I actually agree a bit with this climate cultist: it is a dress rehearsal. It shows exactly what a world with all the Hotcoldwetdry policies of the Cult of Climastrology would look like. Would it be this bad? Not in my opinion. Perhaps about half what we’re experiencing with job loss, people staying home, economic activity, and so forth
Professor Sees Climate Mayhem Lurking Behind Covid-19 Outbreak
Jem Bendell doesn’t shy away from doom and gloom.
The lockdowns and social distancing caused by the coronavirus are giving humanity a taste of the disruptions to daily life that will be caused by climate change, he said.
“In modern industrial societies, the fallout from Covid-19 feels like a dress rehearsal for the kind of collapse that climate change threatens,†Bendell said in an interview. “This crisis reveals how fragile our current way of life has become.â€
When the Black Death killed 75-200 million people directly (from most of what we’re hearing Covid-19 doesn’t directly kill people) I’m doubting they were worried about the climate turning to a cool one. Nor yammering about what all those ox-carts were producing. But, climate cultists gotta climate cult.
The University of Cumbria social-science professor is well-known among environmentalists for his theory of “deep adaption.†In a 2018 paper, Bendell said that time was up for gradual measures to combat global warming. Without an abrupt transformation of society, changes in the planet’s climate would bring starvation, destruction, migration, disease and war — the collapse of civilization — within a decade.
Now he’s focusing his scalding assessments on the parallels and links he sees between climate change and the pandemic.
Cultists never let a good crisis go to waste. Especially when they have cushy jobs and don’t have to worry where their next paycheck comes from, nor losing their house or fossil fueled vehicle, getting a meal, etc.
While there’s no direct evidence linking global warming with Covid-19, animals are moving to cooler areas, according to Aaron Bernstein of Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. That’s brought humans in closer contact with them and the diseases they carry, he said. Epidemiologists say the novel coronavirus originated in bats.
Bendell is more willing to make the connection between coronavirus and climate change. He says that a warmer habitat may have caused the bats to alter their movements, putting them in contact with humans.
So, the bats flew into the market and into people’s mouths? These people just make it up as they go.
Dan Kurland: COVID-19 a test run for climate change
“Be prepared! That’s the Boy Scouts’ marching song. Be prepared!â€
That was the start of Tom Lehrer’s 1953 satirical tribute to the Boy Scouts. But being Lehrer, the song quickly went awry: “Be prepared to hold your liquor pretty well. Don’t write naughty words on walls if you can’t spell …â€
Yet the sentiment was right — as the novel coronavirus pandemic has shown. Forewarned is forearmed. And the same holds for the other crisis facing America and the world — climate change.
That article slowly attempts to make the link that Covid-19 was caused by animals moving around because of you driving a fossil fueled vehicle (which caused a slight increase on global temperatures over 170 years).
Here’s a thought: all this staying at home and a tanked worldwide economy has caused a dip what they call carbon pollution, known in actual science as carbon dioxide. How much is yet to be known. But, according to CoC dogma, CO2 is the control knob, so, what happens if there isn’t a dip in temperatures, and it’s just normal? Won’t that rather show that this is all mostly caused by nature? I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a dip in the urban areas, as, without all the moving vehicles and stuff happening, the actual air pollution which traps heat locally (Urban Heat Island effect), that heat can radiate.
Nothing matters, because we know what this is all about: creating a government run world. Modern Socialism.

Oh, Red China Virus is a “dress rehearsal” alright but not for climate change, for gun confiscation. The left wants to see how far they can push the people before they say “no” and so far there seems to be no limit. This “emergency” has already allowed the assorted local, state and federal government to revoke our rights under the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5, and 14th amendments in different locations all over America. They’re locking people up for having parties in NJ and fining them. Now take your first amendment and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
This whole hoax of a panic is media sponsored hysteria to see how they can whip the people into a frenzy of fear to control them. Not only is the left destroying our economy to get to Trump, they’re doing a dry run on burning the entire Constitution (or what’s left of it). The phony Fake News Media give comfort to the Red Chinese when they unleashed a deadly virus on the world and the useful idiots in America like Jelwood give aid and comfort to the Red Commie menace. Then when you point out they’re siding with the enemy they call you names.
Trump 2020 We need to KAG
You’ve gone ’round the bend.
