At least Politico is admitting that the plan of the Democrats and the media was unhinged
How coronavirus blew up the plan to take down Trump
For many Democrats, it’s the election of a lifetime. Yet the question preoccupying the party for several days this month was whether their presumptive presidential nominee, Joe Biden, could get the webcast working in his rec room.
It was a telling obsession, one that revealed the extent of the party’s anxiety as it comes to a nail-biting conclusion: Despite all the arguments Democrats have crafted and all the evidence they have amassed against Donald Trump, his reelection is likely to rise or fall on his handling of the coronavirus crisis and its fallout alone.
“It’s the most dramatic example I can think of in my lifetime about how you cannot control the agenda,†said Les Francis, a Democratic strategist and former deputy White House chief of staff in the Carter administration.
“If life were fair,†he said, Trump would already be paying a price for his chaotic handling of the pandemic. Instead, the president’s approval rating has not taken a hit, and the dominant images are of him “at the podium in the White House, quote, in charge,†Francis said. “If those stick and they’re not countered effectively, he could get reelected.”
Hey, perhaps the Democrats could impeach him again, that would do the trick, right?
The effect of the coronavirus on Trump’s popularity will not become clear for weeks or months. But the pandemic’s impact on the Democratic Party has already been severe. Primary elections are being postponed, allowing Bernie Sanders to linger in the race and delay until June the ability of Biden to mathematically clinch the nomination and fully turn his focus to Trump.
Let’s be honest: it is severe. Joe has an almost insurmountable lead in the primaries, and his mental condition is not well, sad to say. But this means Democrats cannot get him out. But, then, is Comrade Bernie a better solution if they want to beat Trump? They would have been better served getting behind a more moderate (for Dems) candidate like Tulsi Gabbard. Optics matter in political races.
The public’s unbreakable focus on the virus is narrowing the range of issues on which Democrats can effectively draw contrasts with Trump — temporarily sidelining a broader agenda involving once-pressing issues such as climate change and gun control.
“It was always going to be a referendum on Trump,†said Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor who ran unsuccessfully for president in 2004. “But the referendum was going to be about things like climate change and how you want to reform health care and all these other things. Now it’s only going to be about this one thing — whether Trump is competent and sane.â€
What people outside the beltline are seeing is a president who is trying to be positive, trying to get people back to work and not losing their minds. On the other side, they see Democrats and the media trying to go apocalyptic. For all his faults, did anyone have complaints about Obama trying to be positive during the economic downturn? I didn’t. You need a president who will be positive, rather than a Negative Nelly.
Scott Brennan, an Iowa Democratic National Committee member and a former state party chairman, said, “If the economy pops back … it’s hard to know what people are going to think.â€
If the economy bounces back “bigly”, expect an easy Trump win, especially going against Joe Biden and all his faults, not too mention him serving as Vice President under Obama and his super slow economic rebound.

I don’t believe that an economy will “bounce back”. I also have no way to prove it since to my recollection this has never happened before.
I do know that regardless of how severe or minimal this Red China Virus could have been it was massaged into the last stand for humanity by leftists in government and mostly the press who saw this as their big chance to destroy Trump.
The ignorant masses keep hearing that Trump said this, Trump didn’t do that, trump should have done this or that on a seamless and continuous flow from the fake news media. Rather than be helpful and try and calm people and educate them on sanitation and avoidance the media seamlessly went from “IMPEACHMENT” when that failed to “Trump’s Virus” over a weekend. All one need do is read Elwood or John here to see exactly where the ignorant masses have been led. The media led them by their noses from impeachment in January right in to “Trumps virus” in February. They are like little preprogrammed Borg from Star Trek, they regurgitate every word from the media who we now know work for the Red Chinese.
Now the panic has set in not about the Red Flu but about losing the next election. Two more broads came forward accusing Rapin’ Joe of being, well, Rapin’ Joe. His mind is shot and he doesn’t even know where he is half the time.
They are scurrying around like rats trying to find newer ways to rig an election since they fuked it up last time. Now they need to defraud the Electoral College too until they take over and abolish it along with religion and guns.
