Look, I’ve surrendered. The linked Chinavirus-climate change articles are just too abundant, plus, they really show how cultish these Warmists are, and these articles aren’t just being published in small papers and blogs and such, but the big players
Coronavirus and climate change: The pandemic is a fire drill for our planet’s future
We’ve been living in a dream. We climb into jet planes and fly across continents, never giving the accomplishment a second thought. We drive to grocery stores, assuming the shelves will be stocked with endless boxes of food. And every day we plug our devices into the wall, sure that electricity will flow from the outlet. Other than the occasional hurricane or earthquake, we have lived our whole lives taking for granted that this thing we call “civilization” was a machine that could never fail.
It’s time to wake up.
The international COVID-19 pandemic is many things, but its deepest impact may be fostering a recognition that this machine of civilization that we built is a whole lot more fragile than we thought. And that is why, in the long term, the coronavirus will one day be seen as a fire drill for climate change.
To understand the powerful connection between this pandemic and climate change, we must understand exactly what “modern civilization” means from a scientific point of view. For researchers, the global high-tech society we’ve built over the last 100 years is actually a series of networks laid on top of one another.
Adam Frank, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester (wait, I thought we were only supposed to listen to people with degrees in climate science? Oh, right, only when it is convenient for climate cultists), spends several paragraphs describing these networks, setting them up for Doom
So what does any of this have to do with climate change? Like this pandemic, climate change is also going to push on the networks that make up our civilization. Unlike the pandemic, its effects will be long term, and there won’t be a vaccine that can save us. (snip)
When most of us think about climate change, we visualize changes to the planet: soaring temperatures, rising oceans, melting ice caps. That’s hard enough to imagine on a global scale. But where our imaginations really fail is in asking what will happen to us, to daily human life, and that is a question about the invisible civilization networks. Climate change will mean one emergency after another, year after year, as heat waves, floods, fire and storms blow cascades of failures through our systems.
The pandemic has awakened us from our slumber. It is letting us see the real consequences of denial. That may be its most important lesson — allowing us the insight, strength and compassion to build a resilient and robust future.
It has shown us what a world with implemented Cult of Climastrology policies will look like. And that the climate change movement really is a doomsday cult, one which plays on people’s real world fears. Storms have always happened and will always happen. They’re all just nuts, and, really, worse than the cult known as Scientology. At least they aren’t doom-mongers.

Gettin’ bad ’round here…
What the Red China Virus has shown us is how America would look under Democrat Socialist rule. When you implement all the crap policies these socialists want you end up with closed businesses and empty shelves with the prisons being emptied to make room for political prisoners. And guys like Elwood or John deciding who gets the “state” health care and what size house you can have cause they in their virtue know best….for everybody!
When a reasonable person looks at the shit Nazi Pelosi et al put in the Red Plague Bill you can see our slide to serfdom. Soon the left will make a big push for our firearms. When only the police are armed you live in a police state. That’s when the name changes to Gestapo. Can’t happen here. The only thing between them and us right now is Trump. That’s why they hate him. Hate and fear is all they have and they’ve given the people of America 3 years of hate and now with the Red Flu Panic 3 months of fear.
Folks, they forced American businesses to close! Think about that. They forced Americans to huddle like cowards in their homes. Think about that too. And now they want to print trillions of dollars to pay off their cronies. This was just a practice run for things to come. They want to see how much they can get away with before we man the barricades and it looks like that ship has sailed. America no longer holds Freedom , Liberty and Individualism above all else. Now the defining characteristics of Americans are Diversity, Dependence and Miscegenation.
I we don’t lay out a new future for America the left and the socialists will. We can never go back so we need a New Tomorrow that respects Liberty.
Trump 2020 The socialists are killers even when they put “democratic” in front of their name.
Sounds like you want to strap on and give those viruses what for! Hope you have enough ammo.
This “they” you go on about – the ones passing along several trillion of USD to businesses – who are “they”? GOP? Big Business? Trump? Mnuchin?
