Is it any surprise that Democrats are taking China’s side? First, they want to dunk on Orange Man Bad. That’s how deranged they are, that they would promote authoritarian China. Second, Democrats are authoritarians at heart. Here’s Surya Deva, an associate professor at City University’s School of Law (Hong Kong), who specialises in the area of business and human rights.
With coronavirus crisis, China sees a chance to export its model of governance
However, we should not miss the evolution of China’s newest export: the Chinese model of governance (and political ideas underpinning it) as an alternative to the Western liberal model. This export is strategic because mere economic might will not suffice to sustain China’s superpower status.
Rather, as the West has in the past, China would also need to influence social, political and cultural landscapes in other countries in its quest for dominance.<
China’s governance model is built on concentration of power by a small group of leaders, making all state institutions
subservient to the Communist Party, prioritising economic development over human rights, using law as a tool to suppress civil liberties, treating religious or linguistic diversity as a threat to national unity, using media as a tool for government propaganda, and invoking national sovereignty as a shield to ward off any criticism of the government’s human rights record.
Didn’t they have a long period of protests and riots in Hong Kong, mostly about the authoritarian mode of Chinese government? Deva is not condemning, in fact, noting “China’s model offers efficiency, because unlike in democracies, there is no cost of dissent”
There are several reasons why some countries are finding the Chinese governance model attractive. First, this model has proved to deliver fast economic growth. China has lifted over 800 million people out of poverty and become the world’s second-largest economy.
Second, the Chinese model offers efficiency, because unlike in democracies, there is no cost of dissent. Nor does one have to worry about following tedious processes to accomplish an agreed outcome.
Third, the Chinese model offers more political and social stability in that it avoids uncertainties linked to periodic democratic elections and political transitions. It also keeps both civil society and the media in check.
Sounds pretty good to American politicians, eh? De Blasio must approve
(Hot Air) Mayor Bill de Blasio still hasn’t shut down the public parks in New York City, despite multiple complaints from the health officials. But he’s threatening to shut down some other facilities. Those would be the churches and synagogues who continue to hold services during the ban on gatherings of more than ten people. And if they continue to tend to their flocks in this fashion, he’s warning religious leaders that he may shutter the houses of worship “permanently.â€
Interesting view, Bill.

[…] William Teach on The Pirate’s Cove: CUNY Law Professor Pushes China’s Version Of Government, De Blasio Threatens Churches […]
Tony Perman, an associate professor of music at Grinnell College, wrote:
The left love them some authoritarianism.
It’s Grinnell FFS.
Nothing but lefties.
Then send them the fuk back to Shanghai. One way.
That’s how we Make America Great Again.. Throw out the America haters.
Kye feels that anyone who criticizes the US should be thrown out of the country.
And he says he’s not an authoritarian … he’s a great authoritarian.
As opposed to you who wants the doors left open to every savage in the world is allowed in.
As long as they vote Demo.
Excuse me Elwood but exactly where did I state that “anyone who criticizes the US should be thrown out of the country”? Where? I just want THEM thrown the fuk out. They said ” We felt safer in Shanghai as conditions improved than we do in the U.S. Our anxiety was triggered as soon as we stepped on American soil.” I didn’t say that, THEY did! Send the ungrateful bastards back to Shanghai and help make America great again by cleaning out the garbage!
You lie in typical leftist fashion. You take a kernel of truth OUT OF CONTEXT and make it a political position, and naturally a radical position because anyone who disagrees with you is a vile evil raaaaacist.
I can’t be an authoritarian because I’m not a leftist like Hitler or Stalin or you. Have you decided yet how many Americans you’re willing to let die so Trump loses the election? How many, huh?
Trump 2020 Send the bastards to wherever they feel safe and wanted.
How many Americans will you let die in defense of trump?
Thousands of Americans will die because people like you voted for an incompetent asshole.
trump is destroying America.
You’re being coy kye. We know what you meant, you’ve expressed that sentiment many times.
I told you that a vote for trump was a vote to destroy America. You’re seeing now what your vote wrought.
How many Americans will you let die in defense of trump?
Nobody has to defend him. He’s the only one that’s done right.
Your boy, Don Cuomo screwed up. So did Whitmer, Sisolak, Pritzker, Wolf, Newsom, and on and on.
But, at 2500 dead, we are not going to have the Plague you’ve been praying for. No 100,000 dead, not even close.
So spare us the faux compassion.
Thousands of Americans will die because people like you voted for an incompetent asshole.
No, that’s the Mocha Messiah, who couldn’t even replenish the masks from the bid flu.
trump is destroying America.
No, he’s saved it. That’s what you can’t stand. That’s why you hate him.
We know what you meant, you’ve expressed that sentiment many times.
No, you assumed again. And when you assume you make an ass of u in front of me.
I told you that a vote for trump was a vote to destroy America. You’re seeing now what your vote wrought.
We’re still here. Flu cases are being effectively treated. At least near term, all the people your engineered panic has thrown out of work will get a hand.
I know, you wanted them to starve, to come begging to the Left for help and all they’ll get is Demo governors trying to out-virtue signal each other; one say May, the next says June.
Guess what happens when the bills come in and the kids have to eat? All that wrath gets directed at the petty tyrants who are getting off on keeping people at home.
And Trump will say, “OK, time for everybody to get back to work”.
And he wins. No hundreds of thousands dead. 100% success rate with chloroquine, as he suggested.
He’s the hero.
You’re the zero.
CUNY Law Professor Pushes China’s Version Of Government, De Blasio Threatens Churches
CUNY is the City University of New York. Dr. Deva is at the City University Hong Kong.
Teach is lying to his hapless readers once again. Anyway, read the article for yourself – it is not a favorable view of the Chinese system.
The professor also mentions the protests in Hong Kong.
Here’s the FOX take on Mayor DeBlasio warming churches and synagogues.
CUNY Law Professor Pushes China’s Version Of Government
Hate to tell you, hotshot, but that’s the way it was headlined all over the Interwebz.
Teach is lying to his hapless readers once again.
No, you are. As always. Teach’s intro”
Here’s Surya Deva, an associate professor at City University’s School of Law (Hong Kong), who specialises in the area of business and human rights.
Typical Commie.
DeBlowhard screwed up from the start and this is just one more. Y’know the Demos will need the votes of all those bitter clingers if they want to win the Fall.
Of course, you’re too bigoted to see that.
I’d say all you have is hate, but that’s not true.
You also have ignorance.
This week the State Department has facilitated the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials. These donations are a testament to the generosity of the American people.
Press Statement
Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State
February 7, 2020
Good job Pompeo and CiC (Corksoaker in Chief), good job.
And trump blamed President Obama
February 7, 2020
2 months ago. What does it have to do with anything? It shows Trump was on the ball while you were whining about impeachment.
I keep telling you, Trump likes girls.
You’re the only corksoaker here. When does your hearing come up?
And trump blamed President Obama
Zippy’s the one who didn’t replenish the stock of masks.
Like the Pudendum, Teach refuses to correct his mistakes.
TEACH: Truth is for pussies!