On one hand, great. On another, wait, what?
Senate unanimously passes $2T coronavirus stimulus package
The Senate unanimously passed an approximately $2.2 trillion stimulus package late Wednesday night in an effort to jumpstart an economy decimated by the coronavirus pandemic.
The bill provides aid for workers, small business and industries impacted in recent weeks by the virus.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) compared the efforts by Congress to combat the coronavirus to being on a “war-time footing.â€
“This is not even a stimulus package. It is emergency relief. Emergency relief. That’s what this is,†McConnell said Wednesday afternoon ahead of the vote. (snip)
The wide-reaching bill includes a $1,200 one-time check for individuals who make up to $75,000. That amount would scale down until it reached an annual income threshold of $99,000, where it would phase out altogether.
It also provides $377 billion in small business aid, would defer federal student loan payments through Sept. 30, 2020, and would prevent money given under the bill to the Pentagon to be transferred to the border wall.
Americans are being encouraged to “social distance†and some states have enacted wide-ranging orders to try to prevent the spread of the disease. To help address those changes, the bill also provides $100 billion for hospitals and $200 billion for other “domestic priorities,†including child care and assistance for seniors. (snip)
The unemployment provision wasn’t the only issue still being ironed out on Wednesday. Appropriators disclosed on Wednesday afternoon that they had agreed to include more than $15 billion in new Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funding, which was a huge priority for House Democrats.
Negotiators also worked through the night Tuesday to finalize the language on the hundreds of billions in aid for impacted industries. The 700-plus page bill includes a $500 corporate liquidity fund to corporations; $25 billion would be set aside for U.S. airlines, $4 billion for air cargo carriers and $17 billion for other distressed companies related to critical national security.
As far as deferring student loans, how will they pay them in September, when no one is working and making money? Heck, how do people pay their mortgages and car payments?
The bill now heads to the House, where lawmakers will try to pass the bill on Friday. Leadership wants to pass the bill without having to bring all members back to Washington, D.C., meaning they could either pass it by consent or a voice vote.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) announced on Wednesday night that they would try to pass it by voice vote on Friday.
On the plus side, it will be hard for the House to add all sorts of Modern Socialist pork if they are doing this with quite a few if not most not actually in the House chambers. Anyhow, who qualifies for the check?
(Fox News) People who file their taxes as individuals are eligible for payments up to $1,200, but that decreases for people who earn more than $75,000 a year. The bill says that the payment is reduced by five percent of every dollar above that mark, or $50 for every $1,000 above $75,000. (snip)
Payments, according to the bill, will be made “as rapidly as possible†and no later than Dec. 31, 2020. They will be made via direct deposit to an account that the person has authorized for tax refunds or federal payments on or after Jan. 1, 2018.
Notice will be sent to the person’s last known address within 15 days of payment informing them of the method and amount of payment. A phone number will also be provided so people can call the IRS in the event they did not receive it.
What of the people who have not provided an account? A goodly chunk in my business end up owing, because of several factors. The IRS doesn’t have my bank account. So, now what? And people may not get this money till December 31? It’s not even April yet. People are hurting.
None of this will matter if people aren’t working. And $1200 will last a couple weeks, tops.

The GOP has gone socialist
Even Obama never asked for trillions with direct payments to all
That is socialism, people helping people who are in need
You used to say that you were a free market capitalist and BIG GOVERNMENT should not interfere with people’s lives
Do you remember how sarcastic you were about Obama’s stimulus ? Now you are looking at a bailout 3x as big
Without a mention of socialism
Little retard says ‘what’?
Lolgfy johnny
John-That’s because Obama wasn’t facing a viral alien invasion. But wait-liberals don’t seem to mind aliens invading our country…
John, “socialism” does not mean what you think it means and I’m getting tired of explaining it to you just to have you turn around and ignorantly misuse the word again. Read a book on socialism for shit sake. The Nazi’s were socialists. The Russians were socialists, the N. Koreans are socialists but Sweden is not socialist and neither is a stimulus package. They may appear to have or even actually have some socialistic parts then again so do most laws based on action of citizens, Social Security being first among them.
Emergency contingents in time of peril are made (or should be at lest) for the protection of the mass of the citizenry and therefore look socialist to you. In reality they are closer akin to fascist than socialist. Like this wonderful example of government overstep and overkill:
“LA Mayor to Shut Off Power and Water to “Nonessential†Businesses
A crisis is a time for tyranny to expand its range of opportunity. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is taking action against “nonessential†businesses that fail to close down during the Wuhan virus panic:
He said the Department of Water and Power will shut off services for the businesses that don’t comply with the “safer at home†ordinance.