Trump could have refused to sign the $2.2 trillion bill, but didn’t.
Now, TEACH is agreeing with the NYT that we should protect jobs with gov’t support because of the current crisis.
“They” are offering loans to small businesses to cover expenses and the loans are forgiven if the business doesn’t lay off employees. Kye, would you take advantage of this if you qualify?
Sounds like you want to strap on and give those viruses what for! Hope you have enough ammo.
No, he just tells the truth. The one who’s out of ammo is you (didn’t they teach you to count your rounds in ‘Nam?). Trump comes out of this a big hero and will coast to November while all you have is Gropin’ Joe and a lot of Demo Congresscreeps people hate.
This “they†you go on about – the ones passing along several trillion of USD to businesses – who are “they� GOP? Big Business? Trump? Mnuchin?
How about Congress? How about the American people?
Trump could have refused to sign the $2.2 trillion bill, but didn’t.
Because, unlike the Democrats, he doesn’t hold the “working classes” hostage. And it’s the “working classes” that are getting screwed by this panic your side has engineered.
Too bad the country is out of the habit of giving people like you a hemp necktie or a coat of tar and feathers.
Now, TEACH is agreeing with the NYT that we should protect jobs with gov’t support because of the current crisis.
Straw man. Love to see where he says that.
“They†are offering loans to small businesses to cover expenses and the loans are forgiven if the business doesn’t lay off employees. Kye, would you take advantage of this if you qualify?
We know you wouldn’t. You never leave Mommy’s basement.
The “they” are the people who just can’t wait to give other people’s money away. I understand Elwood, in times of crisis or emergency the government has to do what governments do to help fix the problem. The first thing they should do is tell the fake news media to stop with the hysterics and try being helpful for a change. Breaking the greatest economy in the world then trying to “fix” what they broke is a fools errand. Our economy will never be the same.
And if “they” are offering loans to small business and “forgiving” them if the business doesn’t lay off employees after the LAW required small businesses LIKE MINE to lay off everybody it’s a fukin’ LIE. Another one of your lies to protect the leftists.
I have already made deals with my landlord who is willing to forgo rent and wait for their accountants to get the required paperwork for the loans/grants. Do you believe I am not entitled to reimbursement after the government closed my business and broke my reputation, name and brand, forced my employees out of work and put me in a position where I was essentially out of business? Or do you believe the Fifth Amendment does not pertain to me?
You really need to register with FARA, Elwood.
Trump 2020 Let’s get back to work already.
You first Kye. Leave your house, get a job as a walmart greeter and tell everyone how safe it is to be out enjoying the sunshine.
Somewhere when the stock market plunged. So did your Iq.
LoloL. Sad dude. I have to agree with the left on this. The virus is bad. The left are ass holes for trying to blame trump, but your just stupid. You sit in your little ivory tower, trading stocks tucked away safely in your home and DEMAND EVERYONE ELSE GO RISK THEIR LIVES so your stock market will get back to earning you money.
YOU are the type of people that the left rails on about. I have money in the stock market too. I have a 401k that has taken a beating. I stopped taking a payout during these times, because in 2009 when the economy was Truly on the brink and the market dropped to 7k people were panicking then too.
We will be in recession for months. Contraction even. Trump will win in 2020 if he does this right. If he sends people back to work and 1000’s more die and the economy shuts down again he will be beating 538-0. If he does this right, he will win 538-0 and the economy will come back and your 401k will come back and the stock market will come back and the world will keep on ticking.
In the meantime I am a hell of a lot more worried about the little guy and how he pays the rent then I am about YOU and your day trading and your million dollar spa!!…..lolololol…My heart aches for you Kye. I can see how this has been traumatic for you.
So socialism for you is OK, but not for others.
It is not the job of media to be helpful to government but to be a check on government.
Are Trump and the GOPs now leftists? The right is so tied up in knots now trying to justify their socialism.
But I’m on your side regarding socialism for your business. I also expect the government to help you for losses no fault of your own. But please recognize that life is hard for everyone, not just business owners.
