Monthly Archives: March 2020

Honolulu, A City Which Can’t Survive Without Fossil Fuels, Sues Fossil Fuels Companies

The city of Honolulu, Hawaii, is much like the entire state: it could not survive as a modern city without fossil fuels. It depends on tourism and the military. Being that it is on an island way out in the Pacific Ocean, people are not getting to the city without fossil fueled flights. Those people […]

Crazy Joe Biden Thumps Comrade Bernie

The Bern has burned out, and the Crazy is closer to being the Democrat nominee Biden’s ‘Joe-mentum’ grows as Dem front-runner sweeps Midwest contests, eyes Sanders knockout History didn’t repeat itself in Michigan for Bernie Sanders. And because of that, the populist U.S. senator from Vermont had an extremely disappointing evening on “Super Tuesday II” […]

If All You See…

…are waves caused by changing wind patterns from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on MSNBC idiots hoping coronavirus takes down Trump.

Capitol Broadcasting: Coronavirus Means We Should Expand Medicaid, You Know

Remember, we keep being told that this is not political, but, then, groups like Capitol Broadcasting Corporation, which runs several properties here in NC, including TV stations WRAL, WRAZ, WILM, along with 5 radio stations, keep proving themselves wrong Editorial: State should make sure ALL in need are tested for coronavirus In the emergency $8.3 billion […]

Coronavirus Outbreak Is Bad For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Members of the Cult of Climastrology are rather upset that the Coronavirus is taking attention away from their doomsday cult Why the coronavirus outbreak is terrible news for climate change It appears increasingly likely that the global coronavirus outbreak will cut greenhouse-gas emissions this year, as deepening public health concerns ground planes and squeeze international trade. But […]

Small Business Owners Support Trump Over Sanders/Biden Bigly

Small businesses are the backbone of the economy. The people who run them tend to be closer to the workers than in big companies, and really know what’s going on, what affects workers and their paychecks. You can bet they are now on the hit-list of Modern Socialists Job Creators Network Survey: More than 70 […]

Climate Scientactivists Have A Sad, Feel Guilty

Perhaps they should not be taking all those fossil fueled flights around the world to climate conferences ‘I’m profoundly sad, I feel guilty’: scientists reveal personal fears about the climate crisis In 2014, Joe Duggan started reaching out to climate scientists to ask them a question: how did climate change make them feel? “I was […]

Good Grief: Could Coronavirus Be Trump’s Katrina?

No, seriously, Credentialed Media folks and Democrats, along with #NeverTrumper nutballs, are actually going down this road. Her’s CNN’s Chris Cillizza Is coronavirus Donald Trump’s Katrina? What sunk President George W. Bush and Republicans in his second term wasn’t the war in Iraq. It was his administration’s mishandling of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Whispers have […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on people avoiding public places.

We Can’t Ignore The Risks From Hotcoldwetdry And Coronavirus Or Something

Hey, should we be calling it Wuhan virus, or would that be raaaaacist? Regardless, the doomsday Cult of Climastrology continues to jam its cultish beliefs into everything. This is from Axios, hence the formatting Coronavirus and climate change are obvious risks we ignore Forget black swans. We’re getting run over by two gray rhinos: coronavirus […]

Pirate's Cove