Italy, Spain, Germany, UK, Canada, Belgium, France, Israel, Mexico, S. Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Sweden, Australia, Austria, Portugal, Japan, India, Russia, New York, Louisiana, Florida, Missouri, Illinois, California, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine… you get the idea… are also in on the Hoax Virus hoax. All to take away your guns!!
So an unidentified international cabal (Led by China? Dems? media?) released a novel virus to encircle the globe to generated media-inspired panic to allow Donald J. Trump to consolidate his power so that the cabal could take away Americans’ right to bear arms??
Start making sense, please.
And boo-fukking-hoo. You’re feewings are hurt ’cause the bad men call you names when you call them commies, baby-killers, Chinese agents, etc. Boo-fukking-hoo.
You need to summon your ‘wiz’ cartoon character to explain it all for you.
You may have been holed up at your computer screen too long. We know you’re terrified of the outside world, but the virus is a media hoax – no need to worry. You need to venture out into the backyard and breathe some fresh air.
The cabal is mostly Jews and Jesuits and Illuminati
The leader is SOROS
He constantly sends me radio transmissions through my dental fillings
Tin foil hats don’t work, I already tried it
To the surprise of absolutely no one.
Revelation warns of the Ten Kings which is obviously the G7 + 3 Kings to be named later.
Once the three are added… Armageddon!
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, United States + Russia, China, Saudi Arabia.
Heaven gave us Donald John Trump to bring in the next 3 Kings, his disciples, Putin, Xi, MBS. It is happening.
Of course DJT will replace Italy, France and Canada with strong leaders from Hungary (Orbon), Brazil (Bolsonaro) and Turkey (Erdogan). Once the Big 7 are in place, Germany, Japan, and the UK will fall in line.
Ash nazg durbatulûk,
ash nazg gimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatulûk
agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Revelations is an admonishment against Christian communities’ backsliding in the 1st century.
Jeez, even I know it’s The Book of Revelation and not ‘Revelations’.
But thanks anyway for the irrelevant information.
ICYMI Italy, Spain, Germany, UK, Canada, Belgium, France, Israel, Mexico, S. Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Sweden, Australia, Austria, Portugal, Japan, India, Russia, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine have all had their guns taken away!!
New York, Louisiana, Missouri, Illinois, California are governed by petty Democrat dictators who want to take away our guns!!
And, yes, they’ve all fallen for the Kung Flu scam.
So an unidentified international cabal (Led by China? Dems? media?) released a novel virus to encircle the globe to generated media-inspired panic to allow Donald J. Trump to consolidate his power so that the cabal could take away Americans’ right to bear arms?
Sure. They wanted another Katrina. They wanted one more chance to take him down. Red China’s having a very bad time with Trump’s trade war. You think they’re not capable of pulling something like this?
Most of the people running media in the world are on their side.
Start making sense, please.
Why don’t you?
And boo-fukking-hoo. You’re feewings are hurt ’cause the bad men call you names when you call them commies, baby-killers, Chinese agents, etc. Boo-fukking-hoo.
Where did he say that?
Sounds like your projecting again (you really need to get some help for that).
You need to summon your ‘wiz’ cartoon character to explain it all for you.
Poor little Jeffery. Can’t come up with anything of his own and complains when he’s called out because he’s just soooo obvious.
You may have been holed up at your computer screen too long. We know you’re terrified of the outside world, but the virus is a media hoax – no need to worry. You need to venture out into the backyard and breathe some fresh air<?i>
Now that is projection. Why aren’t you out in your diverse neighborhood enjoying the sun?
Weather’s warming up and the Wu Hu Flu will be killed off. If nothing else, gives your wife a break from your beating her up.
Troll Elwood comes here to spread his globalist masters’ lies.
Regulars here know this, and anybody else who knows science.
But I say this for newbies here who may not know science.
Global warming is a globalist ruse for more power and money.
Their subservient trolls like Elwood are their peanut-gallery minions.
You type the same damn thing every time. Are you paid by the dozen?
Truth is a constant.
kye knows that without a gun he is lesser of a man
Saying that makes you the lesser man.
And here you said you had a regular arsenal.
I guess that makes you no man at all.
Good try, sweetie but I’ve killed better men than you in Nam. Pissant!
A commenter reportedly shut down his highly profitable beauty parlor business because the leftists said to. Why did he comply???
Why didn’t HE fight back against what he feels passionately is a leftist proxy war against his 2nd amendment rights???
Because, unlike you, he’s actually been in a war? Because, unlike you, he doesn’t enter into a war lightly.