The far-right has been trying to strangle the federal government for a few decades now. We ended up in 2008 with Wall Street avoiding regulation and oversight and a housing bubble that the Feds ignored, and in 2020 with a pandemic where we were late to the dance with a fed gov’t lacking the expertise and foresight to act on the crisis. Now, corporations are crying for relief from the gov’t they’ve been working with the GOP to dismantle.
And the first chance Trump and the GOP to cut corporate taxes again, they’ll do it, leaving more debt and tax obligations for the working classes.
You really need to register with FARA
Lived my whole life in the US and unlike Trump, the Trump kids, Rudy, Manafort, Flynn and nearly anyone in the Trump orbit, I have never taken a penny, renminbi, ruble, hryvnia, riyal etc for anything, much less lobbying against my country. So go fuk yourself, socialist.
We’re All Socialists Now!
Except that the China virus has actually killed people, unlike coming “climate crisisâ€. But that’s right, they always use future tense. Trust us…
You first Kye. Leave your house, get a job as a walmart greeter and tell everyone how safe it is to be out enjoying the sunshine.
Somewhere when the stock market plunged. So did your Iq.
His is fine, yours, meh…
And it is safe. I’ve been out ever day this week. Mortality is falling.
LoloL. Sad dude. I have to agree with the left on this. The virus is bad. The left are ass holes for trying to blame trump, but your just stupid. You sit in your little ivory tower, trading stocks tucked away safely in your home and DEMAND EVERYONE ELSE GO RISK THEIR LIVES so your stock market will get back to earning you money.
Even the CDC has admitted this is going to turn out to be a wussy flu.
We will be in recession for months. Contraction even. Trump will win in 2020 if he does this right. If he sends people back to work and 1000’s more die and the economy shuts down again he will be beating 538-0. If he does this right, he will win 538-0 and the economy will come back and your 401k will come back and the stock market will come back and the world will keep on ticking.
Bull. There is no systemic damage to the economy if Trump gets things moving. And 1000’s more won’t die and the economy won’t shut down again. 12,000 died in the bird flu and nothing shut down.
In the meantime I am a hell of a lot more worried about the little guy and how he pays the rent then I am about YOU and your day trading and your million dollar spa!!…..lolololol…My heart aches for you Kye. I can see how this has been traumatic for you.
Thank you, Jeffery. We can always count on you to out yourself.
I seem to recall Jeffery mocking an upturn in Kung Flu cases in Shanghai.
Today, the Reds have closed down all movie houses.
I guess the boys in the Forbidden City didn’t get Bolshevik Bunny’s memo.
Klem, I don’t even know what to say to someone who tells me directly in the middle of a crisis to basically go fuk myself because I believe the fake media has blown this whole mess into a hysterical panic. Okay, we disagree but then you go on some bigoted tirade about me being some kind of millionaire day trader and how you don’t care if our business is destroyed and our employees out of work.
I’m 69 years old Klem and I’ve been self employed my entire adult life. I also have COPD and Emphysema and am waiting (3 years) for a bilateral lung transplant. My wife won’t let me out of the house or let anyone (even friends and family) step foot into it because she is so fukin’ terrified every time she turns on the TV.
Now I’m not say guys like me with my conditions and age should be “Walmart greeters” like you suggest I do out of your love for humanity. Rather I’m saying this entire affair should have been handled like the N1H1 was and panic was not necessary. Just tell us olf farts to stay in and everybody else to wear gloves and masks and cover their fukin mouths when they sneeze or cough like they should have been taught as children and to wash their fukin hands!
Now I do not wish you ill and I hope you and your family come out of this well, happy and healthy. I also hope you don’t experience the economic impact some of us “millionaires” are. I want to thank you for all your positive input and for your show of empathy for my losses. Yes, sarc.
“The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Trump 2020 Keep America Great!
I’m just going off the fact you were bragging the other day about how your wifes spa was worth millions until this pandemic. That your having fun trading at the expense of those selling in panic.
