And just wait till the economy come roaring back prior to the election
(Breitbart) 43 percent of Americans trust Joe Biden to handle the coronavirus crisis, compared to 45 percent who said the same about President Trump.
There was not a lot of good news for Slow Joe Biden in this week’s Washington Post/ABC News poll. The presumptive Democrat nominee does top Trump 49 to 47 percent in a general election matchup, but look at the environment…
Biden is pristine. Hiding in his basement. Hiding in a bubble where he’s fawned over by interviewers like Chuck Todd, Jake Tapper, and Nicole Wallace. At this point, he’s exactly what everyone wants him to be, whatever you want to project onto him you can project onto him.
Biden’s facing no challenges. The media will not ask him tough questions. He has yet to explain his opposition to Trump’s January 31 travel ban, which stopped hundreds of thousands of travelers from epidemic areas from entering our country. Both Biden and the media — Biden as late as March 12! — attacked these bans as xenophobic and racist.
And let’s not forget that no one in the media is asking Handsy Joe about all his brain freezes and even weirder than normal for Joe gaffes. And Trump, as the article notes, is too busy to campaign, nor respond to all the leftist corporate dollars being spent, along with all the yammering from Democrats and Hollyweird folks, meant to harm Trump and destroy the economy. Despite all that
This poll also shows that only 42 percent of voters trust Joe to handle the economy, while 50 percent trust Trump. And currently, despite the ramifications shutting down our economy is having, 57 percent still approve of Trump’s handling of the economy.
Ouch. A lot of people must remember the crummy job Joe did being VP for a guy who did a crummy job on the economy.
Enthusiasm is another weak spot for the Serial Young Girl-Sniffer. Only 24 percent of Democrats are enthusiastic about Biden, the lowest number in the history of this poll. Meanwhile, 53 percent of Trump voters are “highly enthusiastic.â€
Ouch again. It’ll probably be another situation like 2004, where Democrats weren’t voting for John Kerry, but against George Bush (how many where voting against Hillary, rather than for Trump? That’s what I did in 2016, but I’ll be voting whole-heartedly for him this time). But, how many will switch to Trump this time? How many will just not bother to vote? How many regular Democrat will vote but not pick Biden, but still won’t go for Trump? That’s a win for Trump. He gets his regular votes, but Joe doesn’t get his.
Climate change, gun rights, illegal immigration, etc and so forth are all much lower ranking issues. Even health care is lower. The economy is what it breaks down to. If it is still tanked in November, Trump loses. If it is running, Trump wins.

As I’ve said before. The size of the democratic party base just happens to be right around 42% also. What a coincidence. Loyal democrat party members are loyal to their candidate.
Teach a few facts
Neither Democrats decide who will be POTUS
That decision is made by the Independents and of course in our last national election the Independent voters massively voted against Trump and the GOP
You predicted that the House would stay GOP albeit narrowly
Teach our national death total from the virus doubled in the last 3 days to 4000+ dead
How long do you think it can continue to double and have people believe that Trump is doing a good job ? I know maths are not your strong suit but if this continues it will be 65000 by Easter
Coincidentally the day Trump wanted to reopen the workplace
I’ll ask you the same thing I asked Elwood (with no response): How many dead are you willing to have to get Trump out of office? Do you believe Trump is responsible for each and every death and if so wouldn’t you want more to die to prove his incompetence?
You apparently believe that people dying from a virus sent AROUND THE WORLD by an uncaring, secretive communist country is Trumps fault. A contagious disease released onto an unprepared world, so tell me what we could have done better since the disease is BRAND NEW. You do recall how the Democrats were running around waving impeachment papers in January when the virus first hit the US.. They were too busy on their latest attempt at a coup. Of course when that failed they pivoted to the Red Flu as their next attempt to overthrow our government. Now you seem to think Trump, unlike any other human on earth should have been able to stop a pandemic. You unreasonableness is overwhelming.
Once again you leftists side with America’s enemies and in a revolting show of hate wish for the deaths of their fellow Americans to achieve political power. Contemptible!
