…is an area that stops fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Blogs For Victory, with a post on being bored.

…is an area that stops fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Blogs For Victory, with a post on being bored.
She seems nice.
Trump and the GOPhers outfoxed the stupid and naïve Dems once again. The Repubs rewarded their natural constituency (corporations and wealthy), in fact giving Mnuchin secret free-rein to give out half a TRILLION dollars of tax payer future debt to corporate cronies! The built-in oversight was erased by Trump’s accompanying signing statement.
Now the GOP is now balking (fiscal responsibility, ya know) at the next step to directly help working class Americans with increased access to health care, expanded unemployment benefits, more direct payments and to support infrastructure rebuilding.
Multimillionaires will be made whole from their losses with federal loans “…and the loan may be forgiven if the businesses maintains its payroll for eight weeks at employees’ normal salary levels.” Or low rate loans with 30 year terms with 4 year deferment. $10,000 grants.
The ‘trickle down hypothesis’ is deeply engrained in the ConPsyche.
Game, set, match, GOP!
If passed this would make over $4 TRILLION in stimulus/welfare/relief + at least $4 TRILLION from the Fed to help banks and the stock market.
We are all Keynesians now. We are all socialists now (but only until the rich get richer).
According to Cons, this is not socialism unless it bleeds over into directly helping the poor and working classes. Federal funds are the birthright of large corporations and their corporate officers.
CNN host Chris Cuomo announced on Monday that he has tested positive for coronavirus.
“In these difficult times that seem to get more difficult and complicated by the day, I just found out that I am positive for coronavirus,” Cuomo tweeted.
“I have been exposed to people in recent days who have subsequently tested positive and I had fever, chills and shortness of breath. I just hope I didn’t give it to the kids and Cristina,†he added. “That would make me feel worse than the illness!â€
Unlike the leftist. Unlike Elwood which would hope death and dying and unsufferable consequences on any conservative, I hope he recovers and returns to his program where he can continue to spread lies and misinformation and prop up his brother the gov who just two weeks ago was telling people to PARTY and have a good time.
Like Elwood who was telling everyone the Cornoavirus was nothing. Like John. Like all on the left who pivoted on a dime when a crisis reared its ugly head.
Like the lies that Elwood just spouted above. The current stimulus is 4 days old and already Elwood is lying about a new unwritten and as of yet not even known what might be needed stimulus 4.
Would the FBI please investigate this CCP agent?
By all means call the FBI and turn me in, I’m not sure the FBI trolls little-read conblogs unless it’s to find white supremacists planning the next attack on a Black church, a mosque of synagogue. But give them a call.
Another commenter linked to a recent story where a Republican operative (associate of trump, putin and Roger stone) urged his twitter goons to contact the workplaces of two women who were benignly mocking trump online. One was fired, the other placed on administrative leave. Be careful what you say online, Big Brother is Watching!
Uh, she was fired. Try to keep up. Or just keep lying.
Liljeffy, anything between the sock puppet and Bolshevik Bunny is to be ignored.
Do you feel let down by trump? He’s gone all in on the Dem/media hoax. He declared a national emergency and several state emergencies. Now he’s saying 100,000 dead Americans is a victory, because without his better-late-than-never actions it would have been 1,000,000!
How in your mind do you reconcile that trump is doing the wrong thing, that is, acting as if the pandemic is real, with his previous stance that it was under control, would drop from 15 case to zero very quickly? Do you think he is just going along to get along, rather than standing on truth and principle?
Anyway, the US has now become the global epicenter of SARS-CoV-2.
Now he’s saying 100,000 dead Americans is a victory, because without his better-late-than-never actions it would have been 1,000,000!
Better late than ever?
The reaction or lack of reaction at the Federal level was from un-elected officials. There is little doubt the the CDC and the FDA have failed.
You and I have had discussions on the lack of accountability and corruption at the CDC and it has been on display.
Funny that in the hatred of the left in attacking Trump, the forget to remember how New York encouraged people to get out and not shelter in place. They forget that they screamed about restrictions from out of country flights. The forget that the WHO and China lied about COVID-19 from the very beginning.
with his previous stance that it was under control, would drop from 15 case to zero very quickly?
First, Trump never said that. That is a lie based on the hate from the left. Secondly, Trump was relying on information and data from the CDC in making the prediction that the number of deaths would drop.
Anyway, the US has now become the global epicenter of SARS-CoV-2.