This won’t last much longer and people will start getting out again.
And they’ll remember the petty dictators who made life so unnecessarily miserable.
wizkye and kyewiz ALWAYS comment in tandem. kyewiz makes a point, wizkye follows up trying to refute the refutation. Coincidence?
Jeffery and all his cartoon characters and sock puppets have the exact same style.
No coinkydink whatsoever.
Sibley and his sockpuppet cartoon characters have no style.
The fact that you deny it proves it’s true.
We closed down our Day Spa because the law said to. I had no choice because I had no employees. Is your business still running Johnwood? Why don’t you close down to help the effort?
I do fight back in any way I can Johnwood. I’m 69 and on oxygen 24/7. What would you have me do march in the streets dragging oxygen tanks behind me. Yeah, that’ll last long. I’ve done my duty for America and I don’t think it’s out of line to expect the generation after mine to pick up the torch of Liberty from me and carry the load themselves, do you? Why is it when I bitch about the state of our union you point at me and say “you do it”? I already crawled through the mud and the blood and the piss and the shit and the guts for my country. It’s the next guys turn. In one generation our country has lost it’s will to fight for Freedom? Is that what you’re saying? It’s up to old men like me to keep America free? I’ll help but I can no longer lead.
Right now we’re losing almost 20k a week in income and expenses. What are you losing Johnwood? You always talk big but your money, like your skin ain’t in the game.
Here’s another one of your commie apologists for the Reds. Another big mouthed shit bag. This is the team you’re on Johnwood;
Trump 2020 MAGA 2.0
Thank you for your service.
Good video. Thanks for sharing. No one should EVER mention underage children in their tirades. NEVER, EVER. Rapaport should apologize for that.
Otherwise, the rest of what he said was not only appropriate but useful. Trump is trying to get people back to work early so that the economic numbers won’t look so bad for his election. Rapaport indelicately suggested that Trump have his family hop crowded sidewalks, cabs, buses, trains to get to work for 5 days as guinea pigs. After their 5 days get tested for some number of days afterward to see if they were exposed to SARS-CoV-2. What’s wrong with that?
You can’t be offended by his language. See Trump, Donald J. You can’t be offended by him being an “A-hole” and “fighting back” against trump.
If your complaint is his mentioning the youngest (known) trump child, we agree!
Good video. Thanks for sharing. No one should EVER mention underage children in their tirades. NEVER, EVER. Rapaport should apologize for that.
I see you’re still shilling for Gropin’ Joe.
Otherwise, the rest of what he said was not only appropriate but useful. Trump is trying to get people back to work early so that the economic numbers won’t look so bad for his election. Rapaport indelicately suggested that Trump have his family hop crowded sidewalks, cabs, buses, trains to get to work for 5 days as guinea pigs. After their 5 days get tested for some number of days afterward to see if they were exposed to SARS-CoV-2. What’s wrong with that?
Well, they wouldn’t probably know if they got the Blu State Flu.
But why don’t you do the same in St Lou? You love this disease so much, you know all about it. You know it’s all a scam.
You can’t be offended by his language. See Trump, Donald J. You can’t be offended by him being an “A-hole†and “fighting back†against trump.
So we can call you that, right?
If your complaint is his mentioning the youngest (known) trump child, we agree!
Which is more than can be said for Willie or John Edwards, etc.
And you’re still shilling for Rapin’, Pussy Grappin, Pedophilin’ Don.
Teach proudly projects his ignorance for all to see!
according to CoC dogma, CO2 is the control knob, so, what happens if there isn’t a dip in temperatures, and it’s just normal? Won’t that rather show that this is all mostly caused by nature?
My gawd, man. So you do absolutely nothing other than political preening? Are you that stupid or are you just propagandizing for your hapless readers?
Changing the global climate is like turning an oil tanker x one million.
There are any number of sources available describing concentration of atmospheric CO2 over time. As an expert on global warming you should be aware of this. Here’s one:
Do you see a change in the CO2 curve during the Great Recession (or the Deep, Deep Obama Recession as described by Cons)? No, you don’t.
That said, if the coming recession results in considerable decreases in CO2 emissions, and a significant drop in atmospheric CO2, scientists will be able to determine what that means in terms of heat retention attributed to CO2. As an expert in global warming you surely understand that CO2 is not the only determinant of “instant” mean global temperature. El Ninos, La Ninas, volcanic activity (e.g., Pinatubo caused a drop in temp by blocking visible light from the sun) etc. Of course I’m preaching to the choir of global warming experts here.