While some behave like baby birds during a crisis, waiting for Momma Government to barf some regurgitated worm into their mouths, others are learning the danger of relying on government — and of allowing it too much power.
As of today, Los Angeles County (the most populous in the country) had a total of 11 coronavirus deaths, after confirming its first case 2 months ago. This passes for enough of a crisis for the government to selectively shut off the water and turn out the lights.
For perspective, an average of 2,055 people die in LA County each year of influenza/pneumonia; 1,473 die of chronic liver disease/cirrhosis.
When government officials wield this kind of power, the potential for abuse is obvious.”
On tips from Jack Bauer and Stormfax.
The GOP has gone socialist
Even Obama never asked for trillions with direct payments to all
That is socialism, people helping people who are in need
No, that’s being a good Christian. Actually, letting people die is a Lefty thing. Look at Stalin and Mao. They loved famine and purges.
You used to say that you were a free market capitalist and BIG GOVERNMENT should not interfere with people’s lives
Bill of Rights, doofus.
Do you remember how sarcastic you were about Obama’s stimulus ? Now you are looking at a bailout 3x as big
Without a mention of socialism
Do you still have periods?
Anywho, Zippy was just paying off all the pols that jacked up votes for him.
People have been passing the hat since before this was a country. This isn’t going to crooked Democrat politicians. This is going to people to get them back to work.
Ever play Monopoly (we know, good little Commie)? That’s what the Community Chest was (you probably thought it was some generous big-busted hooker).
So? You are against the massive 2.2 trillion socialist giveaway ?
Obama inherited a stock market crash larger by percent than was the one created under your Dear Leaders reign
As far as the definition of “socialismâ€
I prefer the dictionary’s definition rather than your “ Stalin and Hitler†were. Socialists
No one thinks that Hitler was left wing except those of you who also inhabit your buzzard world
As far as their name containing the word socialist, Nazis simply absorbed the political party that had that name, you should know that
USSR contains the word Republic, but I wouldn’t be so silly as to suggest that they were republicans
In the 30s many many conservative Americans supported Hitler because he was so rabidly anti socialist
Remember? Trumps father got busted for being in a pro KKK rally in NYC in 1927
You don’t read, do you?
Teach was questioning some of the mechanics, not the bill itself.
Obama inherited a stock market crash larger by percent than was the one created under your Dear Leaders reign
Actually, he didn’t.
I prefer the dictionary’s definition rather than your “ Stalin and Hitler†were. Socialists
Depends on which dictionary. The Daily Worker Dictionary is a little dubious.
And Stalin and Hitler were.
No one thinks that Hitler was left wing except those of you who also inhabit your buzzard world
Try again. One reason the Krauts hated the Russkies is because they said they were the true socialists.
As far as their name containing the word socialist, Nazis simply absorbed the political party that had that name, you should know that
Wrong again. It was Hitler who added National Socialist to the German Workers Party.
USSR contains the word Republic, but I wouldn’t be so silly as to suggest that they were republicans
Well, that’s damned white of you.
In the 30s many many conservative Americans supported Hitler because he was so rabidly anti socialist
They did? So did people like Lloyd George and Henry Wallace.
Remember? Trumps father got busted for being in a pro KKK rally in NYC in 1927
The Kluxers hated furriners back.
And it turns out Trump was the only one not held on charges.
So I guess somebody made a mistake.
Would you say the cops acted stupidly</>?
Well, John I don’t know if I’m for or against the “massive 2.2 trillion socialist giveaway or not. I have not been able to read it yet and only a total asshole would pass judgement on something he knows nothing about. Are you a total ass hole John? I am against people like you who try and score political points out of other people’s suffering, misery and death though. And that ain’t no dictionary definition.
EVERYONE KNOWS Hitler was a fukin socialist. It’s an historical fact. The Nazi’s didn’t “absorb” the political party that had that name THEY JOINED IT!!! You don’t join the Catholic church if you’re not a Catholic and you wouldn’t join the National Socialist Workers Party unless you are a fukin socialist, John. BTW, the USSR were republicans as they had a constitutional republic. Just so you know.
In the 1930’s exactly ZERO conservative Americans “supported” Hitler, ZERO. To support Hitler one needed to be 1. a socialist and 2. a racist and American conservatives then and now are neither. And just so you know, Hitler was anti-communist not socialist he was a socialist. You lose again my dim bulbed commie.