In terms of total cases, we don’t know that given the lack of data from China and Russia. Secondly, the infection / death rate per capita as compared to other countries is no where near the top of the data.
Once again, in order to support their hate, the left has to lie.
After all, hate is all they have.
Actually, he said a quarter of a million. And he acted a lot faster than the Demos.
In fact, the Demos fiddled while Red China barfed.
But, when we don’t have a quarter of a million dead, he will be an even bigger hero because he stopped a catastrophe. Dr Fauci keeps up with the gloom and doom so Trump uses it to his advantage.
How in your mind do you reconcile that trump is doing the wrong thing, that is, acting as if the pandemic is real, with his previous stance that it was under control, would drop from 15 case to zero very quickly?
He isn’t. He’s trying to control the panic and doing a very good job of it. Gotham’s curve is flattening and this while people go out to greet the Mercy. Whoda thunk?
And Sweden refused to shut down anything and they’re doing quite well.
So it is under control and is dropping more quickly than the tyrannical Democrats were hoping.
Do you think he is just going along to get along, rather than standing on truth and principle?
Well, you certainly don’t.
Anyway, the US has now become the global epicenter of SARS-CoV-2.
Keep telling yourself that. With a fresh 5000 burial urns going into Wuhan, nobody buys the idea the Reds have stopped the disease.
Talking to the Little Woman, nurse of 52 years’ experience, and she made note of the success (98 – 100%) of a malaria drug in treating this.
Says she, “If a malaria drug can treat this, it can’t be much of a threat”. This from someone who worked communicable disease for 5 years.
Or you can believe Jeffery and his gloom and doom propaganda.
The documents — mostly emails — provide a behind-the-scenes peek into the messy early stages of the U.S. response to the coronavirus, revealing an antiquated public health system trying to adapt on the fly. What comes through clearly is confusion, as the CDC underestimated the threat from the virus and stumbled in communicating to local public health officials what should be done.
Remember these were the “experts” advising the President.
Did you know Birx’ husband was a shill for the Ozark Global Slush Fund?
Kinda puts her prediction today in the same basket with Fauci.
Again, career bureaucrats “advising” the President.
Between you and me and the trolls, he may not make that Easter goal, but I’ll bet he comes damned close.
BTW Fake News tries to create the impression he said a quarter of a million dead. That was Col
Birx said that. He seems to have followed his own good sense here. Let the “experts” babble on about their models and, when we come out of this with maybe 10,000 gone, they have the egg on their faces.
Trump just said a rough couple of weeks. Maybe rougher for the Lefties than the Americans.
TrumpKult. The trump sycophants have made an immediate about-face to square with their Dear Leader’s. No longer denying the obvious threat of SARS-CoV-2, they are now blaming Dems, Obama, trump’s own CDC, for … earlier they blamed the media for creating mass hysteria, now they blame the media for being mean to Dear Leader.
Why does trump lie? Because his sycophants believe every word of his lies, including ‘and’ and ‘the’.
Trump 2020: Because I Only Killed 100,000 Americans!
Put that on your hat and wear it.
Because I Only Killed 100,000 Americans!
Jeffery: And I support the killing of almost 700,000 children a year!
Why does the left hate Trump and hate kids?
Answer: Because hate is all the left has.
TrumpKult. The trump sycophants have made an immediate about-face to square with their Dear Leader’s. No longer denying the obvious threat of SARS-CoV-2, they are now blaming Dems, Obama, trump’s own CDC, for … earlier they blamed the media for creating mass hysteria, now they blame the media for being mean to Dear Leader.
Try again.
Of course we deny the “threat” of Flu Manchu, but, if you want to place blame on why some things hadn’t moved faster, let’s start with the Demos ignoring early warnings becvause they were too busy with the phony impeachment to care.
Just like you.
Then there’s Zippy who failed to replenish the masks used in the bird flu.
Too busy on the links, I guess.
As for the CDC, it’s not Trump’s, it’s Deep State. Fauci has a thing for the Hildabeast, Birx’ husband was a shill for the Ozark Global Slush Fund.
And Fake News did create the panic, but you never hear anybody blame the media for being mean to Trump. He can take care of himself and does, at every press briefing.
Didja hear Fake News’ approval has dropped even lower while Trump’s is sky high.
Why does trump lie? Because his sycophants believe every word of his lies, including ‘and’ and ‘the’.