We can’t believe one word you commie partisans say. Here’s your hero Richard Maddow:
Just over one week ago, MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow called President Trump’s claim that two U.S. Navy medical ships would soon be operational “nonsense.†BY MONDAY MORNING, both ships had arrived at their destinations in Los Angeles and New York City. …
“The president said when he announced that those ships would be put into action against the COVID-19 epidemic. He said one of those ships would be operational in New York harbor by next week. That’s nonsense. It will not be there next week,†she claimed. Liars, you are all liars.
Trump 2020 We need to get rid of America haters.
Trump’s America and America is suddenly blaming impeachment for distracting trump from his duties as the American president. Yet, he was able to work in campaign rallies and at least 6 golf trips.
You lie almost as much as Trump, uncle Sibley Edward Good and Porter William Good, Sr (aka Gitarcarver).
You conflate criticism of Donald Trump with “siding with the enemy” and treason.
Rachel Maddow is the MSNBC equivalent of FOX’s Hannity or Liar Tuck.
How do you plan to get rid of those you accuse of America hating? Exile? Hanging? Firing squad? Stoning? Re-education camps (use the FEMA camps that Glenn Beck describes)? Prison?
Trump’s America and America is suddenly blaming impeachment for distracting trump from his duties as the American president. Yet, he was able to work in campaign rallies and at least 6 golf trips.
So? He was still on this while the Demos were calling him racist and you were still whining about Stormy.
You lie almost as much as Trump, uncle Sibley Edward Good and Porter William Good, Sr (aka Gitarcarver).
the only liar here is the one who’s been proven a liar over and over, and that’s you.
You conflate criticism of Donald Trump with “siding with the enemy†and treason.
In many cases, it is, but you’re still a liar and that’s my refrain.
Rachel Maddow is the MSNBC equivalent of FOX’s Hannity or Liar Tuck.
No, she not only lies, she’s delusional. Much like you.
How do you plan to get rid of those you accuse of America hating? Exile? Hanging? Firing squad? Stoning? Re-education camps (use the FEMA camps that Glenn Beck describes)? Prison?
All those options have their allure, but I prefer exposing you and yours for the liars and fools that you are and let you slink away into the black holes of hate and envy whence you came to the laughter of all Americans.
When it comes to numbers John here are a few for you. On its own, 3,000 fatalities might seem like a tremendously large number. But that’s before you learn that an average of 7,700 people die in the U.S. every single day. Which means that over the past week, when the Red China Commie Flu took 2,000 more lives, nearly 54,000 people died from other causes…
Trump 2020 Because with REAL leadership there is no room for Panic!
You are behind on the death total
It is now at over 4000
It has been doubling at the rate of 2x every 3 days do the math and you can see THAT is the frightening part
On the 4th 8000
On the 8th 16000
On Easter 32000 total
Even Trump st today’s presser is saying this is going to be very bad
No further mention of a Dem hoax
And also Teaching today’s Morning Condult poll for USA Today 61% said Trump was not prepared to handle this epidemic
Yes this boils br his Katrina
I guess Mommy worked it out for him.
Um, you do realize that, just because it’s been that way the last 2 days, it’s not necessarily automatically going to be so obliging as to keep doing it.
Even Trump st today’s presser is saying this is going to be very bad
No further mention of a Dem hoax
He didn’t specify how. I think he was referring to the rough time all the people who need to get back to work are going to have.
And that was yesterday.
And also Teaching today’s Morning Condult poll for USA Today 61% said Trump was not prepared to handle this epidemic
Yes this boils br his Katrina
whatever you said.
And Al Neuharth is a hard core Trump hater, so I wouldn’t take that too much to heart.
Show me the crosstabs.
John, NOBODY was prepared to handle this epidemic. How could they be when it’s a brand new strain and was hidden by your friends the Red Commie Chinese for months? Trump was one of the few who at the offset restricted travel and he was called names by your commie friends for doing so.
As usual, you were high in the John.
Our last national election was 4 years ago, not 2, and people didn’t foresee the effects of vote harvesting in CA, so it wasn’t indies, but crooked Demos that stole the elections there.
Maths? Are you trying to make us think you’re English, Jeffery?
And 4000 from a flu is hardly worth noting. I know you’re praying for a big body count, but a spike like that is highly unlikely.
Coincidentally the day Trump wanted to reopen the workplace
He still should. And I’ll bet a lot of people will be begging him to to do so.
You wouldn’t know them.
They’re called working people.
