Some people want their fame, and, we’re all supposed to listen to children opine about Important Issues, right?
Take that, skeptics! NatGeo #ClimateCult propaganda shows a 20-year-old standing in chest-deep water, along with the claim that "When she is 60…sea-level rise in her home state of Florida will reach her waist" #Science
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) March 26, 2020
The screed is behind the paywall, but, you can read the whole thing by using Pocket
Their photos often appear side by side, like bookends framing the long campaign by young people to persuade adults to take significant steps to fight climate change. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teen activist, is the latest child to sound the alarm. Severn Cullis-Suzuki, the daughter of an environmental scientist in Vancouver, Canada, came first.
In 1992, when Severn was 12, she traveled with three other young activists to the United Nations climate conference in Rio de Janeiro. The science of global warming had just begun to resonate. The UN had created the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, now the leading authority on climate science, just four years earlier, and world leaders weren’t accustomed to listening to children lecture them.
That’s a pretty long fossil fueled flight.
Severn became known as “the girl who silenced the world for six minutes,â€Â setting a precedent for young activists to express their sense of impending doom in the clear-eyed way that only children can. “You must change your ways,†Severn told the delegates. “Losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points on the stock market.â€
Yet, the world is doing fine, and, we had a nice long pause lasting from around 1996-2016/7. So, no doom. Has she changed her ways? And now for the lady in the photo
Delaney Reynolds, 20, who lives in Florida, one of the places most vulnerable to climate change, is increasingly frustrated with the lack of action. “A lot of adults in power today are way too focused on money and profits,†she says. “As soon as we can replace them, we will replace them.â€
The caption with the photo is what Tom Nelson is referring to. And there are no tide gauges for Florida that show anything other than normal to below normal sea rise for a Holocene warm period.

On Sweden…