Monthly Archives: March 2020

If All You See…

…is the need to travel to the place where the big climate agreement came from, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day in this coronavirus need to travel week is Don Surber, with a post on how China gave Italy money and the coronavirus.

Say, Who Are The “Climate Doomers”, Hoping For Society To Disintegrate?

It’s actually rather surprising that the BBC would run this, because, even though it takes a more even tone, these people really come off as nutjobs The ‘climate doomers’ preparing for society to fall apart An article by a British professor (Jem Bendell) that predicts the imminent collapse of society, as a result of climate […]

Trump Calls Out NY Times For Missing Half A Quote

The NY Times still hasn’t updated the article to reflect the entire quote Trump calls the New York Times a ‘disgrace to journalism’ for misrepresentation of his coronavirus quote Media pundits criticized President Donald Trump based on an incomplete quote from a recording of the president’s conference call with state governors about the crisis from […]

The Bulwark #NeverTrumper Discovers Federalism

We’ve seen this time and time again: the people who’ve called Trump a dictator, a Fascist, “literally Hitler” are now upset that Trump is not Declaring Things. Here’s The Bulwark’s resident unhinged Lefty, because a conserving conservative site needs that, right? (via Twitchy) Is this called Federalism? Did she just discover the 10th Amendment? […]

If All You See…

…is a boat necessary when the whole world floods, you just might be a Warmist The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post noting that Trump isn’t afraid of Crazy Creepy Uncle Joe Biden.

We Need To Fight ‘Climate Change’ Like World War III Or Something

I suggest we start by rationing anything involved with the carbon footprint of Warmists for Warmists. No more meat, fossil fueled travel, smartphones, etc We must fight climate change like it’s World War III – here are 4 potent weapons to deploy In 1896 Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius explored whether Earth’s temperatures were influenced by the presence […]

Extinction Rebellion Plots New Stunts, Including Public Suicide

Some take offense when Skeptics, including myself, refer to the Cult of Climastrology as a cult, as doomsdayers, as unhinged nutjobs. I can’t imagine why we would refer to them that way Delingpole: Kamikaze Greenies – Extinction Rebellion Plots Suicide Stunt Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists, increasingly overshadowed by the coronavirus, have been discussing new and […]

ZOMG, They Might Shut The Whole Country Down For Two Weeks!!!!!!!!!! Or Something

I was wondering where this rumor came from. A bunch of fellow employees were yapping about it, scaremongering that Los Federales were about to invoke a two week mandatory quarantine of all citizens. Which would be statutory and Constitutionally problematic, if not downright illegal and un-Constitutional. Like quite a few of the ones invoked by […]

Doomsday Cult Of Climastrology Suddenly Discovers The Role Of Clouds In Weather And Climate

No, really It's actually rather shocking that climate scientists have ignored the role of clouds in the weather and climate — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) March 15, 2020 No one really has a written article on this, they’re just using the video. One has to wonder how clouds could be ignored so much […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Evil Blogger Lady, with a post noting that proper hygiene is sexy. It’s out in nature week, because with all this time off we can get out and about, right?

Pirate's Cove