Did you notice on the CO2 vs time graph that there’s a cyclical pattern every year? Spring in the northern hemisphere sees a massive increase in green plant photosynthesis. The northern hemisphere is so important in this because of the great land mass there. This explosion of green growth causes a measurable decrease in CO2.
As clever a global warming expert/propagandist as you are, it seems you’ve missed a great opportunity to mislead. Every year there is a measurable decrease in CO2 but NO obvious decrease in temperature with it! In fact, the spring and summer in the northern hemisphere is time of warming! This disproves AGW! You’re welcome.
N.B. – CO2 is now over 415 ppm and climbing.
My gawd, man. So you do absolutely nothing other than political preening? Are you that stupid or are you just propagandizing for your hapless readers?
Changing the global climate is like turning an oil tanker x one million.
Which is why nobody buys your fear-mongering.
There are any number of sources available describing concentration of atmospheric CO2 over time. As an expert on global warming you should be aware of this. Here’s one:
sciencealert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’re all gonna DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you see a change in the CO2 curve during the Great Recession (or the Deep, Deep Obama Recession as described by Cons)? No, you don’t.
No, Conservatives call it the Second Depression.
That said, if the coming recession results in considerable decreases in CO2 emissions, and a significant drop in atmospheric CO2, scientists will be able to determine what that means in terms of heat retention attributed to CO2. As an expert in global warming you surely understand that CO2 is not the only determinant of “instant†mean global temperature. El Ninos, La Ninas, volcanic activity (e.g., Pinatubo caused a drop in temp by blocking visible light from the sun) etc. Of course I’m preaching to the choir of global warming experts here.
No recession. This ends by Easter.
But thanks for telegraphing what you really want.
We get the picture.
Did you notice on the CO2 vs time graph that there’s a cyclical pattern every year? Spring in the northern hemisphere sees a massive increase in green plant photosynthesis. The northern hemisphere is so important in this because of the great land mass there. This explosion of green growth causes a measurable decrease in CO2.
A cycle? Really? I never would have guessed!!!!
And the photosynthesis picks up in the Fall in the southern hemisphere because it’s Spring down there.
Whoda thunk?
As clever a global warming expert/propagandist as you are, it seems you’ve missed a great opportunity to mislead. Every year there is a measurable decrease in CO2 but NO obvious decrease in temperature with it! In fact, the spring and summer in the northern hemisphere is time of warming! This disproves AGW! You’re welcome.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that Conservatives are smart enough to go by the facts and observable data.
TEACH, have you authorized wizkye as your spokesmodel, because if you have, you’ve made a poor choice. He is such a belligerent dumbass that it makes you look bad. He asks too many obviously stupid questions to even bother answering.
Example: And the photosynthesis picks up in the Fall in the southern hemisphere because it’s Spring down there. Whoda thunk?
Yikes. LOL. How incredibly stupid is that.
We’ll take your silence as agreement.
But you can use my yearly CO2 sawtooth observation without a corresponding change in temperature as your own. Your communications director didn’t understand it.
TEACH, have you authorized wizkye as your spokesmodel, because if you have, you’ve made a poor choice. He is such a belligerent dumbass that it makes you look bad. He asks too many obviously stupid questions to even bother answering.
Because you have no effective rebuttal?
Yikes. LOL. How incredibly stupid is that.
We’ll take your silence as agreement.
But you can use my yearly CO2 sawtooth observation without a corresponding change in temperature as your own. Your communications director didn’t understand it.
Good Lord, you can’t even summon an effective rebuttal against sarcasm.
Go upstairs to Mommy and cry on her shoulder.
You don’t appear to know the meaning of ‘sarcasm’. Or ‘relevance’.
If you’d like to discuss the yearly cycle of CO2, let me know.
Otherwise, just keep jacking each other off.
You don’t know the meaning of the work ‘sarcasm’. Or ‘relevance’. But then you don’t know the meaning of a lot of words.
If you’d like to discuss the sawtooth shape in the CO2 curve that you don’t understand, more than happy to do so.
Otherwise, you two can continue your Kabuki reach around theater.
Troll Elwood is lying for his Globalist masters again.
Save yourself Elwood. Don’t be an evil “Useful Idiot.”
Troll Elwood is lying for his globalist masters again.
Did you ever notice that CO2 has been rising while the temperatures stays the same?
Scientists do and report the truth.
