the USA prints money to pay its bills, china prints money to buy the allegiance of countries around the world. Great Move America. Joe Biden cashed in by sending his son over there and coming back with 1.5 billion.
College professors cash in daily. America is being bought and sold by and to china and we do nothing but bluster a little bit.
Academia is the leaders of the AGW movement and now we know that China has bought and sold them all. They then peddle the AGW hoax to bring America to its knees while JUST DECLARING THEY WILL BE INCREASING THE USE OF COAL.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL…On America. You dumbshits, led by dumbshits, raising dumbshits to be dumbshits.
But… but… but… TRUMP!!!
In the United States, at least 81,321 people are known to have been infected with the coronavirus, including more than 1,000 deaths — more cases than China, Italy or any other country has seen, according to data gathered by The New York Times.
We’re Number One! We’re Number One! And we’re going to roar past those other loser countries. We couldn’t have done it without Donald J. Trump!
Well, if you’re going to blame somebody, blame the people who let it grow and created the shortages – Inslee, Newsom, Cuomo, and, of course, the Mocha Messiah.
And I’d take with a lot of salt anything out of the Gray Lady.
We would have been a Hell of a lot worse off without Donald J. Trump!
Again, I reiterate what the “experts” have said, that nobody knows how many cases there are (if we have 6 – 7 times more) and, if all you believe is that Red China is just behind us (guess how many more the reds have), you just happen to be a Commie.
We’re Number One! We’re Number One!
No, you’re just a number one idiot.
Trump comes out of this a hero and you can’t stand it.
A few bits of truth Jeffery omitted.
21 million cell phone accounts disappeared in Red China the last few months. Think they may be lying about how bad things are?
Looks like their wonderful methods aren’t working. The Red Chinese Germ Warfare Flu is on the rise again.
So Jeffery proves he’s an idiot once again.
PS Remember how everybody was saying it was the Lefties who crashed, the markets?
Meet Bill Ackman. Hardcore Lefty and diehard Democrat.
It’s amazing what the Lefties call paranoia turns out to be cold hard truth.
People are dropping their cell phone service in the middle of a severe recession? How weird. How many accounts were dropped – less than 1%.
SARS-CoV-2 is not a bioweapon. The explanation is sciency, so you would never understand, but proving once again what an idiot Sibley is.
We offer a perspective on the notable features of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and discuss scenarios by which they could have arisen. Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.
Ackman is a borderline crook like tRump, who, like tRump, donated to Democrats. Crooks like tRump and Ackman have one objective, making money. Short-selling is just part of the cycle of greed on Wall Street. Brokers gambling the stock rises, short-sellers gambling the stock drops.
There’s a recession in Red China?
There will be, but not now. And that 21 million is like the 20 million Uncle Joe said was his losses in WWII. He tried to fudge population in the 30s and the numbers (surprise!) weren’t there.
And you expect me to buy anything off Bloomie? So where did the other 6 million go? Kinda like the Hildabeast’s 7 million fake votes.
Crooks like tRump and Ackman have one objective, making money
Hey, I thought you were an entrepreneur, a capitalist. Isn’t the goal of all that making money?
So, you’re a crook, too.
But Ackman is also the guy who who’s a loyal Democrat and what he did, he did not to a quick buck, but to crash the markets. You can spin all you want, but there ain’t no spin to fix this. Too many small businesses in trouble, too many people out of work because of all the lockdowns.
And now the Demos are even forbidding the treatment for the flu.
Your boys own this whole mess.
So there’s 115 new cases (but rising) in Shanghai, a city of 25 million?
There aren’t supposed to be any new cases, dimwit.
There was a time there were only cases in a WA nursing home in a nation of 330 million, too.
This virus has never been about the deaths.
Anyone paying attention could see that the death rate was going to vary considerably by country with it being between .3 to about 2 percent.
Italy is really getting hit hard as is Spain. Two countries who kept their borders open and their parties going until such time as people were dropping like flies.
No its always been and will continue to be about the number of people influxing the hospitals and overwhelming them. This is a very contagious illness that is also pretty tenacious and bring about 8-9 percent of its people to the hospital for care.
Elwood is a pathetic nematode trying to trash Trump when polls continue to climb for him.
Desperate times call for desperate measures dont they Comrade Elwood?
Americans are sick and dying and all leftists like Elwood care about is making Trump look somehow bad for the next election. It’s revolting. We used to say the left would do “whatever it takes” to harm Trump because that’s what THEY said at the beginning of his first term. We were spoofing though. We really didn’t think they’d go THIS FAR. Going to the point of rooting for Americans to DIE. Going to the point of supporting Red China propaganda over Americans with the media. Showing JOY when the stock market crashes like it’s good news. Wow. Is there a name for people who support our enemies? Gee, I wonder…..
