No, seriously
This is the state of journalism these days. Yesterday, Sissy Willis responded to this
Ted Koppel: With so many people spreading "absolute nonsense and sometimes damaging nonsense over the internet," this is a time "when, rather than questioning the credibility of the media, we need to reinforce it."
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) March 25, 2020
To which I wrote
Brian, Jake, I work in new car sales, and we have to EARN people's trust because of reputation and a small number being shady. EARN. We work hard for this, I work hard for this. I have to prove it.
You Credentialed Media folks might take a hint
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) March 25, 2020
Is this trust inspiring?
(Washington Post) Scott McMillan had had it with being cooped up, with the whole country being closed, with the collapsing market and the isolation, the constant worry and the politicians who didn’t take the coronavirus seriously when they could have.
On Sunday night, McMillan, a 56-year-old lawyer in La Mesa, Calif., near San Diego, saw President Trump’s tweet about how “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF.†The lawyer took to Twitter to add his own two cents:
“The fundamental problem is whether we are going to tank the entire economy to save 2.5% of the population which is (1) generally expensive to maintain, and (2) not productive.â€
And then he trended or something, so
Scott’s father, Jim McMillan, is alive. He is 78. Scott’s mother, Gloria, is 75. They are well. They are, by Scott’s measure, not productive. Jim is a retired lawyer. Gloria is a retired high school English teacher.
They have been especially not productive since Feb. 23, which is the last time they left their house in San Diego, when Gloria and her friends went to see the Los Angeles Opera perform “Eurydice.†Well, the last time except for 10 days ago, when Jim said he was going to Home Depot to get a light switch to replace the one that went on the fritz. Gloria gave him permission to run that errand, if he gloved up and put on a mask and used the sanitizer.
Fisher actually tracked them down and interviewed them. There are many, many more paragraphs to the story, and many on the parents. And the media wonders why they are less trustworthy than Congress?

Sounds as if the right favors the final solution for old folks. Maybe Dr. Donald Death will recommend euthanasia solutions be handed out with a final SS check, then call off all mitigation efforts for coronavirus.
“The fundamental problem is whether we are going to tank the entire economy to save 2.5% of the population which is (1) generally expensive to maintain, and (2) not productive.â€
This is the epitome of unfettered capitalism – your only value is in what a worker can produce for the elites.
Imagine the benefits to society and America of putting to death those that reach an expensive age, say 65. No Social Security, No Medicare – no wasting money on unproductive skinbags. We would cut the federal budget by nearly 2/3rds. Think about it, 15% of Americans are over 65 and are consuming the majority of the federal budget and clogging our health care system. Wouldn’t productive Americans appreciate a 50% cut in taxes?!?
Or if society objects to euthanasia, just eliminate SS and Medicare and let nature take its course.
of a purported tweet by San Diego, California lawyer Scott McMillan in which he proposed a secondary “benefit†to increased mortality in at-risk groups due to coronavirus:
The fundamental problem is whether we are going to tank the entire economy to save 2.5% of the population which is (1) generally expensive to maintain, and (2) not productive.
Hardly Trump saying this. But they are looking for volunteers Elwood. I suggest you go stand in line for the good of America that you love.
Sounds as if the right favors the final solution for old folks. Maybe Dr. Donald Death will recommend euthanasia solutions be handed out with a final SS check, then call off all mitigation efforts for coronavirus
Actually, that’s your thing.
Kind of like what socialized medicine is doing all over the world.
The fundamental problem is whether we are going to tank the entire economy to save 2.5% of the population which is (1) generally expensive to maintain, and (2) not productive.
Remember how one of IdiotCare’s architects, Zeke Emanuel, favored only preserving those lives that were “useful”.
And, like Zeke, this guy isn’t that far from the cut-off. Sounds like he’s just stir crazy.
Much like you.
Although you sound like that all the time.
This is the epitome of unfettered capitalism – your only value is in what a worker can produce for the elites.
And anybody who’s in the way dies. That’s the epitome of unfettered socialism. Or Communism.
Imagine the benefits to society and America of putting to death those that reach an expensive age, say 65. No Social Security, No Medicare – no wasting money on unproductive skinbags. We would cut the federal budget by nearly 2/3rds. Think about it, 15% of Americans are over 65 and are consuming the majority of the federal budget and clogging our health care system. Wouldn’t productive Americans appreciate a 50% cut in taxes?!?
Funny you say that.
Because I never heard a Conservative say it.
But leave it to a Commie to think of it. You guys just love slaughter, don’t you?
Just let Jeffery run his mouth long enough and he tells you what’s really on his (I use the term loosely) mind.
Or if society objects to euthanasia, just eliminate SS and Medicare and let nature take its course.
Last I looked, that was the Left’s policy on abortion.
Maybe the right is right this time. America should go about its business as normal, let everyone get infected, the hardy survive, the weak perish, America ends up better off.
Since we’re talking a mortality of 1% (at 5% of the cases usually associated with the flu) and dropping, the odds are pretty good. And, since the number of cases is estimated at 6 – 7 times those recorded, we’re actually talking about a mortality of 1/10 of 1%.
Even better odds.
And the Right is always right.
If you’re not Right, you’re wrong.
the hardy survive, the weak perish, America ends up better off.
You mean we get to kill off all the Lefties?
Remember formwiz, you’re talking to a guy who is a member of the political party that uses planned parenthood to kill off 300,000+ n*****s every year without so much as a single tear. They don’t care who dies as long as they have power. It’s been that way since Lenin&Stalin. But he’ll get all high and mighty if you call them n*****s. It’s okay to kill’em just don’t use derogatory terms while they’re doing it.
He gets higher and mightier if you want to do to his side what he wants done to us, but that’s OK.
I’m no Whig. I have no interest in being a “gentleman”.
The big reason I like Donald Trump is he fights back and he isn’t afraid to fight dirty.
That’s what scares our little Jeffery.
He still plays by Uncle Saul’s Rules, but they only work if the other side only tries to fight fair. Give them what they give us and they lose every time.
That’s what Trump has proven.
Forget it, Teach. It’s Wapotown…