Now DeBolshevik has threatened to “permanently” close churches and synagogues. Notice how the commie rat deliberately left out Mosques? The Christian roundup continues as 7 people were arrested for praying at a Greensboro abortion clinic. The New Stasi was out in force.
CBS News ran a video taken in an Italian hospital a week ago showing how much of a damn mess our healthcare system is. They lied as usual and identified the Italian hospital as an American one. But we are used to their fukin’ lies sadly the easily fooled morons on the left actually believe what CBS puts out as “facts”. Not to be out “Dictatored” Twitter removed a tweet reporting on hydroxycloroquine treatment for Red China Virus. We presume to stir the panic pot a bit more.
All that remains of the American left is liars, frauds, cheaters, rapists, child molesters and billionaires using this emergency to fuk the people. Oh, and hate. Buckets and buckets of hate for Trump, his family, his supporters and his administration. You,ve seen the attitude of the left even on this blog. They are just giddy at the proposition that enough Americans will die to get Trump voted out. I’m still waiting for Elwood to tell us the acceptable number of casualties for the left to declare victory. When the leftist media report deaths they’re so giddy they can hardly contain themselves. Even at the daily briefings the’d rather take shots at Trump than report anything positive. They really are rats.
Trump 2020 Get the Rats out of America.
Actually, the markets were artificially depressed, so there shouldn’t be too much trouble getting the economy back, but what the piece is really saying is that the trust Trump has generated by keeping his promises is being reinforced by his handling of the panic.
He is the National Father, a kind of Ben Cartwright writ large, telling his sons (and daughters) what’s going on and the steps taken to get things aright. As the Eminent Mr Surber puts it, The presidential press briefings are a ratings smash because President Donald John Trump puts on a good show. He is large and in charge. Obama needed a teleprompter. His staff had to tell him what to say.
The other point not mentioned is that people are already fed up with all of the diktats by tyrannical Democrat governors and mayors. Hundreds turned out to watch the arrival of the Mercy in Gotham. We now face the issue of the one-time stimulus only handing out money for households to ride out the month. Once over, no more. There’s the pressure on the Democrats that will stop them trying to out-virtue signal each other and put the people back to work.
“Actually, the markets were artificially depressed…”
That is how the markets work. Very little trading is done by human hands. Most of it is done by huge trading computers that match buys and sells depending on pre-selected high and low offers and bids. By doing this, the big trading houses ensure they get all the best trades, executed by speed of light computer trades. The problem is that all those positions have “panic sell” levels where they try to dump a poor performing stock. So when the market as a whole reacts to anything, the computers exaggerate the panic by trying to sell everything and “dump” prices. There is a similar mechanism of automatic trades to snap up bargain priced trades, but it’s less aggressive and depends on cash in the account to take advantage of it. And cash is in short supply when you just sold your best stocks at below market prices. It is a system that is designed to tank hard and fast at the first hint of trouble, even imaginary trouble.
“If life were fair,†he said, Trump would already be paying a price for his chaotic handling of the pandemic. Instead, the president’s approval rating has not taken a hit, and the dominant images are of him “at the podium in the White House, quote, in charge,†Francis said. “If those stick and they’re not countered effectively, he could get reelected.â€
I tried counting the instances of unfounded assumptions and unconscious biases in that paragraph, but had to switch to exponential notation pretty quick.
Criticisms of Trump now might be more convincing if they came from people who had not just spent the last three years, illegally spying on his campaign, illegally punishing everyone who worked for him, unconstitutionally trying to throw him out of office and complaining about him every single day since he won the election in 2016. Too bad his political opponents sacrificed their credibility so often and so soon instead of saving something for a rainy day. But for Democrat activists, every day since Hillary lost has been raining cats and dogs.
Teach typed: Politico is admitting that the plan of the Democrats and the media was unhinged
Neither the Democrats nor the media are responsible for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Neither the Democrats nor the media closed schools and businesses and threw millions out of work. There is/was no “plan”. The pandemic is not trump’s fault, either, but his tepid response has made it worse – after all, the US has the most cases and it’s yet to peak.