You are the one that said your worth millions. Not me.
the government will give your wife money to keep paying her employees and herself with debt forgiveness.
Your not out anything and yet you demand everyone go back to work because this is all a drummed up disease by 193 countries to bring down YOU and Trump.
193 countries are not shitting their pants because this is a summer cold. Remember that when Dick for Brains Trump listens to people like you and puts us all back to work and we all start dropping like flies, the economy tanks a second time and he gets thrown, nay escorted out of office for sheer stupidity.
I have a 21 year old granddaughter who has been sick with this virus for 3 damn weeks. She is a nurse. She is on the verge of having to go into the hospital. Stay at home they say. She can’t even get out of bed. This is no laughing matter and when people actually know someone that is sick from this, it changes their perspective quite a bit.
And for you from your secure home telling my kids and grandkids to go back to work and face death for YOU. Well sorry dude. I don’t buy any of the snake oil your peddling. This virus is the real deal not some made up Democratic scheme to get Trump out of the White House and if he loses then it will be because of how he handled it not because the economy tanked through no fault of his own.
Again Klem, I’d like to thank you for your care and empathy for your fellow Americans at this time of need. It never fails to amuse me how radical leftist only focus on the monetary in any discussion. You see I was not “bragging” about my wife’s business, I was pointing out how this panic has effected me, my employees and our business. Sorry if that offends you. Similarly, I ALWAYS day trade from my home. It’s my business. I have been doing it since I sold my last restaurant in 2006. I don’t need nor do I want a “panic” to trade at “other people’s expense”. You obviously do not understand the market at all which is par for the course with envious leftists. If I buy 10,000 share of X corp hoping it goes up somebody out there is selling that to me thinking it’s going to go down. The same is true vice versa. I cannot sell stocks thinking they will go down unless there is a buy who thinks they will go up. That is not “trading at the expense of others selling in panic” that’s just how trades are made. Sorry if you don’t agree with voluntary exchange of goods.
I am genuinely sorry your young granddaughter is ill. She is very professional to have worked during this flu season. I have had the flu twice and both times because of my lung condition ended up in Abington Hospital for 10-12 days so I’m aware how severe it can be. But none of this changes the fact that the standard flu season claims between 18,000 and 60,000 Americans every year and we don’t shut down the entire fukin economy because of it.
I’m not telling your kids and grand kids to go back to work AND FACE DEATH FOR ME! That is a stupid, evil and despicable accusation and you’re a fraud an a liar for saying it. You’re the typical nasty, self absorbed leftist full of hate and envy. You’re way too old to show this much irrational emotion. Especially accusing people of wanting to kill your kids because you disagree with their opinions on a pandemic. You leftists always resort to name calling when anybody disagrees with your opinion.
Once again Elwood/Klem, I NEVER SAID THIS VIRUS IS NOT THE REAL DEAL!!!! I said the ensuing fake media driven panic and hysteria was sponsored by Red China and idiots like you are buying it.
Do you have one iota of evidence that the Chinese are behind SARS-CoV-2 or the worldwide pandemic or the worldwide concern?
Has every nation on Earth fallen for the China/Dem/media/WHO/CDC scam? Are they just not as smart as the American right-wing? Is it possible that the experts know something you don’t?
Do you have one iota of evidence that the Chinese are behind SARS-CoV-2 or the worldwide pandemic or the worldwide concern?
You mean like Fake News parroting every word out of the Forbidden City? Yeah, I guess we do.
And the Wu Hu Flu doesn’t work like most flus, so, yeah, I’d say we had evidence something was rotten in the province of Hubei.
Has every nation on Earth fallen for the China/Dem/media/WHO/CDC scam? Are they just not as smart as the American right-wing? Is it possible that the experts know something you don’t?
Clearly, no.
Maybe, but their math seems to be really bad.
When a strong centralized response is needed from the federal government, it doesn’t help to have an administration that has never believed in a federal government serving the public good. — Katherine Stewart, New York Times
Unless the needed strong centralized response involves passing trillions of USD to rich folks.