Trump 2020 Get the traitors O.U.T.
We really didn’t think they’d go THIS FAR. Going to the point of rooting for Americans to DIE. Going to the point of supporting Red China propaganda over Americans with the media. Showing JOY when the stock market crashes like it’s good news. Wow. Is there a name for people who support our enemies?
There are no limits to what the Left will do.
During ‘Nam, these creeps would scan the casualty lists and call the parents of men KIA and tell them, “He got what he deserved. He was a paid killer”.
Of course, they’d support Red China propaganda over Americans with the media. They’re Communists. Back in the 60s, Grace Slick named her little bastard, China, “because it was the most beautiful country on earth”, right in the middle of the Cultural Revolution.
Of course, they’d show JOY when the stock market crashes like it’s good news because they engineered it. If the deaths won’t overthrow Trump, maybe a market crash would.
These people have no morality and no compassion despite what Jeffery says (for the moment) about how concerned he is for the old people if the country goes back to work.
He’s the one who pushes socialized medicine where the old people are left to die.
Of course, they’d root for Americans to DIE. That’s how the Renaissance began. These people just didn’t believe Trump would come out of this a hero.
There was nor is nothing too low for them.
tRump voters like Sibley Good were rooting for the death of Americans the moment they voted.
The US now has more cases than any other nation. Tell us again what a great job Trump is doing. Trump who now wants to shut down the disease suppression methods.
So beat your chests, brag about your “patriotism” while you hide in your homes, and call everyone else traitors.
tRump voters like Sibley Good were rooting for the death of Americans the moment they voted.
And how do we arrive at this ridiculous pass?
We saw the Lung Pao Flu coming 4 years ago?
Shirley, you jest.
The US now has more cases than any other nation. Tell us again what a great job Trump is doing. Trump who now wants to shut down the disease suppression methods.
So explain the 21 million missing in Red China. Explain why new Wu Hu Flu cases are being refused at Red Chinese hospitals.
So beat your chests, brag about your “patriotism†while you hide in your homes, and call everyone else traitors.
You’re the ones hiding behind your mountains of Charmin and Clorox (if we go back to normal before Easter, what will you do? Costco won’t accept returns! Ha, ha). you believe all the propaganda.
I’ve been out every day this week.
Beautiful weather. And, apparently, most people are doing the same. Those tyrannical Democrat governors and mayors keep threatening us, but we keep having fun.
Be careful. Your county was one of the highest in number of cases in your state. And isn’t your tyrannical Gov a Republican?
It would be too bad if at your age you were to get infected.
And then there’s this:
Jeffery makes an ass of himself with his In the United States, at least 81,321 people are known to have been infected with the coronavirus, including more than 1,000 deaths — more cases than China, Italy or any other country has seen.
We’re Number One! We’re Number One!
Well, by damn, turns out the Reds are turning new cases away from hospitals so their new cases are zero.
It begins: The Deep State FBI killed a right-wing man, Timothy Wilson, for a thought crime.
Just because Wilson was anti-government, a racial and religious bigot and talked of terrorist assaults, the Deep State FBI followed him around and enticed him into buying bomb-making materials and ended up killing him.
Hey, they’re your guys.
*he (Trump) said this week that federal aid will only flow to states that “treat us well.â€
“It’s a two-way street,†he said on Fox News on Tuesday.*
Report: Trump’s Daily Briefings Earn Huge Ratings, His Coronavirus Town Hall Was “Most Watched in Cable Historyâ€
On the one hand, their ratings have never been higher, and viewers’ appetites for the live sessions have shown no signs of dwindling.
In an echo of the self-criticism expressed during the 2016 presidential race, when the cable networks repeatedly broadcast Trump’s campaign rallies live and unexpurgated, top MSNBC anchors have already argued publicly that their own network should not air the president’s pandemic musings in full.
An NBC News insider, however, said the White House briefings should be not be ignored………“But let’s remember that the White House press corps absolutely torched the Trump White House for eliminating the daily briefings. Now there’s a high-profile daily press briefing that often includes the president and vice president, so you can’t have it both ways.â€
One must remember that exposed emails told the MSM to promote donald Trump during the 2016 election. The more people saw of him the more they would hate him and now.
Here we go again. Trump’s ratings are going UP and UP and UP and a recent CBS POLL shows the Public trust Donald Trump more than the MSM PRESS for the truth!!!!!!
Sorry Elwood. Your ramblings don’t mean anything.