We have a National Election every 2 years
That is the term served by all Representatives in the US House of Representatives
Didn’t you ever take a course in Civics ?
High ? You must be drunk or have an alcoholic damaged brain
Could you at least tell us which it is so we can make the necessary adjustments while reading your posts ?
Praying ? You think I believe there is a magic man in the sky who would answer my prayers ?
Is your Hod if choice the 3 in 1 sky god?
“You believe there’s a magic man in the sky who answers prayers?†Do you believe there’s a magic molecule in the sky that controls hotwetcolddry where for most of earth’s past it didn’t?
Didn’t you vote in 2018?
Are you still in complete denial that the GOP got clobbered ??
The Demos have a very slim margin in the House and, if you’ve been watching the primaries, the Class of ’18 hasn’t been doing so well.
Praying ? You think I believe there is a magic man in the sky who would answer my prayers ?
Is your Hod if choice the 3 in 1 sky god?
A lot of people are praying. I guess you think Stalin and Mao will save you.
They murder people, remember? Only God gives life.
We have a National Election every 2 years
That is the term served by all Representatives in the US House of Representatives
No, we have an election for national office along with 50 state elections every 4 years.
We have 50 state elections every 2 years. Unless you think it’s legal for a Texan to vote in Maine’s elections (of course, you’re a Democrat, so you think anything’s OK).
Didn’t you ever take a course in Civics ?
I was about to ask you the same thing.
High ? You must be drunk or have an alcoholic damaged brain
Could you at least tell us which it is so we can make the necessary adjustments while reading your posts ?
I’m not the one who goes arpund writing incoherent drivel like
Is your Hod if choice the 3 in 1 sky god?
Yes this boils br his Katrina
Sober up. You might even make sense.
Unrelated to Jeff/John or Trump. It will be interesting statistically to compare the deaths from COVID and all other causes in the same period with 2016. COVID has a long way to go to catch up to the 2016 flu of 60K deaths.
I am speculating that the measures we are taking against COVID, as a nation, will prove very effective against other infectious diseases that would normally be spreading at the same time. Add to that the speculation that the at risk population for COVID is “at risk” every year for infectious diseases that will kill them and it is very likely we see a lot fewer total deaths by disease (all causes) this year. It will take years though before this outcome is known. You certainly won’t here the national news media saying anything about it before the election for fear Trump will get credit for saving lives. Coincidentally, the lives he saves, the elderly, are a very reliable Democratic voting block, with behind Blacks.
That’s why Jeffery and his cartoon characters are praying for a big die-up.
Unlike influenza, SARS-CoV-2 is sending so many people to the ICU requiring ventilatory support that the ICUs are swamped, not to mention the post-respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) fibrosis that develops in half the surviving ARDS patients. This never seems to happen with influenza, so the comparisons are not relevant. For whatever reason, the medical community finds SARS-CoV-2 much more severe a threat than the seasonal flu. Trump sycophants think the ‘reason’ is media hype and trump hate.
But interesting point, Trump is saving lives by promoting SARS-CoV-2 infections.
Strong recommendation, don’t comment on medical issues, you have zero knowledge of what you wrote and are very wrong. We get it, you have Trump. But he is your president for another 5 years or more. It please, I have had a number of patients with ARDS and I actually laughed at your foolish comment.
Jeff, now that no one is driving cars, why is the climate the same?
And I laugh at all your foolish comments! So please, tell us the truth about ARDS.
dookie, strong recommendation, don’t comment on global warming issues, you have zero knowledge of what you typed and are very wrong.
dookie, we can tell you why you’re question on climate reveals your ignorance if you wish. But first explain why my comment on ARDS is wrong. Did you ever treat a SARS-CoV-2 patient?
What good would it do to educate you on ADULT RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME? As I have said before, you are a pharmacist with remedial education and think you have the credentials to discuss things with your betters. Everyone here, all the people you daily disparage, can clean the floor with you. No, I will not school you on your numerous mistakes.
But why don’t you use what you think is your great all knowing knowledge on the environment to show how there is not not will there be a variation in temperature with a global decrease in fossil fuel usage.
A medical doctor’s word is better than yours, especially since you can’t cite a source for your wild claims.