Means test, jerk.
Wow-a typical NYT article. They accuse the administration of “science denialism..†Well, first of all science isn’t a “thing†to be accepted or denied. It’s a method, a process. And they never mention what’s being “deniedâ€, or the proof of their assertions. When you don’t have proof, sound-bites like the above will have to do. If they were actually practicing science, they’d re-phrase the sound-bite to its proper classification of “a difference of opinionâ€. But never saw anything in there about “passing trillions to rich folksâ€. If professor J is talking about tax cuts, there of course is no transfer taking place. One simply is keeping more of the money that was already theirs. Economics 101- no, more like economics 99
And far right-wingers do not understand nor accept the findings from the scientific process. Whether it’s the coronavirus, evolution or global warming.
Tax cuts? No. But trillion dollar bailouts to corporations, usually followed by payouts to shareholders, bonuses to executives and stock buybacks all reward the wealthy with taxpayer money.
Sure they do J. It’s just that the “findings†on global warming are off-set by “findings†of those on the other side. In other words, we live in a physical world that offers up enough evidence for well over a thousand peer-reviewed papers from the skeptical side. Of course in the end it only takes one. “Bailouts of corporationsâ€. Don’t know about that, but do you mean the corporations that employ all the workers?
Well, when you can show us findings from the scientific process on any of your pet scams, please let us know.
Tax cuts are best, but there is no trillion dollar bailout.
That’s what Zippy did and it was a flop.
So socialism for you is OK, but not for others.
According to Jeffery, everything the government does is Socialism including stuff mandated by the Constitution.
Sure, it is.
It is not the job of media to be helpful to government but to be a check on government.
No, it’s not be a check on government. It’s to report the news accurately.
You lie again.
Are Trump and the GOPs now leftists? The right is so tied up in knots now trying to justify their socialism.
They are? Haven’t seen that.
But, if Trump and the GOPs now leftists, you wouldn’t be whining about them, now would you?
But I’m on your side regarding socialism for your business. I also expect the government to help you for losses no fault of your own. But please recognize that life is hard for everyone, not just business owners.
So, owning a business makes him one of the moneyed classes?
Don’t try selling that to anybody.
The far-right has been trying to strangle the federal government for a few decades now. We ended up in 2008 with Wall Street avoiding regulation and oversight and a housing bubble that the Feds ignored, and in 2020 with a pandemic where we were late to the dance with a fed gov’t lacking the expertise and foresight to act on the crisis. Now, corporations are crying for relief from the gov’t they’ve been working with the GOP to dismantle.
The usual lies.
The ’08 crash was caused by the Socialists in Congress, especially by your Mocha Messiah.
And Trump acted long before the Lefties created the panic we’re seeing burn itself out, but the Demos just cried, “Impeachment”, and only stopped long enough to scream, “Racist.”
Same old, same old.
And it’s not corporations, it’s small businesses that employ those working classes you say you love so much.
More lies.
And the first chance Trump and the GOP to cut corporate taxes again, they’ll do it, leaving more debt and tax obligations for the working classes.
Another lie. Revenues go up after a tax cut and go down after a tax hike.
Ask the IRS.
Lived my whole life in the US and unlike Trump, the Trump kids, Rudy, Manafort, Flynn and nearly anyone in the Trump orbit, I have never taken a penny, renminbi, ruble, hryvnia, riyal etc for anything, much less lobbying against my country. So go fuk yourself, socialist.
Now there’s the Big Lie.
Of course, you haven’t /sarc.
And it’s rial.
We’re All Socialists Now!
No, just you, moron.
You lobby against your country every time you comment here. Sure, it’s not K St. in DC but it’s lobbying nonetheless. You have yet to take the side of America in any situation. You have yet to side with Freedom under any circumstances. You have yet to admit the Red China Virus came from Communist China, it’s their fault and they unleashed death on the world. You’d rather bitch and moan and blame everything on President Trump. You are like a Nazi and Trump is your Juden scapegoat. Blame everything bad on him when for over three years little piss ant commies behind the scenes in Washington and in the media have tried every underhanded trick ti destroy Trumps administration and failed. And you’ve marched along beside these commie twats all along.