Globalist warmists do too but lie about it, and their “Useful Idiot” trolls repeat their lies.
Save yourself Elwood. Don’t be the evil-doers Useful Idiot.
You don’t appear to know the meaning of ‘sarcasm’. Or ‘relevance’.
If you’d like to discuss the yearly cycle of CO2, let me know.
Otherwise, just keep jacking each other off.
Ah, the bear suit is coming on.
You don’t know the meaning of the work ‘sarcasm’. Or ‘relevance’. But then you don’t know the meaning of a lot of words.
If you’d like to discuss the sawtooth shape in the CO2 curve that you don’t understand, more than happy to do so.
Otherwise, you two can continue your Kabuki reach around theater.
Sawtooth? Like up and down and up and down? In a curve?
Occurs in nature all the time, right?
So no, kyewiz does not desire to discuss CO2. Thought not.
His wiz cartoon character is more of a hit-and-run type discussant. At least his kye cartoon character has the balls to discuss a point.
But that’s the way with multiple personality disorder.
You should know about multiple personalities.
You keep lapsing into the bear suit (which I suspect is your real one).
And why discuss CO2?
I’ve already proven multiple times I’m right.
You pretend you are right. You lie about everything. You try to bullshit your way through the things you don’t understand by covering your lack of knowledge and reason with anger and bluster. Were you this way before trump, or do you mimic him?
You’re a mentally ill old man. Please try and enjoy what’s left of your pathetic life. May the gods bless you.
You must have been looking in a mirror when you made that up.
And you’re still shilling for Rapin’, Pussy Grappin, Pedophilin’ Don.
I support the President. Any of that other stuff is Gropin’ Joe’s.
From a Secret Service agent assigned to Obiden-Bama
“We had to cancel the VP Christmas get together at the Vice President’s house because Biden would grope all of our wives and girlfriend’s asses.â€
“He would mess with every single woman or teen. It was horribleâ€.
A Secret Service agent once got suspended for a week in 2009 for shoving Biden after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while the couple was taking a photo with him. Others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the then-Vice President.
Biden would walk around the VP residence naked at night. “I mean, Stark naked… Weinstein level stuffâ€.
“Whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude. Female Secret Service agents find that offensive.â€
“It was especially an issue at his Delaware house that he would go to every weekendâ€.
You want accusations. You got it.
By all means, put trump’s and VP Biden’s alleged offenses side by side.
We notice, again, that you offer no evidence to support your claims. We understand that you are not clever enough to synthesize these claims from whole cloth, so from what right-wing source did you cadge them – and are you too embarrassed to reveal the source? Update: The Pudendum in 2017. No wonder you were embarrassed.
Previously, you lied about obtaining graphics from Forbes.
One valid point from the right in this regard is that right-wingers not only tolerate sexual assault, including rape, they support it. Allegations damage Biden more than trump.
If a video were found of trump raping a 13 yr old girl at his buddy Epstein’s NY mansion, ‘men’ such as you would still find an excuse to vote for him.
After all, all the right has is hate.
Wow, what a response from someone who ridicules Gateway (even if they are right more than Fake News) daily.
Like you were trying to cover up something.
So where did I say I geot the graphic from Forbes?
And when you find that video, let us know.
s/b got.
Jeez, even I know it’s The Book of Revelation and not ‘Revelations’.
But thanks anyway for the irrelevant information.
I always heard Revelations, so why should I believe a Commie?
And it’s hardly irrelevant. So much for Trump and the 3 kings.
Sibley and his sockpuppet cartoon characters have no style.
Kye says I’m eloquent.
The fact that you deny it proves it’s true.
So bereft of wit, he even needs my comebacks.
Poor wittle Twoll.
You are eloquent. The William Shakespeare of the internet. That should drive them crazy….er.
This afternoon Trump moved the “social distancing” recommendation out to April 30.
Dr. Anthony Fauci estimated as many as 100,000 deaths nationwide.
Peak disease is estimated to be in about 2 weeks, if we are both careful and lucky.
Good luck.
Fauci also said AIDS infection in heteros would be equal to homos.
Peak disease is estimated to be in about 2 weeks, if we are both careful and lucky.
Anything like peak oil? Another fiction the Left spread.
I just have to conclude everything you say including ‘the’ and ‘and’ are lies, unless you cite sources.
Everything you say including ‘the’ and ‘and’ are lies, even your sources.
And you can look up what Fauci said.