Remember the 2008 campaign when the housing collapse/ Wall Street malfeasance caused a global crisis? It was not John McCain’s fault, but it probably cost him the election (that and his ridiculous choice of a VP). McCain’s campaign persuaded him to go “full teaparty asswipe” and it cost him.
Anyway, right-wing conspiracies aside (but what else do they have?), the SARS-CoV-2 is not a a Democratic/media hoax. The impact on the campaign and election is yet to be seen, but may work in trump’s favor. American voters have short memories.
It will be interesting to see how the GOPher/right-wing plan to cast VP Biden as a demented sexual predator stands up against trump, a demented sexual predator. Could be our entertainment as we experience the implosion of America.
Neither the Democrats nor the media are responsible for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Neither the Democrats nor the media closed schools and businesses and threw millions out of work. There is/was no “planâ€. The pandemic is not trump’s fault, either, but his tepid response has made it worse – after all, the US has the most cases and it’s yet to peak.
Lie, to about the 4th power.
First, Democrats nor the media are responsible for any delays in response because they were so busy with their phony, baseless impeachment.
Second, the Democrats and the media closed schools and businesses and threw millions out of work by spreading a phony panic in the hopes it would depose Trump.
Third, his response has been anything but tepid and it was the Demos and Fake News that screamed when he cut off contact with Red China – the US does not have the most cases and it’s peaking, even as we speak.
Remember the 2008 campaign when the housing collapse/ Wall Street malfeasance caused a global crisis?
You mean the one caused by Senate Democrats, Zippy Ozero high among them?
And the biggest lie of all, St John of Hanoi was as good a collaborator in the ’08 campaign as he was in the Hanoi Hilton and the only thing that made it competitive at all was the wonderful Sarahcuda.
<i.Anyway, right-wing conspiracies aside (but what else do they have?), the SARS-CoV-2 is not a a Democratic/media hoax. The impact on the campaign and election is yet to be seen, but may work in trump’s favor. American voters have short memories.
If it’s not a hoax, why do you keeping saying so?
And it’s working very much in Trump’s favor because he’s telling the truth and showing up Fake News for the lying propagandists they are (and there’s the real reason Hypocrite Hare pasted in this screed; Trump is building on the trust he gained by keeping his promises by showing the American people what’s going on).
It will be interesting to see how the GOPher/right-wing plan to cast VP Biden as a demented sexual predator stands up against trump, a demented sexual predator. Could be our entertainment as we experience the implosion of America.
Um, ICYMI there’s no need. Even Lefties see the pathetic wreck of old Gropin’ Joe and the case of Tara Reade shows he’s as predatory as Willie.
Could be our entertainment as we experience the implosion of America.
You can’t stay away from it, can you? What you’re really hoping for even though it’s clear Trump has won this round, too.
He’s the hero America has needed.
You’re just another Lefty zero.
For the record, all those “advanced” countries in Europe with socialized medicine are doing far worse than the US.
The US with an estimated population of 330 million was compared to the 336 million combined estimated population of Germany (81 million), France (66 million), the United Kingdom (65 million), Italy (61 million), Spain (46 million) and the Netherlands (17 million). (World Population Review).
The US has as of mid-day Tuesday has about 165,000 cases and 3,186 deaths.
The six most populous nations in Western Europe have about 345,000 cases and 26,394 deaths.
Trump instituted travel bans targeting most European nations in mid-March.
Western Europe broken down by country with population and cases rounded (Worldometer):
Germany (81 million) Cases 68,000 Deaths 682
France (66 million) 44,000 Deaths 3,024
United Kingdom (65 million) Cases 25,000 Deaths 1,789
Italy (61 million) Cases 102,000 Deaths 11,591
Spain (46 million) Cases 94,000 Deaths 8,269
Netherlands (17 million) Cases 12,000 Deaths 1,039
Another way of examining is by cases and deaths per million (via Worldometer).
US cases per million: 500. Deaths per million: 10.
Germany cases per million: 814. Deaths per million: 8.
France cases per million: 683. Deaths per million: 46.
United Kingdom: cases per million: 370. Deaths per million: 26.
Italy cases per million: 1,683. Deaths per million: 192.
Spain cases per million: 2,019. Deaths per million: 177.
Netherlands cases per million: 753. Deaths: 61.