You just stated “We are all socialists now” and then reject that you’re either a traitor or should register with The Foreign Agents Registration Act. You can’t even see the contradiction so how can you argue it?
You have “lived your whole life in the US” and still understand nothing about who we are, how we came about and what we believe. You’re a communist, an atheist, a miscegenist, an anti white racist and those are just what you’ve shown here. And in usual commie fashion you attempt to distract by pointing at a bunch of other people including the President of the United States and accusing him of what you’re doing! Typical cognitive disorder of the radical communist left.
Go register with FARA and quit bitchin’ cause if you’re NOT being paid by some communist entity they should be.
Trump 2020 Keep the commies at bay.
No disrespect but blah blah blah, commie, blah blah blah, traitor, blah blah blah Red China…
We see that you’re angry. That your world has been turned upside down. But you’ve become unhinged.
What I’ve pointed out is that so-called conservatives now support socialist programs in this time of crisis. You said you expect federal support for the losses of your nail salon. Buck up, patriot! You don’t need no stinkin’ welfare from the gubmint!
According to “untrustworthy” scientists, there is NO question that SARS-CoV-2 originated in Wuhan China, likely from a “seafood” market that also sold scalded bats, dogs, cats, civets and pangolins, among other “delicacies”. Genetic sequencing of the virus from humans and animals concludes “SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh coronavirus known to infect humans; SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 can cause severe disease, whereas HKU1, NL63, OC43 and 229E are associated with mild symptoms. Here we review what can be deduced about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 from comparative analysis of genomic data. We offer a perspective on the notable features of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and discuss scenarios by which they could have arisen. Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”
So just knock off the shit about a bioweapon.
There is little question that China (or locals) did not respond as rapidly as needed, and suppressed evidence. Local police ordered the doctor who discovered the disease (and subsequently died from it) to not talk about it. China has also claimed that the virus was a US bioweapon, which we know is total bullshit.
Here’s some background on how the Chinese gov’t operates:
A doctor who had flagged on social media the risk of a possible viral outbreak was among several people summoned by the police in Wuhan in early January and warned not to spread rumors. He died recently after being infected with COVID-19.
Similarly, the epidemic of SARS — which is caused by another coronavirus — that broke out in southern China in late 2002 was covered up by local authorities for more than a month, and the surgeon who first sounded the alarm was held in military detention for 45 days.
In 2008, a scandal erupted over tainted baby formula, after major Chinese producers were found to have added melamine to milk powder. (Six infants died; 54,000 had to be hospitalized). Four years later the whistle-blower credited with first exposing the problem was stabbed to death under mysterious circumstances. (Melamine artificially raised the amine concentration mimicking protein levels in quality assays).
Mao invited the Chinese people to write their criticisms of China and then rounded up the critics and imprisoned, exiled or executed them.
Punishing people who speak the truth has been a standard practice of China’s ruling elite for more than two millenniums and is an established means of coercing stability. It is not an invention of modern China under the Communists — although the party, true to form, has perfected the practice. And now, muzzling the messenger has helped spread the deadly COVID-19, which has infected some 75,000 people.
Please read the opinion piece as it describes the endemic folk ignorance and outlandish mystical customs in China that likely contributed to this outbreak and others. Not unlike Koreans eating dog meat to revive energy and vitality.
Kye/formiz: You’re a communist, an atheist, a miscegenist, an anti white racist and those are just what you’ve shown here.
Not a communist; am an agnostic regarding religions; and if by ‘miscegenist’ you mean I accept ‘race’-mixing, yes, I do; and being an anti-white racist is your opinion, I see myself as a race realist. I do not see that lacking melanin lends any level of superiority or should confer special rights compared to those with different levels or types of melanin. For example, I’m pro-albino, and they’re whiter than white.
‘Western’ culture is more good than bad, but recognizing the bad is not ‘anti’ anything.