Monthly Archives: March 2020

Extinction Rebellion Protests About “Climate Rape” While Topless

Remember when climate scientists were telling the other members of their cult to not be crazy, because it makes it really hard to get people on board? XR tends not to listen Topless Women Protest ‘Climate Rape’ in London on International Women’s Day A group of 31 women formed a topless human chain in London […]

Totally Moderate Joe Biden Receives Endorsement From Biggest Gun Grabber Group

They keep telling us that Joe Biden is a moderate Democrat. Compared to Comrade Bernie, perhaps. But, it’s like comparing Castro to Stalin. Major gun safety group endorses Joe Biden’s presidential bid Joe Biden has received the endorsement of one of the nation’s largest gun control advocacy groups, Everytown for Gun Safety, in the latest […]

Totally Principled “Reagan Republican” Joined Democrats And Wants Others To Come Over

This is the unhinged #NeverTrumper attitude in a nutshell. This piece is by “Gabriel Schoenfeld, an adviser to Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, is a senior fellow at the Niskanen Center, a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors and a recently registered Democrat” Trump & Sanders drove me to become a Democrat. Other disgusted […]

If All You See…

…is a sea that will soon rise up and kill us all, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit (who I rarely link), with a post on a Comrade Bernie supporter doing crazy things at a rally. It’s Australian week!

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and waking up at 830am when it would have been 730am yesterday actually makes me feel like I overslept. This pinup is by Earl Moran, with a wee bit of help. It’s in honor of Liz Warren getting booted out […]

Jaguar Land Rover Boss: St. Greta, Extinction Rebellion Offer No Ideas

Outgoing Jaguar Land Rover boss Ralf Speth is free to have Real Talk, since he is leaving JLR, so, he doesn’t have to worry about the typical verbal and written assaults and threats from members of the Cult of Climastrology which would occur against himself, his family, and JLR Jaguar Land Rover boss says Greta […]

Bummer: Our Pursuit Of Happiness Is Killing The Planet

You know, if these doomsday cultists would restrict their fearmongering to actual environmental issues, they’d have a point. Consumerism certainly causes damages. Disposable everything that ends up in landfills isn’t exactly the greatest, right? Smartphones are designed for you to get a new one every 1-3 years. They aren’t made to last like they used […]

If All You See…

…is a world turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Brass Pills, with a post on Feminists demanding all men get screened by police after a breakup or divorce. Double shot below the fold, so, check out Bustednuckles, with a post on why he […]

Climate Cultists Seem Upset That Governments Are More Concerned Over Coronavirus Than ‘Climate Change’

Apparently, both Coronavirus and ‘climate change’ are evil, as espoused by people with degrees in spreading awareness rather than science. Supposing they have degrees and aren’t blowing off their education Climate change or coronavirus? ‘Pick your evil’, protesters say Protesters at a rally led by climate activist Greta Thunberg on Friday denounced governments for taking […]

Reproductive Justice Needs To Be Part Of Hotcoldwetdry Research Or Something

Warmists keep claiming that ‘climate change’ is all about science when Skeptics say it’s all about politics, then Warmists prove us right again and again Integrating a Reproductive Justice Framework in Climate Research Climate change is reshaping weather patterns, economies, and social structures and fundamentally altering the planet. The question is no longer why or […]

Pirate's Cove