March 23, 2020 – 4:27 pm
People are hurting, and these psycho cultists want to take advantage of people who are vulnerable Governments urged to attach green strings to long-term coronavirus recovery plans Governments and financial institutions are under growing pressure to make economic bailouts designed to counter the coronavirus pandemic dependent on climate action in the longer term. Over the […]
March 23, 2020 – 1:00 pm
…is a world flooded from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on being tired of the “in these challenging times” messages from companies and such.
March 23, 2020 – 10:30 am
Nope, not a cult at all. It’s rather sad that some Christians have allowed this cult to take over their religion Meet the Christians giving up carbon for Lent From a distance, the Lenten display in the chancel of St. John United Lutheran Church in Seattle looks similar to displays installed by churches around the […]
March 23, 2020 – 9:15 am
Seriously, are people actually concerned with anthropogenic climate change, or even natural climate change, at this point? Does it need repeating what the concerns are right now of regular people? But, the LA Times editorial board is Concerned, like other members of this doomsday cult Editorial: Climate change is just as real as COVID-19. Now’s […]
March 23, 2020 – 8:40 am
If they think their polling is correct that this will help them come November, they are sorely wrong. The American people will remember them playing games while average citizens are worried about their jobs, their money, keeping their homes, cars, finding food, etc Senate Fails To Pass Cloture Vote On Coronavirus Stimulus Bill The Senate […]
March 22, 2020 – 1:00 pm
…is fishing in a flooded world from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Mike Bloomberg kicking employees to the curb. It’s fishing week, because I might take fishing up again. Raleigh is not really conductive to fishing without a boat, […]
March 22, 2020 – 9:15 am
Happy Sunday! A strange day in America, but, it’s always better to be in America than anywhere else. The rain has knocked down some of the pollen (I’m allergic to oak and grass, so, looks like I have Corona, when it is just allergies), the mockingbirds are singing the song of other birds and frogs […]
March 22, 2020 – 7:59 am
The Coronavirus fearmongering has obviously been flying around for weeks. We keep getting all the “Trump’s shutting down the nation for (X) long!!!!!!!”. No one ever actually has a named source, but, they keep having to knock this down, like People with too much time on their hands were spreading unfounded rumors, looking for their […]
March 21, 2020 – 3:59 pm
Yup On Going Tractor Trailer Investigation… — Guilford County Sheriff's Office (@gcsoffice) March 19, 2020 Some serious sh*t was going down (NPR) On Wednesday, deputies from the Guilford County Sheriff’s office in North Carolina said they came across the 18-wheel tractor trailer as it was traveling on Interstate 40 in Whitsett. It is unclear […]
March 21, 2020 – 1:00 pm
…is a mask needed to stave off carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post wondering if the media should stick to actual news. Doubleshot of relevance below the fold, so, check out The Feral Irishman, with some LOLZ from the Ethernets.