Yes, this would be the climate change that has brought us a measly 1.5F increase in global temperatures over 170 years and an utterly average 7-8 inches of sea rise during the 20th Century, with no escalation of either. But, you know, climate cultists gotta climate cult
The Coronavirus Is a Fast-Motion Climate Crisis
Warnings about the crisis went unheeded. Scientists were ignored and called doomsayers. The press accounts were labeled fake news and brushed aside. “The cure would be worse than the illness†went the argument. Government watchdogs saw their budgets gutted. Lawmakers misled the country and did more harm then good. We were told by leaders that “everything was under control†or that the worry was nothing more than “a hoax.â€
They were all wrong.
In recent weeks, as the coronavirus spread inexorably across the world, destabilizing countries, causing misery, heartbreak and shattering even the most robust economies, most governments were found unprepared and quickly overwhelmed. The world changed forever in a matter of days.
Instead of readiness and competence, the Trump administration had disbanded the global pandemic team at the National Security Council, and when face to face with the long-predicted crisis, the president proceeded to try and lie, bluster, and bluff his way through the threat. Then lots of people began to die.
Remember when Rolling Stone was about music and culture, rather than unhinged cultist politics? Anyhow, for all the caterwauling about Trump Trump Trump, what of other countries who failed? Anyhow, the beginning was needed to get to
We have seen this horror movie before. The mishandling of the coronavirus has terrifying parallels to the climate crisis. It’s difficult to think about the other civilizational calamity on our doorstep. It’s much easier to be consumed by what’s happening right now, or better yet to hunker down and binge watch your favorite shows and hope the plague passes over. But we cannot. Both tests call for innovation and a collective response. During the pandemic, we have witnessed failures of leadership but also incredible bravery, resolve, sacrifice, and innovation. That is the blueprint for our future.
I agree, Warmists should show their collective response and give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their own lives carbon neutral.
For decades, scientists warned of the perils of climate change and yet we didn’t act. Worse, we doubled down on our addiction to fossil fuels as the industry bought our politicians and local governments. “Drill, baby drill†became a rallying cry when America could have led the world in shifting toward renewable energy sources. Instead, there was empty rhetoric and disinformation campaigns led by an industry bent on extracting every last dime from the earth.
What’s this “we”, Sparky? Get back to me when 10,000+ climate cultists are not taking long fossil fueled trips to vacation spots for climate conferences multiple times a year.
The last thing you want to read about right now is more doom-filled climate predictions. All the more reason to start thinking of the climate story as more than one of just doom – but as one of innovation and ingenuity, compassion and courage. This week and next, Rolling Stone is releasing its special issue on the climate, featuring Greta Thunberg on the cover. In it you’ll hear from scientists and activists and ordinary people, sharing their grief and their hopes and their hard work on issues such as the state of the oceans, solar power, and the fate of biodiversity. We will not stop covering the climate crisis. We’re not going to look away. There is still time to hold back the worst of the coming tide. Despite likely having contracted the virus herself, Greta hasn’t stopped. She’s continuing her Friday for Future as a “digital strike†until it’s safe to take to the streets again. And we have no doubt she will.
Right, right, because people will care about this while suffering and in fear. Hey, if Rolling Stone wants to do their part they would just shut down. Stop killing trees and burning lots of energy for their website.

Game changer. 5 minute test.
God bless America and our President.
Why are you so fixated on air travel?
Is it because you secretly covet their freedom and ability To travel away from bubble life ?
Buying carbon offsets for their carbon footprint would only add about 2% to the ticket price
Many private jet companies do that automatically or as an extra cost option
Good to hear from you again, John. As said before, I’m sure you’re working hard to show us proof of your assertion that Trump said the virus was a hoax. Now, one more request- please explain how buying a “carbon offset†(a tax) really works. What’s being “offset†if the plane goes anyway? The world of sane people are waiting…
Tucker Carlson Insists Biden Will NOT Be The Nominee, Democratic Panic And Chaos Is Coming
Of course the Democrats are in a panic. They’ve tried everything from Russia, Russia, Russia, to a phony impeachment to the current panic and hysteria by the media and support for Trump just gets stronger. Plus, they have a tottering old fool rapist for a candidate who can’t tell if his pants are on or not. Their second choice is a fukin communist! It’s like we’re headed toward a Democrat run banana republic.
The left has shown they are willing to do ANYTHING to stop Trump from winning in November, even let people die in a viral panic. I wonder if Elwood would put a number on how many Americans he’s willing to have die to make sure Trump is not re elected? !0,000, maybe 100,000 or the magic 6,000,000 or maybe 60,000,000? If he could kill all the Trump supporters, would he? How about the Trump family? Inquiring minds want to know, Elwood.
If they have to go with Gropin’ Joe, they’re doomed, but at least they now have an out in Tara Reade.
Nobody seems to want the job.
wizkye typed: how many Americans he’s willing to have die to make sure Trump is not re elected
So now ‘the left’ is killing Americans, not the Hoax Virus (DJT-CoV)? And finally Teach recognizes that it’s a global pandemic and not a Democratic plot to ‘get’ Agent Orange.
Relax, stay cloistered in your homes peeking through the blinds. It’s gonna be OK. You heard it here first: there is no doubt trump will be re-elected. Enough New York city folks will die that he may even win NY. Other metro areas are just getting started. Anyway, trump’s base won’t leave him. He’s the great white hope. It’s even been said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose your devotion. In fact, he may do it before the election for a campaign boost. Who would you love to watch him shoot? Trump 2020: Killing the Democrats!