And your “knowledge” about climate, and science, in general, is a joke.
dookie, we can tell you why you’re question on climate reveals your ignorance if you wish. But first explain why my comment on ARDS is wrong. Did you ever treat a SARS-CoV-2 patient?
Did you? Why don’t you provide evidence your claim is correct.
And your claims about global nonsense are like Birx’ and Fauci’s claims about how many dead. Only as good as the data fed into them and, in both cases, we know they’re wrong.
ARDS is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, not Adult…
When (if) you were a physician leeches and salvarsan were your go to medicaments and trephination your primary procedure. It did you rely on prayer?
But really, you can’t invest a single sentence to point out my error? LOL, you old liar, you.
Global warming doesn’t stop on a dime with a slight decrease in CO2 emissions. This was explained the other day to a commenter a soupcon smarter but much more dishonest, than you. As you probably know, every year the CO2 concentration goes up and down – please see the figure –
but the trend is obvious – up, up, up. It’s not the slight variations in CO2 that drive warming it’s the long term increase.
Now, it’s your turn to tell me where I was wrong on ARDS. LOL.
Unlike influenza, SARS-CoV-2 is sending so many people to the ICU requiring ventilatory support that the ICUs are swamped, not to mention the post-respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) fibrosis that develops in half the surviving ARDS patients.
Some citation for all of this.
This never seems to happen with influenza, so the comparisons are not relevant. For whatever reason, the medical community finds SARS-CoV-2 much more severe a threat than the seasonal flu.
Really. 60,000 people die from the flu every year, but only 4000 from the Wu Hu Flu, but the medical community finds it a much more severe threat.
This might be a little more believable if you had some proof.
Trump sycophants think the ‘reason’ is media hype and trump hate.
Kind of natural since you both lie constantly.
But interesting point, Trump is saving lives by promoting SARS-CoV-2 infections.
Um, he was ahead of all you Lefties in isolating the country from Red China and then Europe. He pushed chloroquine long before you were ready to go with it, but he’s promoting infections.
Sure, he is. /sarc
And as I said, you and your cartoon characters are praying for a big die-up.
Mechanical ventilation-associated lung fibrosis in acute respiratory distress syndrome: a significant contributor to poor outcome.
Cabrera-Benitez NE, Laffey JG, Parotto M, Spieth PM, Villar J, Zhang H, Slutsky AS.
Anesthesiology. 2014. 121(1):189-98.
Which means nothing.
Who are these people?
What’s their contention?
Is it valid (ie, can they prove their contention)?
You quote Left wing nitwits all the time and their ideas always turn out to be specious.
According to Pew Research Center (for whatever they’re worth) the Boomers(1946-1964) are 30% R to 35% D with 32% Ind., the Silent (1928-1945) 38% R to 33% D with 27% Ind. Therefore, I wouldn’t say “the elderly are a very reliable Democratic voting block. Seems they (we) can go either way like Bruce Jenner at a Halloween Party.
Anyway Trump 2020 Celebrate Unity!
Good point. The older you get, the more Conservative (and smarter) you get.
Yeah, there are the ones who wouldn’t dream of not voting D, ’cause Daddy would take a switch to ’em (they know because he rises from the grave every 2 years to vote).
ARDS is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, not Adult…
Sez you.
When (if) you were a physician leeches and salvarsan were your go to medicaments and trephination your primary procedure. It did you rely on prayer?
Clearly, you’re too drunk to make sense.
Or you identify with Gropin’ Joe way too much.
But really, you can’t invest a single sentence to point out my error? LOL, you old liar, you.
Global warming doesn’t stop on a dime with a slight decrease in CO2 emissions. This was explained the other day to a commenter a soupcon smarter but much more dishonest, than you. As you probably know, every year the CO2 concentration goes up and down – please see the figure –
It doesn’t? That seems to defy your own contention. Also seems to defy the contentions of a lot of warmists these days.
but the trend is obvious – up, up, up. It’s not the slight variations in CO2 that drive warming it’s the long term increase.
Haven’t you heard what goes up must come down if the stimuli decrease? Basic physics and chemistry.
The way you put it, the long term increase is natural, not man-made.
Now, it’s your turn to tell me where I was wrong on ARDS. LOL
Everyplace? And I can’t wait to see him stick your LOL behind your pudendum.