More like why does Jeffery lie? Because his cause is so pathetic, the truth gives him the runs just thinking about it.
Trump 2020: Because I Only Killed 100,000 Americans!
You’re only 97,000 short and, just like impeachment, Just like Mule Ears, just like Stormy, you’ll never see that, either.
Put that on your hat and wear it.
Stick it up your ass and try to pass it.
“Trump 2020: Because I Only Killed 100,000 Americans!”
I’ll ask again Elwood, how many Americans are you willing to see killed to make sure Trump loses in November? Simple question. I’m sure you have some figure in mind that you think to yourself: “if only we can get X number to die then Trump can’t win”. What’s you magic number?
You commies have tried Russia, emoluments, bed pissing whores, phony rape accusations,golf at Mar-a-lago, Trump Jr., Ukraine, impeachment and now you’re siding with the Red Chinese lies about the Red China Virus and gleefully counting the dead hoping the next dead guy is the straw that breaks the camel’s back and Trump is fuked in November. We all know it, we can all see it in the fake questions the media asks Trump which have only as much to do with the China flu as necessary to make the President look bad. Too bad you only make yourselves look like America hating Reds.
Maybe instead of instigating and looking like idiots you leftists could work with the President and good Americans like Mike Lindell for the betterment of our people and nation. Or is that too much to ask of a partisan hack?
Trump 2020 Help build America not wreck it with the left
No longer denying the obvious threat of SARS-CoV-2, they are now blaming Dems, Obama, trump’s own CDC, for … earlier they blamed the media for creating mass hysteria, now they blame the media for being mean to Dear Leader.
The media is still creating mass hysteria and anyone that isn’t full of hate and can read English can see that.
they are now blaming Dems, Obama, trump’s own CDC
The Dems were worried about impeaching instead of addressing COVID-19. There is no doubt about that. Some people have blamed Obama, but I certainly not one of them. “Trump’s own CDC” makes it seem like Trump hired the people in the CDC personally or could get rid of the federal workers that screwed up. The Federal Employee Protect Act protects incompetence in the government so that isn’t going to happen.
Conservatives have long been talking about more accountability in government and less regulations (or at least regulations that can pivot faster.) Liberals, who hate the country and hate accountability, have not only hated that idea, but believe that the cure to government incompetence is more government workers and more incompetence.
Why does trump lie?
“Why does Jeffery lie?” There. Fixed that for you.
The answer is that because the left hates the truth and all the left has is hate.
The Democrats including Elwood here was laughing at Covid-19. The governor and Mayor of NY was encouraging people to live it up and now they have more cases of the virus than imaginable and their medical system is on the verge of collapsing and yet. Its Trumps fault. Not Cuomo’s or Blasio’s.
But let me give you some interesting news.
Hydrotherapy is probably going to be effective in helping most people defeat Covid-19.
Understanding how Covid-19 works is important. It basically enters your system and suppresses your immune system for several days while it multiplies and begins making you sick. Once your immune system identifies the virus it kicks into overdrive and ATTACKS your lungs. Killing you. The Corona Virus tricks the body into committing suicide in many people.
Now how does Hydrotherapy work? This is a teaching professor of medicine. Not some internet Quack.
Watch the video. You will find important news to help you keep your immune system healthy that costs you NOTHING. Sleep, Vitamin D3. Zinc(The anti-malarial drug uses zinc to kill viruses) and hydrotherapy you can practice in your home.
Chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine have previously been used to treat coronavirus patients in China, in ongoing Covid-19 clinical trials.
NOTICE. This is a Chinese study and it uses Chloroquine phosphate which is what the people in Arizona took. However the difference is one is a DRUG and the other was a fish tank cleaner. In reality. They most likely did a bit of research on the internet found this information like I just did and concluded….Ahh my fish tank cleaner is spelled the same way, must be good for me.
This was not a weapon. It was not released on purpose, even though it most likely was a study being done by a biological complex only 100’s of yards from the open market.
60 minutes Austraila did an expose on the WUHAN VIRUS and comes to some rather startling conclusions. Stuff that is being reported and investigated around the world is MISSING FROM COMMUNIST AMERICA MSM. Their sole goal is to delude Americans into believing Orange Man bad and China good.
Do your own research and stop listening to FOX NEWS for insight. You can watch nearly every news organization in the world on Youtube and really start learning stuff.