“The goal of socialism is communism.” Vlad the Lenin
“A Progressive is a Socialist is a Communist is a Fascist is a Nazi. There are minor differences in uniforms and dogma, but the core worship of The State is the same. As are the dismal results; economic stagnation, followed by the naming of scapegoats and violence.” C. S. P. Schofield
Also, Trump’s father got busted at a KKK rally because like ALL members of the KKK he was a leftist DEMOCRAT. You do realize he was a Democrat don’t you? I’ll bet you didn’t know that because it’s not taught on Orange Man Bad University.
Trump 2020 Keep the Reds out!
The Nazis were not like the Social Democrats of today. The USSR and Mao communists were not like the Social Democrats of today. No matter how many quotes you find. Denmark is not Nazi Germany.
Universal healthcare won’t lead to a Holocaust.
What you’re seeing are liberals noting the right suddenly embracing Keynesian and Big Government economics. Recall the ridicule from the right with President Obama’s stimulus proposal. The compromise was $800 billion, less than half of what economists recommended to plug the “demand” hole. At least the Dems this go-’round gave the GOP what they wanted. This will likely be a v-recession down and up quickly once we get control of the pandemic. The US will soon be the nation with the most active cases.
Fiscal responsibility used to be conservative rallying cry. Taxed enough already! Balanced budget Amendment! Tax and spend liberals! But then Dick Cheney said, “Ronald Reagan proved deficits don’t matter”.
Where did I say the Nazi’s were like todays “Social Democrats”? I have never in my life used the term. The Nazi’s were however, the precursors of today’s DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS. All one needs is to listen to Bernie or Nazi Pelosi talk and close your eyes and listen. The only difference between them and guys like Hitler is the German language. Period. I never eluded to Denmark being Nazi Germany. Do you have a learning disorder or are you skipping your meds?
Universal healthcare if administered by the state will lead to a holocaust. It always does sooner or later. When the gatekeepers decide people over X years old should not get treatment (going on now in the non-Nazi Denmark and Sweden) or when they decide to limit child birth (done in the non-socialist Red China of Virus fame) or any other fukin reason the powers of the state decide. They refused Jews in Germany and non communists in Cuba. How long before Republicans can’t get medical help because Maxine Waters decrees it so?
All the state has is power and if you want to turn that power over to strangers who will determine the health, life and death of your family move to fukin’ China but leave us the hell alone. How many thousands of Americans go to socialist single payer countries every year for their “excellent” medical facilities?
Trump 2020 We need patriots, not commie perverts.
The Nazis were not like the Social Democrats of today. The USSR and Mao communists were not like the Social Democrats of today. No matter how many quotes you find. Denmark is not Nazi Germany.
Considering how regimented the Social Democrats can be, there’s probably an argument there, but you’re not talking about socialism.
As Lenin put it, ?The object of socialism is Communism?.
That’s what you want.
Universal healthcare won’t lead to a Holocaust.
Tell it to the Italians.
Tell it to the Chinese.
What you’re seeing are liberals noting the right suddenly embracing Keynesian and Big Government economics.
Not really. What we’re seeing are reactions to an extraordinary situation.
And people like Franklin Roosevelt just threw money through the air, hoping it would work.
And, of course, it didn’t. After 10 years, it took the Imperial Japanese Navy to kill the Depression. Trump wants to apply money to the source of the problem, rather than create a lot of faux change. To help people get through the month. To help small businesses get back to work.
Recall the ridicule from the right with President Obama’s stimulus proposal. The compromise was $800 billion, less than half of what economists recommended to plug the “demand†hole.
And, of course, it did nothing because it was a payoff to every Democrat who massaged the votes for him.
At least the Dems this go-’round gave the GOP what they wanted.
Only after Pelosi Galore tried to hold the country for ransom. The internal polling must have been brutal.
This will likely be a v-recession down and up quickly once we get control of the pandemic.
I thought you wanted us to stay in place because you so love the old people. That was a quick turnaround.
No recession. We just have to put an end to the panic, which your side caused. Too bad that doesn’t include a few hundred thousand Leftists swinging from the lampposts.
The US will soon be the nation with the most active cases.
It will? Which crystal ball shows this?
BTW If so, and I doubt it, It will be thanks to Democrats like Inslee and Newsom and Garcetti and Wilhelm and Cuomo.
And, of course, the Mocha Messiah.
Fiscal responsibility used to be conservative rallying cry. Taxed enough already! Balanced budget Amendment! Tax and spend liberals!
Then we got stuck with IdiotCare which sent expenses through the roof.
Thankfully, SCUS will put and end to that.
But then Dick Cheney said, “Ronald Reagan proved deficits don’t matterâ€.
They do, but the go along to get along Whigs created the Uni-Party.