The left is in a panic, the right is in a panic, people are housebound awaiting the peak. It won’t be over by trump’s dog-whistle easter, though.
wizkye is always wet-dreaming about mass murders of political opponents but accusing the ‘other side’ of plotting it. It’s the authoritarians, the little hitlers, who exterminate. Never forget, it’s always projection.
Trump 2020: Let the Trump Genocide continue!
Jelwood is the clown doing the projection as most leftists usually do. It’s part of their SOP to project their vices and hatred on others. Get used to it. meanwhile as Jelwood is accusing patriotic Americans of being homicidal history shows it’s the leftists that seem to pile up the bodies. From the National Socialists in Germany to the Soviet Socialists in Russia to all the little commie and tin pot Marxist dictators the millions of dead lie bleeding on their side of the political spectrum. Unlike the blind, hateful partisan Jelwood I don’t claim the right is perfect but even in America it was the left who put Japs in concentration camps not the right.
Never forget it really is always projection and little commie assholes like Jelwood are the projectors as they give comfort to the Red Chinese.
So Jelwood or Johnwood or whoever you are, how many Americans are you willing to let die to beat Trump? You never answered the question. Afraid? Or are you going to surprise us?
Trump 2020 Keep the left from starting internment camps again.
We all should wish trump had done a better job managing the outbreak, but we can’t re-write the past. The first case of SARS-CoV-2 in the US arrived on 15 Jan 2020, confirmed by the CDC 21 Jan 2020. On 28 Feb 2020, President trump was still calling it a media hoax. He, and you, still call it a media hoax as thousands of Americans die. You hide in your house from it. Some media hoax.
What makes you think we control how many Americans die from SARS-CoV-2? trump is in charge. Americans will continue to die from this. The best we can do is to keep the number as low as possible by limiting the number of new cases and treating the severe cases as aggressively as possible.
Congress passed a record $2.2 TRILLION relief/welfare/stimulus bill and trump signed it. The Fed has injected several TRILLION USD into the markets. All to 1) help Americans hurt by the media hoax, 2) keep the economy above water.
Should the media be nationalized since they caused all the damage? Do you support reining in media by legislation? Trump has suggested changing defamation laws, making media more liable for their stories. Good idea?
We all should wish trump had done a better job managing the outbreak, but we can’t re-write the past. The first case of SARS-CoV-2 in the US arrived on 15 Jan 2020, confirmed by the CDC 21 Jan 2020. On 28 Feb 2020, President trump was still calling it a media hoax. He, and you, still call it a media hoax as thousands of Americans die. You hide in your house from it. Some media hoax.
It’s a scam, all right. The fact you’re trying to turn it into the Black Death says so.
What makes you think we control how many Americans die from SARS-CoV-2? trump is in charge. Americans will continue to die from this. The best we can do is to keep the number as low as possible by limiting the number of new cases and treating the severe cases as aggressively as possible
I know. The Red Chinese are having more cases, after all. They lied, just like you.
But we didn’t panic over any of their other bugs, so why start now? Giving in to a lot of petty dictators calling themselves Democrats sets a bad precedent.
Congress passed a record $2.2 TRILLION relief/welfare/stimulus bill and trump signed it. The Fed has injected several TRILLION USD into the markets. All to 1) help Americans hurt by the media hoax, 2) keep the economy above water.
Glad you admit it was a Fake News production.
Should the media be nationalized since they caused all the damage? Do you support reining in media by legislation? Trump has suggested changing defamation laws, making media more liable for their stories. Good idea?
Great idea. SCUS changed defamation criteria several decades ago so it’s this side of impossible to nail them.
About time they started paying for ti again.
The Huffington Post wrote back in 2017 before they were for all these illegals coming to America and taking jobs.
Insourcing: American Lose Jobs to H-1B Visa Workers
07/26/2016 06:57 pm ET Updated Jul 27, 2017
They were laughing at Trump building a wall when Obama Administration let these people come here legally. Now they are whining and crying that people might come here from countries and MAKE US SICK.
No ones bitching about Trumps border wall now. No ones railing against Trump shutting down travel to war torn China, Korea, or Europe.
NOW they are blaming Trump for not micromanaging Mardi-Gras. The governor of NY threatens to sue other states who wont let his people come to their state.
Cuomo is setting himself up to be the presidential nominee. The DNC will draft him in their convention and he will run against Trump as he blames Trump for every little problem he has in NY.
Networks actually broke away from a Biden interview to the Governors press conference. That tells you all you need to know about 2020. Trump v Cuomo.
This is not intended to disparage the PEOPLE of NY, but NY has 1200 serious to critical cases and CUOMO is screaming at Trump for no Ventilators when he sent them to NY and they were tucked away in a warehouse.
CUOMO is lying out his ass and he is not even be called on it by the press.
Not to mention he already has enough ventilators but wants every ventilator in the country sent to him and the rest of the fuking country can go to hell.
Thats A Cuomo for you. I have an idea lets send our national stock pile to NY and then send all our troops and go there and build 100 hospitals while we let the other 49 states suffer and die.
Cuomo and his blatant contemptible crying for the people episodes during his pressers are oozing with contempt for every other state in this nation, whining about Trump not sending him ventilators when he has them HIDING IN A WAREHOUSE!!!!
I hate politicians. Its why I love Trump. He doesnt play that shit. He calls people out when they call him out. If you want to fight, put on the gloves when you go after Trump.